Class #488

BASI Cadillac Flow

70 min - Class


Leah Stewart offers an inspired Cadillac workout taught in Signature BASI Flow style. This 70-minute class is taught with flow, precision, and purpose all the while offering creative transitions to exercises like the Teaser, Roll up bottom loaded, the Tower, Monkey, and even the Foot Work. The workout has her student sweating early on. If you want a good solid Cadillac workout, press play on this one.
What You'll Need: Cadillac

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Jul 19, 2011
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Hi there. I'm Leah Stewarts and today we're going to be doing a level two Cadillac session and Christie here is going to be our fantastic model slash clients. So we're going to start a session with the roll down. So Christie, go ahead and take a nice big inhale to prepare nice and grounded through your feet and XL. Tune the chest in a roll forward. Good. And take your breath in and rolling up. So you just want to take a nice look at your client rolling up and down.

Good. If you're teaching this session, if you're doing this session, go ahead and roll down. Again. You just want to feel that nice flow as you roll forward. Just kind of centering yourself, getting ready for the session here and rolling up, gliding that pelvis underneath you rolling all the way up to the top. So we're going to start today's session with a roll up series with the role at Barb. So Glen sitting on your bottom a little more than halfway past the center line of the Cadillac and you're going to grab the outside of the roll at Bart and we're going to start with just a regular roll labs.

So taking a big breath in with the exhale, you're going to hollow the abdominals, glide the hips underneath you, rolling all the way back into a nice strong position. So here wants you to make sure that the inner thighs are squeezing, the abdominals are nice and engaged just so you're gently drawing the pubic bone up toward the ceiling. You're going to inhale, lift the head, neck and chest, gliding the sips underneath you, establishing a knife posterior tilt with an XL. Maintain that shape as you come up and over the shoulders, stopping directly over the hips, a nice long curve breath in, and then continue to draw the abdominals in. Glide the substance beneath you as you roll all the way back. Let's do three more here. Breathing in, establish a nice seat, posterior tilt.

Good and hold onto that position as you Xcel over the top. Breathing in. Now, let me see. Thread the belly button in first using the abdominals, the glide, the hips, beautiful and back. So as we're doing this two more, I want you to feel that opening of your spine, the initial engaging activation, connecting with the abdominals and the pelvic floor, and then also that connection with the depressors of the shoulder and exhale good. And then connecting with your breath. Breathing in, engage the transversus first. Good. Now make sure here that you're not engaging your glutes, but you're using your abdominals, the glide, the pelvis underneath you and all the way back, we're going to move into what we call a figure eight. This is going to get the obliques more involved with our role at pier.

So you're going to come up to the right side. So you're going to come up on the right Tuck in the pelvis, allowing the left side of the pelvis to melt down with an XL. Continue all the way up over the center. Tilt over to the left and then roll down the left side of your back till you find center. Go ahead and take your head all the way down. We're going to go straight up to the left now, so get right underneath that left rib cage.

Good Xcel up through the center, then roll down the right side of the back. Nice. Seek connection and pause. Let's go again. Up to the right, deep, good. Exhale. Once your shoulders good over the hips, who float over through the center to the other side and down into the left. Inhale XLF around, and then engage in gliding those hips underneath you. And one more set to finish here. Coming on up. Good.

Nice around. Now the goal here is to make sure that your pelvis stays nice and anchored and that the rotation is coming from the upper part of the torso. Good and down. We're going to roll up in the center one more time. So breathing in and exhale. You're going to come all the way into your curve. With an inhale, you're going to extend your back so you're nice and flat.

You're going to draw the bar back. You're going to row position for six sets, so you're going to pull back XL one I guess I should say reps and pull back to. Nice. Now you want to feel the back of the shoulders engage to initiate and then you're going to feel the Scapula, the shoulder blades draw together and the second part of the exercise and pulled back. Nice holding that nice cold contraction abdominals and back to keep yourself absolutely vertical. One more and draw back in a hold back. This time, this time keeping your shoulders nice and tight, you're going to lift your upper back into an arch. You're going to hinge back in that arc. Once you get about halfway down, you're going to pull the belly button in, come into a Tuck, extend your elbows good, and you're going to roll back up to the c curve. Extend the back first, pull the arms in second, lead with the upper back, lift up, start to hinge back slightly. Good.

Once you get halfway there and gays, you've done little stretch out the back. Let the lower back kiss the mat and then you come back up. Yeah. And pull the arms in. So we start by leading with the sternum coming up. Good. Squeeze in those size. And let me see it. Come from the lower back. Let the pelvis follow, let the lower back sink gorgeous and come up.

Let's do two more of these and bend the elbows. Him lifting up, grow taller, beautiful, beautiful. And then pulling in. Love it. And what Chris is doing so well here is that Nice scapular depression, which is really important. You can see that flow through her body. The one extreme from the extension into the flection is she extends her arms good and all the way back up. Now this time you're going to roll halfway down. So then draw the pelvis engineer. You good? And from here, bend the knees. But keep the thighs squeezing together.

We're going to go into little tiny pulses here just to get deeper into the abdominal. So taking the breath in, you're going to pull the bar just up to the top of the knees or to the bottom of the thigh. Good. And take it down. And XL lifting up. So you want to maintain your flection and feel like you're just a little bit more as you come at. You want to keep the pelvis as neutral as possible, but yet as you come up into that curve, you're going to feel those lumbar vertebrae kind of sink down into the mat as you get that imprinting. Yes. Good. And you should feel your two psis nice and heavy down onto the mat. Good. The energy, the pubic bone is down and forward. Let's do two more. Nice.

And you're using the obliques and the rectus abdominis to create this gorgeous flection. Good. Now come all the way up just to give yourself a little break. Extend the back. We're going to do rotation, so Xcel go back down into that position. Let's start to the left Christy. So you're going to twist just there. I'm going to do little lifts here with an XL one. We're going to do five too. Nice.

Now as you're doing this little pulse, trying to hook into those left internal obliques, focusing on the right external obliques. The right side of the pelvis stays nice and low. Good. And over to the right and we lift up one, squeezing those sides together, keeping both sides of the pelvis anchor down. Nice. Think of sinking, then lifting. Good. And for good. Last one. Hold it. Come back to the center. Now I want you to go to the left one more time. Now this time as you lift up, you're gonna lift your left leg up into a little tabletop position. So you're gonna come over the thigh one and then go back down exactly five times two. So this time we're getting our so as involved even more.

So you're gonna feel that drawing of the thigh to the torso and the torso to the thigh. Gorgeous. Yeah. And feel that nice drop. Flattening the abdominal wall before you left. Good. And when we transition is so important because that's when we can correct everything. We can reconnect. Then we go to the other side and we left up XL one. Exactly. And just keep your gaze just to the outside of your thigh too. Beautiful.

