Class #3902

Creative Tower

55 min - Class


You will work your entire body with this creative Tower workout by Marimba Gold-Watts. She designed this class so that you can use a Cadillac, Tower, or Springboard. These challenging exercises will allow you to work on articulation, balance, strength, and control.
What You'll Need: Tower

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Oct 09, 2019
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Hi, my name is marimba Goldwater, and today we're going to do a springboard class. It can be done on a Cadillac, a springboard or a tower situation, depending on what you have available to you. We've got Jessica and Karus, and here we go. So you're going to take two Springs, a two loops, and then you're gonna put your loops together so that they make one giant loop. So this is sort of in lieu of one long extender strap, and then you're going to attach them to your purple Springs. And then I just want you to come and stand up on your carriage there, and then you're going to put your purple Springs back in around you, and you're just gonna place that long strap or that long extended strap depending on what you have right at your upper back. And then I just want you to back up so that you have some tension on the Springs and hold onto the Springs. So now from there, press down on the Springs and start to bring your chest up and forward into an arch. And you're just going to use that loop to sort of mobilize your upper back and then come back up to neutral. And if you want more attention, if you need more help with the mobilization, you're just going to pull a little bit more pressed down, a little bit more on this spring as you go into your arch hot set, and then come right back out of it and just keep moving through that range as you go. That's it.

Now take your loop and just move it to a slightly different place on your back, maybe a little higher, a little lower, and then do the same thing and just start to really feel your chest roll up into that extension. Again, let's do this one more time and then just take yourself out of your loop and you can put your regular straps back on your loop, or you can untie your straps depending on what you have available to you, and then you're just going to go ahead and lie down on your back. Once you're all set up and then hook your legs over the roll down bar. So now we're going to mobilize the lower back a little bit. So just took your legs over the roll-down down bar and then back up so that you have a fair amount of tension on the Springs.

You want to feel like you're getting a little bit of through your spine, plant your feet on the mat, and then start to peel up from the base of your pelvis all the way up and just let the spring sort of pull your legs out. And then on your exhale, articulate down through your spine, one vertebrae at a time, and just really feel like you're creating even more length and space in your spine. And then again, [inaudible] that's it. And as you're there, try and feel like both legs are getting pulled equally to create even more length in your side, waist in your back. [inaudible] now on this next one, go ahead and peel on up and stay at the top. Hold that position, and then reach your right knee a little bit further forward. Let your pelvis tip to the left and then roll down through your spine. Once you hit the bottom, you're gonna roll right back up, keeping that right knee reaching. And then once you get to the top, reach your left knee forward, fill your kneecap, reach over your foot, past your foot, and then start to peel on down through your spine, one vertebrae at a time.

And one side will feel a little bit more natural than the other. You're just going to kind of move through that pattern of rotation. [inaudible] that's it. And feel that reach good. And I really feel that and he reach forward. And then roll on down. [inaudible] do a few more on each side and now come back through the center on this next one.

Feel even more length through the tops of your thighs. And now start to peel down through your spine. One vertebrae at a time. Good. So now unhook your legs over the role noun bar and come on up to sit for roll downs. Instead of our usual roll down, I want you to sit back a little bit, bend your knees and plant your feet flat on the mat and you can bring them a little closer together to sort of facilitate a little bit more lumbar fluxion here. And now start to peel down from the base of your spine, one vertebrae at a time. Make sure you're really suctioning your shoulders back against the tension of the bar. Articulate down through your spine, and then start to peel right back up one vertebrae at a time.

Go nice and smoothly through your spine. And again, anywhere it's glitchy or you feel like you're kind of moving as a unit. See if you can just slow down through that moment. Send your breath into those segments and really just use your breath to open up a little bit more space. Space in between your segments. Beautiful. On this next one, peel down and stay down.

