Class #416

Flow, Rhythm, and Dynamics

55 min - Class


This "super" advanced Mat class has it all! Focus on flow, rhythm, and dynamics and the most challenging of all Mat Repertoire. Please take this class responsibly and only if you are a seasoned advanced-level practitioner. Niedra does offer a breakdown of the exercises added to the Advanced class offered here on Pilates Anytime. Go to Class ID # 417 for assistance with the new exercises.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Apr 07, 2011
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Alright. So good evening everybody. Please do stand up. We're going to be doing advanced super advanced map work, so we're kind of throwing in a lot of variations. Um, I'm assuming you all know your own bodies very well. So if you do need to modify or you know, avoid and not do certain exercises, I give you the liberty of doing that because today's class is about continuing moving ahead and just flowing through it. Um, in a separate class to this class, we will have a technical breakdown of all the exercises. So if you do have questions, we will be answering those questions as we go along. So please do come to the front of your maths, hold onto your elbows, lift the powerhouse in an app so the rib cage moves away from the hips lengths and down into the legs and bring the shoulders down away from your ears as you cross your legs. If the powerhouse up in our, across the legs the other way, and then bend your knees and sit down to the mat.

Adjust if you need to see lower all the way down and cross your feet. Stretch your arms out and slowly roll down onto your backs. Lay the arms down by your sides and lengthen the legs out for hundreds. So the arms by your sides. Pull the powerhouse in and up. Lift your head and your feet off the mat and start pumping with the arms.

Breathing in for five. Exhale, three, four, five into three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five, three, four, five. Exhale, reach the arms, lungs forward. Two, three, four, five. Exhale for five. Keep the pumps above the body. Exhale, three, four, five into three. Four. Exhale. Three, four, six into three. Four. Exhale for five, six into three. Exhale, three, four, five, six, seven inch. Exhale, three, four, five, six, seven in you. Exhale, three, four, five, six, seven, eight into exhale. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight in our three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine out, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

Relax your head in your feet to the mat. Take a deep breath in, breathe out, relax, and I'll stretch the arms over your head for roll up. Long stretch to the fingers and the toes and roll up. Curl your head down towards your knees, pulling the powers in and up and roll back down. Shoulders the way from your ears, arms over your head and roll up. Lengthen through the heels.

Reach forward and broad shoulders on the way down. Arms back. Keep the arms by your ears as you roll up and sweat forward and roll back down and back. So let's pause here a minute. Check. Lift the arm just off the mat. Check that they are right close to your ears. And now do not move the arms further forward. Use a powerhouse to bring you up.

Lift your head and chest. Arms are back. [inaudible] stretch forward. Keep the arms there as you roll back. Legs Long. Keep the arms by your his arms going back very good and row up. Same Way. Really challenge your own powerhouse headway. Stretch forward and roll back. Arms over your head.

And last one. Roll Up. Stretch forward now. Broad shoulders. Now let the arms stay in front of you. As you roll down, roll down and bring the hands to the mat and adjust yourselves if you want to on the mat for roll over. So perhaps if you need to, Rebecca, definitely move forward. Be aware of there is something behind you. So shoulders away from your ears. Nice pressure of the hands into the map. Lift the legs up, lift the hips up. Take the legs all the way over to the floor. If you can press the heels away from you. Open your legs, press your legs away from you and roll. Roll.

Roll down legs down and together. Lift those hips up and press all the way to the fro. Feet flexed and press open the legs and press and lower down. The feet are wider than your mat, like together. One more time. Hips up and over. Flex and push your heels away. Open prison. That's it.

And roll down. Roll down, roll down. Bring the legs together, reversed legs open and lift your hips up, feet to the floor with the legs wide. Then bring the legs together. Put your heels and roll down. Roll down, roll down. So like leg circles, legs go up and over and bring your feet to the floor. Why push your heels away? Legs together. Heels away. Ro Ro ro. One more time. Legs Open.

Lift those hips way up. Press your feet to the floor. Heels away. Bring the legs together and now pause here. Reach back with the hands and grab your ankles and soften the knees a little bit and slowly. Roll down. Didn't get your thighs on your chest so you'll have a beautiful long stretch in compression. Take your time rolling back. Uses to decompress your spine and your hips.

Hold your right leg with both hands. When your hips come to the floor and hold and lower the left leg to the mat. Keep your head on the mattress. Give the foot a little. Stretch the leg a little stretch. Put your hands down by your side. Four leg circles. Take the leg to your left shoulder down to your ankle, up into the center. Cross down around enough. Cross down, around and up to big circle. Press down around, very stable hips down around and reverse it and out, down across it. Up, reversing the circle and our cross leg in, up across the leg and up. Last one.