And think his sink and left three gorgeous. Two more and for love. The role of bars there to assist you to get deeper into the work, not to do the work for you. Come back to center and now roll all the way up. Good, good. And extend the spine. Nice. And we're done with the roll of Barb like right down onto your back and we're going to put the push through bar up once spring top loaded.

And I want the bar essentially just right over your chest. We're going to hold the bar steady and we're going to do our spine twist supine. So Wendy up at a time to tabletop, squeeze in the thighs together. Good and feel the Scapula nice and down. We're just going to do two to three sets here. Not very many.

We're going to twist over cause again, I want to continue to warm up that fine. Good and warming up the oblique muscles and withholding the push shoe bar. You're going to feel that sense of what it feels like to really keep your shoulders and your arms steady as you rotate at the waist and the pelvis and the legs will follow that rotation. That happens at the ways. Good. Do One more set for me and twist and make sure that the word comes from the ways yes, and then the legs follow gorgeous. Take one lake down at a time. We're going to go into just four pelvic curls here, so we're going to open the legs. Good. Breathe in and exhale. Nice talking.

Your roll up. Good. You hold the bridge position, you bend the elbows, push the bar through behind you. Good. Feel that nice link through the whole body. Xcel. Bring it back through. Inhale and the next cell roll down.

Nice and help prepare XL. Tuck the pelvis all the way up. Good and bring the bar through. Keeping that nice long length. You should feel this beautiful connection here through the whole body. Bring it back through. Beautiful. Inhale and exhale. Roll down. Now my goal here for our session two more for me, Christie, is to connect all the movement.

When we start to get into the intermediate and advanced levels of the work, it's about creating flow, a continuous flow that doesn't lose the integrity of the movement. So even though we're connecting the pieces, we might be moving a little bit faster. There's still that essence of the movement, that deep work that we want to maintain and back. Good. Getting a nice little lat stretch using the glues, holding that bridge. Great position. Good and rolling down.

Gorgeous. Good. So now Chrissy is in a nice position to do our mini roll-ups. We're going to do 10 right in the center. So taking a big breath in and exhale. You're going to just come up into a little chest. Slept good. So nice straight elbows. We breathe in. We maintain that. Kirk, we just lifted a little bit higher. XL One. Now do not take mini that word for granted. They're very small, small, small movements.

And what you're meant to do is to shorten the fibers of the abdominal muscles to draw the torso to create more flection in the spine. That's what the abdominal muscles do. They flex the spine. Good. Two more. And then we're going to add an extra challenge here and we're going to bring the knees to tabletop. Someone should hold there. Bring one leg up at a time. Good. Squeeze those thighs, lower down. Inhale and trans versus first. You want to feel that idea of flattening the abdominal wall prior to lifting.

And let's bring the zs in just a little bit. Yeah, too. You're doing great. And three, this is where you have to dig deep to keep that nice integrity, the movement with each repetition. One more time and up. Hold the position. Take one link down into time. Thread the belly button in a little bit deeper. Good, gorgeous, and roll down. Nicely done. Good. Yep. Let's go ahead and turn the palms.

Now we normally do on the oblique version, we do the little pulses. I'm going to make it a little bit different. We're going to do a little, um, what we call like a circle with the torso. So wants you to take the right hand behind the head, Christie, that's it. May help to make your arms a little bit more narrow. Make sure have a nice grip around that push through Barb and nice straight left elbow. Good. So what we're gonna do is I want you to lift up. Great. Excuse me.

Straight into rotation on the right side. So we're going to come up, you're going to transfer through the center, take your right hand up to the bar, take the left hand behind the head as you rotate over to the left, roll down the left side of the body, and then all the way down to the center, they're going to come up to the left. Good transfer through the middle, beautiful and go all the way down. And I'm always saying to my clients, go ahead and continue that. The transfers are really what's important. And this exercise is completely zones in on that idea. Exactly. So here it's about controlling with the obliques, the integrity of that movement from one side through the center to the other side. That's what's really going to count.

And you're gonna feel those muscles working. Yes. And so you have the challenge of that coordination. Let's do one more time, but then you have the added challenge of keeping the stability of the pelvis and the legs, kind of disassociating them from what's going on in the upper body. Gorgeous. And put the hands back up. [inaudible]. Wonderful. Now I'm going to have Christy bring her knees up to tabletop. Go ahead. We're going to start with a little bit of a prep and we're going to go into some teaser ones. Okay, so intermediate class for sure. Okay, so take your breath in. Xcel coming on up, take both legs, tap the toes down, extend them out, slide them back in, and then bring it up to tabletop.

You can do that two more times. Take it down, slide it out. So this is her prep. So what we're doing is we're challenging the ability to hold flection, hold pelvic and lumbar stability, and mobilize the legs. Good. And then go down. Nice. Now we're going to do the same thing, but after we take the legs sliding out, they're gonna come up and you're going to roll up into teaser one. So you're going to come up into the chest, the first toe, tap the toes down, take them out, and you're going to roll up into teaser one, extend, extend, extend, gorgeous. We start to roll down and take the legs down, slide them back in, and bring the knees up to tabletop. Yes. And take it down.

Just three, slide it out and then feel that flection that flection until you have to go into the extension. Feel the back extensors. Good. Breathe in. Use The abdominals to scoop deep pelvic floor. Gorgeous a center contraction with the hip flexors as the lays go down. Chrissy's doing it perfectly and slide out. Now scoop a little bit deeper. Speeding.

[inaudible] reach gorgeous. And that's scoop Nike Center control. Slide those legs in. Bring them up to tabletop and roll down. That is beautiful. So three times of the prep, three times villa till geezers and I think that's all you're going to need. I don't think I need to do any more than that.

So we're going to move on to the Jack Knife. Now the Jack Neck can be a tricky exercise because just like the Jack Knife on the mat, work on the one to chair, it's kind of hard to keep all the weight on the shoulders. You have to put, there's a little bit of weight that has to go onto the next. So if you have neck issues, I would stay away from this exercise for sure. So what I want Christie to do is slide down to where your chest is directly under the bar. You're going to take your legs and you're going to sweep them up and over the bar to basically we bring back to your childhood like you're swinging or hanging on the monkey bars. Okay. Arms are going to be down by your sides.

Now I'm going to stay here and kind of guide the bar for Chrissy. What I want you to make sure as you do this work is that you're pressing the legs into your push through bar so the bar doesn't slide away from you. So you're already in this gorgeous, tucked position student. Take your breath in. You can think of tucking even a little bit more, and you're gonna start to roll up and your legs are going to extend. This is where you need to press your energy into the bar. Yes, try to get those knees extended if possible. Gorgeous. Take your breath in.

