Class #3999

Finding Reformer Connections

70 min - Class


You will find deeper connections in every movement with this detailed Reformer workout by Brett Howard. He uses props and creative cues to help facilitate the quality and alignment that is desired for each exercise. He includes wonderful variations to Short Spine Massage, Horseback, and so much more.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Triadball, Hand Weights (2), Pilates Pole

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Hi, I'm Brett Howard. And today I'm going to do a reformer with JIA. So JIA, I'm going to have you lie down. I'm going to put you on three Springs today and we're going to start with some footwork. Great. So I'm going to bring your feet just a little bit more narrow and then I'm going to give you a little bit, Oh wait here. Good zipper up and extending out and bend and go in out two and in out three and in out four out on five and five more and out.

And in two and in three and out. One more time and out and in. Good feet together. Knees together. I'm going to bring your feet a little bit over here. You're going to wrap the toes over, heels under same thing and going out and in two and in and three and in and four and five more and out and in two and three and out and in once more out and in. Now let's go onto the heels. You're going to flex the feet.

Nice active flex at the ankle. Nice. And then same thing going out and in two and in three and in very good. Four and in and five, five more out and in two and in three and in two more out and in. Once more out and going in. Great. Let's go onto the toes. Heels together. Toes a party up sometimes from Manoa, kumbaya, Chico.

This is very valuable real estate, so she wants to make sure that little toe is there. So you're going to zipper up. You're going to go all the way out. Hold there. Lower the heels for three, two, one, lift two, three. Good. Lower two, three, lift two, three, three and lift two, three. Soften the right knee slightly. Yes. And lift. Two, three, lower two, three. Lift five more. Lower. Actually, come up for a second. Let's do this for you. I think this will benefit you. Come in for a second.

Bring your toes together. Now stretch all the way out. This time. Hold the position. Keep your big toe joint together. Open your heels very, very wide. Good. You're in good inward rotation there. Then from there, soften the knees a little bit, but especially that right one. Good. And now lower for three, two, one. Lift two, three, lower.

This will keep a little more space in the back of your sacrum there and lower two, three lift. Two, three, two more. Lower and lift. One more lower. Two, three, lift to hold their, bring the heels together and then bend the knees and go back in. Great. Both knees into the chest. And what we'll do is we will go for the hundred. I'm going to keep you on three. You're going to grab a hold of there and then you're going to roll the head, neck and shoulders up as you reach the arms down. Now zipper up.

Extend the legs out. I'm going to bring you just a hair higher today. Yes. Now drop your legs into my hand. Hold there. I'm going to take my hand away. Don't let the move and I'll start pumping. Inhale, three, four, five. Exhale. Three, four, five in with the air and Xcel. Three, four, five in with the air. Good. XL three, four, five. Nice. And XL? Three, four, five. Inhale, three, four, five XL, three four, five more in with the air and XL. Three four, five.

Inhale and Xcel. Three, four, five in with the air out. Two, three, four, five, twice more. And XL, three four, five, one more set and XL three, four, five. Excellent. Bend the knees in, arms up, Pennock and shoulders come down. Great. Hold there. I'm going to have your knees come in a little bit more there so you're nice and relaxed there. I'm going to take a spring off, so one, two Springs. I'll take these from you.

Lift your head up for me for one sec and you can lower it back down. I'm an undue overhead a little bit later. Let's do the short spine now. Okay. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring these to you, so I'm going to bring one foot through, then the other foot through and you're going to bend the knees into the chest. Relax there when to do just a couple of frogs first with the short straps. So you're going to zipper up an opposition as you reach to here and now bend the knees and go back in and again, zipper up and reach and go back in.

Now zipper up and reach and hold there. Now I want you to forward at the hip joint. Bring the legs as far back as you can without the tailbone rising. Now hold that position. Keep the legs where they are, but push down through your sacrum. Just increase the hamstring stretch. Now imagine you are on the Cadillac.

Push the tower bar up and roll up and over. Good. Then from there, once the carriage is too close, you're going to bend your knees. Come to a tight little ball position. Pull your heels into the sitz bones and roll down one vertebra at a time like the little ball. Let's do that again. Zipper up forward at the hips. Good. Then from there you're going to roll up on your diagonal. Good.

Nice. Then from there, you're going to bend your knees and you're going to roll, pulling the heels into the bottom and roll down through your spine. Now before we go for the hamstring one, you're gonna extend the legs out. You're going to bring the legs back as far back as you can without the hips rising. Now hold there. What you're going to do is you're going to roll up on your diagonal, keeping a little bit more pressure into the strap. Hold there. Now instead of bending the knees, just melt down.

Roll down one vertebra at a time, all the way down that she feel good on your back, and then just bend your knees and come into that starting position. Good. Once again, legs go out forward at the hips. Find that diagonal where it's natural for you to roll up. Good. Then from there, start from the sternum. Melt down one vertebrae at a time. Opening up. Good.

Now bend the knees and come back in. Great. Now you're going to different variation. You're going to go out and you're going to forward at the hips. You're going to go back and you're going to roll up on that back. Diagonal. Good, but this time continue over.

You're going to bend the knees again like we did before, but instead of rolling like a ball roar to here, then roll the hips away from the heels. Open up that lower back. Good. And when it can't go anymore, pull the heels into the bottom of hold for one, two, one more time like that. Legs out forward at the hips and then push the magic fairy tower bar up as you go up and over. Great, and then bend the knees. Roll down to here. Now roll the hips away from the heels. Open up the back, hold there. I'm going to give you a little stretch there. How's that? Good. Now pull the heels in. Great. Do you want another variation?

This will be good for your lower back as well. We're going to do the prayer frog, so we're going to go out forward at the hips and then go back and roll up on your diagonal. Once you're there, you're going to open the knees, bring the soul's feet flat together and to good frog. Hold there. Now I think you can go a little bit more right there. Now keep the distance between bottom, between the bottom of the heels, the same, and just melt, melt Mount. How's it feel on your lower back? Nice ride. Once again, extend out and then forward at the hips and then push the tower bar up as you go up and over. Then find your prayer frog.

Nice. Keep the distance the same as you. Just melt down one vertebra at a time. Excellent. All right. If you want another stretch, just keep that there. Bring this all the way down and you can take a little stretch there. How is that okay knee? Okay. All right.