Cross like an up and now hold the leg in the air. Lengthen the legs. Pull the stomach in. Check that the shoulders away from the ears and float the leg down. Long leg, long stomach, long back, all the way down. Lift your other leg up to the ceiling holder leg or the hamstring and give the legs a stretch. Make sure your shoulders are away from your ears so you just open up those hamstrings. Put your hands down by your sides with your left hip.

Long Cross to the right, down, around and up, down, around and up, down, around and up, down, around and up. Down around. Now reverse it and circle the leg enough. Swing the leg enough. Swing the leg enough. Swing the leg enough. Swing the leg in up. Hold the leg seat. Feel as though you want to touch the ceiling, but the left hip is into the mat and then slowly floating leg down, long legs, long stomach, all the way down to the mat.

Stretch the arms over your head and roll up to a sitting position for rolling like a ball. Put your hands close to your bottom. Pop your bottom forward on the mat and hold your ankles with both hands. Shoulders down. Open your knees slightly and team. Get your temples between your knees so you are very compressed, very tight. Your feet are as close to your bottom as you can get them. Keep your powerhouse strong. Roll to your shoulders and come up again.

Grow back and roll right back up and balance, balance, balance, roll back. Open the knees even and get your head right between your legs and roll backs. You say that compress like a little tiny ball. That's it. Rebecca. Roll back and come back up and balance. One more time. Roll back. Come back up in balance. Hold this position, take your left, lift your head, take your left hand to your right knee and slowly roll down one vertebra and then another vertebra and another vertebra and all the way down for single leg stretches. Elbows a wide right knee is way into your chest.

Switch your legs, switch your legs, switch. And switch and switch and switch and switch and switch. Shoulders that switch and switch both knees in double leg stretches. Tiny little ball, hips down and which arms and legs away. Kind of lonely in body circle and hug tight like a little ball and stretch up long and circling in beautiful hollow shapes and roll arms.

Long legs and in and stretch out and in. And now stretch out and sit and go further back with the arms and the legs further back. So you're six inches from the floor. Tiny, tiny ways. Circle and all the way in. Lift the legs with scissors. Lift the legs up. Hold your right leg, pull it toward you. Left like hovers above the floor. Double pulse, scissor the legs, double pose, scissor, pulse, pow, scissor, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse.

Not until high. Aron pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, partner. Flex your feet. Keep on going, but check that that hamstrings along. Pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, both legs up, hands behind your head. Lift your chest, elbows wide, lift up, float the legs down, down, down. Even come just about the floor. Lift them up. Pass lower down, shoulders away from there. Lift them up, lower down. Lift them up past now, lower down fast. Fast down. Lift up. Slow. Fast down. Lift up. Slow. Last one. Lift up.

Slow and crisscross. Left elbow to right knee, twist and right elbow. Way Back. Lifting, twists, lift and twist. Lift and twist. Lift and twist. Listen, twists. Now bring the legs, tabletop, elbows wide and twist again. Lift and twist and lift the body and try to touch your elbow with your knee. Your knee. Yes, lift and twist up. You lift and twist. Lift and twist. There you go.

Lifted, twist, lifted, twist up. You come out, you come here and up. Up, up. Now twist two more times. Everybody's waiting for you. And with that everybody roll down onto your back row. Roll. Roll down to charms over your head. Nice long stretch and roll up to a sitting position for spine.

Stretch forward. Open your legs a little bit wider than this. Smack you. You've got and have the feet extended. Nice lifted spine. Take a deep breath in, get tall and drop your head in toward your chest. And roll down. Imagine your nose touching your belly button. Roll, roll down, down, down. Hands are shoulder height and roll back up. Nice, tall, long spine, narrow hips. Lift the spine up and wrap your head in. Reach forward the arms stay shoulder width, head diags way down, way down, way down and roll back up to really stretching your spine out.

Lifting a towel and again, drop your head. Roll down, roll down, arms state, shoulder width, not wider if you can, and roll back up. Roll back up. Shoulders way down and lift and last one big lift and then roll down. Roll down. Now stay here. Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out, go deeper into the stretch team. Get your top of your head on the mat and keep the hands off the mat.

Deep, deep, deep stretch. Exhale to go even deeper and then roll back up. Roll back up, roll back up, hold the position and lift the legs up for open leg rocker. Pull that powerhouse in and up. If you want to modify your hole closer to the knees and roll back onto the shoulders. Roll back up in balance, balance, balance, and roll back and roll back up and live that powerhouse.

Very good. Roll back. So Aaron, keep the ribs closed as you come up, even though you want the waist or to close the ribs. Close the ribs and last one. Rollback and come back up. And now let go. See if you can roll back and forth without the hands roll back again and roll back up and roll back and roll back up. And one more time. Roll back. Very good. Like a little China doll and up.