And now Xcel think of relaxing in the throat. First relaxing in the sternum second and bend your knees. Yeah, as if you were pulling the bar down with you and let the hips hang. Breathe in and next, sell a nice scoop and you're going to roll up, squeeze in the thighs, reach up all the way. Get fill that gorgeous length. Good. Breathe in and then roll down. Melts and pull that bar down with you.

Feeling like you're hanging on those bars. One more time. Breathe in. Initiate with the nice deep scoop of the abdominals. Good. Press those arms down. Feel that link. You're a tower stacked all the way up to the ceiling. Breathe in and roll down.

We're going to add an extra little challenge. We're going to extend one leg away from the bar, so breathing in and exhale as you come up. Start to extend the right leg. Good and reach. Exactly. Reach back, reach back. That's it. Breathe in and exhale. Bring it up and roll it down. Exactly. Just like that. That's perfect. That's fine.

And rolling up. I'm going to take that right leg up or, yeah, let's do the, let's do the opposite leg. So left leg up and then reach it back. Good. Bring it all the way out. Feel that length, bend it and roll on down. Beautiful. Let's do it again and breathe. And there's a couple of different verses you can do of this. Keep that knee bent. Yeah, let's do that version. Good. And reach it back.

Good. Now reach up and over your fill a length through the front of the hip flexor there. Can you feel that? Good. And then then to come down. Let's do one more time to the left. I think this one's a little bit more user friendly and reaching back. Good. And come all the way. Retreat, retreat, JJ.

Beautiful Christy and roll down. I like it. Good. And slowly we'll come out of it. Nice. Good. We're gonna move on to footwork. Yeah, thank you. So for the foot work, we're going to load up two springs bottom loaded, and I want you to slide back into a position that you're comfortable with. And instead of doing the footwork all at the same tempo. Today we're going to play with the tempo is a little bit, we're going to do some, um, like a pumping series.

So I'm going to have Christy start on her heels parallel. So there's a little bit of space in between her legs. [inaudible] we know that the footwork on the Cadillac is fantastic for opening up the hamstrings, opening up the poster aspect of the hips. So we're gonna start with five regular bend in extension of the needs of the regular tempo. So inhale and exhale. Press up. Now the footwork is a lot of repetition.

It may seem a little mundane to do, but it's absolutely vital because we're warming up the hip joint. We're lubricating that deep hip joint. One more time. Now what I'm gonna have you do on the sixth one is been halfway down. You can do little tiny pulses from me where your knees don't extend all the way. So they pump up one, two, three. And as you're doing that, you're keeping the tailbone anchor down. Good. Eight nine on the 10th one.

Press all the way yet. Press through those heels gorgeous and go onto the toes. Good. That looked great. I want you to fan out your toes as much as you can. Now the key here on the toe position is that you don't have too much plantar flection or points of the foot or too little. You want to be somewhere right in the middle.

The movement comes from hinting or folding up the hip and bending at the knees over five slow and extend. And as you do that, you want to anchor that sacred, that tailbone down into the mat. So there's that oppositional pool. As your thighs are coming forward, your tailbone is going down and your sits bones are reaching forward away from you. Good. And that energy comes to bend halfway pumping one from the thighs. So it's a fold at the hip and a bend at the knee. It's not a push from the foot. Good. I think you're at nine and squeeze up 10 all the way. Good, right into the small V and we bend. Now The v positions are a little more, I'll say user-friendly.

You can feel like you can keep the tailbone down a little bit with little, with more ease and you can in the parallel positions. Good. Feel like you're pulling that bar down. This is your last one. Good. Come halfway down and we pump one to fill that wrapping around the hip for five. Good. Squeeze those heels. Seven, eight, nine and send the energy up. The belly button goes down and I'll just hold her.

Chrissy melt the tailbone down. Yes, reaches this booms away. Their hamstrings are giving away a little bit. You okay, good. And then go giving way, meaning they're lengthening nicely. They're warming up and we'll go five slow. So Benz. Now here, because of the nature of the push through bar on the Cadillac, we can't get as much external rotation as perhaps we would want, but I still want you to feel that nice wrapping at that hip. Good, nice. And bending halfway and pump one, two.

We're going to add something a little bit more for Christy here. Six you can do a little dance. Eight nine squeeze up on 10. Now this time bend and hold right there, the ice symmetrical for five breath. And I'll just close your eyes. And as you exhale, I want you to imagine that you're lying in sand and your spine is sinking and sinking and sinking into that sand and you're getting your feeling that depend at that hip joint. You're feeling that energy flow through your legs. That's fine. Let that vibration happen. Good breathing.

And on this XL, you'll press everything up. Drive the tailbone down, reaching up gorgeous. And we'll do the same on the toes to finish. Beautiful. Beautiful. So that beautiful extension here, five to slow bend. Now when you bring it down, I want you to feel that you're pulling. Imagine somebody sitting on your feet and you're pulling them down and you're pressing them up. So there's much as we're going down as there is going up. Last one, good bend halfway.

Find that connection and pump. And each time you got to remind yourself to just relax your shoulders, softening your throat. Six good. Seven gorgeous stability here, and press good and bring it down. Good melting. Five breath. Inhale, XL sync. Inhale. Exhale, sink. Beautiful. Inhale. Nice. That nice deep.

So we're getting all of that beautiful synovial fluid, just flowing through the joints. Lubricating all the joints. Nice healthy movement. And this time with a nice big Xcel, press up. Beautiful. And bend the knees. Gorgeous. We're going to move on to two single leg exercises. I'm going to take one spring off. So we're one spring tall dogs cause we dock up bottom loaded and we're going to put the right toes up on the bar. I sent her.

Yeah. Oh I'm sorry. A hip. Excuse me. And then go all the way up and slide the left leg out. Good. So point the foot. So the sequence goes as such, you're gonna flex the foot. It's a little bit like a single leg. Prehensile Ish. Okay. So you're gonna flex the foot, you're going to bend the holding the bent position, you're going to point the foot [inaudible] then you're going to press up just like that.

So you've flex of what and I want you to try to wrap your toes around the Barster, getting this gorgeous stretch through the calf muscles. Bend your knee, emphasizing the heel going up to get it into a little bit into the Achilles. Hold that stabilization as you work the Plantar flexors yet. And then you press up, hold that work the Dorsi flexors in the front. As you control that flex gorgeous. Then you'll fill the tip interior. Nicely point yes.

And then press up such a great exercise for feats that aren't functioning quite like they should. Getting that blood flow down into the ankle, that blood flow down into the foot. So it's a really nice, nice exercise to teach people how to use their feet. Good. And press up. Let's do one more and squeeze in those toes around bending, filling that length through the front of the other hip flexor point and press up. Gorgeous. Yeah, that's a good one. Good. So we start with, and I should have done this on the other side, but we want to make sure your alignment's nice and correct. So what happens is the leg this up, that hip tends to hike up. It's really normal common. Don't worry about it. Everybody does it.