Both knees into the chest and then you're going to ah, hold there. I'll take these from you. You can grab the handles. Great, and then let that go there and you're going to bring your elbows in at the sides. Now what you're going to do is you're just going to push into my hand here. Good. Keep that push. Roll the head, neck and shoulders up. Now hold there. Tried to go a little bit more. There we go. Now simultaneously, arms and legs. Press front. Hold them to bring a little bit here.

Now what about those knees? They pushed me open. Push. Good. Now pull me close pool. Now pull me in, pull me in, in, in, in, in. Then bend your elbows and again, stretch front, press and pull. Now as you bend the knees and bring your chest to your thighs as you bend your elbows, chest to thighs, chest to thighs. Test to thighs. To then go front. Inhale, hold the breath. Open close XL, bend the knees, bring chest to the thighs. I should bend the elbows. Chest, the thighs. Try to get that ahead to the knee if you can. Exhale. Exhale. Exhale. One more time.

Inhale out or open and close as you bend the knees and pull that tailbone down. And then chest advisors are bringing you your vendor. Elbows testifies to suffice as buys. Push into the handles more and relax. Nice. Good. So what you're going to do has, I'm gonna have you sit up, turn around. Great. And you're going to face this way and then I'm going to have you scoot forward a little bit. You're going to bring the soles of the feet fly.

You're going to bring the heels, sorry, onto the headrest. Good. Now you're going to flex the feet. I'm gonna have you grab here. You're still on two Springs. You're going to bring your elbows in at the sides. Then from there what you're going to do is you're going to let the head forward forward. You're going to roll your lower back down into my hand and you're going to push here. Good. Now imagine that my hand is wet sand.

You're going to bend your elbows. As you bend your elbows, push into the wet sand just with your lower back and then extend the arms and again, Ben and push and extend and bend in. Push and extend and bend in. Push and extend. Bend in, push and extend. Let's go for five more and stretch and Ben and press and stretch and push and stretch and push and twice more and push and stretch. One more time. Push and stretch and rural up.

One of my teachers, Carrie Regan, she calls like California. Rowing's very appropriate here. Right? Okay, so what you're going to do is we're just going to do that much. I'm going to have you turn around facing the other direction and I'm going to give you a pair of arm weights and now you're going to grab a hold of these. Now sometimes I'll do this also on the baby arm chair, but it's always high. Find helpful to work first without this handles and the straps.

Then work maybe to the arm chair. Then work over here. Then to the reformer. You're going to bring your elbows in. You're going to inhale, reach out. Exhale, lower the fingertips to the mat. Inhale, lift. Now hold there. Squeeze the seat. Lift more than open and press. Press, press to start again. Inhale as you reach pool back. Exhale, lower. Inhale, pull back as shoes. Lift up off the seat. Now push down on two tabletops. Good.

One more time. Inhale, reach. Good, and exhale. Lower. Inhale, push, push, push, and then Xcel pressing down. Great. Now you're going to flex both feet. Hands are going to come onto the mat. We're going to row from the hips. You're going to dig in as you round forward and hold there. Now I'm going to bring you just a little bit lower here.

Push me away with your fingertips. As you push me with your fingertips, think of spine, stretch forward. Push your lower back back. Good. Now start to roll up to your spine, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Now imagine there's a wall behind you. You're going to push your back into the wall as you push your fingertips into me. Good. Keep that. Lift the arms up to the ceiling and then pressing down. Nice and again, dive forward and reach.

Hold there. Now start from the tailbone. Roll up, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Now imagine that this is a wall. Push your torso back, fingertips forward, Naval back. Beautiful. If the arms up to the ceiling and then press down as you lift through the crown of the head. Wonderful. JIA just maybe a little more soft in those knees though. Last time, diving forward and reach good. Then roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head.

Now Naval back fingertips forward. Then lift the arms up. Wonderful. An Excel pressing down. I'm going to have you Chris. Cross the legs. Good. How's this on your hip? Okay, great. You're going to bring your elbows in. You're going to reach the arms forward. Bring the hands behind the head. Then from there, yes, you're in a slight diagonal.

You're going to shave, you're going to shave up, and then you're going to bend your elbows. As you shave up, pull in and up through those lower abdominals. Good and bend. As you shave up, press down to the thighs. Good and Ben. Twice more. Shaving, up and down. Warmer times. Shave up and hold. Now simultaneously you're going to upright your spine. Open the arms and switch the cross of the legs. Good for the hug. Now encompass space. Hug a big beach ball. Now push someone away with either forearm, both forearms.

Now encompass and press. Good. Inhale and exhale. Reverse the breathing. Exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale. One more time and exhale and inhale. Good. All right.

I'm going to take this from you and you can stand up onto the floor and I just gave you the one pound. I probably wouldn't do anything more than two. Okay? Now I'm not going to use the barrel today, but we're going to do a variation of Swan here on the long box. Okay? So just so you don't slide and place that there. I'm going to put us on one spring. You're an ally in your stomach with your shoulders.

Just a little bit over that hands are going to go onto the foot bar. Good. Now, elbows lifted. Bring your hips just a little bit over to your left. Great. And I'm gonna put a little more weight on that left side of the pelvis. Now you're going to push through the heel of the hand as you stretch the arms and then bend the elbows and come back in. Hold one second from G. there we go. And again, stretching two and bend into one more time.

Stretching three in a hold there. What you're going to do is you're going to simultaneously lift your upper back up and the legs will come down. And you're going to hold this position here. Do you feel like you're going to slide it all? Okay, now hold there. You're going to pull up through here. Pull the pubic bone in the sternum together.

Now push the heel of the hand forward to push your body backwards to go all the way down. Wonderful. And again, lifting up. As you lift up, this will come down. This will pull up nice. And then lower the body all the way down. One more. Lifting up. Now hold there. Bend your right knee and stretch it. Bend your left knee and stretch.

Bend your right knee and stretch. Looks easy. Bend your left, but it's not. She's like, I'm about to tap out. Bend your right knee and stretch. Bend your left knee. Wonderful. JIA now push through the heel of the hand. Lower all the way down. Good. Bend the elbows and come in and you can stand onto the floor. Great. Now let's go for the pulling straps.

So we're going to lie on your stomach facing the other way. With your shoulders flushed, we're going to hold up high onto the leather strap. Good. And yes. Great. Now just walk the hands up the strap. I'm going to have your hips come a little bit over to your left, to your left.

Yes. Then from there you're going to pull back as you pull back here and a lift that upper back from a cord to three and lower the body all the way down. And again, you're going to lift the upper back up and hold two, three and lower the body noun one more and lifting up and hold two, three and exhale lower down. I'm just going to fix that tag a little bit. Good. Now loud the arms, the very back into the leather. You're going to make a letter T with your body.

