Class #3763

Games for Reactivity

45 min - Class


Grab a partner and learn how to challenge your body and your mind using the concept of play with this creative workout by Juan Nieto. He teaches games that use different stressors so that you can find a solution for moving functionally. He explains that when you are playing, you can be completely present which will help you find a better connection to your partner and to yourself.

Juan starts with a brief explanation of the importance of play. The movement portion begins at about 5:00.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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May 01, 2019
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Hello everybody. Uh, my name is Juanito physical therapists and Wolfman practitioner from Spain. Uh, so excited to be here again. Uh, we are going to be doing some partnering Games with, uh, Mandy, Erin and Juliana. So, uh, one of the things that we are going to cover is the concept of play. Uh, that is not just fooling around. It's actually a quite a very serious concept. Um, what is very important is play is even beyond humans. So animals play. So we cannot go on trying to get any context about, uh, why humans need play because all other species do so. So it's something that is beyond culture. Um, and it's something that is really interesting for us, for humans because it's separate from the real world is like when you are playing, you are completely focused into that. You are into that rules, uh, that you have to respect because if you break the rules, they gave me silver. So, so you put all your attention into, into, into that is how kids develop is how we learned to move. It's how we learn to communicate. So it's, it's something that is really interesting and we are going to try to use it in our benefit us movement, uh, teachers and practitioners. Um, one of the things that are really important for me in terms of play and is that it creates some sort of tension. Every time you're playing, you want to release that tension.

Something is sometimes it's attention that you put yourself because you want to end up bustle or something like that, but, but there's some sort of tension. So in the partnering Games that we are going to do today, we are creating in different contexts so that you will need to figure it out. And, and that's going to be a very interesting bart for, for this, for this, uh, eh events. Uh, another interesting, uh, concept that play give us is the sense of connection and communication. If, if you get to bully into, uh, the person you are playing with is not going to be very interesting for both of you. Uh, you probably are getting fun of you or the bully, but the other person is not, is not going to have a nice experience. So trying to get to create a very nice balance and nice communication between the two people that are playing is what help us develop is where the help us grow, what makes their game interesting.

So we're gonna use it also as a way of communicating. So one of the things that I want to share with you as a [inaudible], uh, teachers is how can you help your clients to develop through these little games? How can you create this little tension that they need to figure it out? Sometimes we are very focused in instructing in giving instructions and then need to follow. So this is not how we move in real life is not everything plan is you react to what is happening or what is your task.

So so we need to change or my intention is to change our perspective instead of you have to do this and this and this and you need to think about everything that happens in your body in order to move a, that is very interesting. And we can, we can use it at the beginning in order to learn an exercise or a technique. But then once you have it, you need to move on into what is the task that I need to solve? How do I use movement in order to solve that task? So, so again, let's help our students to develop, to create enough stressors. So they are a little bit uncomfortable. Again, this is not for the first phases. This is not for Rehab.

But once they are, okay, we are in that fitness setting. We need to create an office stressors. So they increase their resiliency and they are responsible to figure it out, how to use their own bodies to, to do this. So, so the class of today's is a little bit about, about this. Um, and the last message say I want to give everyone is a, make sure that you find somebody to work with. So don't try and alone all the time because when you're alone, again, you come into instructions planning what I'm doing, how am I doing? How am I doing it? Um, I am the one who are taking or the decisions.

So is our ego decision all the time, influence in, in our, in our movement choices. If you train with some other people, ah, as a collective, you will have the possibility to help anyone develop or on any other personal will help you develop by creating different stressors, different, uh, task. So to improvise a solution to a, to a problem is a complete different mindset that planning and repeating a movement over and over and over. So to make sure that we grow collectively and then we have the possibility to share and, and to have fun with, with other people. So that would be the, the three main message of the class today. And I think it's time to start moving. You want to, so we're going to move. And the first game is very simple. It's just a little warm warmup. Okay. So we're gonna, I'm going to explain with Juliana here. So compared to the center, so what I'm going to do, I'm going to be a one arm distance, maybe a little less distance. Um, I'm going to create a very clear direction with my arm, so I'm not gonna change it. So if my arm starts here, I'm gonna create that direction here.

