Class #519

Mat on the Spine Corrector

55 min - Class


The Spine Corrector can be an exciting change to your personal workout. Distinguished Instructor Pat Guyton takes the Matwork and puts it on the Spine Corrector. Pat relates the exercises from the floor to how they apply on the SC in an informative way that will help you isolate and gain a better understanding of the core muscles when you go back to performing mat work on the floor. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Spine Corrector

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Sep 17, 2011
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So are you ready to start? Good. So let's bring your legs out. Think about the seal position in the mat work. So if you were in the mat work, your hands would be up and you were be being a nice little seal position. And let's take our arms out and we're going to begin to warm up our spine. So we're going to do, and this is mat work on the spine corrector that I'm presenting today.

So we're going to reach out on an inhale and in on the exhale, inhale out with a nice inhalation, filling up your lungs. Exhale, rolling up a wall. And if I stop, it's because I'm just looking at you. You just keep going. And Inhale Owl and exhale n come up. Put your hands right here in your hips. That's your hip joint.

Bend forward as if you had something in that joint and you're going to squeeze it. Now actually your spines are straight when you flex it, your hips. So come back up and think about your spine moving forward and then come all the way back up. Do you all feel the difference? Okay, let's do the spine stretch and let's think I'm going to go forward because my spine bent, I'm not going to think about what I look like on the outside. I'm going to invite myself to feel the inside and the spine goes forward and it feels delicious and divine and we come back and up and all the way out. Inhale. Good. And exhale. Wonderful. And think about a lot of space between your chest and your thighs.

Good. And let your neck elongate too. And one more. Inhale, reaching out. Fill up your lungs. Now exhale and allow your lungs to empty. Take your hands and put them behind your neck. Now Joe Pilati seemed very fond of this position.

So from here we're going to all turn and I'd like you to turn toward me even though I will be turning toward this side. So take an inhale and ex Haile on three. Inhale X, hail on three [inaudible] and come back to the center and put your hands at the side. Take your hands. That's closest to me, up to the nape of your neck. And feel the neck reaching toward the hand.

And then let the neck come forward. And sometimes this will happen when we do mermaids. So what I'd like you to do is really feel your neck and feel your arm open and we're going to go over to the side and then come up. Think of someone pulling your elbow up towards the ceiling and back to the center. And as I go over, I'm thinking of stretching the opposite side from elbow to my hip and all the way over. Nice. Inhale and exhale, income up. Put your other hand behind. Press down and feel the side of your body stretch.

Feel those muscles sliding together to bring you back to vertical and and reach and come up. Lovely and that to the side and all the way up to the center and come all the way down. Loosen up your scapula a little bit. Think of those triangular bones. Just let them come up your back and then let them slide down your back. Imagine your Scapula is an elevator in a building.

Everybody's going up to the observation deck and then they want to go down because it's a great art exhibit in the basement and lifting up. Yes, that's kind of funny. It's good to laugh. Did you know? Laughing releases your diaphragm, which means you actually are free to move. So please feel free to laugh all of you, all that you want to and then put your hands on the wood and bring your legs together and slide out to the end and roll back. In this position we're going to make the Pilati c curve or what some people call the scoop. So you may want to think of it this way. Your tailbone is a scooping and it's going up toward your knees.

And then as you are, uh, in the spine corrector, come forward a little bit, deepening your seeker and come back and just a little bit of deepening your seeker and back. Now I could say bring your chest, shoulders and neck up and we might get a c curve. But I'd like you to think of bending your spine, just waiting for your spine to bend. And I often say, wait for pilates to happen and then come all the way up. Hold that position, lift your legs up and press them down and then try to feel your c curve. Good and press them down. Now if you notice, this would be me lifting my legs. I'm going to try to really feel this.

Put your hand over and lift and lower so your legs can't go up unless you deepen your c. Does that make sense? And lift and lower and then adjust yourself. If you need to bring your legs in, bring them all the way up and lower them down. Either turned out feet or parallel feet, whatever is your pleasure and hundreds. Okay.

Think about your neck long reaching toward the ceiling. The crown of your head is actually touching the ceiling. [inaudible] is the curve in your body still a c? Are Your shoulders sliding down your back? Or if they decided to go to the observation deck, [inaudible] two more [inaudible] and then we're going to bring our feet down to the floor and come all the way up. Use your hands to come up. Now you may find that your, uh, so far close that if you were to reach forward, you might slide off the spine corrector. So bring yourself back a little bit.