Bring the legs together. Reach up, hold your toes if you can. If not, you hold your shins and two more times rolling back like this back. You go and roll up and roll back and roll up. Very good balance. And then walk down your legs one hand at a time till you lying flat in preparation for court. Screw powerhouse in and up. Check that the shoulders are away from your ears and the hands along. Take the legs away from you. 45 degrees.

Now swing the legs over your head. Lift the hips up. Go with high as you can roll down onto the right side than the left side. Roll over and lift the hips up and reverse it to the left, to the right, over and up. High and roll down to the right, to the left, over and up and to the left, to the right, over and up and again. Roll down to the right to the left. Over and up.

Hands push down and last one to them. Left to the right. Over and lift up. Lift up. Push your bottom towards your nose. Push your legs away from you. Push your bottom. Push against my hands and push against my hand. Yes. When you're about there you go. And slowly roll down. Roll down, roll down. Good work all the way down. Low the legs, all the way to the floor.

Stretch your arms over your head and roll up to a sitting position for saw. Open your legs a little wider than the mat. Flex your feet a little wider, Aaron with your feet. Yes. Arms to the side. Rebecca, maybe. Yeah, that's good air in a little bit too. Y'All have room now. Pan. Should be shoulder height for me. I want the hands palms down so a little bit higher up. Press into the backs of the knees. Pull the toes way, way, way up.

Really push into those heels so you open up the sole of the foot, that straight, nice lift of the waist. Twist to the right. Reach towards your little toe and stretch forward. One and two and three. Sit Up nice and tall and open the chest. Twist to the other side and imagine sign your little toe up, stretch and two and three. Sit up tall and lift. Twist to your first. Pull the stomach in and up, pulling back both sides of the waist.

Come back up and lift and ring the the the ribs out as you go. Two and three and sit up tall and lift and first side again. Last one, twist down and make sure both sides of the ribs are the same. Height and lift and others I twist and reach and two and three come back up and lift. Flex your feet again. Open the toes, Paul, the ball of the foot back. Bring the feet in the hands together and roll down onto your back. Roll down, roll down, roll down, and roll onto your stomach for neck stretch.

So roll over onto your stomach. Bring your hands under your shoulders by the side of your head. If your hip Sutta. If your spine is tight, open the feet about hip with the power to bring the heels together. If your back is flexible and first of all, roll up. So if you have full flexibility, come all the way up.

If it's hard of you saying your elbows, shoulders down, turn your head way over to the right. See if you can see your heels. Keep the left shoulder down. Roll the head way down. Look to the left. Look back straight. Lift your chest. Turn your head and look to the last roll down. Look to the right. Come back to the center and roll down onto the mat.

Bend your elbows to roll down. And one more time. Lift up. Broadening the shoulders, lengthening the spine up. Shoulders are down. Take your right ear to your right shoulder, right ear to the to bend sideways. Now roll down left ear to left shoulder. Then lift your head up so you're looking straight ahead and reverse it.

Left ear to left shoulder. Roll down right at the right shoulder. Look Straight, lift up a little bit more. Shoulders down, long spine and lower all the way down, all the way down, all the way down. Adjust your hands in whatever way you want to force one dive. So pull the powerhouse in enough and lift all the way up so you come up. Now make sure your knees are straight too.

From your heels to the back of your shoulders. You want muscular connection. Ready? Here we go. Four forward, arms go forward. Legs and arms, legs and arms, legs and arms, legs and arms and legs and arms and lower back and down. Very nice. Sit back into your heels. Stretch your back out. Pull the powerhouse up as you go back. Take a deep breath in here and fill out your back body. Fill out, breathe into your sacrum and then breathe out. Relax the bones.

One more time. Deep breath all through the spine to open it up and breathe out. And then come back onto your stomach for leg kicks. So lift up onto your elbows, Eh, if you want to, you can bring the knuckles together, which can help. That's it. It's a slightly different position. But don't let the elbows be too wide. A little bit wider than your own rib cage.

Now push the knuckles together and use it to lift your chest up. Shoulders are down, feet together, knees together. Unless your back is very tight. Make sure the stomach is long. Bend your right foot. Point, flex and down and point. Flex and down and point.

Flex and down and point flex you alternate every time and down and point. Flex and down and point. Flex and down and point flex and I'm gonna stay here and now without the point flex just point point. We'll go fast. Double kick switch, double kick and double kick. Double Kit. Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, lower down. Turn your nose to the right. Four double leg kicks, both hands behind your waist, preferably one hand holds the other hand, not clasping your hands together and see if you can glide your hands higher up your back. So if you have the flexibility, your hands should be between your shoulder blades, with your elbows pressing down. Also check to see if you can match you to get your left ear all the way on the mat. So it's a nice stretch into your shoulders.