And you learn and needs to avoid to get touch. Okay. Uh, the first, uh, rules means not moving your fit, but you can do whatever you want to do. Okay. As soon as I see what I will probably see, I will give you a knitter, a little, a little detail and little, a little, little extra rule in order to make it more interesting. Okay. So we're gonna play here and here. So make sure that is a slow enough so the person understand what is happening and make sure that you don't change directions. So we can start in a just in a body part. So we start with the head.

Yes. Okay. And it can be yes in any direction that you like. Okay. So if we focus in one body part, we're going to be creating some elements I can move. Yes.

Cool. So now to make it more interesting, we're gonna just make enough movement to avoid to be touched, but not, not more than you need. So you need to take the hand of your partner like one centimeter, two centimeters or inches away from your head. Okay? So we're going to be targeting the head for the beginning and you just make sure that you just move enough muscles necessary in order to our boy to beat. That. Makes Sense. Okay. So we're going to do it again. Yes.

Cool. So yes. Fantastic. Um, yes, just enough. Just enough. Yes. Just enough. I'm back. Okay. So now we're gonna move to the chest. Okay. But you can change partners. Okay. So you can change, I keep follow with a, with Juliana. So now I want to create this line here.

Good. Or I can create this line here. Yes, that's it. You, you have to be looking on all the time. All right, so this line here or this here, fantastic. Or this lie. So as soon as I see the, the partner is having fun is doing well, I can increase the speed, I can increase the velocity. Yes. So find a different solution. Yes. And involve just movement in the chest. Okay. If I go here, yes. That's completely different.

Good job. Fantastic. Yes. And then I may be great. And again, cool. So now guys, you're going to change again and we're going to focus on the pelvis. Okay? Again, when we've focused on the bellbirds, what we are expecting is creating the movement for that body part, even though we can move. So make sure that we create the movement, especially focusing on this part. Okay.

And then the rest of the rules apply the same. Okay. So we're going to make a line, a very clear line. Yes, yes. Good job. Fantastic. Okay. I'm here. I'm here.

Yes. Okay. Great job. Wow. Uh, okay. Sorry. Easy. Okay. So the person who is leaving is not about touching.

You are having all your intention into that her, but you will never touch here. So you let them the opportunity to figure it out and then escape. Okay. So chance again, and we're going to focus on the lower, lower legs. The knees. Okay. But keep both feet, uh, the same. Same position. Don't change it yet. Okay. So let's go.

Yes. Great job. Yeah. Good stuff. Yes. Yes.

Okay, cool. [inaudible] that's it. So I was, I was waiting until you find a solution. Okay. At the beginning it was like there is no solution, but there was a solution. Okay, let's try again. Great job. Fantastic job. Yes. Good job.

All right, fantastic. So now a little different. Now we can move one foot at a time so one foot can be up. And then if I step in this one, I can leave a right. I can release the other one. So that give us a whole new wall of movement. Possibility. So you changed again. Are we gonna Fink in?

How do I want my partner to move to develop by using these rules. Okay, let's go. So now you can move one, one, one foot. Okay. So for instance, I can start by doing this only. Only one. All anyone? Yes. Okay. So yeah. Yeah. So yes. Okay. And then as soon as you come back, you can move either one. Yeah. That's okay. Yes. Fantastic. Okay. And remember, do you just use enough energy? Enough energy.

Ooh. Testic good job. That's it. That's it. Now you are starting to understand the rules and how it works. Yeah. [inaudible] fantastic.

Great. That's it. Okay. And then let's move to different parts of the body. Okay? So now you can go free. Yes, yes, yes.

Make sure that they are not getting into panic mode. That there they have enough tension in office stressors in their movement that makes them interested in the game. But that is not super complicated. Okay. Good job. Fantastic. Great job. Good job. That's fine. Right. Okay. Okay. So this game, you can create as many versions of Ula as you want.