Okay. And then once you get to the bottom, bend your elbows wide. Pull the bar in towards your chest. Feel your collarbones get wide, and then just extend your arms out. We're going to go for six and keep feeling even as you're here, that your collarbones are really wide good. And then start to peel right back up one vertebrae at a time. That's it. And then start to peel right back down through your spine.

Feel like you get a little bit more space each time. Keep your arms straight this time. Press down towards the tops of your thighs. And we're going to go for six. Every time you press down, feel a little wider through your collarbones, through your chest, and then start to peel right back up. Now curl down again. And this time on your way up, pause at the halfway point.

Stay right there. And you're just gonna take 10 little tiny pulses thinking of curling your ribs up and over. Hat's it. Go for two more. And then just peel all the way back up. So now sit up tall, bring your feet against the poles, keep that shoulder section, and then start to roll back down.

And now there should be a little bit more space in your back as you roll down. Exactly. So you really get that segmental articulation. And then just roll right back up one vertebrae at a time, sort of like you're peeling yourself off the mat like a fruit roll up and then curl right back down. [inaudible] go once more, and then on this next one, once you get down to the bottom, you're just going to bend your elbows nice and wide and take six little pull-ups. Feel your collarbones again, get even wider as you pull the bar in, and then start to peel right back up through your spine, one vertebrae at a time, and then peel right back down again.

Stay at the bottom. Keep your arms straight again. Press down towards the tops of your thighs. This time the range is going to feel a little bigger and keep that width through your chest, through your collarbones without coming up into extension. Just try and stay flat and wide on the mat. Do two more and then start to roll right back up through your spine.

One vertebrae at a time. Last sets are to roll back down and then curl right back up through your spine and you're going to pause at the spot. That's just a little bit higher than you were before. And then stay there and you're going to take 10 pulses. Again, curling up and over, sort of like you're trying to create little bit more rib cage articulation on your spine. That's it. Do two more and then continue to curl all the way up through your spine. So now grab the center of the bar with your right hand section, that right shoulder back.

Take your left hand off and just place it across your waist, and then search a roll back through your spine. Keep that shoulder section, try not to let it get pulled forward, but think of almost bringing the back of the humeral head back in the socket and then curl right back up. Good. I'm gonna do that again. [inaudible] and then curl right backup this time. Take your left leg and you're gonna cross it over your right leg. Take your left arm out to the side, and as you roll down, you're going to reach down and around and then continue to circle yourself all the way around and through. Let the circle continue as you peel right back up. Okay. And then again, start to circle your arm all the way out and around.

Feel that length as you continue around. Really try and articulate through your upper chest and then come all the way back up. One more time like this. Make it really big and expansive as you go. Circle all the way back and around and then curl right back up. Replace your left foot and switch. That's it.

And before you cross, just do a couple of plain just roll backs. Yeah, no, start to roll on down and then curl right back up. Beautiful. Make sure you're really maintaining that section and then curl right back down and curl right back up. So now go ahead and cross your right leg over your left leg. Take your right arm out to the side, and then as you roll back, you're going to reach out and around. Follow your hand with your gaze, continue to circle all the way through, and then come right back up. And then again, same thing. Think really expansive as you extend all the way out and around.

Let it be very luxurious. And then circle one more time. Really lengthen out and around and then continue to circle all the way out. Good. And then come right back up. So now you're going to take your two yellow Springs and move them down, uh, three notches on your springboard. And then take your role down. Bars often add your handles.

I'll give you a set of handles. You should have a set of handles over here, so there should be a fair amount of tension on your Springs. So now turn around and lie down on your back and then grab onto your loops and you're just going to reach your arms up towards the ceiling. So now bend your knees, plant your feet on the mat, take a nice inhale, and then on your exhale, nod and curl your head and shoulders. You're gonna reach your fingertips long away from your ears. That's it. And then relax your head and let your arms come right back up.

And then again, XL nod and curl. Press your arms straight down. Feel your ribs swing into the mat. Stay right there. Bring one leg up to tabletop. Replace your leg. Bring your other leg up to tabletop. Replace your leg and then extend all the way back.