So as you reach forward, you're in the right position to come up without sliding off. Slide your hands down your legs, bring your arms up and make a nice plank line. So let your ears stay between your arms. And we're going to do some roll-ups and inhale up. Exhale over and roll and down.

Eh, they use your inhale to float up first. And I flowed up and my feet come off. So I want to find just the right amount of float and up [inaudible] and please do one more for me and float up beautiful arm positions and over and roll all the way back and keep your arms here. Lift your legs up, bring your right leg in the situate yourself. Feel as if your belly is pulling into a deep sea curve and feel like your upper body is going to your leg. Lay back a little bit, pull your knee in. Notice that's not as much abdominal. Can you feel that? So if in the spine corrector, I want to really reach forward and one and two, three and four, five and six and seven and again one breathe.

That's it. Next long, six, seven and eight and put your feet down. Put your hands up, lift up as low as if there was something on a top shelf. Wiggle your fingers, grab whatever it is and rolled him and lift up and down. Now when we do the double light stretch, there's a lift implied and down. So bring your legs in right here. Lift and Comey lift and come me lift and come in. You're still in a c curve and come in and bring your right leg up.

Extend your left leg out and put it on the floor. Again. Feel like your body is c curving into the top leg. And we'll do this slowly. It's not a kick, it's an actual rotation in your hip joint and one and two and three and four in. It's very pleasant to smile. Seven and eight.

I mean nobody takes any form deductions for that. Three. Four feel as if the belly lifts the leg, seven and a very nice. And bring the feet up and lower point and lift and down and lift and down and lift and down and lift and down and lift and feed down. Keep your hands here. Feel the c curve and see if you can walk your thoracic vertebrae over the top of the arch and then walk them back up.

So notice if I say walk my thoracic vertebrae, I'm going from bottom all the way to the top. Then I'm picking up the top one and coming all the way up. So let me show you what I sometimes see head going back anticipating. So I'm still seeing heads, still seeing heads, still seeing heads, still seeing head join the ceiling fan and coming up, coming up, coming up, coming up. So I invite you to do two of those for me and rolling back.

Good. And coming all the way up. Nice. And holding onto the c curve. So the thoracic curve extends rolling back and then coming all the way, uh, and sitting up in your spine corrector. Now we're going to do a side change. So I'm going to turn my barrel so you can see me.

And when we sit in the barrel, what I'd like you to do is to pull your leg back. So we're going to sit all the way back. And the reason I'm sitting all the way back is some of you may decide to teach this for your clients. If they have more leg on the spine corrector, they're going to feel more comfortable. My Front foot, I'm going to flex. So when I flex the side of his on the floor, this feels uncomfortable to you. Just you can just point it or do this, whatever. Bring your hands up to the top and try to get the top leg all the way out.

And we're going to roll over on a full breath. Pardon me while I watched this and yes, one more. All right, now I have a little suggestion and we're going to try this. I'm going to have her go over. And again, this helps people position their neck. So with the arms open, um, when you have advanced students, they may like that. But in this position, I can control the neck. I want her to come up and level this out as soon as possible to come up.

So instead of coming up and down, do say she has to really lift through her trunk. So let's try three more of those and [inaudible] you feel the difference and up. Bring this arm out to the side and we're going to do a reach. Two, three, inhale and exhale. Inhale. Exhale, two, three, [inaudible] one, two, three. And I come all the way up to sitting and bring your arm down. Bring your leg in.

Just go over for a moment and feel the back leg. Stretch the stretch out that thigh and bring it in and stretch it out. Good. And bring it in and take your leg out and come all the way up. Now we're all going to make a spine corrector switch so that you continue to see me. So [inaudible] good.

And from here. Good. And since the form looks pretty good, we're going to do six of these. So that was number three. One more, all the way up to here. Bring this arm out and reach one, two, three and again, I should go over, you may want to feel like inhaling is a cloud that lifts you up to three lift one, two, three.