Now narrow the hips and here we go. Bend your knees, keep two, three and pull and lift the chest up. Other side kick two, three and Paul. And if the chest first side, two three Paul and lift the chest. Other side kick two three, press like calves down, lift up higher, end kick to three and live even more, even more, even more. And last one, kick to three and push up as high as you can.

Lower down, hands under your shoulders. Pull the powerhouse in and up and sit back again to stretch your body. Way Out. Deep breath in and breathe out and roll onto your backs for neck. Paul. So lying out, hands behind your head feed will be hip with the part and flexed.

So elbows are wide. If you can, you keep your elbows this wide the whole time. So feet Rebecca feet hip width apart and really flex your feet to push into the heels yet yes and lift your head and chest and roll up and pull your head right down to your new shoe. You dive into your legs. Sit Up nice and tall, lengthen the waist, elbows wide behind your ears. Lift and lengthen the neck. Lean back, lean back, lean back, reluctantly roll down and again your head and chest and gather into the powerhouse head. Goes right down to the knees. Sit Up nice and tall, elbows wide and lean back. Lean back, lean back and then reluctantly articulate the spine. Very good. And again, roll up, head dives into the knees. Sit Up nice and tall. Elbows very wide and lean back.

Long spine long and then reluctantly roll back down. Very, very good. Bring your hands by your side for bridge. Bend your feet up on the mat. You can have them hip with the part. If you really want to challenge yourself, bring your feet together so the knees and feet are together and tilt your tail. Roll your hips all the way up in the air and then roll down articulating through the spine just to warm up the back and roll up.

Make sure the shoulders away from the ears and the neck is nice and long and roll down. And one more time. Roll up and lengthen through the knees. So from your armpits to the knees, you have a beautiful long line. Now Bend your right knee in towards your chest. Lift the leg straight up to the ceiling and then flex that foot and lowered as far down.

See if you can touch the heel to the floor and point the foot up and flex it down and pointed up and flex it down and point it up and flex it down. Hips stay high and pointed up. Bend the foot, put it on the Mat. Lift your hips again, narrow the hips and bend your other knee into your chest. Lift the leg to the ceiling. Keep those hips that high. As you flex your foot, reach it away from you. Touch the heel and lift, flex and keep those hips high as I goes down and up and down and up and down and up, and bend the foot back to the mat. Lift your hips one more time. How the midline of your inner thighs and slowly articulate down.

Sternum drops. Chest drops, stomach drops all the way down, all the way down, all the way down. Okay. Scissors in the air. So lift your hips up and support your pelvis with your hands so the fingers can point up or they can point a little bit out. Take your right foot forward and your left foot back. The back leg is important. One double poles switch, double pulse switch, double poles. Pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse.

Bring your legs up, lift up the hips a little bit higher. You can, if you're having trouble, you can even bring the risks in and have the hands moving out. Now Bicycle, take the right leg way out and see if you can take it all the way to the floor and bicycle. The other like all the way out and down and way, way, way out in, down and way out. And Bicycle and bicycle. Now reverse it. So the back leg is the important one. Stretching back to the floor. Enough and back to the floor and up and back to the floor and up and back to the [inaudible]. Let the pelvis go a bit and back and back.

Lift the legs all the way up to the ceiling and slowly roll down. Roll down, roll down to the mat and lower the feet down to the floor. Stretch your arms over your head. Long stretch of the arms, long stretches and legs and roll up to a sitting position for spine twists. So take your arms to the side, have your legs long now. Make sure your ankle bones are tightly together.

Lift up in the waist and twist all the way around to the right. The right hand goes way back. Look at that hand behind you and double palsy, a pulse pulse back to the center. Other side, puff [inaudible] and lift. Pulse, pulse. Keep the ankles from moving. Pulse, pulse and up. Pug Pulse. Use that wave pile and lift. Pulse, puff and center. Pulse, pulse and center.

Bring the hands in front of you and roll back down on your back. Roll Roll. Roll to the Mat and let's say four side kicks. Let's have everybody facing the front and we'll be on the right side so it'll be supporting your head with your right hand. Lay yourself out in the back part of the mat and then lift the legs up and bring them to the front part of the map.

And as we're doing super advanced to super challenge yourself, bring the left hand up and see you can keep that left elbow saying straight to the ceiling with starting with forward back kicks. Lift like hip height, swing to the front, pulse, pulse and back. Back and forward. Forward and back, back. Keep the trunk nice and quiet and forward and back. Back and forward. Forward and back. Back. Forward, forward, back, back. And now bicycle forward. Bend it in and stretch it way, way, way out. Long side.