You're going to pull back as you pull back, lift that upper back in. Hold there. Good. Two, three, and lower the body and again, I'm going to pull back and lift two, three XL, lower the body down. One more, pulling back to three and Xcel lower the body. Excellent. I'll take the straps from you. You can stand onto the floor. Great, and then I'm going to take us back to Springs.

You're going to step on left hand, left foot, right hand, right foot. Then you're going to bring your tailbone at the very front of the box, so it's like a kind of like a crap walk. [inaudible] there we go. A tailwind at the front and you can lie down and then what you're going to do is bring both a fists dinner right above your forehead and we're going to go for the backstroke, arms and legs, straight up to the ceiling. Open arms and legs. Circle around and you're going [inaudible] to reach, reach, reach, bend, knees and elbows and come back in. And again, arms and legs up. Open. Circle around and you're going to reach now hold there, pull your bottom rib back more than the next rib.

Then the next hole there, I'm going to take my hand away. Yes, and come back in. Let's do one more like that. Arms, legs up, open, circle and reach. Reach, reach. Now hold there. Keep this. This is wonderful. Just elongate the front of this more. Keep the along. [inaudible]. Roll your upper body up a little higher. Wonderful. And bend the knees and elbows. And come in. All right, now I'm going to take us to one spring. You can bring your legs onto the bar. Straight legs. Yes. Good. Rest down.

Bring your body just a little bit over to your rate. [inaudible] you're twisted, sister. All right. Come over a little bit more. There we go. Do you know that band twist? It's okay. Now let your head drop down. You're going to lift just the head up. Pull there. Now bring the arms just a little bit above the waist right there. Now go up a little bit more with your upper body. Stay there. Now keep that.

I want you to reach forward so far forward that this is going to float. You're going to hold there now around that lower. Yes, right there. I'm using the mirror and that has a mirror. Now hold for three. Hold for two. Hold for one. Roll all the way down. All right, and once again, you're going to roll into that position.

Go up a little more of that upper back right there. Reaching this here. Now keep the front of the hips long. You're going to open the legs. Close the legs. Pinky up more. Open the legs, close the legs open and close. Open and close. Once more. Open, close, lower, all the way down. Good. She's going on. Let's do this again. Roll up into that same position. Reach good.

Now keep the poor through the upper ribs. Lift the arms up, two to three inches. Lower. Two to three inches. Two to three inches. Up to three inches down. Two to three inches. Up to the yup. Two more. Two up, two down, two to three. Uphold. You could come down by, no, you're strong. So you're going to continue up. Continue up. Reach for me. Reach for me.

Hold there. Now stay there. Round that. Lower back under a little bit more. Little more right there. Now lower just the arms. Lift the arms, lower the arms. Lift arms. Now hold there. Rotate those legs a little bit. Reach your heels to me. Reach your fingertips. Me. Reach your ribs back away from you. Hold there for three.

Hold there to hold their beautiful lower all the way down with control. Very nice. Very good. All right, I'll take these from you and you can step to the side standing up. Now what we're going to do is we're going to keep you on one spring. We're going to go for the horseback, but I'm going to start with an exercise. I call the jockey. They're going to sit down here one hand with distance from the back edge with your pelvis. Good. You're going to uh, how are your knees there? Okay. All right. You're going to bend the knees and you're going to bring your toes back into forced arch position. Good. Great.

So you're like little jockey on a horse. Now. Elbows are going to come in at the sides. You're going to simultaneously curve as you squeeze into the box. As you scoop and lift. Now stay there. Go forward to me a little bit more. Good. And I'll hold there. Pulled back through the lower abdominal, smaller, lower back more. Then stay there that they had just a little bit to my hand.

Good. Lower just the arms and then lift the arms up and lower down too. And lift. Now sit down. Great. Now stretch the legs straight out in front of you. Good. You're going to flex the feet and bring the arms out as if you're going to do spine. Stretch forward now and that's actually what you are going to do.

So you're going to uh, just spine stretch forward and go forward. Go forward, go forward, go forward. Now hold there. I'm going to take this my hands away. Hold there. Now, right from there I want you to pull the lower back back. Pull up through here more right there. Now keep that position. Lift your head up to my hand. [inaudible] a little bit more.

Now flip the arms up and then keep this position. Point the feet lower, just the arms down. As you look, the arms pulled back through your upper ribs. Lower the arms, pulled back the upper ribs. Hold there, rotate the legs inward a little bit more. Good. And then sit down. All right, let's go back to the jockey position again. That idea when you go forward, you want that idea? Yes. Of going back. So it's really essentially coming from our spine, stretch forward or kind of like our stomach massage.

So you're going to reach back, grab a hold of here, elbows in at the sides. Now you're going to squeeze in as you spine. Stretch forward with your from the bottom rib up. Yep. So from here up spine, stretch forward from the bottom rib down, pull back. Good. Now lower the arms and then lift the arms. Lower the arms and lift. And now sit down as the elbows come in at the sides.

Let's do one more. Stretch the leg straight out in front and we're going to just put it all together. So ah, sorry. Elbows in at the sides. Maybe bring your hips just a little bit over to the right. Yes. Now I'm going to bring in just a little lower so you can get into the inner thigh more. Flex the feet here in Ridley. Rotate a little bit more and you're going to, once again, think of bottom ribs up, spine, stretch forwarding, bottom rib back, pulling backwards as you point the feet and scoop up. Now hold there.

Bring the arms a little bit more narrow. Good right there. And now lift your feet one inch. Now pull your upper ribs back more. There we go. Lift the head up a little bit. Yes. Now lower the arms and now lift as you pull here, lower the arms and lift, and now sit down and shoot upright. That was a nice horseback. Very good. All right, and you can stand up.

Now what we're gonna do is I'm gonna take you to three Springs. You could do this on two, but I kind of preferred on three. You're going to sit down right here facing this way. You're going to walk up and grab a hold of the copper divots there. You're going to bring your heels back into there and you're going to have an active pull back with the heels. Then from there, you're just going to let your upper body around forward and relax.

You're going to start with the tailbone. You're going to roll down one vertebrae at a time, bringing the lower back to the mat. Then from there you're going to lead with the crown of the head. You're going to round forward. Wonderful. And again, tailbone under roll into my hand. Yes. Now crown of the head goes forward once again.

