Class #4274


45 min - Class


R is for Renew in Courtney Miller's Pilates with HEART. This delicious class is designed to challenge your body, uplift your spirit, and calm your mind. She fuses the Pilates principles of form and precision with Yoga flows on the Reformer to get your energy moving from the inside out. You'll finish feeling more open in both body and mind in combination with the satisfaction of a killer workout.

Add some groove to your workout with Courtney's Spotify playlist for Renew.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Dec 02, 2020
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Welcome back guys. I am so excited to teach for you, one of my favorite class formats that we offer at Pilates Republic, it's called Renew. And although by the name, you might think that it's a really mellow class. It's actually one of our most challenging classes that we offer. There's a lot of one-sided movements and a lot of standing on the machine.

Let's get started. I have one blue spring on, I think that's a good place to begin. We're gonna straddle facing back, open up those knees wide, roll the shoulders down and back, take one hand to opposite shoulder block, the other one comes up and back and wherever it lands, it lands. I want you to kind of lean forward and give yourself an assisted twist, drop those shoulders, take a deep breath in (inhaling), and exhale, maybe deep in. What I love about this twist is the carriage is keeping my pelvis stable.

Seated Spinal Twist

So, I'm really isolating that movement in my spine. I'm using the machine to deepen the twist, kind of leaning forward a little bit, so that my spine stays vertical, really working hard to relax my neck and my shoulders. Let's do a lateral flection, one hand on the thigh up and over you go. You can use your thigh to give you a little up, movement in the chest, and other side. As you bend to the side, you're trying to get that opposite hip to stay down.

Lateral Flexion

Remember, the reformer gives us all kinds of feedback about how our body's moving, so let's really use it. Holding onto the shoulder blocks, lift your hips off the mat and look up. And you're gonna kind of lock your spine in this position as you push the carriage forward. And eventually you get to a place where you can't push anymore. Maybe the chest will touch down onto the mat, big shoulder stretch here.

Spinal Articulation Pushing Carriage

On an exhale round your back and return to vertical. Let's do two more times. I like to inhale a push (inhaling). So, think of this as your cat-cow, and exhale to scoop one more. Gaze up, open the chest, lock out that extension, leaning forward from the hips and exhale, rounding the spine.

We're are gonna reverse the direction but before we do take a seat, hands go back legs swing up, take the arms up and turn your palms up, squeeze the shoulders together and reach. So, we're just working some retraction, protraction of those shoulder blades. If you want to do this exercise with your legs fully extended, go for it. Three, thinking about closing the space between my chest and my thighs, two. And I'm right back into that hover, this time we're gonna reverse the order.

Scapular Protraction and Retraction

So, I round my back, lock out my arms and use my abdominals to push. When I feel like I can't go any more in my round back, that's my cue to extend and return the carriage in, through extension, exhale to push (exhaling), inhale to lift (inhaling), and drop the chin, exhale, glide those ribs towards your hips, inhale to lift. Let's do one more chin to chest, (inhaling) trying to completely empty all that old stale air out, making room for new. Hands go back, legs come up, arms come forward, retract, protract. If you want to play a little bit, try reaching your arms up higher.

Spinal Articulation Pushing Carriage

Again, opportunity to extend those legs, five, (exhaling) four, three, two, and one. Awesome. We're gonna go right into a four point kneeling position. Walk the feet back so they're underneath, knees underneath the hips and feet hang right off the back of the machine. You're gonna take your left hand to the side of the head rest.

Scapular Protraction and Retraction

I prefer that, because it keeps my wrist straight versus being here. But you play with what works for you. You're gonna grab a hold of your right rope, the higher you hold, the heavier it's gonna be. And I like kind of feeling the sensation of width through my hips and knees, on an exhale we pull up and there's a pause while you're here. Inhale, resist to come down.

Single Arm Pulling Straps Variation

Do it again, exhale (exhaling), and inhale. Now, I'm imagining a fire burning underneath my belly. So, I'm pulling those abdominal muscles up and in. I'm closing the ribs, narrowing the circumference of my rib cage with those good exhales. My stabilizing arms are little soft, just enough to get me out of my neck.