You just need to need to think about the rules that you want to apply it and what it means that rules into the movement of, of your partner. Okay. Again, don't make it so difficult. It's not about, uh, uh, fooling around is trying to get new movement and to discover what's in our own movement that we haven't discovered yet. Okay? So now we're gonna use the wall. We are going to do another exercise and no, we are gonna Focus again. We're gonna release our ego. So the partner is going to decide how we move or where do I need to move. But you make the decision of how you do it, which is the interesting part about, uh, about this. Um, we're gonna focus on moving specially this part, the head and on the neck.

So on the wall here you can use that one. Uh, we're gonna, uh, step one foods of distance away from the wall. OK. Um, make a, a nice, comfortable stance for you. Okay. And now with one of the partners is going to 0.1 part of the wall. Okay. Like this. And then you can do, you can lift your heels. Sorry.

You can lift your heels and then you need to touch the wall. If it's too far with your nose. If it's too far away, you can, you can get closer. Okay. Yes. So tried to be very specific. So keep the finger. Yes. A God. I'm fine. Different positions. Okay. Yeah. Great. You can leave the hills one or both at the same time.

Tried to see where. Can you get any trouble? Yes. Good job. You can change guys if you like, man. Deann Aaron. Cool. Oh Man. Yeah. Good job. Good job. Fantastic.

That's impossible. Okay. Uh, there's one. Okay. There's one, get closer to the wall. Get closer to one. Yeah. So I want to really to tip the pelvis back. Yeah. So you can't have balance. So a little higher. Yes. Good job. A little higher.

Great job. And just the little higher there in the frame. Fantastic. Great job. Cool. Have you changed? Okay. This is a very nice opportunity to understand how to move from this part and actually also to understand that if I get my center of gravity way in front of my base of support, I need to get something back in order to counterbalance. Okay. So, so that's, that's very, that's very interesting.

We're gonna do the same, but now we can release one foot. Okay. So if I need it, I can stretch a little bit more into one position by releasing one foot. Okay. So keep the same partners again. We could do in it. So let's go. All right. So now release. Release the five. Yeah. One foot and touch.

Okay. Yes. Good. And here? Yeah. Oops. Okay. Okay. That's it. Okay. That's it. Okay, good. So I led you try. I let you try even though it's probably is out of your rich. That's okay.

So here, so here. No. Yeah. Too close. Yeah. Good one. And if you go here, can you release one arm? One foot. Sorry. Slowly. Okay. Good job. All right, so change again guys.

And now we're going to do the last game of this. So you can uh, go into this spot. Use one hand tats and then you come back. Okay. So the, the, this increase your range quite a lot. Okay. So you go cats and then you come back. Okay. So let's try it.

So let's go into this position. This, but she's your hair. You can use your hands, remember? Right? Yeah. So now there's different movement patterns happening right now. Here. Yes, no, there. [inaudible] okay, cool.

So try to use the hand that the later possible. So instead of using my hand and then tat I go and Tach, um, when I really needed I, that's an icon back. Okay. Just at the very end of the movement. Makes Sense guys? Yep. Cool. All right, so here, uh Oh. Okay. Okay. So think about the strategy that you're going to use. So here, remember you can lift one foot and you can use your hand. And now I want you to use your hand. So I wanted to go there, use it Dutch and then you come back. Okay. Okay.

So let's repeat this one spot. Yeah, same spot. Yeah. And what about this? Yes. What about this? Good job. Well, what about this? Yes. So far [inaudible] yes. So, so find, what is the strategy that you're going to use?

Where are you going to use this hand? Are you going to use this hand here or here? So what is going to help you? So I want you to say, okay, here is the hand. So feel it. Feel where the hand is helping you. Okay. So it's important to feel, first I tried to do it and just use the hand the way like naturally happens.