And then again, exhale, nod, and curl. Pause right there. Bring one leg up to tabletop. Bring the other leg up to tabletop. Beautiful. Bring one leg down. Bring the other leg down and then relax all the way down again. Exhale, nod, and curl to come right back up. Pause right there. Bring one leg up to tabletop.

Extend that leg out at 45 degrees. Slowly lower that leg down towards the floor. Once it hits, bend your knee. Replace your foot. Bring your other leg up to tabletop. Extend your leg out at 45 degrees. Slowly lower that leg down towards the floor. Bend your knee, replaced your foot. Relax your head all the way down. Good XL. Nod and curl your head and shoulders again. Fill your arms. Press down away from your ears. Bring one leg up to tabletop.

Bring your other leg up to tabletop. Extend your right leg back out. Slowly lower that leg down towards the floor. Bend your knee, bring it back up to tabletop. Extend your left leg out. Slowly lower that leg down towards the floor. Bend your knee, bring it right back in. Bring both feet down to the floor and relax your head and shoulders and take a moment. Okay, so now you're going to come and turn around in life, face down. Your hands are still going to be in the loops.

[inaudible] so now once you're there, suction your shoulders back. And I just want you to press your hands down towards the mat as you come up into a very small arch. So you're going to feel like your collarbones really lift up, your chest, gets nice and broad, and then come all the way back down. And then again, fill that section in your shoulders. As you press down, fill the collarbones, really lift up, and then press down. So now if you're someone who has a lot of lumber extension, you're going to try and make sure that you are really only up to sort of the base of your bra line or your mid back so that you have to move your sternum and your collarbones yeah, up. That's it. And then come all the way down. Do just a few more of these. Really feel that rotation in your shoulders as you start to press down.

Nice Jessica, good [inaudible]. And then one more. Keep that shoulder section and then relax all the way down and then just let go of your handles. So now come and lie back on your back. This time you're going to have your feet facing towards the tower. And then I want you to take the purple purple straps and you're going to put your feet in the straps and lie down.

So now the fight is going to be to keep your feet grounded as much as possible. So lie all the way down in your back, plant your feet in the straps, really feel like you're weighted into the floor. And then start to peel your hips up and off the mat. Really reaching your knees forward over your feet like crazy. Fill your thighs, get super long, and then start to peel on down through your spine. Beautiful. And then again, anchor your feet in order to create that lift.

A little bit of a hamstring roast as instructed. Peel right back down. Now each time you go up, see if you can reach your thighs even more over your feet as you go. Assets. So you're creating even more in length through the tops of the thighs. The hip flexors are going to get super long. This is going to help set us up for leg Springs.

Let's do three more of these. Nice you too. Good. And you might notice that one foot is a little bit easier to anchor in than the other one foot. Certain wants to fly up. So see how much you can create, even pressure on both feet as you come on up. And then just peel all the way back down. Take your feet out of the straps, and now you're gonna take your purple Springs and you're going to move them down so that they're one below your yellow Springs. So now lie on your back with your head towards the springboard towards the tower and then put your feet and bloops. So now you have two options. You can either be fairly close to the, to the spring, to the the tower, or if you want a little bit more work, you can extend your arms straight out and push away so that you really have tension through your arms and through your legs. Bring your legs together, keep them parallel, and now start to lower both legs down towards the floor.

And as you do, really hug your inner thighs towards one another. Inner thighs, big toes ball, the big toes Bunyan's, everything's gonna really hug together and then let your legs float right back up. And then again, same thing asset. And as you do, feel like there's reach through your legs as much as possible. And then keep that length as you lift right back up. Do one more of these. Now, once you get to the top, take a moderate first position and then start to press your leg straight back down.