And the next time I'm gonna pull that arm back, I'm gonna hold it back. Bend your elbow, keep it tucked right into your side and send the opposite leg long. Now, this is just an option. You might choose not to do it. Tricep kickbacks.

Tricep Press w/ Opposite Leg Extension

If you do have that leg long and lifted, pick it up. Because the more you activate through your glute, on the side of that leg, that's up, right? The more stable you're gonna feel. So, you should be quite a bit above that foot bar, three, two, (exhaling) and one. And then take it down.

From here, we're gonna go back to our straddle position, kind of playing with this hip mobility position a lot today. Find those hips up, push chest forward. And I want you to hold this position, as we do an windmill press. Let me show you what I mean by that. One arms out, I push, alternate, push, alternate, inhale (inhaling), inhale.

Single Arm Pushing Carriage in Straddle

So, there's a moment where both hands are on, I find my stability, five (inhaling), four (inhaling), three, two, and one, build it back up, and come right back onto your knees, nice. Opposite hand is now your supporting arm, and you're gonna grab a hold that rope, remember, where you hold changes how heavy it's gonna feel. So, nice wide knees, hips are wide, belly is in and up, first set, pulling. Somewhere around 8 to 10 repetitions is a good place to be here. Inhale down, exhale up (exhaling).

Single Arm Pulling Straps Variation

Every time my arm sweeps back, it's like I'm pushing the crown of my head forward, and I'm pulling my navel up, so finding this connection between my arm movement and my abdominals. Two to go, (exhaling) and one. I find the setup is easiest if you bend your elbow, keep tension in that rope and then find your balance position. You are lifted in that leg, as you go into your triceps. Now, you really have no choice as far as sequencing goes.

Tricep Press w/ Opposite Leg Extension

You are connecting your abs first and then pushing with your arm second. Because if you forget about your abs and you try to power through with your arm, you're gonna be pretty wobbly. Three (inhaling), and two (exhaling), and one (exhaling), and take it down and hook up that strap. Coming back to our straddle, you know it, you love it. We've been here before, except this time we're gonna hold the loops.

Bicep Curls in Straddle

We're not pushing the machine, we're pulling the machine. Choose to use your small loops or your long loops if you have the option. The short loops will be a little bit heavier. Find that hover, walk back a bit if you want to intensify, and sit deep and low, bicep curls in and out. I'm thinking alignment here, shoulders right over my hips.

Neck long (exhaling), thigh bones parallel to the floor and knees opening over my baby toes. Five (exhaling), four, fully extending the arms each time, three (exhaling), two, and one. Now, don't sit down until you know that that mat is definitely underneath you and then swing your legs up. You'll need a little bit of space behind you, so don't sit right at the very edge, rock back into a scoop or a modified teaser position. From here, we're gonna practice the first part, arms up (exhaling), and arms down.

Lateral Arms

Let's do that again, arms up (exhaling), and arms down. And I like to test the water by lifting one leg, and lifting the other, and then if I feel solid, the legs can float up and we can go (exhaling), bilateral arms. Three (exhaling), two, (exhaling) and one (exhaling). Leave your arms straight this next exercise, is kind of like a V-up, you're gonna send your legs long and low and start to lower your chest down, exhale, pull the knees back in, inhale lower, exhale lift, if that foot bars in your way, lift your arms up a little bit higher. (exhaling) Three to go.

V Up

Three, lots of core, lots of arms, two (exhaling), one, and back to your straddle position. We're working hard, like I said, you're gonna find an X in front of you and hold onto your loops. Come right back up to your straddle position. You might think of this as like a goddess stance or horse pose, nice and low. We're gonna play with flow here.

Rowing Combo in Straddle

One, bilateral row, and then one, unilateral or one-sided, and then the other. So, we pull and we add that twist, we pull just with one arm (exhaling), you're trying to stay low. And you're trying to keep the twist in your spine versus your hips. One more round (exhaling), and take it all the way down. Good, go ahead and uncross that X and hook up your straps.

Side Kneeling Obliques

We're gonna come to a kneeling position, facing sides. I'm gonna turn a right around. I'm facing you. I'm gonna grab the strap that's closer to me, and I'm gonna start to make my way away from those shoulder blocks, so that my knee is right at the edge of the carriage. I'm then gonna extend my other leg long onto the headrest.