Curling under, yes. And rounding for it. How's this tension? Is it too much? A little bit too much. Let's take you to two. All right, and again, curling under. Now go all the way back and slowly unravel. Let it go. Then re Ravel chin to the chest, curve over, over, over, over. This is, okay, great.

And again Kurlander I'm a lot bigger than you. So three feels better. Warming two might be more appropriate for you and I'll let it go. Exhale. And then chin to the chest and curve over my fingers. Over my fingers. Over. Good. All the way up. All right, I'm going to take this from you standing up and I'm going to turn the box around. I'm going to keep us on two and then you can sit here facing towards the front and then I'm going to have you bring your feet underneath the straps. Open the feet very, very wide in the straps. You're going to bring the bar down onto your thighs. Good. Now nice, tall, straight, lifted back.

You're going to keep the bar on your thighs. It will slide up the thighs. You're going to squeeze your bottom. Lifting hinge backwards. Hold there. Now squeeze the seat more long. Way from head to tell Mark. Keep this position. Lift the arms up. One, two, three, lower down to three. Now slide forward. Good, and again, slide back. As you lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, hold there. You can squeeze up off of my fingers more. Lift through the back more.

Now lift the arms up. One, two, three and down to once again up to three and down to three. Now lift through the crown of the head to come back up. One more lift in hinge. That's the tremor of truth. And now look the arms up. One, two, three and down to three and two to three, down to one more in three, two, three, down, two, three, lift and come up. Great. I'll take that from you and you're going to take your arms up to the ceiling.

You're going to make a fist with your left. You get and you're going to bring the right hand on top of the fist. You're going to squeeze your seat, lift up, you're going to push the fist up. Now when you can't go up anymore, the fist is going to start to push over. Then lift up through the fist to come center.

Exchange up through the fist and go over and push through the fist. Then come back up and exchange and now lift and push. Push, push. Now lift to come. Center, exchange and up and push. Push, push. Now push even more to come back to center. Great and good. Bring your elbows down and back like this.

I'm going to spring this through here and then you want the bar to have the same amount of pressure against your back throughout from the left shoulder. You're going to twist to the right, but don't let that come up cause I felt more. Yes if I didn't feel it, but I saw it. Now you're going to go from this shoulder to twist to the other side. Good and twist to the right and twist to the left. Now bring your hands behind the base of the head.

I have a bar and then same thing. You're going to twist to the right. Then you're going to twist to the left. You're going to twist to the right hold. You're going to lean out onto this diagonal good and come to center. Then from there you're going to twist and you're going to lean out in your diagonal hold there. Elongate the left side of your back, a little more wonderful and come up to center and once again, twist and reach nice and center and twist and reach and center.

Now what you're going to do is you're going to reach up, grab a hold of the bar. You have that. All right. I'll let that go nice and long here and then what you're going to do is you're going to push up into my hand. I want equal pressure into both hands. You're going to twist to the right. Now as you reach out, equal pressure into my hands. There we go and come to center and then lift and twist.

What about this hand? There we go. Now reach, hold there. I could feel more in. There we go. And center. One more time. Lift, twist. I don't feel anything in this hand. What about that right hand? Yes. And then reach out. Good and center. And now twist. Now hold their geo. I'm a little more in this hand and before we reach, don't make me get my barbecue sauce out. Wrap those ribs. Good. And reach out.

Good and center. Round over it and you can stretch. Good. Okay. All right. Roll up through your spine. All right. I'm going to take this from you. You can take your right leg out of the strap and I'm going to do an exercise that I do call the half tree. Okay, so you're going to bring your ah, yes. And then grab a hold. So we allow that to just sit in the crook of the elbow and now, so what we're doing is we're essentially taking the extended leg out of it, focusing on the supporting leg more. You're going to let the head drop, you're going to roll down one vertebra, added time, and then keep the chin in the chest for now.

And you might feel a little bit of a stretch here and you're able to left hip flexor. Good. Bring your shoulders to the right a little bit. Good. And then I'm going to bring you up so you don't have to use that muscle. And again, you're going to round back. Good this. Okay, good. Now hold there, bring this forward and come up.

One more roll back if you like, you can let the head go. You don't have to go back and hold to give you a little bit more stretch. I'm just going to open the knee a little bit and that should give it a little bit deeper. Stretch in your hip flexor SIRS, and then you're going to come back to center and then chin to chest and I'll bring you up. All right, let's change the sides. It's nice. Really isolates it there. Okay. Once again, you're going to rock back one vertebra at a time. It's a good for very tight individuals, which is not you and you're going around or forward. And again, rolling back. Now as I have you back here, think of your left sitz bone reaching forward more. Exactly. And then come back up one more curving back if you like.

You can go all the way back and exhale. That's openness knee a little bit to give you a little deeper of a stretch. Let's close the knee, bring your chin to the chest and then brewing your body up. Linda bar. Okay. Standing up for me please. And then what we will do is we are going to go for the long stretch series.

I'm going to keep you on two Springs and then you're going to step on left hand, right foot, right hand, left foot. Great. I'm going to have your toes. Yes, right in the middle of the crease there. Walk back just a little bit for today. Now bring your heels forward slightly. I'm going to bring this ball here. Now you're allowed to touch the ball, but now you cannot put any more pressure into it or any less pressure into it. I'm gonna have you just lift a little bit through here. Good. Now through your back. Go backwards.

Good. And going front. Now pull back without changing the pressure of your fields against the ball. Wonderful. And go front and again and go front two more without it and go back. Yes and go front one more time. Go back, hold there if your head up to my handle it all good and Gulf forward, forward, forward great and then what you're going to do is bend the knees down, bring your feet against the blocks, you're going to go forward through your pelvis for down stretch, zipper up through the abdominals. Lift here a little bit more, lift here a little bit more and then inhale, go out and exhale. Exhale, Xcel Xcel to come up. Good. Inhale out and then exhale XL, XL, XL, and again in hell out. Imagine you have a top ponytail, Excel, Excel, Excel, Excel, good and then sit on your heels.

Then from there I call this the roller coaster. Going to go back through the heels and go into your down stretch position. Now lift to the heart and the crown of the head to come up in, in, and then incur. We're going to do this in place of up stretched today and go back and then lift to come in. One more time. Curve and back, and lift to come in one more time and curve and back, and then lift and go all the way in, in, in. Wonderful.

Now stand up onto that. Yes, onto the carriage. Walk back. Now what you're going to do is bring your hands onto the mat. Then from there you're going to walk your hands back. Grab either the shoulder blocks or the metal arches behind the shoulder blocks. You can grab out a little bit more. There we go.