Let your legs float right back up again, and then you're gonna press your legs down just to the halfway point. Stay right there and take just your right leg up towards the ceiling and then lower it back down. Once you get to the bottom, once you hit switch sides. So it's kind of like a flow motion scissor keep alternating and as you alternate side to side, try and maintain the stability of your pelvis. It's going to want to rock side to side, but you're going to really try and fight to keep it level and as flat as possible. Now let both legs float back up towards the ceiling and then start to circle your legs out and around.

And these can be a small or as big as you feel like you want as the circle though. Make sure that they're spinning in the socket so that you're getting some nice even articulation through your hip socket. Good. And then reverse those circles. Let them come back out and around. And again, especially as you go through the reverse, really allow them to articulate in the socket so that you get some nice spin and that's going to help facilitate your range opening up a little bit more. Nice.

You too. Good. Now let your legs come back up and then you're going to go down through the center together. Pause at the halfway point. Keep your left leg as your standing leg, and then you're going to circle just the right leg. And now as you circle the right leg, make sure your hips, your pelvis is not tipping mostly to the right. Now, keep that left leg really in your midline so that it's not kind of veering out to the side, which is the hard part. Good. Do one more and then switch sides.

Beautiful. Good. Do one more. Really anchor that opposite hip. And then reach both legs together. Bring them back up towards the ceiling. Turn them parallel. Bend your knees in towards you. Bring both heels down towards the floor, sort of like a dolphin. Extend your legs out, and then let them float right back up again in honor of the outside, and then, then, then, and then bring your feet down. And then once they're down, lengthen out. Let it be really juicy and luscious as you go. Do one more in this direction.

And now reverse these, and as you extend up, really articulate through your legs, lower down, [inaudible] sort of like you're moving through honey. So it's very thick and luxurious. That's it. Do one more like this. [inaudible] on your next one. Come all the way back up to the top. Turn your legs out to 45 degrees, lower them down halfway. Pause of that 45 degree point. And then keeping your heels together.

Bend your knees in towards you. Flex your feet for frog and now keep your heels anchored as you extend out and fight as much as you can to keep the heels together, even if it means you don't fully straighten your knees, especially if you're hyperextended [inaudible] and do one more of these. Good. And then decide your legs. Float right back up and take your feet out of the straps. Good. Okay, so now you're going to come up onto your right elbow.

Your knees are going to be bent and we're just going to do a little kneeling side plank. So set yourself up so that your elbow is directly underneath your shoulder as opposed to out. And then you're going to keep your collarbones nice and broad. I want you to feel like your shoulder blade is flat on your rib cage. And now from here, lift your hips up.

That's it. Keep your hips lifted, and then come right back down and then lift right back up again. Good. Now feel almost like you're lifting away from that bottom side asset. Maintain length in your bottom side, and then lower your hips right back down. And then one more time. Go ahead and lift your hips up.

Keep that length, straighten your top leg out. Now feel like you're reaching through that heel into something. Maintain that reach, and then lower your hips right back down. And then lift right back up again. Keep that sense of reach and then lower all the way back down.

Now why all the way down on that side just to let your head rest on your bottom arm. And then you're gonna take your front spring and your front purple spring and put it on your top foot. So now extend both legs out. And I want you to have that same sense of reach through your top side. You can back up a little bit on your mat so that you're not quite so close to the front. Now if you're advanced, you're going to keep your legs in line with your body.

But if you want a little bit less tension, you're going to bring them slightly forward. Today we're going to keep them in line with our body because this is hardcore. So you're gonna keep that reach through your top side. And then I just want you to let your leg float up in parallel and then bring it right back down. And I really feel like you have space in this top side.

You're going to feel like you can almost have air underneath your bottom waist, hat's it, and keep creating even more length. That's it. Be careful not to kind of collapse into that bottom side, but really lift up in a way as much as you can. Now lower that leg down, turn it out, and then start to let it brush front. Come forward to about 45 degrees and then re-envision them up towards the side, almost like you're pushing back with your foot and then lower straight back down again. And then again, let it brush front.