Now, proportion-wise this may or may not work for you, so you could always just be kneeling. I'm sort of in this lateral lunge position, I'm gonna use the long loop and I'm gonna go right overhead, hug the moon and interlace my hands, boom! Inhale, allow the strap to pull me towards the shoulder blocks, exhale to vertical, yeah. Try to keep those hips square, inhale, laterally flex, exhale lift. I'm really working hard to keep my biceps by my ears and not allow my arms to come forward. (exhaling) Not to mention, I'm really working hard in my obliques to return to vertical each time, last three (exhaling), two (exhaling), and last one (exhaling).

Open those arms and bring the knees behind you. From here, I'm walking my knees back so my shins are not on the mat but my knees are. I'm gonna hold the strap with my outside hand and I'm gonna come into my thread-the-needle position, so the strap is right over that shoulder block. I'm twisted as I untwist, that's your exhale. I want the strap to come right in line with my chest and inhale, come back and through.

Thread the Needle

You could always use the shorter loop if you're wanting a little bit more intensity. I'm trying to keep my hips square, down towards the floor. Yeah, it's a lot of upper body so far, but it's also some good spinal mobility, right? Lots of rotation so far and also that lateral flection, so good for you. Three (exhaling), two (exhaling), and one (exhaling).

And all I'm gonna do is switch, so I now have the strap in my inside hand, I'm gonna bring my hands around the front of the carriage, swing my feet back, and here you have a couple of options. Option one is to take the balance, really similar to what we did facing back, goalpost arms, forward presses, inhale bend. And I like option one and I do it a lot, but I also like option two and that's a wider stance. I take my legs to the outside of the shoulder blocks and I squeeze my inner thighs in towards the shoulder blocks, helping to fire up my deep abdominals. The two options feel really different.

Single Arm Forward Press

I think you should play with them. And maybe one day when you do this class, choose one. The next time you come back to it, choose the other. Three (exhaling), two (exhaling), hand goes down. Now, if your knees are wide like mine, bring them in and we gonna keep the hands down.

Toe Tap Side

I wanna send the opposite leg back. Some of you were already here. Inhale swing the leg out to the outer frame, touch the floor and exhale swing it back, down and up. And I am trying to keep my shoulders pretty stable here. Inhale swing, exhale up.

Five, around 10 is a good place to be. Four (exhaling), three. On the next one let's leave our leg up, pull your knee through the shoulder blocks, push down to really scoop your belly in and up and inhale lengthen away. Now, we're not just doing these exercises as a pelvic stability sequence, which we often do, right? Four point kneeling, but I want you to think about this as a preparatory movement for your pikes, which we will do in a very dynamic setting.

Knee to Chest

So, here you're drawing that knee and drawing the ribs up, pushing down one more (exhaling). And the next time you bring that leg forward, step it down. So, it's just the outside of your left hand. I like to kind of work my way up into this balance position. Pushing forward, that's an exhale and coming in.

Single Arm Press

I like to flip my palm down when I push forward, keeping your hand on your thigh is a great place to be but if you're looking to really add that spinal mobility, which we do a lot of in this class, you can go right into your windmill. You're going for length here as you twist (exhaling), and back and through (exhaling). And this really challenges our balance, right? As the gaze moves and shifts, we have to find that connection. Three (exhaling), two (exhaling) and one (exhaling).

Single Arm Press w/ Rotation

And take your hand down so you've got the stability support that you need to. We're gonna go right into the other side from here. We're gonna kind of reverse that flow. So, grab the opposite strap, bringing your hand forward, taking the outside leg. This is where we just finished.

Single Arm Press

Walk your way up. All right, you feeling a little bit wobbly on this side? Me too. Practice pushing forward (exhaling), ponytails everywhere (exhaling), adding the windmill, maybe. It's okay to be playful in any of your exercise modalities.

Single Arm Press w/ Rotation

You always have to, right? Each day, it's a different experience. There's so, many factors that affect how we move and our concentration during our movement class. Three (exhaling), two (exhaling), one (exhaling), and hand comes down. We're gonna go right into that knee tuck, so, push down into the hands, pull the belly in and send it long (exhaling).