Now a very interesting thing that I discovered most what we've been doing is, wouldn't you say we've been pulling with the side of our body to come up? Would you agree? Yes, yes, but we haven't been using the other side, so I'm going to go to a plank line and I'm not going to do a side bend to the extent that I may able, I'm going to imagine there's a spring. You know the springs that used to be in pens that you would shoot at your teachers? Yeah. Well you've got a little spring right under here, so you come up and down. So I'm not lifting very much, but I'm really imagining it as a spring. So let's come over here. It's very small and lift and down. Try not to move your elbow anywhere, but up to the ceiling, up and down. Four and down, five and down, six and down, seven and down and a and down.

Did you feel the difference and come all the way up. Now I'm going to have you turn around and I'm going to watch the springs from this sentence to turn to the other side. And you're allowed to smile while you do this breathing. It's been great. And little spring up and down, two and dam three and down four and down five and down six and Downfield, little different, seven and down and eight and down hand come up and you can face forward. So we're now going to do a little bit of extension work.

So I'm going to face you so you can see me on this piece. So you want to place yourself on your spine corrector and we're going to do single leg kick and double leg kicks. So right now whenever you're on the spine corrector, it's very much like a, the chair and Kathy Grant taught on the chair that it's okay to position yourself for an exercise. Check out the position before you actually began doing it. So if you bend your leg and you feel like your Patella is really uncomfortable on the edge, slide forward or back depending on the length of your body.

So here I am and I'm going to start with the salon dive. So I'm going down and my sternum is pulling me up and I lifted my heels to the ceiling and my sternum is lifting me. It's an inhale on the top and exhale on the bottom. Inhale as you come up, and this is what you call active extension. So I'm going to use one of my front people up here. Watch this.

If I want to extend, I have to use land extensors. So the chest is up. Now this is act as if Keel. I want you to lift your legs up as if you weren't going to lower your chest, but you are going to lower your chest. It's just make your legs lift. See now we still have a curve. Now keep your feet on the ceiling and see if you can lift your chest and keep resisting the idea that your feet are going to go down. Does that make sense?

Okay, so let's try for more of those. Suddenly the energy of this changes. So now the warm up of going over the art. Now you have to do the real extension work and exhale, feet are up in the ceiling. Now hold them up there as long as you can. As you inhale and come up some beautiful swanning in here and down and up and down and up. Beautiful and down and come all the way up.

Lift your chest, lift your thighs a little bit. Feel the completion of that exercise. Do you feel your backs? Yes, that's what we want. And then slide back a little bit. And from this position we're going to keep our hands here. Imagine that your sternum is like a bow and an arrow. So the bow bends and the Arrow works because somebody puts a string on it.

So if Amy's sternum is a bow and I put a string from here to here, there is action potential. You can't shoot the Arrow without stringing the burl. Yeah. So here we are lifting our chest feeling or Belize lift to support our low back, starting with our right leg. And B, B and down. As you do this, keep thinking chest.

So as the flick comes up, it's the chest resisting dropping. As you do your leg kick, kick and down. Are we enjoying this? It's nice to see on your faces and down and come back. Now I'm going to demonstrate this.

I like it because it's kind of the crab position too. I'm going to turn sideways so you can see this. So I liked this piece of exercise because it reminds me of the crab position and so I'm going to bring my head down and I'm going to find a position where I'm not. I'm obviously not going to rest in my head, but I'm going to feel the length of my neck. And then from here I'm going to take my arms and I'm going to bring them around. I may want to come up and check my position and see if I can get a nice one.

Notice that my hands are down here. They're up here. Then as I come up, exhale two, three and and exhale two, three and inhale. So follow me. I'll do two and then I'm going to watch you and [inaudible]. Exhale, two, three. Hey, and exhale two, three and hey and [inaudible]. Exhale long next long neck, three and up. Feel the lift and one, two, three and lift all the way up. Take a rest. And I want, I'd like you to just go over for me for a minute.

Yeah, I know. Now you may not be in the right position. Slide back a little bit. Good. Now feel like the crown of your head reaches c, so a nice length there as opposed to this next. Really they long to be long. Okay, so try that for me. One, two, three. And anybody who wants to check themselves out for this wonderful and coming down to think head, head, head, reach a long neck, long that good girl and reach all the way up.