Now you're going to lean forward till your sitz bones are right over your heels. Then from there, don't worry, I have you. You're not going to fall. You're going to slightly bend the knees. Micro Ben. Now to stretch the legs, lift up through your sits bones and again, micro. Bend the knees. Now lift up through the sitz bones to stretch one more micro. Bend the knees. Lift up to the sitz bones to stretch. Hold there. Keep this position.

Bring one hand, search it for the foot bar. [inaudible]. There we go. Bring it just a little bit more narrow. Then the other hand searches for the foot bar. Great. Now keep your back just how it is. This won't change your upper back. Only lift in your lower back into my hand right there.

But keep this pulling down. Now lift your toes up. All right. Don't neglect those little toes. Yes. And then go out and pour under, under, under out two and under. Under, under out three under. And we're doing the elephant. Two more out, under, under, under one more time. Out, under, under, under excellent. And you can step down onto the floor. Okay, so instead of doing the long back stretch, let's do an exercise. One of my teachers, Carrie Regan calls the chicken wings.

So it's hands could be here, but ideally you want to get them in as much as you can. Their thumbs together. You're going to pull the shoulder blades together like so. Okay. Now if you're tight, yes, but otherwise, get those thumbs together. Now sit a little bit in the hips here. Now bend the elbows and now don't stretch up from your arms.

Stretch up from your back to go up. Yes. And then bend the elbows now at the end. No hyperextension up through your back to there and bend even though it feels bent and go up through your back. Now let's go a little quicker and bend and up and up and back. Use your back five more and up and up and up and up.

And one more up. All right. Walking back. That's the chicken eggs, right? So what we're gonna do is we're going to go into the stomach massage series. Again, I'm going to bring you a little bit tighter here. I have a client, she calls the stomach massage uncomfortably close. All right, so what you're going to do is you're going to sit here and you can just rest your feet onto the frame there. Great.

Now you're going to bring your back completely back. Only thing is now the boxes are more curved to make it more comfortable for horseback, but then kind of messes this one up a little bit for me, but that's okay. This looks pretty good. You're going to push back a little bit. Bring one foot up onto there, the other foot onto there. Now come in, grab a hold of the front. Now think of spine, stretch in the mat from the bottom rib up spine. Stretch forward. See if he can go further forward and I'll hold their elbows wide. Now from the bottom or down, everything that's touching the box into the box and push your legs and stretch out. Good. Stay there. Keep into the box.

I think you can spine stretch forward more here. Now keep that lower back. Pull into the box more. Yes. Wonderful. Now lower the heels. Now to lift the yields, put into the box with your lower back bend knees and come back in. Now push in to the box. As you spine stretch forward. Lower the heels. Push into the box and bend in. Go in, push into the box with the lower back.

Lower the heels into the box and come back in and hold there. Bring your hands behind the base of the head now as you push into the box with the lower back spine, stretch forward more. Try to touch the head towards the knees. Good. Lower the heels. Push into the box and lift and now into the box. Lower into the box and come in one more time into the box.

Lower into the box and go in. Good. Roll up. Now you can bring your hands behind you. Now you're not tight. Otherwise I would have you grab the back of the corners here, but you can grab the back there. Now keep the elbow slightly bent. Lift up here, pull the shoulder blades together. Same thing. Lower back, pushes into the box. Lower the heels over, back into the box and in. Good into to the box. Lower into the box and in four more [inaudible] in the box. Come in and hold there now no hood ornaments of the car.

Good and again and lower lift and in and into the box. Lower into the box in one more time into the box. Lower into the box. Come back in. I'm going to take you to two Springs. You're going to take the arms circle around.

Now first you can just use the box for a little support during the stretch out. Good. And now bend in. Come back in, stretch out, and Ben, come in and hold this time it just stretch out. Try to take your lower back off the box. Now as you come off, as you come in, go off the box off of it, off of it, off of a touch my hands off the box, off the box and hold there. I'm gonna make it a little bit more hard. It's going to be easier to go out. Don't go out too quickly. Go out, come off the box. Now this is harder. Come in all the way in, all the way in, all the way, in all the way, in all the way, and touch my hands. Push me away. Good. Har right now I'm going to go back to two Springs.

You're going to bring the hands behind the base of the head. Elbows slightly forward. You're going to simultaneously stretch the legs as you twist to the right. Do you have equal pressure against the box with your lower back. Good and come back. Come to center, just asking and now twist to the other side and come back in and XL twist, hold there. I'm going to have you go just a little bit more here.

Sit into that left hip more. I want you to actually know it's an into the right hip more. There we go. Lengthen the right side of your back. More a left side of the back more. I don't know my right and today and come back to center and now twist hold there. I'm going to just bring it right there. That's better on this side and come in and then grab a hold of my wrist.

I'm going to give you a little bit of a stretch. Hopefully I'm within the frame. Good. And you can stand up onto the floor. And I liked the box cause it gives you a lot of feedback. Yeah, are right now what we're going to do is we're going to do tendon stretch. I'm gonna do it a different way with you. This is actually how Romana taught a lot of people to do 10 instruction in the beginning. So you're going to just, you know what this is. Well, just so you don't feel like you're going to slip.

You're going to sit down onto the foot bar. Good. Now you're going to take your stomach massage round position. All right, good. Now pull here a little bit. You're going to stretch the legs straight. I'll sorry. You're gonna stay seated. Stretch the leg straight as you pull back into your ribs. And now hold there.

Drop your heels a little bit more. Good. And bend the knees and come in and stretch and Cohen stretch and hold there. Now what you're going to do is you're going to keep the carriage still. You're going to drop through the heels more. You're going to simultaneously stretch your arms as you roll the head towards the knees. Hold there.

Now can you bring your hips forward more forward more. Now stay there. Keep the hips right where they are. Put your hands back into the bar, into the foot bar. Protract into my hand here a little bit more. Separating the shoulder blades, pull up through the ribs, stay there now lift and come in an inch. Now tailbone goes under to push the heels forward and come up an inch.

Now tailbone under and again up an inch, tailbone under, up an inch, tailbone under. Can you drop those heels more? Thank you. Up and under, under, under. Sit down and come in. All right, and so it's kind of starting on the out. It's great for anyone who can't grab the bar. They start on the out and then they get more flexible. They work their way in. Great. Standing onto the floor. All right, let's go for the overhead. But before we do the overhead, this is actually an advanced exercise. I don't do this.