So you just want to take the time to kind of drive that length, uh, that wastes down. So as you bend the, excuse me, flex the foot first, bend the knee, feel that folds gorgeous. Now hold that and point. Keep reaching that sis bone down. Good. Press up. Continue to reach it down. Yes. Of Flex 11. Bend the knee. Nice control. Hold it there. Point working through the foot. Good. Push up, up, up, up, up, and flex. Nicely done. So as Chrissy's bending her knee here, I wanna make sure that she's not hiking that side of the pelvis up.

So she's getting that. Yeah, you're not. You're doing good. You're eating that really deep folds. Exactly. So she has my hands, obviously to kind of guide her. But what I would ask you to do is to continually feel like your sitz bone is reaching out across the Cadillac, toward the wall or whatever you have in front of you. Yes. And I think that was our repetitions. They're good. Yeah. Good.

Roll on to the side. I want to do some hip openers. So having Christy roll onto a side was saying one bottom loaded. She has hip over hip and shoulder over shoulder. We're going to press the bar up. Yes. Now if you are a little limited in your rotation, you want to bring your leg a little bit forward onto the bar.

If you have great rotation, you can bring your leg right to the center. So when you get to the top, every single person has to take a moment to find more external rotation. Yes. And say connected into that top shoulder. Beautiful. So as you bend the images that the knee comes behind your soldier, the heel stays forward and we're using the rotators of the hip as we press up. Thinking of rotating more, wrapping that hip in front of you or the thigh rather, and XL press. And as you do that, what makes it a hip opener is that idea of bringing the knee behind the shoulder of hindering or folding at the hip joint.

That's what's going to accentuate more rotation in that hip. It's going to be really nice. Let's do one more. That should have made it six at the top. Now accentuate the rotation. Give me five single calf raises. Flex. And as you push up, you're spiraling more flex as you push up.

Spiral more through the hip. Good. Keeping that extension through the knee. So this is the gonna man, the hamstring to have the length. Nice Koch and traction between the hamstring and the quads. One more time. Should we should do five. Press up. Hold, hold, hold. Gorgeous and down. Good. That's a tough one.

Okay. So after you go, you're doing great. How do you feel? Good. It's a nice length there. So make sure when you get to the top, you take that moment to find external rotation. Yes. And as you do that, Chris had just demonstrated a beautifully, the whole stop side of that pelvis drops down. Yeah. So going to bend, inhale, good and XL up, good bend and initiate the movement thing from the hip. Then it goes into the meat. Then it translates all the way up. Yeah. Beautiful. And you can feel a difference in the quality when you really move from that center out. Yes, hip going up and reaching nicely done.

Two, three more and up. And when she's doing so nicely here is really engaging her centered body so that her hips aren't rocking forward or back. Keeping the connection through the upper body. One more time and then five single calf raises. Press up and hold it. And the flex. Exhale points and flex.

Good. Try to keep that knee straight. If your abductors are a little tight here, that's going to be even more of a challenge. You're doing great and up. Good, Chrissy. One more time. Hold it. Find it. Lengthen. Good. And down you go. Lovely. Good. We're gonna move right into roll at bottom. Loaded. Yup. Just they're good. You go with one red. Yeah. K when you do two regular, then we're going to add a leg. And then I got a little trick up my sleeve for Ms Christie here.

So here we go. Three and two roll up on them loaded. So we're going to Tuck the pelvis here nice and deep. And XL rolling up. Good. Yeah. Up above and we're going to bend and I'm not that mean and up and a roll down. No. Chris is doing a red, red, red spring beautifully.

I would also recommend one blue spring, which is a nice wait for most individuals. So as you come up here, you want to keep in mind this is an abdominal exercise, so this is abs right here. Then as you continue up is actually flexors and abdominals and the shoulders are acting essentially on the way up as they're working in stabilization mode to get to the very top. Then you bend and extend. You have a lot of posts or your shoulder, upper back extension work, ex a rotator work and roll down. This is initiative from the abdominals, the deep pelvic floor and back. Gorgeous again. Inhale, lifting up. Exhale. Now she's going to hold, she's going to bend and extend the elbow. She's going to lift her right leg up, holding the right leg up. She's going to roll down, holding it up, getting deep into that, so as work, that connection, great adjustment there. Kristy holds it up as you roll up. Inhale and exhale. You can do it. Yes, get there, take it down, bend the elbows, extend, take the left leg up. Love it. And now, deep abdominals.

And I want to see the lower back. Come out of that straight line first. As you curve down, flowing through the spine. I love it. Gorgeous work. And Go Chin to chest. Tuck the pelvis here. Deep connection. [inaudible] take the leg down. Bend, extend and roll deeply. Good. Feel the pelvis coming up, the shoulders coming down. And Russ, good.

Take a little tiny breather there for me, Christine. Now we're going to do a version of this single arm. So I'm going to put one yellow arm spring on. So it's very light. Okay, so let's take the left hand up and the right hand across the chest. Just like I pledge allegiance to the flag. Yeah, if you do it behind your head, it gets stuck in here. And okay, so we're going to do single arm.

This is going to challenge actually interestingly the oblique control, cause you're gonna want to swing one way to the other so you're gonna have to use your obliques to control that swing. So we're just gonna do two with each arm. Okay. So inhale, lift the head, neck and chest. Good. Xcel, dig deep and roll. Nice. Straight up. Good. Ben's nice. Extend. Good. Just relax down in that right side. Love it and roll down. Now drive it in and I'll just slightly push that left on forward just to connect. Yeah, with the lats a little bit more with the serratus.

Good and lift. Head, neck and chest. A Nice tuck and dig deep. Go ahead. Keep the energy, the crown of the head up. Love it. And Bend. So Christy's is not giving me any unnecessary rotation, which is great. Yeah, her challenge is more coming in her pelvis a little bit. Yeah, but she's doing great though. Good and switch. Go ahead and lift. Head, neck and chest.

So find a little mud ports with left posterior tilt and Xcel up. Good. Find the extension. Use the back of that shoulder to reach the top, upper back extensors and bend. Extend. Fill that, lift that Koch contraction. Gorgeous and roll down energy. The legs reaching out in front of you. You're doing great. You're doing great. One more time and lift head, neck and chest and up you go Chris. See I love it. Reach good. Bend, Xcel.

Extend and melts and come all the way down. Find it, find it all the way. Beautifully done. Well done. Well done. We're going to move on to the monk. Yep. From here. Yep. We're going to go back to one spring, one red spring, bottom loaded, bringing the legs up. A lot of our work today is single lake. Okay, so doing a lot of verses. We'll do one time with the double leg, then we'll move into the single leg. Okay, so how it goes back. Let's take a nice big breath into prepare some filling.