Does that feel better? Yes. Okay. So now you've all learned this, it little finish on this piece and head is down and one, two, three and lift two, three n one, two, three and Lyft to three. And lift and lift and lift and lift and come all the way down and reach back. Round over. So from here, one of the things that's nice about spine corrector is because your plank is on the incline, it's more doable for most of our clients. So let's make a nice little Klein Klein for a transition and lift your right leg up, press back and in for leg pull and up and back and in and down and up.

Reach back and in and down and up. Reach back and in and down and then walk back or the ups stretch. Bring your hands down, hand. Think about washerwoman and roll up. And it's time for an equipment change.

So if you'd just bring your barrels so their lip is back to the center of the room. Okay, here we are sitting in the spine corrector a little correction that will help you in some, in the teaser. Lace your hands together. And we're going to do something that I learned in gymnastics called an ear check. So some of you have heard me give this correction, but I'm going to lift up to the ceiling and then we're going to notice that my ears are between my arms. Open your hands and that's what we would call framing our face. Stick your head forward. Not a good position. Does that feel good?

Alright. And then let it drop back Zack. Feel good? No. So if you are not quite sure about your head position or I should yell out exuberantly ear check, that is what I'm talking about. And bring yourself back. We're going to do hip circles with stretched arms. So take your arms open and stretch them back. Bring your legs up and reach to the ceiling.

Now this is really a corkscrew, so I'm going to reach over to my right hip and come down up on to my left hip and come down now for uh, just for, uh, an imagery change. Let your feet go to the right and you still may end up on your right hip. But what does that really feel like? Take yourself, your feet over to the left. And now let's change again back to the imagery of rolling onto your right hip from your spine, making a circle, getting up onto the left and center and over and down and up and center and over and down and up on and center. And we'll let we watch and down and up. Check your seat curves.

Have you lost your curve up and one more over, down, up and center. Come up for s, come up to sitting for a minute and just take a deep breath in. Good and exhale and deep breath in. And imagine your breath is floating you a and deep breath in and floating you up. Just a little bit of Trivia, it's anatomical trivia. So I kind of like it. The lungs actually come very high up into your body and technically if you inhaled, they might actually peek out over your serve, uh, your little clavicles and they are attached to your cervical vertebrae by the cervical, uh, plural ligaments. So when I inhale, I actually can feel long because I'm long all the way up to here and down into my back. So when I asked you to breathe, just image that and see if you can feel that your neck, your lungs going down your neck any longer and exhale and one more and down. How does that feel? Kind of Nifty, Huh?

When we do the teaser, we do not want to shorten all those internal things. So let's slide forward, roll back, check your legs for a nice teaser position that suits your body on the spine corrector. And here we go. Now we're going to scoop our arms around so we stretch our shoulders, lift up and make a teaser. Nice in Hale and an X. Hey, big inhale.

Think of those lungs lengthening all the way through your neck and exhale and one more. Inhale ladies reach and all the way up. And exhale. Hold that position. Lower your right leg down. Now use your c curve to lift and down. See curve lift.

Imagine are buying tickets to see this right and your cert to see curve up and down. And up and down and up and come in. From here. We're going to do coordination. All that comes from the reformer, so it'll look like this. [inaudible] notice I'm going to use the spine corrector to get a little bit of extra as I finish the end of it. We'll do five of these and notice how you can really feel the curve that sometimes is elusive on the reformer. Open, close in. I'd like one more please, and out and open-close, knees and upper body and put your hands down here on the wood and another elusive thing from the Cadillac that really feels good on the reformer and flex. We're going to do the walking. One, two, three, four, five, six does together. One, two. You're climbing the ladder. Five with your belly, so don't think of your feet left. Two, three, four, five, six up with your belly.

Four, five, six. I'd like to see it down to three, four, five. Hold. You should belly to lift your foot lifted. Walk up a ladder. Three, four, five, six and down. Two three four, five six and up to three four, five 61 to bend your knees right now and come up. Yes you do. So how was that? Yeah, great.

ABS series. Now we're going to go back and do another side series. So I'm going to turn to the side on this one and you can face me. So when we do the side series, it's obvious, but we don't always think about it. We doing one vertebrae at a time when many of these things, but on the side then we're doing one vertebrae at a time and it's very good to do side bands because it not only works the spinus processes in the space between the joints, but it also works those little transverse processes. So you could think of one transfers process at a time.