Good. And then as you run to John's side, it's sort of like you're moving something like you're sliding furniture with that foot and then come right back down. Do a few more of these. That's it. The lower you are in this range, the more fun it's going to be cause you'll have more tension on the spring. Now start to lower your leg all the way down. Bring your top leg up into passe and then keeping your attention on the spring. Think about 45 degrees. Extend your lower leg out and let's go to the side and then you can just lower it straight back down. Good. How then again, same thing.

Start to bring it up and depending on how you need to hook the spring, you can either flex or point your foot. Okay, that's it. Now as you're going through that devil a pay side, feel like you're really pressing into something like water so that you're not just kind of throwing your leg out there and locking it, but feel like there's really slow, articulate extension through the leg. Do one more of these beautiful and then reverse them. Let your talk, like float up and then bring it back in. Envelope pay, and then slide it down through your leg. That's it. And again, just keep going.

And as your leg comes in, just feel like there's some nice fold in your hip joint. That's it. That looks great. [inaudible] do two more of these [inaudible] now extending both legs out, lift both legs up off the mat. Just let them hover. And then lower and lift. Just your bottom leg. Keep reaching through that top heel as much as you can.

[inaudible] and now leave your bottom like up in the hover and then lower and lift your top leg. I'd say creep, creating space in that bottom side as much as you can, and then relax all the way down. Okay, so now you're gonna let both knees bend. And then I want you to prep yourself by coming up on your right elbow again on your right forearm. So just make sure your elbow is directly underneath your shoulder. Then once you're set up, you're going to straighten both legs out. Okay, here comes the fun.

So now from here you can either bring your top hand down on the mat in front of you or you can put it on your hips if you're feeling hardcore. And then I want you to reach your top leg out into the spring as much as possible, and then you're going to lift your hips up into a side plank. That's it. Beautiful. And then come right back down. Nice. And again, reach out into the spring as much as you can. Lift up into a side plank. Excellent.

And then come right back down one more time. Reach out into that spring, think of stepping up onto something and then come all the way down. Take your foot out of the spring and turn around to the other side. Good. That was great. Okay, so you're going to set yourself up on your form, no Springs hang out right there and make sure your elbow is directly underneath your shoulders. And then lift your hips right up off the mat and just take a little bit of hover. That's it.

And then lower your hips right back down. And again, take that little bit of a hover. Beautiful. And then come right back down. One more time. Take the hover. That's it. Keep the hover, extend your top leg out. Feel like you're just getting pulled. So your whole side is super long. And now lower your hips right back down towards the floor. Good. Lift up.

One more time with that length, and then lower all the way back down. And then take your front spring. You're going to lie down on your side. Support your head with your bottom arm, and then put your foot in the loop. [inaudible] so now once you're set up there, move a little bit back on your mat so that you're not quite so close to the front of the spring. If you want to be more advanced, you can bring your body forward and then straighten your bottom leg down and then you're going to feel like there's space underneath your bottom wastes. You're not sort of collapsing into that side and just let your leg float up in parallel for now. And so with that parallel leg, we're really driving the medial glide of the hip to see how much articulation you can find. And this'll come in handy later. That's it.

Nice. And your fight as you're doing this is to make sure that there's as much space between your hip crest and your ribs as possible. And now stay there, turn your top leg out, and then start to let it brush front to about 45 degrees. And then Rhonda Zam up to the side. Excellent. And then come right back down. Hello again.

And this is not about big range, it's really about finding the articulation right at the hip socket and letting those deep rotators recruit. So it's not going to look like this big highly dancer, li Rhonda [inaudible] do one more of these. So now stay there, rotate your top leg out, and then you're just going to slide your leg up to passe and feel your hips spinning in the socket. Now as you're extending your leg out, make sure you're not collapsing on that bottom side. So there still should be air or space underneath your bottom side, underneath your bottom waist, and then bend your knee right back in and feel how there's a little bit of rotation rate here and that part of the hip as she extends out, they're both doing an amazing job and they're making it look easy, but it's not so easy. Good. Go for two more of these. And as you extend your leg, again, it's like you're pushing through something very thick and luxurious.