This beautiful stretch to the lower back. You're going to lift up, Chin goes to the chest and you're in a curve into the tightest ball you can give me. Then Xcel continue to roll up and let's find the extension. Bring the head back just a little bit there. Inhale, flex and point the feet. Good. Now from here, initiate with the abdominals as you roll and draw everything in Nice and tight. Remember this is a spinal articulation exercise. Now what I want you to do next is take your left foot and just bring it right there. You can point it like you were perfect and as you roll up, so come into the ball first. Good. Xcel looks as me inhale.

Then exhale rolling up. You're going to extend that leg in front of the bar. Yes. And reach up. Yes. Flex and point the foot. Yep. Just that one. Good. And then roll down and all you do is bend the knee and just two. It's two again on that same leg. Yep. And breathe in and XL up.

Now pull down with those arms. So the arms are pulling down. The chest is pulling up. I want you to hold it here in the extension. Take the leg down, up and down. Three times. Breathe in XL up. You're going to get a beautiful stretch through the front of the flexor there up last time. Bring it up and hold it. Good. And roll down and bend that knee. Yes. And switch sides.

Yeah. Good, interesting. Kind of a fun one. Yeah. So you're going to breathe in, bring the head, neck and chest together, roll into a tight ball. XL, continue to go up. Bring that right leg up. Fill the extension. That's it. That's it. Chrissy. Good. Breathe in. And then roll down. Yes. So what you can see is in Chrissy's doing such a nice job with the articulation through her spine. So hold it there. Inhale, take it down. XL ups, you're holding that extension down. XL Up. Good.

Lengthen out in front of you. Bring it up and holds and then roll all the way. I love it. I love it. I love it. Good. And we're going to go ahead and turn around and we're going to complete the uh, push through series with the tower reverse in case. So we're still one spring bottom loaded, lying on your back.

Your hips can come a little bit closer and then parallel toes on either side of the strap and go out and extend the knees. Good. Hands down by your sides. Okay, one time just regular. Okay, so the same rules apply essentially for the regular tire. We're just going to be in a different position. We're going to be in more of a bridge position and open position. So take your breath in. Inhale, flex and point. Excellent, nice tag. Now when you're doing this, I want you to make sure that you're pressing energy into the bar here.

Hold this nice and steady as you bend the knees and extend them. Good and roll down. So this is a very challenging exercise on the hamstrings and flex and point. Good. Now you're gonna roll up regular. So rolling up. Now this time we're going to take the right leg and bring it back.

So we're going to open into a beautiful scissor. Hold that position. This is the extra challenge. And Bend that knee extended. Reach the energy out. Take the leg up and over. Gorgeous and roll down. We're going to alternate sides, guys. And Flex and point and give me abdominals here, abdominals, abdominals. You'll feel the hamstrings kick in really fast, but keep the abdominal energy and take the left leg back. Hold it. Good. Bend the right knee. Press energy into the bar continuously to hold it in place.

Take that leg up and over. Good and roll down. Nice deep connection. Flex and point. One more time. Each leg rolling up. Good. Good. Love it Chrissy. Good. Take the leg back and keep the control. Keep the versus in. Extend. Reach like up and over. Now at any point, if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable doing the single leg version, do the double leg version.

This single leg is significantly more challenging on body control, so if you don't feel ready for it, trust your intuition, trust your instincts and don't do it. You'll build up to it. Take the leg back. Good Bend, nice control with that hamstring. Good. You got it. Christie. Take the leg over and roll yourself down. Beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful and rest.

Nicely done. Yeah, got it. Good. Nice. Go ahead and sit up. We're going to give you all the Nice streets here and we're going to do our side reach and our push through. Okay. With our one spring top loaded, so theater are going to be up against that side. Poles and hands are up on the barn. Okay, so nice and lengthen through the spine. Breathing in Xcel, you're going to control into a deep posterior tilt, allowing your heels depressed, forward into the Poles. Take your right arm and you're going to rotate with an inhale. This rotation leads from the waist. Good XL.

Come back to center with the obliques. Good and inhale straight back up. We're going to do just one set of the regular sites. Reach good, deep, deep, deep connection. You can see how deep Chrissy's scooped here. Now we lead from the waist and we're rotating. The shoulders, head and neck are following the rotation from the waist. Good. Then at the end you continue to get this gorgeous stretch.

You're literally hanging on your bar. Exhale, come back to center from the obliques. Good and straight back at inhaling and Xcel rolling. Good and keeping the glue soft. Nice. You're going to twist. Now here. This is, you're going to love me for giving you this exercise. You're going to come into it upper back extension. You're going to continue to circle the arm. This is so beautiful.

You come into a lateral flection. Then you come into a little bit of a thoracic function flection as the arm comes back to the top of the bar. So continue. Yeah, and come all the way up. I know there's several different versions of this, but we'll do a full circle there. Yeah, and XL, you're going to tack, let's go to the left. So the left arm rotates. Now you're going to come up into an upper back connection. Look at this beautiful line that she reaches across into lateral flection.

She continues to thoracic flection. Beautiful, and that feels amazing. And Xcel did again, don't stop me and you're going to rotate over. Good. Now lift, lead from the sternum all the way over. If you had crayons on your fingertips, you'd be drawing this beautiful circle all the way around your body. So here, so the energy reaches out. Good. It goes over the top all the way around. Make a full circle. Yes. Into the thoracic flection.

Nice and well then gorgeous gorgeous scores is we're going to do a little quick hip work series. So let me take this down for just a moment. Okay. So what we're going to do for the hip work, it's actually going to play with doing the extended frog series here on the Cadillac. And I think I may lower this. Just a touch for ya. Yeah. Okay, perfect.

We're going to start with lake circles. Five in each direction. Okay. All right. We're gonna go up. Good external rotation here. So what Chris did to go a little bit faster with his circles, cause I want to challenge her pelvic lumbar stability. Beautiful. And three good. Keeping that external rotation.

Four beautiful and five good other direction. Up Open and down. So as you close those legs, feel the pelvic floor squeezing the inner thighs, squeezing three nicely done and four beautifully then and squeezing around five. Good. And come into your frog extended frog. We're going to stay parallel to the floor, a horizontal line. So I would even go a touch lower. Yeah. Now from here, open with control.

Yes, Ben's or knees and drag your heels in, accentuating the openness of your femurs here of your thighs. Exhale, press out, connecting through the deep, deep, deep pelvic floor and open. Good, nice abduction of the hips. Bend your knees, slide those heels together. And then let me see the ad duction as you squeeze that was so great. Good and open. Nice. Open there and then squeezed it and feeling that inner aspects of the hamstrings and those adductors as you bend those knees in gorgeous, open. So when you're moving from that deep center body, there's something very, I'll say organic about it. Now come in, we're going to reverse it.