Knee to Chest

And lengthen, push down, use those abs to participate in that knee tuck. Four, going into that straight leg version too soon, three (exhaling), two (exhaling), one. Here we go. Swing the leg out to the side, tap the floor and bring it right back behind you. Inhale, exhale. A lot of core, lot of obliques to keep the spine strong.

Toe Tap Side

(exhaling) Five (inhaling), four (inhaling), three, remember not to lock out those elbows, two (exhaling), and one. And if you're going into the version that we did with the leg up, you're already there. But if you're choosing to do the other version, when I did with the wide stance, you're gonna have to make that adjustment. Take the knees wide, squeeze those inner thighs and push forward. (exhaling) And push.

Single Arm Forward Press

When I reached my arm forward, I'm almost tracing the rail on that side. And I'm trying to keep my hand higher than the foot bar. Three to go (exhaling), two (exhaling), one (exhaling). Take it down. I'm gonna pivot my feet over those shoulder blocks and turn.

I need my outside hand onto the long loop, and I go in to thread the needle. If you want more resistance, just grab that short loop, on an exhale you unraveled, extend the elbow, inhale, come back and through, exhale push, ribs are closed. I am trying to maximize that twist, and exhale, extend. If the strap is brushing against your arm or arm pit you might be over rotating, instead, try to focus on that elbow, kind of doing the lift, then extend the arm, not unlike your John Travolta, right? And one more (exhaling).

Thread the Needle

And bring it on up. Now, you can use your bar to help you get into position 'cause you're only on a blue, it's pretty wiggly. Take your leg out to the side, and find your lower body in a strong position first. Hug the moon and grab it, and then allow the strap to pull you towards the shoulder blocks and use the obliques to come to vertical. Inhale stretch (inhaling), exhale pull, down and up you go (inhaling), ribs are closed (exhaling).

Side Kneeling Obliques

Definitely feeling the sides harder for me and just not moving as much. Inhale and exhale pull. Four (exhaling), three (exhaling), two (exhaling) and one (exhaling). Open it up and hook up the strap. Nice, okay.

Lunge w/ Arms

Let's add a red, let's delete the blue, and since we really feel what those pikes are gonna feel like, let's do them. I want to start standing side first, one red spring on, square off those hips, reach your arms back, give this up stretch sensation, push the carriage out of the arms reach forward. We're just gonna do five. I want to move slow (exhaling), I want you to get deep into that lunge position, three (exhaling), two (exhaling), and back kneecaps drawn up here guys, one. The back knee can lower, the chest can lift and the hands come through prayer.

Lunge w/Rotation

Now, this is a real good place to stay. Right hip drawing forward, you don't need to make any changes, you could add a twist, taking opposite elbow to knee, you could lift that back leg up, lots of ways to play. Pull you shoulders down, press your palms together. So, you fill that energy goes straight down into the heel of your grounding foot. One more cycle of breath, and bring it to the bar.

All right guys, we talked about pikes, lets do them. The back leg is gonna stay straight and long. This exercise is called tic talk, so, bring your shoulders right over the wrist, draw your left knee to your left elbow, so, same knee to elbow, bring it across the body, the pelvis will rotate, Bring it to the original elbow and put it down onto the ground. You don't have to go that slow. Exhale, knee, opposite, back, down.

Tick Tock

And there is this real scoop that's happening in the lower belly, (exhaling) and down. Three more, knee the same, tic, talk. And if you can reach your elbow, try reaching a little bit higher towards the tricep this time. Knee, over, over, down one more. (exhaling) and, take it down.

Nice guys. Before we do the other side, kneeling, pivot around, let's just open up those hips in a dog, hands to the rails, it isn't the most comfortable place to put your hands for dog, but we're not gonna be here for long. Just press back. Leaning your way back, (inhaling) over your heels, (exhaling) Walking those heels down. Another thing I would like to do here is bend and extend, So, I'm really still in my downward facing dog.

Prancing in Downward Dog

There's usually some sort of movement you'll find me doing. Right leg comes up, three legged dog if you wanna bend that knee and roll the hips, arabesque style you can. You're gonna bring your knee through the shoulder blocks and plant your foot on the floor, drop that back leg, and uncurl your back foot. So, this is kind of like the same position you were in, you've just flipped it around. So, you might stay here and just let that hip open.