I really events when I don't do this with too many people, but I think it will benefit you. So let's try this right before the overhead. I like to give it some times to an individual who can master it because we'll make the overhead much easier. Bring your shoulders a little bit over to your right. Good. You see that I have to do this sometimes. Am I right? Am I left? You're going to bring your knees into the chest. One foot through each.

Now we're going to start with short spine. You're going to extend the legs out. Then you're going to bring the legs back, but continue back. Continue back right here. Gonna start to lift your hips up. And what we're gonna do is we're going to do something called the overhead. Actually no, let's do this for a second.

So one short spine bend the knees roll down through your spine. We're going to do the short spine control instead, and then we'll do the overhead frog. Extend the legs out. Now don't lift the hips. Bring the legs to 90 degrees. Hold there now bring it a little more here. Try not to move the carriage. Try not to touch my hands. Jack. Knife up. There we go, Jack. My more now the carriage will move as you bend the knees.

Good. And then roll down through your spine. Let's do one more of the short spine control. Extend the legs out. Bring the legs to where you can tonight to degrees. Sorry. Now lift up to where you can without the carriage moving and lift. Lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, hold there. Stay lifted in your torso. Bend your knees, open the knees very wide.

Then you're going to stretch the legs as you reach forward. Good. And bend the knees and come in. Good stretches you. Go forward, forward, forward with your feet. Oops, you're going a little bit too far back. So let's try again. Okay, stretch and go forward. I have you go forward towards the Springs. Good. And bend in and roll down through your spine. One vertebra at a time so it makes those muscles engaged.

So now when we do the overhead, we're just going to do two. Since we did all of that, and I want you to have to be on your neck too much, ideally not in your neck. I don't want you to be over too much. You're going to simultaneously, uh, I bring both legs out into the mat, onto the bar there. Now simultaneously, arm's going to come down as the legs go over your head. Good. Now reach to me more. Go more now holder reach your left sitz bone to the sky more. Yes.

Now Jack my up and you see it's actually easier to get up roll down cause we did all of that before and then arms, legs will arrive together once again. Arms down, legs over the head. Go over more to those hips or right over those shoulders. Jackknife up to the sky. Good. And then melt round down through your spine all the way down. So that was two and arms legs will arrive together are all right, I'll take this from you. Step to the left for right now.

Actually no lie back down. Let's do semi-circle. This will be good because this will help open our hips. So then when we do our uh, chest expansion, the hips are a little bit more open. Let the heels drop down. Bring your hands against the shorter blocks. Stretch straight as your knees go forward.

Now let the ankles relax more. There we go. Good. Now from here, bring either your right hand down or the left hand a little bit. There we go. Now you're going to kill the fish. Got official all the way down the middle. Now slowly go out. Hold there now without the carriage moving. Lift the hips up.

Good. Now to come in. Just let your ankles and your knees bend and fold. Good. Now roll down one vertebra at a time all the way down. Now I know those hooks sometimes get in the way. Sometimes I have a reformer. Always grabbed someone. I say that dirty old man.

Now I'm coming back and that's just due to today. Now go out, hold there, keep the carriage still roll down from the upper back to the tail. Now come in and now knees are going to go forward and up, but I think you can relax those. Yes, ankles more and again, go out and then lower down without that carriage moving. Let it go. Good and I'll come in and then knees are going to go forward and up. Would you like a little stretch? Okay, bring the knees just a little more narrower right there and I'm again going to give you a little stretch here that the heels dropped down a little bit more.

Then lift your hips up a little bit more, zipper up through the abdominals, and that will get into those hip flexors to feel that it's kind of like hurts, but it kind of builds. Good. All right, scooting backwards. Now if you don't mind a roll to your side sitting up, if you don't mind, I'm gonna have you just lie quickly down onto the floor real quick. Okay. Now you're going to open the legs parallel hip width. You're going to bring your fingertips onto your thighs and we're going to go for slant board pelvis. You're going to lift your hips up into your wrist. You're gonna push down with the hands, push up through the hips, hold there, and then roll down through your spine. One vertebrae at a time. One more time.

You're going to lift up. Press now, bring the arms down by the sides. Lift the arms to shoulder height and down. Thinking of pushing into your imaginary hands. Imagining them that they're still on your thighs and lift. Now bring your hands on your thighs again. Pushing up there. Yes, and then melt down from the sternum all the way down to the tailbone. Good.

All right. Standing up. Now you're going to kneel facing this direction. Great. You're going to hook your toes over the edge there. Then I'm going to hand Julie's. Now I want you to imagine in this position you're in slant board, pelvis. Imagine you're actually, let's just do that real quick.

Bring your hands on your thighs. Push your hips into your hands. Push your hands into your hips. Now pull up through the lower abdominal. Slow more. Collarbone, a hair forward right there. Now keep that. Imagine her a wall. Push your hips into the wall as you pulled back.

Now look to the rate lock to the left look center. Lift up to the head as you release and again, pull back. Push your hips into that wall. Collarbone for just a little bit more, but keep pushing into the wall. Good look left lock rate. Look center. Exhale, release and again, pool and look, right lock, left center. Exhale, release. You have a quarter here and a quarter there. Keep those quarters and local.

Left locker, right. Look, center and release. Okay, I'll take this from you. You're going to bring your knees against the shoulder blocks and then hold there for a sec. Let's add a spring. So we are in three now. I'm going to keep these for now and just sit down. Good. And now lift up. Sit down and lift up. Great. So we see nothing is wrong with your knees, right? So grab a hold of this and now what you're going to do, just sit down. Yep, let it go. There we go. And go up.

Sit down, let everything just relax there. Stay relaxed. [inaudible] and just start to curl from your tailbone around down one. Oops. Don't do anything here. Just roll backwards. Yes, keep going, keep going, keep going. Keep going. And if you like, you can let your head go. Good. Now chin to the chest. Rolling up. Great. So we see nothing is wrong with your knees, so actually eventually you really should be able to go right there. We just have to make sure that instead of telling herself to go back, we just let the knee joint do what it naturally does and just let it bend. Okay, so come back up. Now what you're going to do to help that, you're going to look at your belly button there.

That way the shoulders are always a little bit forward of the hips. Now walk up to the thumbs. Go on the copper. Now I have you. Don't worry. I don't want you to do anything. Just think of falling back controlled in one piece. Just fall back. Good. Nice. And now use your glutes to come up.