Swing it to your nose, bend it in, press the side back and extend. Extend, extend and swing it forward and Bend and press back, back, back, back. Bring the legs together. Gather into your center from up your core and swing to the backs. Reach like way back. Bend it in, bring it through and extend leg out and back and bend it in and bring it through and stretch it out and swing it back and bend it in and bring it through and out and bring the legs together. Side kicks to the ceiling. Turn the leg out a little bit, swing it high up, flex it down, swing it up and hips are tight, sweated up and down and up and down and up and down. And passe. Developing is bend the knee.

Bring the knee up towards your shoulder, stretch the leg and flex it down. And again, bring that knee up. Extend and flex it down. One more time. Bring it in, extend and flex it down. Reversible. Lift the leg up, bend it in, Cla high on your groin, and slide it down. Your leg lifted up. Bend it high.

Do your groin and slide it down. One more time. Lift it up, bend it in, and slide it all the way down. And little circles here. Circle one, two, three, four, five. Reverse back, two, three, four, five and two big circles. Forward, up and long behind. Forwarded up and long behind and back and up and forward. Back and up and forward.

Hold your center and bring the hand in front of you on the Mat. Lift both legs off the mat and big scissors sideways. Big Forward Switzer those legs. Nice sense. Bring the legs together. Lower the legs down onto your stomach for little beats, so forehead on your fingertips.

See if you can have your spine nice and long. The heels are together. The stomach is in. Lift the feet off the mat and beat the lake. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Lift the legs a little high, six, seven, lift as high as you can. Pay Five, six, seven, and eight. Lower down. Put your hands under your shoulders and sit back towards your heels. Nice long stretch. Pull the stomach in. Fill up the back ribs as you take a deep breath in.

Feel the floating ribs area. Really fill up with air all the way down to the sacrum. As you breathe out, let the bones become soft. As you breathe in, fill up the lumbar spine. As you breathe out that the groins and the hips and the pelvis. Relax. Very good. Now go onto the other side so you'll have your left arm.

Yes, you're going to switch directions. Stance, lining yourself up in the back part of the mat. You want? Yes, Andy that at hips, at the back part of the mat. Lift your legs up. Bring them to the front of the Mat, lower them down, and then lift your leg up. Hip Height. Pull the powerhouse up and swing to the front. Pulse. Pulse, back, back, pulse, pulse, back, back, pulse, pulse, back, back, pulse, pulse, back, back, pulse, pulse, back, back in. Pulse pots out so much better. Rebecca bicycle. Swing to the front. Bend it in. Press it back. Extended like out. Swing it forward. Bend it in, stretch it back, extend it out, swing it forward, bend it in, press it through and stretch. Bring the legs together, reverse it.

Swing way back. Bend it in. Bring it through. Extended out slightly tension. Yes. Swing it back. Benetton. Press it through. Extend from the hip. Last one, swayed back. Bend it in. Press it through. Extended way out, and bring the leg together. Very good. Turn the leg slightly out. Narrow the hips. Length the waist and side kicks to the ceiling. Lift the leg way up. Flex it down, lift it up.

Very good and down. Lift it up and on. I love the way nobody's swinging the elbows at o and lift and no devil pays. Bend the right knee. Bring the knee to your shoulder. Lift the leg up and press the leg down. Bend it in. Bring the knee to the shoulder, extended up and down.

Bend it in. Bring it through. There it is lifted up and down. Reverse it. Swing the leg up, bend it in deeply and glide that foot down. Your inner thigh lifted up and bend in. Glide the leg out, both heels a long last one, lift it up and bend and glided all the way out. Very good little circles and one and two and three and four. Reverse it. One and two and three and four and five.

Big circles. Bring the leg forward, up and back. Forward, up and back. Forward up. We have two different directions than back. It doesn't matter. Just reverse your circles and reverse them one and lift the legs or whichever direction you are doing. You do the opposite. And one more time. Circle and finish. Very good. Now take your top hand. Place it on the map in front of your chest. Lift both legs up in the air, but check that the shoulders are down and big circles forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, forward, back.

Bring the legs together, lower them down, and roll onto your backs for a teaser. So let's, okay everybody, I'll face each other again. That's good. Lying out. Stretch your arms over your head. So just take a moment and stretch. Let the back arch. Let the shoulders come up by your ears. Stretch your fingers. Point your feet, stretch your toes and now just still with your arms behind you start to gather into the powerhouse of the ribs. Go towards the floor. The length, the stomach becomes long. The hips are narrow.

And for simple advanced teaser, come up and see if you can tuck your toes with your hands to roll up the full teaser. Touch your toes or reach towards your toes. Take the arms away back. Lengthen out of the powerhouse and roll back. Roll back. Roll back to the fingers and toes. Just touch and come up again. Come up and up and open. Long and roll down. Roll down. Roll down and come up and reach towards the toes.