Okay. So you can change. So [inaudible] here. Okay. Yes. And there, that's it. You felt it. It's like, okay, now I need support here. Yeah, one last time there. Okay. Okay, cool. Fantastic. Good job. Okay, let's come back to this answer. So the next exercise, we're gonna use a, a very useful position that you have, uh, have seen me using it quite allowed because I use it every class that I teach.

So is there, is the full squat. Okay. So let's, let's pick up a little lift if you need it for, for the hills that I think it's, it's a nice, uh, a nice option to make sure that you are as low as you can, but support it and junior you're not struggling. So we're going to have to take that. I'm going to keep playing with usual Anna. So let's find that comfortable position to do our full squat. Only one of you. Okay. Um, so you've got into the full square like that. Okay. So yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe you can use more. That's okay.

So the person who are, who is living is gonna take the hand like this and you are gonna use your index finger for one arm. Yep. And you are, you are responsible of keeping this contact. Okay. It's a very little conduct, so it makes a little difficult to follow. So have patience and make sure that you wait until the person understand what we are we are doing. So you can lift one heel at the time so you can move and you can separate one here. But if you want to move this one, you need to take this heel down and then separate from that you can also take one knee into the floor but only one at the same time. Okay. So, so this is the idea. I'm going to be moving. Yeah. And if you can stay low, you must stay low. Okay. But if for whatever reason I go super high, you go up. Okay.

And then we need to come back down so that the exercise is basically into a squat position. So you following me? Yes, that's it. You can take one heel up and the knee down if you like if you need it. Fantastic. And then yes. So let me guide you. Fantastic. Yeah.

Yeah. So one heel up and knee down, Greg up and then up, up, up and then we go down again. Okay. Then we're going to try to get strange positions. So the idea here is to make them move in a positions that they never when before. You can take one knee down. Remember that? Awesome. Uh, let's say that, um, okay, so now we are going to change hands. You can change partners. Okay. So the other hand we go to the full squat position.

Okay. Yes. You find your own solution. What if feels, yeah. That it has to happen. Okay, fantastic. Yes. Good job. Okay. From time to time you can go up and it's gone back down and we can go up again and every time is different and yes, yes. Yeah. Up. That's it. Yeah. Now you're flowing. Now you're really flowing.

Now you're understanding the rules. That's fine. That's it. Yeah. So very different possibilities. Okay.

And that's another game. A very nice excuse to be on the full squat position. A very nice excuse on working in the high end, high end, uh, range of motion into the hips, into the knee, uh, into the ankle. Uh, and they are having fun. They are interested in what we're doing. So there are no thinking I've been spending, I've been spending one minute in full squad and I hate it. There are getting interested there. They receive an a little challenge and they're moving in complete new ways that the partner is helping to develop, is helping to, to create. So that's the, there's the beauty of, of this kind of, of of games. Okay. So the next one, we're going to be moving into us single leg work. Okay.

So same ideas. Um, now the, the leader, the person who is leading is gonna set a target in the space and the person who are moving is gonna touch with one foot. So it can be in very different places. Okay? So you start again slow, you see how your partner develop and then you can make it more interesting. Okay. So change if you need to change. So here we continue. All right. So, uh, let's take right food down. Let left food.

You don't need it to within. Thank you Mandy. Okay, so first leg. So this is the first target to touch and then you come back. Good. And this is the second. Yeah, I've been more difficult. Maybe I got too excited. Yes.

Good job. So you want to test their ability to do, you don't want to rush it. So you take your time. Think about the strategies that you are going to use. Yes. Yeah, that's so let's do this again. Let's make a very clean transition. Yeah. So here. Yeah, that's it. Another important element.

If you want to really go back and up, you need your body to go forward and down. Okay. So those are the things that I want you to sure I understand. So yes. Yes. With Joe we're going to do it again. Does it make it cleaner? Fantastic. And here, cool. So now we change legs and you can change partners. Okay.

So as you all, both are plane. So now is the left foot down and the right one is moving here. [inaudible] you try that one more time. Good job. What about here? Yes. So maybe I can focus on that particular type of movement or maybe I want to make something different. Yeah, you can raise the heel if you like.