[inaudible] and again, just fall back. Let your knees bend. Let them bend, let them then good. And come back up and on your own. Now you got it. So let the knees just bend. Keep going. Let them go. Yes. And let's back up one more time and let the knees go.

Let him Ben, let him, Ben, Lynn and Ben, if you like, you can let your head go and exhale good chin to the chest. Inhale and now lift the arms. Let your bottom go forward. Excellent, great. That's nice. And you feel stretched. Then sometimes I feel people try to control it and I always tell you, don't go so far back. Right? I would say, you know the knees, they've been bent in their whole life. If want to pick something up, you just bend over, pick it up, right? You're not going to go here. I go, Oh, I'm going to get right. So I always say sometimes you just gotta let the knees do what they naturally do or the joints do what they naturally do and when we don't think about it so much, it makes it a little bit easier. No, it's beautiful. All right, standing up. Okay, GTA. We're going to go down onto the floor.

You're going to have your legs that way. I'm going to mirror you. Well, not true mural, and it'd be a little bit opposite of you. Now you're going to have your heel, one heel on top of the other one hand down in line with your shoulder other hand down, and then try not to do what I'm doing here. I naturally do that all the time. You're actually doing quite well. You're going to inhale, lift your hips up. Then exhale. You're going to snake forward. Inhale, you're going to lift up. Exhale.

You're going to sit down. Do once again. Inhale, lift up. Exhale, snake forward. Inhale, lift up, exhale and sit down. Now bring your foot down. Then you're going to lift your hips up and bring your heels together and reach and then sit down. Got a little sticky. There you are. Okay. It's sliding a little bit. Try one more. It's easier for me cause I have my shoes on and now lower down. All right, now swing your legs to the other side. Great hand goes down.

Inhale, lift the hips up. Xcel, snake forward. Inhale up. Exhale, sit down. Once again, inhale up. Xcel, snake forward. Inhale up and exhale. Sit. Now bend your top knee. Bring that arm there. You're going to lift up and you're going to reach through and come around and you're going to sit sorry.

And now lift up and reach through and Snick and now come around and twist down. Great, and we'll do that for a snake and twist today. Okay, let's stay on two Springs and we will go for the, let's skip the corkscrew today. Let's go right into the long spine massage. They're going to lie down onto your back [inaudible] and then this is a good position for you. Then bring both knees into the chest. Then from there, I'm going to bring the straps to you. It's up. You can just relax there.

You know you're getting the white glove treatment today, so you're going to bring one foot here. Then the other foot here. Good. Now extend the legs out. Now instead of lifting from here, I'm going to do a different variation for you. Just going to fold. You're going to fold. You're going to fold. Now hold there. Keep a little tension there. Roll up on and back. Diagonal. Open the legs. Now melt down, melt, melt, melt, and again, legs together forward and go back and roll up.

Good. Open and melt down. That's very good. Now bring the legs to 90 I'm going to give you another variation. I do. Plot is. I'm quick on my feet there right now. I'm going to put you on three so you're never going to go forward of 90 cause I don't want it to go on your little back. Just fold here.

Now you're going to keep this still. You're going to roll up open now. Sternum melted Melton, massage, massage, massage together. Reverse open. Now peel off of this together. Now melt from your sternum massage. Let it melt down. Good. Two more open. I'm going to take my foot away now try not to move the carriage.

It should go up on a diagonal. Wonderful together. Melt to the back, gets a nice massage and the hamstrings. Get a nice work and one more time open and go back on your diagonal. Good together and massage. Let it go. Massage, massage, knees into the chest and relax. Great. Lift the head up for a sec. All right, I'm going to take us back to two Springs. Extend the legs out and now just a simple leg circle.

Open around together and lift and open around together and lift. One more open around together. Lift. Let's reverse it. [inaudible] and down around, up in together. One more down around, up in together. Now bend the knees and let's go for a few frauds. Reach out and bend in. Reached to bend. Bendin reached three for you. I know you can do this.

You're going to open wide and just relax here. Now hold there. This is the best cube. Stick your bat out. There we go, and you feel how it gives you little better upper abductors stretch. Great. Now don't close the legs. Just grab your straps. Close the straps to close the legs so you don't have to use those. All right, knees into the chest and I'll take this from you. Sorry for scratching you just now. Now you're going to roll to one side, sitting up. Great. I'm going to take you to one spring.

You're going to kneel facing inward. Good. Then from there you're going to bring your heel of the hands there. You're going to round the back like an angry cat. Now you're going to bring your knees under and center. Tailbone under good.

Tailbone under twice more, tailbone under once more, tailbone under. Good. Now curl the toes under. Lift your knees up a little bit more than halfway up the block. Then you can walk forward to a little more snug against the ah, sorry. With your feet.

Three little more snug against that curve more and same thing. Pool under and under and under. Two more under one more under. Okay. Kneel down now. Stand up on the floor for me please. And then I'm going to bring us to two Springs and this is going to be a small, you're going to grab a hold of here.

Do you feel like you're going to slip it all? Okay, we're going to grab there. Facing that direction. Feet against the blocks. Toes crawled under enforced arch. You're going to round your back like an angry cat. Now simultaneously lift both knees up. Now keep it small.

Push out with the heels under through the tail. Al through the heels under, through the tail. Out and under. Out and under. Two more. Out and under. Out under. Stay under, but stay lifted. You're strong. So I'm going to take you on one spring and go out and under two and under three under all the way under. Kneel down. All right, sit down. You're strong. So I'm going to take you back to two Springs. Let me lift this bar up. Hands are going to go right onto their curve.

And let's just do three more. Lift the knees up. Good. And go out and under two and under. Three under. Okay, let's do two more. That one more and under, under, under, under. She's like, I like this one now it's dying. Now it's standing up onto the floor. Great. So that was nice. Let's go for the running.

Let's go back to three Springs for you. Me, I would probably do four. But like I said, I'm a lot bigger than that. So let's go on. Let's go on the toad. Speed together. Knees together. Now zipper up. Extend out. Now run one. Up and up and up and up and up.

Uphold now. Chiquita banana. Bring your hands right here. You're going to push in and I don't want to see any Chiquita. Okay, so where's Shaquita now? Running equal pressure in both hands and one you have to do you want to do that? Boom, boom. Two and three and three. Good for you. Feel how that right one wants to go. Five, five more. Now do. Ah, I lied. Three more without that.

Yes. One more and one and one much better and come back in. All right, so you're going to bring your feet in the corners here. You're going to curl the hips up. Go a little bit higher for today. Right there. Now stretch out. Let's just do six of these today and in stretch now as you stretch, push your heels into my fingers. Yes. And three more.