Extend those legs out and I'll keep the legs just attach lower. Good and extend all the way. Good. And then I want you to accentuate external rotation as you draw those legs together. Good. Bend the knees. Nice. And reach out. Fill the lengthening the east centric length. Yes. And then squeezing and feel like you're lifting a zipper all the way up your center body. Good. Let's go two more here. Open.

Love it. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. And draw it in. One more time to finish and reach it out. Find it good and all the way holds here. Rotate your legs. The parallel end. Point your feet good. Take the legs down a little bit more. Bend your knees in between the spring, seem to squeeze them, and then extend your legs. That good.

And then you're gonna take them down. So basically what we're doing is it can call it a double leg bicycle. I personally like to call mermaid tail. Okay. If you want a girly name for it, now hinge at the hips. Draw the size together. Gorgeous.

Now what I want Christie to do is to get into her hamstrings and then get into this deep hip flexion. Yeah, so give me a little bit more of the quality. Like you're going to drag your heels and then as you take your legs down, you're reaching long and then you drag your heels in. Gorgeous. Good. Two more. Reach and drag. You can see how steady her torso and her pelvis is. Yes. And all the way up.

Let's do a couple in the other direction. Yeah. So come down a little bit. Yeah. And then the knees and squeeze the sizes. Just slide it out. Nice. Now you should feel with a pointed foot, you should feel like the straps are staying on safely. Um, if you have a problem or if one of your clients has a problem, you could also use the option of the ankle straps that velcro around your ankle. That's also another option. Squeeze. Good. Now as you bring those heels down and across field, the whole front side of the body, opening out.

Love it one more time and you should feel that a challenge of that stabilization. Good and beautiful. Nicely done. Moving right along into our push through, we're gonna do kneeling to standing series here. So we're going to come up for cat stretch and come a little closer for me. Okay. So on the cat stretch, we're going to do one regular and then just continue with the theme of our class. We're going to do some single leg. Oh yeah. Interesting, right?

So just do one regular. Then we'll guide you into the single leg. So a little bit of a tilt. They're going a little more length through the upper back here. Good. So extend those arms down with an inhale. Exhale, Chin to chest. Now you want to fill a pike here, putting a little bit of weight onto your hands and dive a little more, Chrissy.

And then once your shoulders get level with your hips, then you can extend out to a straight line. A lot of shoulder control. Breathing in. Now the same thing I want to see Chrissy's sweep up here. Feel the lats connect as you draw those arms back. Now take a little more tuck a little more, tuck a little more and come all the way up and bend. Nice. Now draw your legs all the way together.

When you start to roll down, you're going to keep the legs together. As you extend your spine, you're going to transfer your weight onto your left knee and take your right leg out behind you. Yeah. Okay, so arms going to go down. So your legs are squeezing together. Arms sound XL, Chin to chest. So she's going to dive. She's diving into a pool. She has a lot of abdominal work here. Keep going.

You'll see this perfect position here. Now as she extends, she slides her right leg out. It's a lot of stabilization. Good. Breathe in. And then as you come in, bend your knee so you can go right back to both knees. Exactly. And Roll Up. Yes. So you're not balancing on four points or balancing on three points. So there's a lot of extra work on those shoulders. Extra work in the center. So find that connection. Now feel like it lengthens out with control. Reach, love. And I use your glue to lift your left leg a little bit higher. Nice.

Breathe in and sweep it in and up. Transfer, dropping the head. Deep connection. Good. Keep Tucking. Good. And if you don't quite have the control to do this, continue to do it with double legs. Let's do one more time on each side and slide that leg out. I love it. I love it. I love it. Good, nice extension.

Breathe in and then pool. You can see how she leads with that. Lower back. She leads with the abdominals and it just translates through the rest of her body. It's this gorgeous flow that we want. So here she goes, up and over, she dies down this beautiful flection. Then she articulates out groceries, holding equal weight on both arms. Breathing in a lot of work on the outside, this gloomy here, and rolling Christie. Really Nice and all the way up.

I'm sorry cause he's a little work on the that. That's okay. That was, that was, that was great. Okay, let's move to, we're going to do a standing series here. So the first exercise, we're going to have no springs for this series. We have three exercises in the series. The first exercise is meant to mimic our control balance. Let it go. Control balance on the, um, excuse me, balance control front.

On the count of reformer, we're on the Cadillac, on the reformer. So Chris is going to hold onto the bar. She's gonna go chin to chest as she rolls down, as she goes, look very similar to the cat stretch. So we're building on the catch chest. She's going to start to extend out. She's gonna press the bar straight down to the floor.

She's going to continue with her shoulders into a plank position. Breathing in XL, she's gonna sweep everything back, dig her heels into the mat, bent her knees and she's going to roll up. If she want to pull further forward or backwards, you feel good there. I think that's okay. Yeah, you can make adjustments if you need to. So you want to think balance, balance, control and the reform, but but also push up from the mat.

Work there all kind of married here in this exercise, so chin to chest. As you roll down. She had this beautiful pipe, this connection. You can see the point where she needs to dive through. She stabilizes with her shoulders. She hinges around her shoulders and her hips, kind of like upstretched to breathing in and then she bends her knees and sweeps back. Good and rolls up. It's a great exercise. Full body exercise. Nice challenge on the shoulders, Chin to chest. We're going to add a little bit, one a little bit to this third one and rolling out.

Think a nice little bias sort of posterior. Until here, you're going to hold this position. You're going to bring the arms forward, press the bar one, bring it back underneath you too. So a lot of serratus work here, filling the scapular wide. Go to five for me, Chrissy. Pressing forward with the anterior deltoids, keeping the trans versus strong, the glutes. Strong, the feet down. Good. And sweep it up. Heels go down and roll up. Give me one more like that. That was gorgeous. And Go Chin to chest. Good as she goes here. Great dive. She presses down to the bar.

Good. Everything steady, she passes through. One good scapulas should not be winging. Abdominal. Should not be sagging. Lots of energy through the crown of the head, pressing down through the feet. Good, nice and forward. And Ben's love it. Good. Come a little bit forward.

So take a step forward now this time holding onto your bar, you want to do an upper high back arch? Good. So this is beautiful. It should feel really good. This is a nice feel. Good exercise. You're going to draw your abdominals in, you're going to bend your knees and you're gonna come down into a squat and this is a great opener of that back. You're going to breathe it, you're going to suck the abdominals in, roll up, press your hips forward and press the upper back toward the ceiling to pressing the Scapula. Good. And then feel like somebody came and pulled your belly button into your spine is such a nice undulation through your whole body. Good. Nice. Breathe in and roll up.

Intended to just kick Christi off the Cadillac can do it myself and pool the time, Ian. Beautiful. And just let your head hang here. Nice and deep. Good. Breathe in and rolling up and undulate through the whole body into this nice extension. Let's just add in one more for you and thread the belly button in. Good. Nice. Hang here. Good. Breathing in and scooping and rolling up.