Now hold it. Take your hands to the right and your feet to the left. Come to the center. Reverse feet to the right, hands to the left and back. Now first one. Now take the arms up in the feet down. Switch them around, bring them up and together and reverse feet to the right circle around and up. Take the arms back and roll down. Roll down, roll down. One more time. Roll up and reach towards the toes and see if you can draw a figure eight feet to one part of the circle and the arms to one another.

Lift that center, reach back. This is tricky. And roll down. Roll down. Roll down. Now. One last time. Roll up to your teaser. Reach the arms back and take the arms behind you for hip circles. So you can have the hands either straight, you can be on your elbows.

Lift the legs as high up towards your faces. You can circle the legs right down, left and up and reverse. Left down right and up and right down. Left and up and left down right and up. One more time. Right yet better for you like that. And lift them up and other side and up and bend the feet down for Cancun.

Very close to your bottom part and on the floor with the toes touching the floor. Drop the knees to your left and up to the right, to the left. Stay on your left hip and kick the leg. So you flip the skirt and right and left and right up, down and left and right and left up, down and other side. And two and three. That's it, Rebecca. And up and last one, twist and twist and twist and up. While you wouldn't pass the audition from [inaudible] dancers, I have to say, okay. And then roll back down on your backs.

So rolling down on your back. Roll onto your stomach for swimming. So stretch your arms out in front of you. Lengthen the legs away from you and lift your arms, your head and your feet off the mat. And big movements swimming fast and long. Kick, kick, kick, kick, kicking. Make sure you're looking forward not down. See if you can touch the ceiling with your arms. Big Movement, big movement and relaxed down. Very good. Hands under your shoulders. Again, powerhouse in and an opposite back towards your heels. Fill up the back body.

Stretch the lower back out and come back onto your stomach for balance controls the first lie out on your stomach. Place your hands under your shoulders. Have you feet hip with the part and flex your feet. Pull the powerhouse in and up and see if you can pull all the way up into plank pose. Suppress all the way up. Now get your feet together and press your heels away from you. And lift your right leg up and roll forward on the left.

Play and back. Put the foot down. Lift the left leg roll forward and back flexor foot Dow. Switch legs. Roll forward and back. Other leg forward and back. One more time. First leg forward and back.

Other leg forward and back. Now take your right leg and hand and place it in front of the center of your chest and then flip yourselves around so you move. Yes, come around for back for um, balance control back. So swing your right leg out to the feeling. Flex it down. Switch your legs, left leg. Flex it down, right. Like flex it down. Left leg. Flex it down, right like she likes. Sit down, left leg, flex it down, lower the hips. Bend forward, grab your ankles, pull the stomach in and just stretch down here. Take, make sure the muscles are relaxed, the head is relaxed, the breathing is soft, and then roll up to us upright position and kneeling.

Four kneeling sidekicks. So let's have you facing the camera. Yay. So up on your knees, take your arms straight to the side, make sure the toes are going straight back in this position. Lift your stomach up and lift your waist up. So there is a tendency for the hip flexors to become short.

So you want to feel these two bones and lifting up as much as you can. Then lean out on your right hand and take your left leg straight out on the floor. Place your left hand behind your head. Have the foot down just to begin with. So make sure they stay straight. And as much as you can, take the right hip forward. So you open up this part.

The elbow should be pointing to the ceiling and just lift that leg. Lift the left leg lower down, lift it up, lower down, lift it up, lower down, lifted up so it's hip height and forward and back. Swing forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back. Very nice. Aron back, back. Bring the leg back to the side and little circles here. Circle one, two, three, four, five. Reverse it. One, two, three, four, five. Bend the foot back. Come back to a kneeling position and switch over to the other side.

Extend the right leg out, hand behind your head. Lengthen those hips. Open them up. Lengthen the power has left the like up and down. Very good. Keep the left hip pressing forward and down and lift. Very nice and down. Or lift the leg up and swing to the front. Forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back. Bring the leg back to the side and little circles here. One, two, three. Reverse it. One, two, three. Very good. Bring the, come back to a kneeling position.

Arms are up and take both hips to the right for a mermaid. Now you can either be sitting with the knees apart. If your back legs are tight or your hips are tight, they can be further apart. Most advanced version, the knees are stacked, so one he is right on top of the other. The ankles are right on top of the other. You're really on your right hip.

So that's your tightest position. It's very compact. See how much you can be right on top. So there's a huge stretch on the right side and quite a compression on the left. Take this on way up to the ceiling. Other other harms. Now pull up with it. Try and get the shoulder almost to your ear so you open up the side ribs, lift up in the waist and start bending. Way over keeping the arm straight.