So try not to let your leg just pop out, but see how much you can really extend slowly and articulately through your leg and foot. And then reverse these on your next one. That's it. As you bend your knee and see how much you can fold that your hip socket as opposed to sort of folding in your side body and extend your leg right back out. Good. [inaudible] do one more like this and now extend both legs out.

Try to still keep that space underneath your bottom obliques as much as you can. And then float both legs up and off the mat. Hang out there lower and lift just the bottom leg. [inaudible]. Now leave the bottom leg up there, lower and left, just the top leg. And again, you can really use your top arm to anchor into the mat in order to create a little bit more stability through your back and your torso.

And then relax. Bend your knees and then come up onto your bottom elbow forearm. Make sure your elbow is directly underneath your shoulder, you're really gonna reach the crown of your head. You can either bring your top arm in front of you or to your side, whatever feels more promising, and then extend both legs out. Now reach into that spring like you're standing on it, and then go ahead and start to bring your body up into a side plank. Nice. And you can lift your leg up a little bit to create even more.

Push into the spring and then lower your hips right back down. Good. And then again, lift up. Think of standing on the spring. This really creates tension through the whole side body at set. One more time. Create that reach. Beautiful. Nice. Destiny's cares. Good. And then come all the way back down and then take your feet out of there.

Okay, so now you're going to take your purple Springs and bring them all the way up to the top for leg Springs in the air. And let's bring them to yeah, the very top of the, let's bring them wide. Okay, so go ahead and lie down on your backs with your head towards the springboard. I like to keep a little bit more attention on my arms for this, but see how much hamstring support you have. And then you're going to put your feet back in the straps. So now bring your legs together. We're going to start with some airplanes.

So now from here, press into the poles with your hands. Lower your feet down and start to lift your hips up. That's it. Good. And then lower your hips down. Let your feet float right back up towards the ceiling. Okay.

And then again, lower your feet down, lift your hips up, acid. So you're making kind of one long plank. And then come right back down. One more time. Lift your hips up, press your feet down. [inaudible] and then come right back down. Okay, so now here comes the fun. So this time you're going to lower your feet down. Lift your hips up, stay there. Don't let your thighs move.

Bend your knees and lower your feet down towards the floor. We're going to go in parallel first. Yeah, good. And then extend your legs back up. [inaudible] and then again, bend your knees. Keep your hips high. That's it. Imagine you're almost creating a little bit of a tuck in your pelvis and then lift right back up.

Keep extending your hips even a little bit more up towards the ceiling. Last time. Bend your knees. That's it. Lift your feet right back up. And then peel your hips right back down. And take a moment. Extend your legs back out. Lift your hips right back up. Press your feet down.

[inaudible] okay, stay there turnout. Bend your knees in towards you, into a frog. Keep your heels glued together. Lower your heels down towards the floor. Lift your feet right back up. And then again, lower your heels down towards the floor. Good. Left right back up. This is a roast. Lower your heels down towards the floor. You're doing beautifully.

Lift your feet right back up and then lower your hips down and take a moment. [inaudible] okay. That was magician's apprentice. This is, this is going to be the magician special. So now you're going to go ahead and lift your hips right back up. Press your legs down. Bend your knees into frog. Lower your feet down towards the floor.

Okay, slide your feet out on the mat lengths and out. Once you get out there, lower your hips down towards the floor and then let your legs float right back up. Good. And again, lift your hips up. Bend your knees in towards you, into a frog. Lower your feet down towards the floor. Exactly. Slide your legs all the way out on the mat. Lower your spine down towards the mat, and then let your legs float right back up. One more time. Vendor. Lift your hips up, bend your knees and towards you.