Yes. That's really [inaudible] think about it. Focus in the strategy, find your balance, your base of support. That's completely different. Fantastic. So now here. Yes. And what about this? You can do it. Think about it. Don't rush it out. Greg. Jeff. And what about here?

Yes. Okay. Again, good job. Yeah. Yes, I'm here. Yes. Thinking what you need to do. Let's do it again. Balance Yourself. Find your center. [inaudible]. Yes. You need to use your head to focus. Yeah, that's what it is.

Good job. And again, let's solve this task. Okay. Okay. Ooh, one more time. One more time. Yes. Yes. Gotcha. Okay. What's fine. Right. Okay, great. So now we're gonna get into a little bit more activity. I'll leave you more serious. Okay. So now we gonna, uh, make a little simulation of, of a fault. Okay. Sometimes we talk about, uh, uh, fall prevention. Um, and we are holding the uprights on working like this. This is not really creating a lot of prevention into, into fall in of course is working in, uh, uh, abilities that we need to know to fall. But in order to, to prevent falling, you need to have a simulation and experience of what it feels to be falling.

Okay? So now the partner, what is going to do is it's going to take one of the legs like this. Okay. And I won and I'm going to make you stumble, okay. In a, in a nice way. So still be friends. So if I move you here, yes, you need to stamp. Yes, you need to stumble. If you don't need it, just stop. Okay? That's it. And then I decide that it's time for more challenge. Okay. And then I want to make it, yes, you need to figure it out.

I don't know the rules. Okay? So this is the game. Okay? So let's try to do it. Uh, one of you is leading, the other one is, is 14. Okay? Be Gentle. Make sure that we understand the rules, that nobody's having an accident. You also as a practitioner, need to understand how much can you booze and slowly increase the challenge. As soon as you see that everything, everything is happening at the, at the right time. Okay? Okay. Cool. So do you give me the leg that you like? This one. Okay, so just stumbled. You just bounce if you need it.

Yes, yes. Good job. Yes. Bounce, bounce, bounce it. That's it's you need to reposition your body if necessary. Yes. Yeah. Okay.

Okay. Yes. Good job. Yeah. Fantastic. Okay, so change partners guys. We're going to change the leg. Okay, cool. Uh, if you don't need it, you don't, you don't feel that I'm, I'm challenge you challenge you and your balance. Do you don't need to stumble. You don't need to reposition. Yes, yes, yes. So it can get a little rough from time to time, but not all the time. No, it's all that time. Okay. Fantastic. Could tell.

That's a lot of, that's a lot of work. Okay. So again, these are very interesting way of understand that you don't really know. What do you need to do to solve that problem? Do you don't really know what is the strategy? Just expect for the best. So you just stumble and bounds and, and as soon as you understand the rules and as soon as you are getting rid of your energy, your spending, your energy, you adjust and, and you become more efficient. Okay? So that's, that's the whole whole idea of, of all this. Okay. So the next set of exercise, we are going to be working on own reactivity, okay? So now at the beginning we started very slow adding in some targets.

This is getting a little bit more intense, but now we are moving a bit faster, okay? So now what we want you to do is to react. So the, the, the game now is I'm going to touch your shoulder, okay? And I'm going to do it in a faster way than before, okay? I can use, uh, only my right hand and I'm gonna attack only the right shoulder, okay? The, the movement we need to focus is this. So we are encouraging this kind of rotation from the upper body. Okay? So, so the ones who are defending, make sure that this is the movement that we want to create, okay? Again, we're going to start slow.

We can move around a little bit and as soon as it gets boring, we make it more interesting. So you change the way you, your attorneys, and we can start. Okay. So if I go there and I'm going at that, okay. That's it. That's it. Yes. And they can move. You can move to, yeah. You can. Yeah. You can move around. Okay. Yeah. Yes, yes. Joe and Kathy. Yeah. Okay. So now change left hand is going to try to touch the left shoulder. Okay. So this is the shoulder because that, that, okay.