Try to press it into your ear, Aaron, that is excellent. And then swing back up and place a hand quite close to you. Not Too far away. Uses hand to push the hip away from you and stretch this arm straight. First Time it's straight. Now powerhouse lifts you. Same thing. Lift, wrap the hand round your head and then stretches far over as you can go and come back up. Reach a little bit further out and bend the elbow, wrap the hand round your head.

Now make sure the hips are and the powerhouse helps you lift. And one more time. Lift, wrap the hand round your head, stretch over, curl your chest down towards the lake. See how small a little shape you can make. Open back out again and stretch way out to the side. Stretch this arm out and then reach out.

And if you can you slide all the way out. Yes. Now see if you can use that. Power has to come up and stretch the legs. Swing them around and bring yourselves to a very tight compressed position. So again, as tight as you can be, if possible, one knee on top of the other, one angle on top of the other, lifting arm up, so tiny little shape, big lift up and stretch over with the arms straight and then come back up. Lift and put their hand quite close to the body, strips the other arm way, way, way out. And then come back up again. Lift the left arm up, lift and stretch, wrap it around your head and go a little bit deeper.

Big opening in the armpit and come back up. Very good, Rebecca, lift and stretch out. You can bend the elbow to go a little bit deeper as you wrap the hand, round your head and then come back up. One more time. Big Lift of the left arm, stretch way over, and then curl your head and chest. Way down. Tiny, tiny, tiny little shape. Open back up. Stretch the arm out to the side and then come back up and go to the other side. Reaching way, way, way out. That's it. Slide way out. And then use your powerhouse to bring you way back up.

Very good. Now stretch the legs out to the side and swing them around for snake twist. So in this position, your top leg is going to be in front of the bottom leg. This hand is quite close to your hips, a more modified version. Start from here, but let's see if you can go places. Hand here, turn the hand out.

Use your powerhouse to lift up and stretch the arm over and lower the hip down almost to the floor. Lift up again and lower down. Very good. And lift up again and go for the twist. So you bring your arm up curly. Armando see your shoulders and chest will roll down. Roll back, lift the arm to the ceiling.

Keep the shoulders down your back and see if you can open backwards. That's a come back to the center. Lower the hip down. Swing the legs around the other side so the hand is by your side one. The top leg is in front of the bottom leg and the hand is quite close to your hips. Now you want to pull the ribs in and lift up, shoulder down your back, stretch the arm out, and then lower the hips. Keep the shoulders gliding down. Your back will lift.

Good and lower back down and lift. Way Up. Come to a plank on sideways plank. Curl the arm under so you roll underneath the hips. Stay low though, and roll back. And then roll way back. Try to open your chest to the ceiling.

Very good. Come back to the center. Lower the hips down. Very good. And then roll over to, you're all facing this way for boomerang. So fingertips are be beside your thighs, round into your powerhouse. Lift the legs up and go by rock all the way back. Open and close your legs. Roll up and reach towards your toes. Bring the hands behind you, clasp your hands and lower the legs as you stretch those arms. Way, way, way up. Circle them around all the way over.

Grab your feet and then roll up and back again and roll up. Open and close the legs. Roll up and balance light as a feather. Bring the hands behind your, clasp your hands and stretch those shoulders float forward. Circle all the way around. Seem to pull your head all the way down. Big stretch and again, roll back, open and close.

Roll up and reach towards the feet. Bring the hands behind you. Stretch the shoulders, big circle all the way down. Grab your feet and come back up. And one more time. Roll back, opening close. Roll up, reach towards the toes. Bring the hands behind you. Big Stretch, lower the feet, circle the arms around and big stretch forward and then roll up and then roll down onto your back. Four big, big bridge. High Bridge. So then you feet up on the mat you want.

If your back is very safe, you will want the feet wider than the hips. Or you can have them shoulder with the part. Lift your bottom up in the air and place your hands under your shoulders. See if you can lift your hips right up to the ceiling so you push way, way, way up. Open the chest, open the stomach, and then roll back down. Good bridges here. Very nice. And one more time. As you lift up, you want a bit of a wave where the hips go towards the feet and then stretch up.

See if we can straighten the elbows and press the chest forward. Head is down and then roll down. That's it Aaron. Whoa, great. There it is. Head back and then come down. Very good. Bring your knees into your chest for a minute. Stretch them out. Stretch the legs out on the floor and roll onto your stomach for rocking.

So bend your feet towards your bottom here and grab your ankles. So your forehead right now will be on the mat so you'd stick. So just take a moment to stretch your feet in towards your bottom. Again, if your back is tight, you can let the knees go a little bit wider and in this position, lengthen your tail down very slightly. Now check that the shoulder blades are starting to roll backwards and lift your knees up and pull back and up with your feet.