Bend and Stretch

Feels good. Your hips are moving down and forward. You might add a twist, left hand to the floor, right on the mat (exhaling), and you're really pushing down into the floor, spiraling your chest open. You might even bend that back knee and touch the foot, giving yourself a big quad stretch here. Lots of ways to be creative. One more deep breath in (inhaling), send the leg back, nice.

Three Legged Dog Transition

From here I want you to fire up that back leg, hold on to the rails and we're gonna do this five times, Heel to booty, kick up and back, one. Heel to booty, kick up and back two, knees, drawing into chest, three, (exhaling) four (exhaling) and five. And that deserves a break, so enjoy a child's pose. Breathe into your back and into your sides, good. Rebuild your spine, let's do it again.

Spinal Rotation

Come on off to the other side this time. So, one foot on the floor, inside foot against that shoulder block, chest is lifted, wide collar bones, five times pressing. One (exhaling), we're turning in. Two (exhaling) slow is better. Three (exhaling) trying to square those hips (exhaling).

Kicking Back

Four (exhaling). Five drop the knee. So, I'm trying to keep this thigh as low as I can. Hands through prayer and just breathing (exhaling). I like these holds here, 'cause I can get a little bit deeper into the stretch.

Child's Pose

If you want to add the twist opposite elbow to the knee and the more you push this top hand down, into the bottom hand, the more you can get that chest to spiral up. Maybe the back knee lifts up (exhaling) and you're breathing, four (exhaling), three, two, and one, nice. Into the pikes and the Tik Toks. What's not lifting you up in this exercise is momentum. So, if you feel yourself picking up the pace, slow it down.

Lunge w/ Arms

Your lunge is your home base, you always come back here. The chest comes forward, you pull up through the low belly and that brings the knee to the same elbow. The pelvis will rotate, you bring the knee across the body. I'm trying to push up here with my arms. Bring the knee to the same, and take it back down.

Spinal Rotation

Yeah, it's a lot of work, ready? Knee to same, knee to opposite, knee to same, land. And your landing is important too, go soft. (exhaling) Take it down. I'm scooped.

Tick Tock

For those of you who do crow pose, you can almost think of the sensation of that. Knee, opposite, same, down, two more, (exhaling), same, down, last one. (exhaling) and take it down. We're gonna go back into our downward facing dog guys. Turn all the way round.

Downward Dog

Okay. Hold onto the rails, curl your toes, you're pushing up and you're pushing back and see if you can take those heels, a little walk. (exhaling) You can just stay in that bent position. You can hold your dog, you don't need to add any movement at all here. And then, left leg comes up, so, you're in that three-legged dog, or you can go into that hip rotation.

Three Legged Dog Transition

If you're here, try to square off the shoulders to the frame and just get those hips to open up. And then you come through, and put it down. Relax that back leg guys, square off the hips. Again, the machine is acting like a little spotter. You can really feel your alignment.

Spinal Rotation

(inhaling) Breath in, (inhaling) breath in, if you're adding the twist, opposite hand to the floor by the foot, push down to get that lift up with the chest, pull this hip back away from your shoulder, maybe, catch the foot, maybe. Some days I do it some days I do not, and you're still breathing in through the nose out through the mouth. One more cycle (exhaling). Alright guys, here's what we do. Fire up the back leg, there's a bit of a lean forward here, so that you don't kick your machine.

Kicking Back

Five times, heel up kick, one, two, you gotta pull your knee into your chest, three (exhaling), four (exhaling), five, break, downward dog or child's pose, yeah. Breath it out guys, relax those shoulders and rebuild your spine. Coming on up. We're gonna leave that single red spring on, and lie on our back for some supine abdominals. Leave your headrest down 'cause we might end up doing overhead.

Child's Pose

Now, this is a light tension for those of you who are used to doing two springs on, this is gonna be a piece of cake. If you'd like to use your short loops, there'll be a little bit heavier. I've got my long loops. Take your legs to tabletop, inhale get ready, on an exhale, the arms pull down and you lift up. (exhaling) And I love that feeling, where you're pleasantly surprised that it's not too heavy, just enough to get into those lats.