Sound like a plan. Okay. And we're going to go all the way over and then I want you to stay there. I'm going to move back because I just have a sense that these two ladies are going to be in my, all right, so from here we're going to do the side leg series. When we do this sidelight series, we're going to try to keep our hip stable and we're doing the whole side leg series with a side bend and flex, flex and back. And one way I can tell if your hip is relatively stable is your elbow won't weave around and flex, flex and back and flex, flex and back and breathing and back and flex.

Flex. Now that's flection and extension. Put your foot down. Think of the ball and the socket and roll up abduct. Adduct and you don't want to get to a range of motion where your hip hurts. So if you start to feel something like that's enough, that's enough. Up and down, up and down, up and down and up and down.

Japanese fan coming over, toe down, heel up, up and over, up and over, tried to feel the hip joint rolling so the front of the pelvis is not moving. Up and down, up and down. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, and then come back to the center. Watch this one for a minute. I'm going to lift my leg, lift my upper body, lower my upper body, lower my leg. Now in this position, I like to think of this as side bend upside down. So that's why on the mat you understand and the leg and the body and the body, the leg, the leg and the body, the body and the leg. The leg are we feeling this and down the leg and the body, the body and the leg, the leg and the body.

The body and the leg. Very nice. Now both and down and up and down and up and down and up and down. Very nice. Now bring your bottom leg in and just come up for a moment. We're going to do a piece called hip opener.

Hippo Brunner is done in the guillotine. It's also done in the Cadillac. And sometimes it's not really accessible for some of our clients. So with the hip opener, we want to feel the whole growing open. And so what we're going to do with, we're going to press back feeling the hip opening, opening, opening, opening. Now if this were Isley deely done, what would happen is we would come up and this wouldn't roll in cause it's called hip opener. So it would look like this. Let me do one.

Yeah. Are you, are you game for it? And I hear a lot of good breathing. So something's happening here. Two more. Check your hip every now and then to see if your groin as open and all the way up and bring this leg out. Now we're gonna do a preparation for Chris Cross. So when we were on the Mat many times we can't do the Chris Cross cause our elbow bumps into the floor.

[inaudible] so this is what we're going to do. We're going to live slightly to clear our body and come to the floor, lift and come to the ceiling. All without doing the Hula in her hips. So lift to the floor, lift to the ceiling, lift to the floor and lift and the ceiling and lift to the floor and lift to the ceiling. Three more. Lift to the floor, lift, twist and ceiling. Lift and floor lift and ceiling and lift and floor and lift and ceiling.

Very nice. And then come all the way back to the side and come up and you can do a little mermaid stretch. Reach, reach, reach and reach and come up. Let me please. I think we all need to turn in a viral [inaudible]. Is anybody feeling like their spine is [inaudible] okay and reach all the way over. Now this is a side leg series, so think about your elbow straight up. I noticed that when we were doing it before. As we start to fatigue, sometimes this elbow starts coming down.

So make sure you can listen with this ear to this top of the ceiling. That was a Kathy griot cue to use your senses. So can you hear something on the ceiling? Okay, somebody is telling you where treasure is buried and flex, flex and back and flex. Flex and back and flex. Flex and back and flection and extension and flection and extension and flection and extension. And bring your leg in a straight line. Again, think about your hip socket.

How much does it really lift and lower and visualize the hip turning inside its socket so it's not a leg kick. And now in four and down and five and down and six and down and seven and down. Do you feel the outside of your thigh? Good and down and lift the leg. Lift the body, lower the body, lower the leg, lift the leg and hold it in one spot. Lift up.

Now try to stretch further of the arc and now and lift and up and over and down and lift and up and over and down and lift and up and over and down. Now both and lift and, and lift and down and lift and down and lift and down. I remember I forgot the Japanese stand because I was so excited about getting to here. So let's do the fan and yeah, notice that you can come further forward, backwards. There's not as much extension in the hip. Try to open your eyes and be present in the space and you can feel your foot and down.

Bring this foot in and come all the way up. If you're teaching this class or just for yourself, he may want to feel a little bit of opening. Put a little bit of pressure on your leg. Feel the opening through the groin. So lots of our clients need this. Lots of us need this and here we go. And it is, yes, it's difficult.