Stretch. Two more. Stretch. One more. Stretch and come in and then melt down through the spine. Hold there. Cause I think you could come in more. Yes. And we're all the way down, down, down. Great. Neesan hug your legs, standing up.

And let's do a variation of the balance. Control pushups. I like to use this as a prep. So I have you on one spring instead of two. I'm also keeping you in first gear so I won't have you geared out. It'll be fine for you though. So what you're going to do is you're going to step one hand on one foot onto the foot bar, other hand onto the box, other foot onto the foot bar.

Okay, pike up toes together for today. Now I want you to push out to a straight line hold there. Now what you're going to do is you're going to push forward and Ben, N, N, N, N, [inaudible] yes, and go forward too. [inaudible] and in, in, in, in [inaudible], in once again, forward three and N, N N and hold their right leg up and go forward. And in two and in one more, three and in. Now let's switch. Now I don't want to feel any extra weight in my hand with those ribs and go for yes and him and two and in and three and in.

Good for down pike up and you can step your right foot to the floor. Good. All right. It's nice. Right now. Let's take you to two Springs and then we're going to go for a variation of side split. Let's give you this one here. So what you're going to do is you're going to, uh, okay, let's come to the side, step your left foot on yup. And then bring it a little bit. Moreover, and step the right foot onto join it.

Good. And actually since we're in this side, I'm going to bring this back a little bit. Get now what you're going to do is you're going to bring your right foot onto that pad and then bring your left heel against the left foot against the bla box. Okay, now let's just make sure those heels are even, they are arms are going to go out to the side. Then from there, um, before we go out, bring your hands on your hips for a second. Put your hands, your hips into the hands. A little nice. Keep that. Bring your collarbone a little forward. Good. Now, arms to the side and now we're just going to go out in it. You're going to go out and you're going to pull into the inner thighs out, pull in and out, pull in and out, pool in six more and out. Pool in five more out, pull in out and in three more.

And then two more out and in, out in, in, hold in. I'm going to take you to one spring. Now you're going to go out for three, two, one, hold two, three into three. Makes it more manageable and out. Cause the stance is more and into three hold. And I find especially after doing the two, you have a little more freedom here and into three hold two, three. All right. Heel to the left foot a little bit in, step on with the right hold there.

Okay. Turning around. Okay. Bring your left foot onto there and bring it just a little bit more forward. Yes. And then right foot goes there making sure it's nice and parallel. Arms to the side, press down and two tabletops and then just out in and out and in and out and in and three and in out four. Yes.

And in out five and five more out and in. Lift a little bit through the pubic bone. Yes, and out and in. Three more out and into more out and in. One more time out. All the way in. Stay in. I'm going to take us to one spring and you're going to go out two, three, hold two, three into three, hold two, three, two.

Hold two, three into three. Hold once more out. Hold two, three into three. Hold. Step the right foot in a little bit. Step that. Now I like to step backwards instead of frontwards step on the floor. I find it's easier on the knee joint. All right, so she's like, I concur. Now let's do one more for today. Okay, I'll just put that there for now. We're going to do front split two Springs, but I'm going to keep the bar down for today and then what's this variation does? It can has a little prep for a Russian split in it as well.

So you're going to step on one hand, one knee, other hand, other knee. Now what you're going to do is you're going to bring this foot against. Now bring your right foot next to your right hand. Good. Now what you're going to do is you're going to keep the heel relaxed. Take a runner's lunge. So lifting your left knee up. Good.

There we go. I'm going to have this hip more square there. Stronger through here. Push into my fingers, and then push out from your right hip. Go forward from your right knee. I'm going to make it a little smaller today. Mentally I would go straight through. So go back from the hip to there. Now go forward front through the knee. And again, go back from the hip and forward through the knee.

Now hold in. Now try not to lift your hips up. You can bring your hands on your upper body up. Bring your hands onto your thigh. Good. Now open your right knee a little bit. Good. Now go out from your right hip. Go forward through the right knee and again, back to the right hip.

Forward through the right knee. Now stay there cause you're strong. Make a Russian Kazak position with your arms, good and gold back and go forward. Now, arms up to the ceiling. Round over, hands on there. Now this leg is going to bend down. Good, and then what you're going to do is push forward through the hips. You can lift the head a little and press out with your back leg. Now push you okay and go in and again, push and go in.

One more time and push and go in. I'll stay in. Reach the arms forward, lift the arms up, and you're going to arch your back to your comfort level. She can keep going. Now let's switch sides. You can bring that right foot back. Step the left foot forward. Good. Take a runner's lunge. All strong through here.

Let's square you off a little bit there. Now push it back through your left sitz bone. Go forward through their left knee, left sitz bone back, left knee. Forward, left sits bone back, left knee forward. Now stay there and then you're going to bring your hands on your thigh just to work that balance a little bit. Sit into your left hip a little bit more as you're sitting into the left hip.

Lift the right side of your back, left side of your back a little bit. Good. And then go out and going in and too and in. Now hold their foot. Okay in the front. Make a Russian cosmic position and go out and go in. Now arms up, round over. Good.

And then this knee down. Bring your left foot just a little bit more back. So then yes, that heel can be more supported. Now push forward through here and then you're going to go out this, okay, this pressure and come back in. And again, press two and go in one more time. Press, press, press to get a little bit of a stretch there in your hip flexors and come in. Now stay in, reach the arms forward, lifting up and extend. Beautiful.

Good. And then you can round over and step to the floor. Great. And you are done for today. Thank you. JIA? Good work.


1 person likes this.
So precise, great educator. Loved this❤️
6 people like this.
Your student deserves a bottle of champagne:)
Paola Maruca
1 person likes this.
Fantastic teaching as always
Amazing class, love the technique and cues, thanks!
1 person likes this.
Love your cues! So good! Loved when you said “imagine pushing your feet up into the bar when you’re on the tower”  when we were doing short spine. I also loved your version of stomach massage with the short box. Kudos to Gia, she did a great job!
1 person likes this.
Thank you, Heidi VDB and Connie
1 person likes this.
Wow! Thank you. The most amazing reformer class I have ever done I think 🙏 I especially loved the dips against foot bar with cues to move from back and the use of the bar for rib wrapping 👏
1 person likes this.
Incredible teacher and such a beautiful mover!! I was mesmerized watching her move! All the corrections were 🙌🏻
Loved that class thank you!
Soooo nice 🙏
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