Single Leg Drop

Send the legs out to the sky, single leg drop, tap that bar, I can use this to kind of pull my other leg up a bit, and then bring them both up, drop. Drop (exhaling). Drop, and this can be done with bent knees. If you're feeling more in your back than you are in your belly, you should bend your knees. (exhaling) And (exhaling) and (exhaling).

Down and up, three (exhaling), two (exhaling), one (exhaling), even it out and take it down for a break. Take a deep breath in and find your recovery, legs come back up. Exhale, (exhaling) curl ups and the legs low. Inhale lift, open and circle down, five (exhaling), four (exhaling), three (exhaling), two (exhaling) and one (exhaling). Reverse, up wide and down, one (exhaling).

Leg Circles

Two, it's not core. Three (exhaling), four (exhaling), five, and you were worried it was all gonna be lower body. No, lots of abs. Let's do overhead. I might have a different way to teach it than you do it, so, let's just piece it together.

Roll Over

Step one... We can have lots of fun, just showing step one. That's a new kids on the block reference. Hands down legs long. Step two, you use your arms to push down.

So, I'm pushing into the mat and reaching my fingertips towards the foot bar, that's what gets me here. Separate the legs, flex the feet, take it slow (exhaling). Isn't that another song from the nineties? Bend the knees, lift the arms. So, exhale.

(exhaling) Up (exhaling), lot of arms, separate flex. I'm thinking about my sit bones rolling away from my shoulders, knees and arms up, two more (exhaling). Over I go, separate flex, straight legs, straight legs, that's what I'm telling myself. (exhaling) And one more, send it away (exhaling), pushing down to curl up, separate flex and slow goes it, collarbones wide and bring it in. Okay, let's keep one strap but hook up the other, I still have that red spring on and I'm gonna put opposite foot in long loop, looks like that, all right?

Bend and Stretch w/ Ankles Crossed

But we're gonna take this foot, which someone feels like has nothing to do, and you're gonna cross the ankles in front like that, okay? This is about hip stability. We're also gonna do some rolling movements, but before we do, let's practice, keeping our hips stable. I'm gonna float up for this. Bending both the knees, finding that diamond and squeezing my inner thighs, in and press.

You could keep your head down if you prefer. Am trying to squeeze my inner thighs as I extend the legs. I've got four, (exhaling) three (exhaling), two (exhaling), one. Now, here's where we add on. Head down, hips up, kind of like overhead knees jack knife, maybe, maybe not, bend, find the diamond, there it is.

Short Spine Variation

As I roll my spine my head comes up, my arms and legs extend and I have to balance, and not let the machine pull me to one side, head down and up (exhaling), keeping that rope taut, but closing the carriage fully. Bend, one bone at a time takes me down, head comes up, squeeze it, find it and two more. Exhale up, (exhaling), inhale down, exhale, (exhaling) and rest. Now, since we're here, might as well do some scissors, I just uncross my ankle, keeping your head down to start, inhale, exhale. I love this rebalancing exercise, float the palms up, and when you're ready, head, neck and shoulders lift.


(exhaling) Five, (exhaling) four, let's go for a big stretch after this, three, two, (exhaling) one (exhaling). Leg up, reach for the floor, if there's a spring in your way, just go off to one side, head down. You're in control of the stretch, the more you bend the knee of this lower foot, the more this is gonna pull. I really like to just stay here, I mean, I'll close my eyes and take a little shavasana, but I know a lot of people like to add this medial movement of the femur to really stretch IT band and TFL, I see some people go for more of an inner thigh stretch, I think you gotta make it your own. And then, the foot can come up under the foot bar.

Hamstring Stretch

Let's do the other side before we would forget about all the stuff we did. Okay. So, now I have opposite foot in, and I take this leg that seems to have not much to do and I cross it around. And it actually supports my hip a lot. If you were to try this from behind I think you'd feel the legs just don't feel connected.

Bend and Stretch w/ Ankles Crossed

So, here we go, hips are staying square, using the obliques to not get pulled off to one side, definitely feels harder on this side for me and come up into that abdominal curl. Inhale, bend, exhale, squeeze those inner thighs. So, those hip bones need stay evenly, planted and anchored, inhale bent, exhale. Being up in your abdominal curl allows you to see if those feet are staying in line with your belly button, in line with your chest, in line with your midline, and that's what you're going for. Three, (exhaling) two (exhaling), one, take the hands down.