You may notice there's one side that feels more cooperative and lift and AH, two more. Yes, yes. Good. And all the way down and like comes out and now we're going to twist and as the truest, try to keep your elbows flat. Two more and the last one and all the way up and then come up. And as you come up, if you bring your legs in, now some people call this the mermaid or the Cleopatra, but both of your legs they're in. And just feel that position lifting up. Now all that was preparation for the court screw. I mean, not the cork.

Screw the crisscross. So I'm going to turn sideways and you all can turn sideways. Um, yes. Why don't you face him? It's more inviting that way. All right. Yeah, watch for a moment. We all know what the criss cross legs are and the most difficult thing in the floor is if we don't have enough anterior trunk flection, the elbow bumps into floor. Yeah. Is everybody experienced that or seen that? So here I'm going to turn and I'm going to try to aim this elbow to the floor.

I'm not thinking of this elbow to the knee. I'm also trying to avoid laying down and getting in that comfortable area where I like to hang out. I'm going to come up to here, so my Chris Cross is going to look like this. Would anybody like to do that with me? Okay, so come up a little bit. Get your elbows out. So we don't want the elbows coming toward our nose. Lift up and whichever direction you pleased to go and open your elbows a little wider. Think of twisting from your center last one and center. Good.

And then come all the way to sitting and turn your barrel around to the center of the room. So we're going to do swimming and we're going to do it from steps. So as you're practicing at home or you're working with your students, it's okay to do steps. So on the swimming, I'm going to bring myself out and again, I'm going to think about what Cathy said, which is that you can kind of check yourself out. See where you need to be. Generally speaking, your triangle on the front of your pelvis is slightly behind the arch because once you take your arms out, it's a different balance point. All right, so for from here in this position, we're going to just take our leg and you can get in position and you're going to lift the thigh that's toward me and put it down and remember to string your bow and Arrow and put it down and lift the right and down. Lift the left and down, lift the right and down, and that's how your leg should feel on swimming. Notice that it's going up.

So we're going up to the surface. We're not going down to the reef now the right arm goes up and presses down. As I go up, that's an ear check. So if I check my ears between my arm and down and up and down and up and down and up, and feel the connection of your little finger into your back and up and down. Now have fun with this one.

Find your balance point and we're going to swim and swim. Two, three, four. We're going to go up, do the surface, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, two, three, four, five, six, seven, a good. And then come back and stretch and round yourself all the way over. Very nice ladies. And then come all the way up and come back to the rocking swan position.

So your legs are going to come up and then your chest is going to come up. And we're going to do the grasshopper. So watch for a minute. This pattern is a little different in many different places, but it's all basically the same thing. So my heels are going to go up. I'm good to bring my heels in like a reverse frog. Then I'm going to extend my legs higher. Open. One, two, three. Okay.

And I will do two. And then I will watch. Inhale, exhale, heel zero. Inhale, flex. Exhale, lift, open. One, two, three. And inhale, and exhale, bend and Stretch Lopez, one n, one, two, three. A Nice little correction here I'm going to use your body. So as she goes down, she's doing this very nicely. I'd like her to lift. Now as you bend, I'm going to suggest, because she's so good though.

I'm gonna make this harder. Oh yes, you are. Now as you bend, you could lower your knees. Yeah. And that's pleasant. All right. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to say, can you bend your feet back? Stay up off the floor. Yeah. Keep your knees up. Keep your knees up now straight and from that position, yes. Now Open. Whew. And one two. Did that feel more inviting?

But that's a real extension. Yeah. Good. You are awesome. All right, so I'll count it through again just two times. Then I'll slow it down a little bit and inhale. Exhale. Place your heels. Feel the feet on the ceiling. Now Bend with your knees on the ceiling. I want to see everybody. Dan, come on band. Bend your knees. You can do it now. Extend from your knees and Marie tracery reach and open and one, two, three, and again, inhale and exhale.

Bend and stretch and open. And one, two, three. Nice. This is on the PMA exam, but it's on the Nice East Coast Spine corrector and they actually do rock well. But we're just going to get in the position. So I'll show you what I've, I'm working, I'm working on this. I'm always working on things. So, and sometimes I get a little rock and I think I'd like myself back there. I suggest that you're slightly further back so that your knees are on the lip.