Lifting up as high as you can. Your balancing desk below your navel. Come back down and again, lift up, relax the stomach and the lower back to go a little bit higher and come back down. Pull your feet deeply to your bottom. And now we'll go into the full rocking three rocks. So lift up as high as you can and rock forward and back and forward and back and forward and back and lower back down. Stretch your legs out. Put your hands under your shoulders and again, sit back towards your heels.

Nice long stretch. Pull the stomach in. Take a deep breath in and breathe out and breathing and breathe out. And now come to a sitting position. Just lift up your chest, open your knees a little bit, Cross your feet and rock backwards. So you're ready for cram. So hold your big toe and come up on the knees. Put your head on the map and open up your stretch your neck. Roll back towards your shoulders.

Open and close the feet and roll back up and stretch your neck and roll back. Open and close and up and stretch and roll back. Open and close and up and stretch. And one more time. Roll back, open and close. Come up and stretch and then come back to a sitting position.

Stretch your legs out and roll down onto your backs for a balanced control. So move down a little bit on the mat so your head is fully on the mat. Lift your legs up to the ceiling and then lift your hips up and take your feet all the way to the floor behind you. And sweep the arms sideways. See if you can reach your feet or your ankles. Now lift the powerhouse up until you can get your hips over your shoulders.

Take your right leg up to the ceiling. Keeping the hips forward and lifted. And then switch your legs one and switch. Keep the powerhouse. Lifting those hips up and switch and switch and switch. Very nice. One more time. Switch and switch. Now keep the leg in the air. Lift the other leg up to the air to meet it and slowly roll down.

Keep the hand stretching in the opposite direction. Roll down, roll down, roll down, roll down. Lower the feet all the way to the mat and roll up to a sitting position. And Bend your feet in for seal. So reach underneath and grab the feet. So you're holding your ankles. See if can lift your feet up. So the almost the height of your own knees.

Pull the powerhouse in and up. Clap your feet three times. Clap two, three, rolled back your shoulders. One, two, three up. One, two, three. Back. One, two, three. Last one, one, two, three. Go back and prepare to stand up and come standing up. Good. Now have a look at your feet and if you can twist yourself around towards your back foot to whichever word was behind, and then lengthen up through the hands and take your left leg off the floor behind you.

So you lift the left leg up behind you and slowly lift the leg and lower down towards the floor. Keep the leg lifted and walk out to a plank position with your left leg high and three pushups. Bend and up. Bend and up. Bend and up. Walk the hands back, lift the leg up, lift the leg up, lift the leg up. And now keep the leg high. As you reach forward and come back up, the leg will come down as your arms come up and stand on both feet. Lift the right leg up and as you bend forward, lift that right, like up, up, up and down with the hands. Walk Straight forward.

Very good. Three pushups and one and two and three and lift the leg up as you walk back and then reach forward with the arms. Keep the leg high as long as you can, and then come all the way up. Come to a standing position. And one more time. Time roll down like wall. Just unravel the spine. Relax your head, relax your shoulders. Roll down until your hands are hovering above the floor. Three circles here.

Circle one. Circle to circle three. Reverse your circles. Circle one and two and three. Check that your neck is long, your shoulders are relaxed, your back is open. And then slowly roll up. Roll up, roll up in it, the arms open to the side. And just take a moment to stand here. So you should be in a Pilati stance.

There is a nice lift in the body. The hips are narrow. This energy down into the feet. The chest is open, the head floats above the chest, above the shoulders. Take a deep breath in and breathing out. Let it all go. So thank you very much. You all did super advanced. That was great.


1 person likes this.
I signed up a couple of weeks ago because I thought this website looked like a great idea, and it is! And this class was AWESOME. I loved the challenge and the transitions were were so good, simple things like the move from rolling like a ball into single leg stretch were brilliant. Four stars.
1 person likes this.
Wonderful class! All the classics, great flow, good energy.
Marlisa E
1 person likes this.
Great class, flowing and dynamic!
Niedra Gabriel
so glad you enjoyed the class. I am thrilled.
Let me know if there is anything you are interested in seeing - I will be teaching a regular Monday night class for Pilates anytime, so would love to know if there is anything specific that someone wants to be covered.
2 people like this.
I love this class! Great instruction, flow, and energy. I will do it again and again!
1 person likes this.
Excellent Niedra! Since you are asking for requests, I would love some more intermediate classes as well, and theraband variations if possible!
1 person likes this.
loved her energy classical order my mat class is very similar
Marlisa E
1 person likes this.
Great workout, but it stuck at frustrating. I'm on the low setting and it wasn't a problem with the internet connection.
1 person likes this.
LOOOOved it! Teaser variations are my archnemesis...ggrrrrr.
1 person likes this.
that was exactly what I needed this morning! Thanks!
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