Exhale, straight legs lift you up (exhaling), trying to close that carriage, but don't roll onto the head to do it, bend into your diamond, as you roll down the head comes up, you can keep those hands down until you feel you're ready to reach them back, almost think of double leg stretch here, head down, exhale, sweep it up (exhaling). Are there any flat spots in the spine? 'Cause if so, go a little bit slower, little bit slower, through those spots that you're having a hard time to roll through. Exhale (exhaling), to lift, bend in, rolling down. This is also reminds me a lot of rolling like a ball, right?

Short Spine Varation

Finding that scoop to roll through the lower back right here. Now that's what wants to be flat, (exhaling) and press out. Let's do one more, exhale, pushing down (exhaling), keeping the feet in line with the midline, and sending it through. Good, we can go right into that. Scissor now (exhaling), inhale down, exhale (exhaling).


Feet flex sometimes gives you a really different sensation. You'll see me kind of doing a lot of different things with my arms, let me tell you why. So, my arms are completely floating off. I have to use those muscles in my abs, right? My core and the muscles in my back to stabilize me and my pelvis.

If I push my elbows down I get a little bit more support, and I get a little bit more lift, so I kind of play with those two. And the next time you send that leg up, leave it up, bend the knee, it's gotta go down, and if you feel a spring just go past it to the floor, and it's totally normal not to feel the same on both sides, so, just breathe. Try to get you hip away from your shoulder, maybe you're gonna cross the midline to stretch IT band TFL, maybe we're gonna go for that inner thigh stretch. It's good to have options, and then when you're ready, the foot can come back up onto the foot bar, we gonna get rid of that, and we're gonna go right into a bridge series. Now, I'm still on a red, so a lot of work guys.

Hamstring Stretch

You can always add an additional spring if you're feeling a little tight in those hamstrings. Find your figure four, push your elbows down, exhale, drive your hips up. (exhaling) Try to close the carriage. We're going down and up for 10. (exhaling) Trying to pull your hips towards your heels, inhale down, exhale up.

Single Leg Bridge in Figure Four

(exhaling) Four (exhaling), three (exhaling), two (exhaling), and one, and with hard work comes reward. You can take your hands through your legs, give yourself a nice little squeeze and switch legs. Finding that figure four, trying to keep the carriage still, pushing the elbows down for stability. Lifting up you go. 10 lifts (exhaling), two, three, four. You can tell that carriage wants to go back, I'm trying my best to keep it closed.

Figure Four Stretch

(exhaling). Final four, three (exhaling), two (exhaling), and one, take it down. Thread the arms through the leg, give yourself a good squeeze, and let's finish with a roll-up. Exhale, up you go (exhaling). Swing your feet off to one side.

Single Leg Bridge in Figure Four

Now, I know a lot of people like to do this next flow on a red, I prefer a green. I prefer to be a little bit more supported, when I'm standing on the machine. So I'm on a green spring. You're gonna step one foot back against the shoulder block, other foot forward to that platform, bend deeply, finding your lunge, hips are low, right hip forward, lift to vertical. The alternative is stay on a diagonal if your back is feeling a little tight, palms forward, carriage taps.

Figure Four Stretch

One, firing into those glutes inner thighs, two (exhaling), three, let's go to eight, I'm doing a cactus movement with my arms to get my back to work. Try not to move the machine, but instead my body. (exhaling) One more, (exhaling) hands go down, step back. You get to pick. Do you wanna hold?

Roll Up

Do you wanna rock, or do you wanna do some push-ups? Up to you but do something as I count down from five, four (exhaling), three, two (exhaling), and opposite foot steps forward. Find that shin right up against the bar, get low, swing the arms forward, palms forward, drop the knee and lift. So, what's keeping me vertical here? A lot of inner thighs, lot of glutes.

Carriage Taps

(exhaling) Four to go. Four (exhaling), three (exhaling), two (exhaling), one, (exhaling) same as before. Your three options are just halt, or rock. You can also add push-ups, get that heart pumping. Five (exhaling), four, head in line with spine, three, two (exhaling) and step one foot forward.