And I'm going to watch if you feel uncomfortable as if you're going to die down onto your nose, then just don't do it. So reach out and balance. That's your inhale. Now reach around and find your rocking. Lift your head slightly cause you've got your bows strong. Beautiful. Now see if you can take yourself out and reach, reach out and all the way back.

That's it. Lift your thighs and reach you. Sell out three is a good number and all the way back. Three primary colors, lots of things done in threes. I'm waiting and waiting. We're gonna have one nice, beautiful picture here and come all the way. And that's something to work on.

So I'd like to show you a functional piece that I've been working on. It looks a lot like the swan. And the reason I like it is because our legs are an opposition, which means one of our legs is an extension behind us and one is going forward. So I'll show it to you. It's just [inaudible] notice I think everything is fun. So I'm, I'm finding this position and coming up and the left and up and the right and ah, and the left and up. And I'm using my chest and I like to come back into the barrel like this and roll up. Are you ready? Okay. I will cue you on this one.

And let's start by giving ourselves a check of where we're centered on her barrel. Always remembered. That's okay to do. And then come down, put your chest close to four, but keep your bow and Arrow strong. So your sternum is pulling up. Good. And then come back up with your chest. Now as you go down, you lift one leg down in, lift, pull, chest up and put them together down and lift and pull together. And down and lift and pull your sternums up and down in lift and pull your sternums up and then come back into your barrel. Give yourself a round stretch. Good.

Come back onto your feet, put your heels down, and then let's think about washing woman and rolling up and up and up and up. Good. Lift your arms up and press them down and lift them up and Preston down and lift them up and press them down. Now let's just see if our active extension work helped us. I'm turning side. You're staying forward and what I'm going to do is I'm going to think about my triangle on my pelvis and see if I can imagine a spine corrector under my back.

Do you understand what it, does that make sense? And then I'm going to come up using my back. My head is not going to drop back. Just think of your bow and Arrow going up. You want to shoot an Arrow into the ceiling? All right. Full breath, back. Inhale, and an x and an inhale.

Now we're seeing if all the hard work we did today paid off and an inhale, very nice and an exhale, some beautiful work here and an inhale and an exhale and then stand. Um, I think one co, I think you can come on this back of your spine correctors and then push them out. Push a little space between them. I'm going to finish with an archival piece. The Joe Polities did okay. And it has a swan. And so it may be slightly surprising to some of you that this is actually classical PyLadies. You may do it with your feet slightly turned down. You're going to lift up on an inhale and exhale two, three, and one more. Inhale, think about your spine corrector work and round two, three and again, rolling up like washing ma, go back down again.

Roll up slowly. Feel your spine articulating. Feel all that work you've done in your body. Feel it, feel it, feel it, feel it. Take your time coming all the way up. Okay with somebody wants an arm lift. Great. It just feels like that. That's the way we ought to finish. And I always finish with clapping.

We thank [inaudible] anytime for getting us this opportunity. We thank ourselves because we did a fantastic job and we think all of the people that are out there, they're going to watch and be inspired by your work, I would say. Yeah.


Lovely! Informative and corrective
for me, that I live in Italy, it was wonderful moment to train my self with you Pat. really thank you.
2 people like this.
A. Salomon, I am pleased that this information was useful to you. It is my mission to give as much to you as been given to me by my teachers.
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Hello Monica, How wonderful to be invited into your space and share. Pilates Anytime has given many of us time to share our joy of Pilates. I hope to be able to meet with each of you in person some day!
Thank you Pat I love your teaching style it's great to experience so many different teaching styles here on Pilates anytime. Makes us all better teachers! Thank you again for the great session.
Loved your fun class! I do not have a spine corrector so used my fitness ball and a padded stool.Thanks again -you are a great teacher!
Awesome class. Thanks for including a pilates arc. Wonderful flow of the lesson.
Awesome class!! I was so happy to see you on here with a new class. Thanks
Amazing class with immaculate cueing and crystal clear directions while keeping us moving/making use of each minute. More from Pat. How about a reformer class? Definately the best Pilates Conservatory instructor yet on this site.
Pat is the Founder of Pilates Conservatory!
And! She knows she is welcome back ANYTIME! Right Pat?
PS: We're editing her workshop now. You're gonna love that too!
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