Lower your feet down towards the floor. Beautiful. Slide your legs all the way out. Lower your body down towards the floor. Lift your legs right back up and take your feet out of the straps. Good. Okay.

But we're not done with the pain and suffering yet because you're going to grab onto the poles now with your hands, bend your knees and then you're going to bring your legs up into tabletop. Okay, so now from here, bring your legs together cause you want to use that tension of your legs pressing into one another and then start to peel your hips up and off the mat and you can sort of pull on the poles to create a little bit of help. Now in this position, reach your legs up towards the ceiling Jack knife. Now you're going to keep your legs as high up towards the ceiling as possible. Start to reach them straight up. See if you can keep them straight up and then roll down through your spine.

One vertebra at a time. Good. And then again, take them up and over. That's it. Once you're there, you're going to reach your leg straight up, press up into the straps and earn to the ceiling and then press into my hands a little bit. Get your button, your hamstrings active, yes. And then press right back down. Do that one more time. Bend your knees in towards you. Let yourself come on up. Press up towards the ceiling, and now it's going to feel like you have to activate your hamstrings and your glutes to create that lift. Press into me a little bit more yet.

There you go. And then roll all the way down and then relax. Good. Okay, so now you're going to take your rolled on bar, put it back and move your yellow Springs back up to the top. [inaudible] [inaudible] okay, so now we're going to go right into hanging legs over the roll down bars. So lie down on your backs.

Take your legs and hook them over the roll-down bar. This is my favorite exercise and all of [inaudible]. Actually, I'm not kidding. Okay, so you're going to let your feet come down towards the floor. Use your feet to slide yourself out until your arms are fully extended. Now, once you're there, I want you to push into the polls the entire time, almost as if you're doing a handstand, and then let your knees come in towards you. Keep your knees coming in towards you, just like Jack knife, and now peel up through your spine, one vertebra at a time.

Now keep pushing into the straps. Reach your size long. You're going to tap your toes down on the mat. Beautiful. Lift your feet right back up. Let your thighs come in towards you, and then roll down through your spine, one vertebra at a time. Now see if you can mimic that same sensation of jackknife. So let your legs come in towards you. Peel your hips up, and then there's a sense of extension through your hips and, but you're really going to hook over the bar. That's it. Nice.

And then let everything come right back up and then peel right back down through your spine. That's it. We're gonna do this one more time. Let your knees come in towards you, and then peel on up. Feel almost like you extend your hips, lift your hips up towards the ceiling a little bit more. Yes. Nice. Good you to lift your legs right back up, and then peel down through your spine and relax. Good. Okay. Unhook your legs from the Rodin bar and now we're going to come up to stand on the springboards. Okay.

So we're back and we've put the loops back on our yellow Springs, and then we've taken the purple Springs down so that they're right around the height of the base of your room cage. So now go ahead and face the springboards and you're going to take the loops of the purple Springs and put them on your feet just right in front of your heels. So right on your arches and sort of the back of the arch more than the front of the arch. So now this is just gonna give us a little bit of assistance into relevant and you can either hold on or not and I just want you to go ahead and start to lift up into Relevate in parallel. Yeah.

And just allow the Springs to help you articulate through your midfoot and then come right back down. And when you're coming down, slow down your descent and really push into the Springs. Create a little bit of tension rather than just slam the heel down. That's it. So now we're just sort of facilitating toddler glide here to keep a little bit more articulation in the feet as opposed to sort of swinging through the pelvis to create the relevant. Now as you're lifting, see if you can almost come straight up rather than letting your pelvis move forward beautifully too.

That's it. And do one more like this and then come all the way back down. So now take your feet back out of the loops and then you're going to take your purple Springs and move them quite far down on your springboard. We're going to use this hook right about here, and then you're going to turn and face away. And this time I want you to put the loops back on right about at your shin height. And we call this the Karrass for Karrass.