Love it. Hips come forward. So you're on a slight hang here. Good. And come up bright. Good, nice and turn straight toward the camera for me. Good. And we're going to hold onto the bar here. We're going to do a little bit of oblique work, so legs are going to be together all the way and you're going to let your hips scoot out to the side. You're going to take your right arm up and your left leg up at the same time.

You're going to sweep across and you're going to come into some rotation and you're going to try to touch your feet, foot and your hand together. Yes, you're going to come back into the lateral. Yes, and then you seal bleed control to pull yourself back to upright. It's a great challenging exercise. So you're going gonna sly, those right fips out, good left foot up, beautiful. Then sweep around. Yes, you can see this nice pipe position that Chris has giving us. She's getting right into the oblique energy, opening up this aspect of her back. She's going to come back to the lateral flection reaching bong and then feel the control as you come up. Don't be afraid to really hang on that bar, so go again, reach beautiful and sweep around.

Love it, love it. Good. Reach around. Find that hang, reach as far as you can. Beautiful. And at good. We're doing a little potted do at Pierre and reach and sweep. Love it. Nice, Gorgeous Pike. And come out of it. Good and up. Nicely done. Other side. Ooh, that looks so pretty. Yes, it looks gorgeous. Good. Alright, so initiate by drawing that left hip out.

Good and reach around that. You're going to reach over the top of my head. Good. Find that position. Good. And so this is really, really embodies the idea of full body integration because you have a lot of shoulder work. Of course you have your oblique, you have your outer hip, then you have your abdominals, you have your, so as you have your external rotators. Yes. Reaching. Yes. And what we're trying to do here is create pure precise line. So this is a pure lateral flection just being in between two panes of glass.

This is deep rotation. Yes, very three dimensional here you reach back, love it and come up one more time and reach probably out of this whole class. This is my favorite exercise I think. And two is good. And come back. Love it, Christie. And a gorgeous, well done. Good. Okay, next we're going to move into our arms series. So go ahead and set your arm springs up.

You want to yellow on your balanced body, and I want you to sit. If you figure there's two ways you can do it, you can shuttle the Cadillac or you can sit with your legs forward facing me. [inaudible] that's fine. Yeah, no problem. No problem. Okay, so we want to lower the crossbar just to where it's just above your shoulder. Um, you know, things can always be adjusted according to where your strengths and weaknesses are and where you feel more comfortable. So here we're gonna start with chest expansion. Okay. So nice and lifted. Good. Taking your breath in. You're going to breathe in and with the exhale, think of going down and back. Yes.

Now by putting you in a seated position, I'm challenging your postural muscles a lot. Um, if you are an individual with tight hamstrings, um, you can bend your knees, you can sit with your legs straddling the Cadillac, or you can simply place a towel or a little box underneath your hips. But what I love about this kind of like when we do, I'm sitting on the reformer, is that beautiful stacked position of the trunk. Yes. Let's go for more. So you're getting the lats and the triceps here. The posterior aspect of the shoulder. Yes, to more breathing out. Good. And I love that Christie. Every time she pulls those arms back, I can see the trans versus drawing in, which is perfect. We're going to do rowing back one.

So yes. So taking the breath in, you're going to bend your elbows and bring them back. Good. Exhale. You're going to tuck down. I'm just changing it a little bit in how you're going to take your arms back out to their Xcel. Bring them in and in heel. Roll yourself all the way back up. Good. And extend your arms in front of you. So I'm not doing the full version.

So bring it in. Inhale, exhale. Using the abdominals to roll back, but what I want to get is the shoulder control that tries up for the extension there. Yes. Pull the trans versus in deep gores as who feel those shoulders. Yeah, and Roy yourself up. Ah. She says and extend some breathing and roll down. Looks great though. We're just going to do four. I think that's all I ever going to need and bring it back in. You look great.

You look beautiful and roll yourself back up. Nice Christy and reach forward one more time and bring it in. XL Kicker and I seek connection. Deep connection. Good. Take it out. Good. Bring it back in. Such a good challenge on your stabilization and come up. Good. And extend palms face up, bent in rowing back to Tuck the pelvis and roll down.

Good. Little deeper. She's going to hold her. She's going to be for bicep curls. Inhale, exhale. One good and two good and three. Love it and for bringing it here. Breathe in and roll yourself up. Good.

Just there yet an extent. We're taking some of it. It just changes a little bit. Obviously the the mechanics of the Cadillac versus the reformer. Yeah. Perfect. Inhale and XL scooping one. Nicely done to love it. And three, one more time and for hold it. Take your breath in. Roll Up. The arms can travel back up to the upper arms. Parallel to the floor.

Perfect. And extend. Let's do two more. Breathing and thread. The belly button and roll. You can see she keeps this beautiful shape of her arms. Her arms are tight to the waist, so squeeze them. And every time you bicep curl you flatten the abdominal wall two more and bring it in. Love it. Great. Good Chrissy.

And come up one more set and bring it in. This is the end of the session. You've got to really dig deep here. You're getting physically fatigued, you're getting mentally fatigued, so you've got to really, really dig deep and to one more time. Good. And Roll yourself up. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Nice. This is a short arm series, but a good one. Intense. Yeah, but we're going to do triceps. So actually you know what?

We're going to do it sitting side. Yep. So go ahead and hold here. So you're going to come down into this position. Yep. So we're going to mimic our arms and kneeling side from the Cadillac or excuse me, up in the reformer. That's where, yeah. [inaudible] exactly. Now I personally like to come down onto my elbow cause it gives me that extra side stretch, which is nice. And you can cross your ankles in front. That feels better. Yeah.

And you're going to bring the arm just there and look down at your bottom hand. Now what I did was I lowered the cross bar a little bit. So the spring's going to be coming from lower sail, more resistance on it. So take your breath in and exhale. You're going to extend straight up and bend. Is that okay? Resistance? Good.

Now you're going to keep your upper arm nicest steady. And what that does is it takes any of the moving work out of the shoulder. You want to keep it in isometric position so that you're just doing elbow extension here. So notice how Christy comes to a 90 degree angle, then back up into extension. So she's really isolating the tricep here. And at the same time she's getting this beautiful side bend in her waist. Good. Let's go three more and if you want more resistance, take the bar further down. Last one, hold it, reach it.

Good and slowly come out of it. Nicely done. Good. So we're good. Kind of getting two fold there we are getting a nice uh, side opener and we're getting the tricep. That's good. So the arm is furthest away from the bar. You can come down onto your elbow, can this beautiful lateral flection looking down at the bottom hand, keeping the upper arm steady and we extend up one that you also want to reciprocate this movement with a constant drawing of the abdominal muscles. Good.

And it's very tempting to take your elbow away from your head. You want to keep it close, more close to your head so that it stays vertical. Cool. Nice. I believe we're at six good and seven we're going for 10 reps, keeping that chest open. Eight to more. Nine. Love it. And last one, hold it. Gorgeous Christie. And all the way.