Long Stretch

Now, from here, keep your hands on the bar, pivot on your back foot, so your toes are pointing to the side. I have my pinky toe, my baby in line with the headrest. Take your hands to the inside of the knee, float, arm up, twist, chest to the sky, stay low here. Try to get one long line from your top hand through to your ankle, open the heart, use that left knee and that elbow to twist. Inhale reverse, and exhale.

Carriage Taps

Come on back through lift, step back. You got the same three options, hold it, rock it, push up, but keep doing something. So, we're playing between challenging the strength of the lower body, and then integrating those arms, and those abs in between sets, (exhaling) step the opposite foot forward, pivot on the back foot, take your hands to the inside. So, I'm using this thigh and this elbow to help me to twist my chest bone up. I'm trying to get one long line from my top wrist, through my bottom heel, I'm on a moving mat here, so I'm deepening the posture as I breathe.

Long Stretch

Keep the legs as they are (exhaling), windmill, chest up (exhaling). Nice guys, windmill, heel up, last time, so really bring in, whatever you're deciding to do hold, pushup, or rock, you wonna do it again. (exhaling) Two to go. We're gonna finish with hips up and close that carriage, (exhaling) walking the feet forward. Awesome guys.

Warrior 2

Feet are right under the hips, bend your knees, hands to the bar, heel to booty. You're gonna press back, finding a warrior three, drop your hip, internally rotate that back leg and lengthen the spine. Inhale bring it in, and exhale. See if you can kick back without lifting the hip, down and up you go. (exhaling) I'm pushing down into the foot bar.

Long Stretch

It helps me square off my shoulders, and my hips belly in and up. Four (exhaling), three (exhaling), two (exhaling), and one. And we're gonna meet in chair. Sit back, feel free to keep the hands pressing into the bar. Float them up to intensify, weight to your heels, ribs are closed, toes are light, four three (exhaling), two, forward fold, go right into the other leg back pause, drop that hip, pull the belly in, Inhale, bend it, Exhale, I'm trying to reach my head one way, my heel the other.

Warrior 2

(exhaling) Pushing down into my arms, (exhaling) rooting down through my foot (exhaling), four to go. Four (exhaling), three (exhaling), two (exhaling), and one (exhaling). Meeting in chair, leaning back, light toes, shoulders down, floated up. We're gonna all meet in a beautiful, beautiful child's pose in three, two and one. Lower the knees down, open the knees wide.

Long Stretch

I got some options for you. Option one, rest your for arms on the bar and drop your head under. And this might be exactly where you want to stay. To intensify, bend your elbows, bring your hands to prayer and bring your hands to the nape of your neck, and let gravity do what it does best, which is pull you down. This is the time to return to a calm breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Kicking Back

You might even transfer from your Pilates breathing, into your yoga breathing, If that's part of your practice, one more expansive inhale, (inhaling) and you guys made it. I told you it was gonna be hard, I told you! Everyone thinks that's gonna be easy. It's a hard one. I hope you had a good time. I certainly did.

Chair Pose

I can't wait to see you for the next class in the lineup, which is tone. We'll see you there.

Pilates with Heart: On the Reformer

Align, Mobiilze, Traditional, Advanced

Nov 25, 2020
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Courtney Miller
50 min
Reformer w/Box
This Video
Renew, Yoga Fusion, Energy, Connect

Dec 02, 2020
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Courtney Miller
45 min
Reformer w/Box
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Tone, Barre Fusion, Balance, Sweat

Dec 09, 2020
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Courtney Miller
50 min
Reformer w/Box


2 people like this.
Wow i loved that!! Especially the lying abs and leg work. I enjoyed the yoga-ish stretches throughout - felt great!! Thanks, Courtney!
Nicole C
1 person likes this.
Favorite class so far! Refreshing, but challenging. Looking forward to the next class. Thank you for this series!
Love your classes but don't have a reformer at home - will there be any mat ones soon? Hope so!
Loved it as always
Loved it!!  
Thank you❤️
Fun variations and creativity. Not much of a warm up so I come to class warmed up! Thanks!
This was just what I needed!  Thank you for this innovative class.  I will be back!
Bobby A
Yay! Great class!
Loved that class - had to finish it despite my schedule time crunch.  Grateful for yoga-Pilates mixes, always.
Debbie Y
creative series! love it :)
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