Oh yeah. Yes. Good job. Yes. Great job. Yep. Find the more in the most efficient. Yeah. Find the most efficient. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

Yeah, that's the movement I wanted to see. Okay, so now change, and we're going to use both hands too. That's both shoulders. Okay. So I can use both hands and they can touch both shoulders. So now there's a lot of advantage for that. [inaudible] so use it responsibly. Okay. Great. Power gives you our greatest by seven. It's all right. So [inaudible] yeah. So now you act. React. Yes. Yes, I know. Good job.

Yes. Yes. I'm like, yeah, yes, yes. Great job. Yes. That's a little of a stress. Okay. So the last progression of this is that both at the same time are able to touch shoulders. Okay? So you're going to do only one, one hand into one shoulder. So we're going to, we can use, right? That's right shoulder, but both can attack at the same time. Okay, makes sense. So we are both attacking is not just one defending and one and second. Okay.

So now this is a real competition with the same rules, both of us. So [inaudible] real combat. Okay. All right. So right hand, right shoulder. Okay. Okay. Okay. Left hand to left shoulder. Now me in there. Okay. Yeah.

Alright, cool. I know you're getting hot here. Okay, so now, now it's, it's really interesting and this is like things like fighting gets really, really exciting is that you are exposed every time you go on attack. Every time you are trying to do something, the other person has the same weapons against you and can be painful. So, so that's why you really need to take your decisions in a, in a very strategic way. You cannot go all in with it because it's gone out. You're gonna going to suffer. So this is, and that his example of how can we simulate a little fight without harming herself, which is also very good because that we need a little bit of that excitement in, in our lives. Sometimes he's too safe to Maureen some time. Okay? So let's, let's, we're going to do the same thing games now and now we're going to attack a different part of the body that is the belly, okay?

We are going to shortcut directly today combat. So we all are doing a attack and defend at the same time. The movement that I want you to focus now is this. So you really want to get the belly button back, okay? So how many exercises do we have in bladders that really incorporate this kind of button? So now it's time to make them, uh, to useful, okay?

So make sure that you don't do this. You cannot defend with your hands, okay? That is a very common instinct. So GDS can defend with your legs. And with the movement here, you can move your feet. You have to move your feet. So basically this is your attack and you need to go into this. Okay. So let's get some, some distance here. I'm going out.

That's this and you can touch me at the same time. Okay. Uh, you can use both. You can use both hands. Okay, cool. All right, let's go. Yeah. So you want to get in and out so you get in and out. In and out. Yes.

Okay, cool. Okay, you got it. So again, very interesting. It changes completely the dynamics from this into this, right? And this is more about trying to touch and very, very, very, very reactive. You know that you come back and to move into this position again, which give us a lot of, yeah. Reactivity. So the last one, it's a another concept that is going to create different movement pattern that is attacking into their knees. Okay. So we're going to attack the knees. So the movement now is a little bit more like this. So we want to take the knees away because the burner is going to be more flexed.

Trying to attach our knees and whether we need to do is to create these kind of motion. Okay. So no focus on that. We are attacking both hands, both knees, all together. So now this is the real thing. All right, so let's go for it. Okay. Yes.

Yeah. Good job. So as you can see, the movement changed completely solid poster chains. The, the needs that we have change. Yeah. Good job. Okay, fantastic. And this is getting more intense and that's, that's one of the really cool things about doing these games is little by little you get into a more intense activity. You're working your whole body, you're working your brain, you're solving a solution and you're having fun at the end.

He's like this kind of happy faces of, of a enjoying on playing. Okay, cool. Uh, so we have a little more game. Uh, we're going to be rocking on the floor. Okay. So the last thing we're going to do for the class is a little bit of Rockin. Okay. So, uh, again, GOP that is leading the way. And he gave us this amazing pattern to explore the broken.