Good. Really Nice. Okay, we are getting close. We're going to bring this bar back up. Go ahead. And I want you to lie down on your stomach. Lie Prone. Yup. There we go. Go ahead.

I'm going to take the spring's just there. Good. So we're going to do an exercise and it's kind of like s a swan on the floor. I don't have a lot of names for these little slight variations. Um, it can also call it kind of like an eagle prep. So take your arms a little bit wider. Good. So what we're going to do here is Christie, you're going to bring your arms down toward the floor and as you do that, you're going to lift the head, neck and chest up at the same time. Exactly.

So you're pulling back. So you're getting a lot of the lat, tricep, posterior shoulder work. Hold the body for a moment as you start to lift the arms up and then take the body down and feel like you're lengthening. So slight Tuck of the pelvis here. Good. Depressing the shoulders. As you bring the arms down, feel like you're going to glide your fingertips down to the floor. Lifting up, filling the sternum, rise, filling that continually lifted the abdomen. Hold this body steady as the arm start to live. Controlling east central control with your lats. Central control.

Good and down. Love it and take the arms down. Beautiful. Nicely done. Arms reach up and down. Beautiful. Now what I want you to do here, Chrissy, is you're going to take your right arm down and lift your left leg up. Kind of like a, I'm swimming ish. [inaudible] so the light arm is going to go down. The left arm is extended, the left leg is going to come up. Your left arm is going to stay steady. Yes. And then bring everything back. Good.

So we're getting a beautiful cross pattern here. So the left arm goes down to the floor, the right arm lifts. Left leg. I'm getting my all tongue tied. I'm so sorry. So let's take the right arm down the left leg up. Yes. Beautiful Cross pattern here. Try not to rotate the torso.

Gorgeous and lengthen as you go down. Left arm down, right leg up. Beautiful, nice and strong across the shoulders. Let's do one more time each way. Challenging back work. Challenging shoulder work. Feel like the pelvis is heavy into your mat. Nicely done. One more time, Chrissy. And lifting up. You're doing great. Feeling that upper back extension, lengthening good and reach and rats.

Go ahead. Go ahead and sit into your best position. Stretching out that back. We're going to do some, we're gonna do some, um, lateral flection. And then just the nice last back extension to finish the class. So we're going to need our role at bar and they're going to need your short box. Oops. Excuse me. Here and here. Okay. So lying on your side, facing the front.

[inaudible] I'm going to go ahead and put this bar up just so it's out of our way. I want you to point your feet and actually take your bottom foot in. Yes. It's going to be very important that you press the energy of your feet into the box and you're going to take the role of Bart. You're going to hold it right in the center. Exactly. Good. So this is a great lateral flection exercise, but what makes this exercise so challenging is you don't have hardly any support. So it's very challenging on the stabilization of the torso.

You don't want to wiggle around like a fish out of water. So you want to use that chunk stabilization to guide you as you come into the lateral flection so you keep the integrity of your positioning. So taking your breath in you again, your bottom leg is forward. You're on your toes, you have a slight tuck of the pelvis. The first movement is going to be the drop the right Scapula, the top scapula.

Glide that arm down away from you. Let the spring start to assist you, and then you're going to lift up, pressing the feet into the box. Good. Inhale, open and go all the way down this beautiful Xcel. Press the feed in, gliding that shoulder down. Feel like you're going to just squeeze the top aspect of the inner thighs together. Length in the stop side as you go down. Good. So you can think of this as a shortening of the top side and the lengthening of the top side. So again, the obliques engage good and they're coming up good. You're getting this beautiful you. Then as you go down, you're opening, controlling the east center contraction. That looks great.

Two more and engaging. Flattening the abdominal wall. Good. Take it down. Nicely done, Christie. One more time. Gliding up, Dah, Dah. [inaudible] good and down. Beautiful. And we'll switch sides. Yes. So remember the spring is intended to assist you not to do the work for you going switch feet. So your bottom foots in front.

Now the reason you do that is to open up the hips to bias toward the obliques. Yeah. So we bring the bottom foot in front to just get a little bit more work in the obliques. So the spring will assist you. A slight Tuck of the pelvis. We start by engaging the scapula. Good. Bringing it up. Beautiful. Inhale slowly down.

Good XL gliding. Now as you come up, you'll feel the energy, the feet pressing into the box. Good. Take it nice and slow. Love it and flat abdominal wall. Love it. Beautiful. Beautiful. And down. Look. Great. Last one. Excuse me. Let's do two more. Yeah. So this is number four and again, feel that top of those inner thighs squeezing together. And one more here. Using the obliques to fold the torso into lateral flection and then east centric, controlling down. Love it. Beautifully done.

Good. And we just going to take the box and police it to the side. Okay. And we're going to finish with one back extension. Okay, perfect. Perfect. So just a couple of reps here. We're going to do prone one.

Yup. So go ahead and lie face down. Now I'm going to give you the license to kind of just make this a feel good one. So you can take your breath in and just reach the head, neck and chest up and we're just going to kind of flow. Yeah. And then reached down. Yes.

I basically just want you to think of that reverse articulation. Head, neck and chest is flowing up, filling the stretch or the front of the body and then burying it down. Yeah. So it doesn't have to be, so I want to say, so control. Just have a little bit more fun with kind of rolling through your body, reaching out. Nice. And then just kind of rolling down one more time. How's that feel? Good. Yeah. Just reaching out. Beautiful and down.

Just the nice little exercise to finish with. Go ahead and push over into your best position. Okay, nice. Okay. And just finish it with a couple of Nice deep breath. Just letting your hips just pour over your heels. Good. Breathing in and exhale, guy breathing into the rib cage.

Just feeling that expansion. So have a really nice challenging Cadillac session that incorporates a lot of flow. A lot of single leg work, balance work with that single leg. I'm breathing in [inaudible] an XL. Roll yourself out. Good. Beautiful work. That was great. That was a lot of fun. Thank you.


I loved this class!! Thanks Leah!
Great class! Love all the modifications and the "surprises" like the roll up bottom loaded w one arm... An excellent teacher and a perfect Kristy! Love this kind of classes!!
Leah is always amazing! Love the new tricks on the cadillac. Cant wait to do this one. Jamie
Elizabeth D
Hi Leah, what a gorgeous class! I absolutely loved this. Thank you so much!
ok well this is harder than it looks!! trust me. i just tried it. well done Leah
Thank Leah for providing creative workouts and great cues, and thank Kristi for a beautiful workout. I loved this creative transitions and variations.
I added a lot of these exercises into my Intermediate mat/tower class. The students were so excited!!!
Leah your are such a great teacher!!! Thank you !
Love this class! Thanks Leah!
Awesome class! What a great teacher you are! Thanks so much!
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