So now take quite a bit of tension on that spring. They're good. And then I just want you to go ahead and bend your knees and you're going to think of hindering in your hip sockets to create sort of a hinge back. And then from there you're going to stand up. And as you stand up, come up into relevance today and now the Springs are pulling you back away from that Relevate. So again, it's going to keep you from swinging through the pelvis and then lower your heels down. And as you hit the floor, you're going to come back down into that hinge. So it's sort of like you're taking off to accelerate into a jump or something like that. And now keep that tension of your tibia pushing forward into the spring rather than letting it pull you back.

And that will help recruit your hamstrings, your glutes and everything, your calves to kind of come up and forward into [inaudible]. Do two more of these and then come all the way out of there and you're just gonna put your purple sprains aside. I thought we could just move them back up so they're out of the way. Okay, so now come and grab onto your handles, face the springboard and you're going to hold on to two handles. And then I just want you to come and stand on your right leg.

You're going to lift your left leg up to 45 degrees and you're just going to extend that leg forward. Now pull on the handles, bend your knee and you're going to extend that leg back and you can take as much tension on the spring as you want. Stand up and kick front. Good. And now pull on the handles and then go ahead and extend back. Good. Come right back up. Kick friend. Nice. I'm an extend back and make sure you're using that same hinge that you just used in the last exercise. Do one more. If you're more advanced, you can take that front leg extension into a single leg squat, but we're not going to do that today.

And then switch sides now really pull on the handles as much as possible. That's it. Good. And then come right back up and extend front, beautifully to at. Nice. Let's do two more and then last one, good. Come stand right back up. Turn around, face out. Take a moderate [inaudible] for his position. Extend both arms out to the sides.

Let your arms be just slightly in front of your shoulder socket. And then go ahead and press your arms down as you come up into Relevate. Sort of like Batman. And then extend your arms back out to the sides. Keep a little bit of tension on the spring. Start to bend your knees and around and come down into a grumpy Lea.

And then as you stand back up, come into Relevate, press your arms down or about women I should say, and then extend her arms back out to the side. Come down into your ground. Play. That's it. Do two more like this one. Last one. And this time just come down into flat feet. Take your left arm up and over. You're going to rotate to the right and we're going to go directly into butterfly. And now circle that left arm out and around.

Go up and over and flesh and now feel as you come over, like you really follow the trajectory of your arms. See if you can keep a little bit of tension on the Springs as you go out and around, even if it means your arms are a little bit more forward than overhead. That's it. Keep pressing that right arm down so that you have space between your shoulder and your ear. As you go up and over. Do one more time each side, Madsen, and then just let your arms come up and over and you can let go of the straps and you guys are cooked. Good work. Good. Good, good. Thank you.

Thank you.


Wow!  I am cooked. What a challenging and creative class!  I have the Springboard, so it's nice having a class that is geared to it.  I loved the magician series and the side lying leg series! Thank you:)
Lauren W
7 people like this.
That was FANTASTIC!!!! Pllleeeeeeaaaassseeeee make more springboard classes. 
OH my gosh , this was so creative.. I am traveling so can't wait to get home and try this on my Reformer/Tower! I have to ask on a side note the type of shoes you are wearing? They look very comfortable. I am on my feet teaching a good part of my day and looking for something comfortable!
Fantastic! Thank you! 
Wow, what a thorough and challenging workout, particularly for the legs and especially hamstrings (and who doesn't need extra work on hamstrings?). Your calm tone of voice and beautiful stretch at the beginning had me wondering if it was going to be a challenging class. It sure was! I loved several new things that I've never done in other classes. I also loved using the leg straps to push down and work the hamstrings. Great class I'll definitely come back to! 
Super cool interesting movement and hard advanced exercises - chill easy cuing love 
AWESOME!! Love this class. Thanks for this session.
Mercedes L
Enjoyed thoroughly! 
Really creative, I'm going to try some of the standing variations in class tonight!
Vonne Atkinson
Peel up like a fruit roll cue EVER!
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