And then we have [inaudible] rolling like a ball and we have make up very organized pattern from it, which is great to get the vocabulary to get the movement skills. But then I will try to give a little use and, and to transform the exercise into a little game. Okay. So we're going to be on the, on the floor and instead of rocking as, as regular as you usually do, we're going to be rocking kind of free. So we can rock to one side, we can look to the other side, we can use their hands. Okay. Like this and like that. So we're going to be playing the four of us like this. Okay. So find the spot.

Okay. So we are gonna do it without math because the harder the surface, the software you need to become. So this, the, the, the floor is going to give us a lot of information and a lot of motivation to roll in a softer way, in different ways. Okay. So just figured it out. Let's just go use your hands and roll a little and then come back. And v very soft focused on becoming very, very soft. Okay. We can be in the center too if you like. Like that one side come in from the other.

Is that good? Too hard. Good. Fantastic. So now we are going to spin at the time that we're also, if we are rolling this way you're going to create a little spin to one side like this here and then we're going to spin to the other side. Careful. Okay. Again, use your hands. Make yourself softer. Yeah. So your role then you spin a little bit in one direction and the other the less are face you have to roll. The more you can spin. Okay.

So the more you can spin, so that is dead. Again, you can use your hands. Remember that you can really support on your hands and help it to spin. Fantastic. Okay. So one of the cool things about this that we are not just conditioning this muscles here and we are conditioning quite a lot of muscles in very different fibers. Okay. So now that we have the rolling and now that we know how to spin, we're gonna add a little element that is the partner. Like we've been doing the whole class. So, um, I'm going to do it on floor this time. And you, you are, you are leading.

So you Leanna is going to be standing and you're gonna be moving around myself. My, my objective, my goal is to face you like this. So if I'm like this, I'm losing. So I want you to go roll in and go rolling and we're rolling and go rolling like this. Okay. So I always wants to be in the position where I'm facing Juliana. Okay. And if possible, I want once you to be a closer to me like this year. No worries.

So I need to roll. So Andy Touro. So I need to change. Okay, so now this is the game. Okay? So make sure that the partner is on target. Start to slowly at the beginning again, use your hands, make sure that are rocking is, is not, you can do this as well. That's okay. But the idea is that when you are moving, you create in this little rocking. Okay. So we are adding that element. Okay.

So we're going to play with this a couple of seconds. All right. So now start rocking. Yes. Yes. You can use your hands. Remember? Yeah. Let your buddy dictates what you need and then I can change direction. Yeah.

And make sure that you roll in the livable surface possible. Yes. Okay. From dentaltown you can be seated if you like. You can be, you're going rest like that. Yes. And then I moved this direction and then we'll roll into the other. Yeah. And I can be slow or I can become very fast to see what happens to you.

Okay. Change. There are guys and we're going to change to, okay. So I tried to be close. Yeah. I said this is the position, so I'm trying to create as little friction as possible with the floor and I'm using also my legs in order to rock. Good job. Cool. There was, this was the last game again. It's a very fun thing to do. Time flies when you're doing this kind of stuff. At the same time, you're conditioning your body. You are working out quite a lot.

We've been doing like single, a full squat, a kind of plank movement. We're moving the RMC in very bizarre positions. We are stepping on one foot and creating a little bit of [inaudible]. We are working on our core, on our, uh, try and conditioning in this role in part and everything has a purpose. Everything has a task to resolve. So that is the little detail, the little idea that I wanted to share with you.

I hope you can find a lot of students, clients, friends, family to play with. Um, thank you.


1 person likes this.
1 person likes this.
Looks like lots of fun!  Thanks!
1 person likes this.
Qué dinámica, divertida y diferente, gracias Juan !!!
Ewa D
1 person likes this.
Dynamic, fun and demanding; great:)
So great to see this on a Pilates platform. Love it. Speaking my language.
I had so much fun doing the class and using it with my clients, but I am having just as much fun watching the class.
 Magnífica clase Juan !! !! Muy divertida!
Cynthia G
Thanks.  Lots to do and to think about. Will think of ways to use with my seniors.

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