Class #569

Stretch Out Strap® Mat

55 min - Class


Distinguished Instructor Pat Guyton returns to Pilates Anytime offering us a Mat class utilizing the Stretch Out Strap® from OPTP. Pat's mastery as a teacher shines as she shows us how this simple but effective prop can help even the most seasoned teacher experience exercises more profoundly. As an added bonus class ends with a wonderful standing series and Pat is really funny too!
What You'll Need: Mat, Stretch Out Strap®

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So good afternoon everybody. Good afternoon. All right, and we're going to use the SOS strap. For some of you, you may be looking at me going, what in the world is she doing? So a lot of you have attended the workshop, you're familiar with the work, maybe you're familiar with some pieces and not others. We're going to try to take this through and show you how you could use this in a class. I'm going to preface the class by saying that normally I don't do every piece with the strap. I will pick just some pieces, but this is an example of how we could do a mat class using a strap.

So let's just warm up our arms a little bit. So we're going to lift up and our palms are to the floor and down and the nice inhale and and down and feel the connection from your little finger all the way down through your scapula and lift and down. Now for some variety, let's turn over and let's do a scoop and Dan and down and feel like your breath. As far as the scoop, you're maybe scooping up your breath as you inhale and down and down. And then take your scapula and just pull them up a little bit and let them slide down your back. And again, lift them up, let them slide down your back, turn your head and look to the ocean and just let your neck turn, come back to the center, get everything warmed up a little bit and back to the center. And let's do that one more time. You can breathe if you'd like to. A breathing's always allowed and come back to the center.

And then let's just come down to the floor and face your feet into the center of the room. Take your strap and put your strap underneath you. And you're going to have your hands. And with two, uh, sorry, three loops hanging off. So I'm counting one, two, three. For those of you who may be watching, these straps are

I'm sure you can find that on [inaudible] anytime. And we're going to roll all the way down. Bend your feet up. And before we begin, let's find the center of our pelvis by doing seven plops and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Having found that plot position, bring your legs in, slide the strap down your mat as you lift your head, neck and shoulders. Take your legs out. Here we go. For the one hundreds in. As you do this are you want to feel as if you can feel the energy going all the way out through your fingertips, pulling the strap apart, shoulders or slide. The shoulder blades are sliding down your back.

[inaudible] and I'm turning around and looking at you. [inaudible] last two. [inaudible] watch the hyper extended elbows. See if you can't round them a little bit and roll down. Bring your knees into your chest and just bring the loop up and over.

Slide your legs out long so when you're looking at the strap, you want to make sure that the stretch out should be going straight up and down the center of your body. Bring your hands over your head, flex your feet, and let's do a roll up. Inhale, strap comes up, exhale and over. Inhale and exhale. Now if I should stop, it means that I'm going to be looking at you. Try to keep the rhythm and pulling and roll down and one more. Come all the way up and round forward and sit up for a moment.

Take the two loops closest to the middle and we're going to do a roll up with the strap on her feet. And so we start rolling down and hands over our head before we do four more coming up. Feel as if you're pulling the strap apart so you can feel the connection from your little toe all the way up through the outside of your legs. Arms come up. Inhale all the way up. Exhale, rolling down. Inhale and exhale. Number two, arms up and over and roll down onto your mat.

One more arms up and reach over and roll all the way down to your mat and the last one. Reach up and roll over. Now roll all the way down. Bring your hands down to the sides of your hips and rest into the floor. Keeping the strap taught.

Bring your knees in and stretch your legs up. Now we can't do the open and close part on the rollover because if you let go of the strap, it'll slide down your leg or drop onto the floor. So we're just gonna do a basic roll over and roll down. And here we go. Full breath up and over and roll and down. Now Flex your feet as you go down a little bit and pull that back up to point.

So I had to get the flex in there somewhere and up and over and roll and down and flex and point and roll up and over. Beautiful and roll all the way down and flex and point. Last one, up and over and roll all the way down and flats and pulling. Good. Keeping your legs up there. You're going to take the strap off, your foot, your feet, and let's agree that we're all going to do our right foot. So put the loop on your right foot and lower your left leg down.

And from this position, we're going to first measure the, the diameter of our circle by feeling as we pull, as we pull down and I'm going to flex my foot, do I feel my hip joint? Then I'm going to come back to vertical. And then I'm going to go out to the side and I'm only gonna go as far as the distance where I can still feel my hip joint into the floor and back to the center. And now we're going to do four circles across and four circles open and down, around and up. As you do this, try to keep your shoulder joints resting on the floor. You should arm to pull and one more and reverse.

Inhale and exhale [inaudible] and the last one and you're up. And now for a little surprise, change legs. Flex the bottom foot. So how many times have we forgotten that we had a leg on the floor? So now we're going to do four across with the left leg across surround and up to around and up. Now you feel your lower leg as you're circling your upper line, reverse cross and out and across.

Out and up and out and up and bring your leg up and place your strap on your other side and then lower your right leg down. So again, if you just lift your head for a minute, rather than using my shoulder to pull, I'm going to let my shoulder joints relax onto the floor and let my arm, let my biceps and my triceps do this work. I'm gonna Flex my top foot. I'm going to cross over. How far can I go? How far can I go out to the side and still feel my hip joint? Let's do that again and the cross.

So most people will tell me that when they're actually doing this from their hip joint, the circle gets smaller. Now we circle from the top across, around an up to around an up three, around an up four around reverse, around and up two and up three and up and or and up and bring the right leg up and they'll work on the circle with the right leg, feeling the left leg connected into the center of the body and across surround and up to around an up three and up four and reverse out around an up to around an up, three around an up and four around and up and bring the legs down and slowly roll all the way up. Now if I were teaching a class, I would probably choose to do the bottom leg or the top leg. I probably wouldn't do both, but I wanted you all to enjoy that and one may be more appealing to you than the other. So now we're going to do rolling back. I want to make sure that the strap is on my ribs so that I can breathe deeply into the lowest part of my lung and my back. And as I breathe in, I can feel the strap and again, breathing in and one more breath in. Now the first couple ones that we do when the rollback, we're going to come up and we're going to put our feet down and deliberately press into the strap and then we'll come to the balanced one.

And you can choose which one you want to do when you're teaching, depending on whether they're beginning your beginner, an intermediate. So here we go, and back and press and round and back and press and round and back and really pressed and round. Now let's see if we can take a chance. Take those toes off. Yeah, back n balance and back and balance. Good and back and balance. Good and back and balance. Very nice.

And bring your legs out long. Give yourself a little release in the shoulders and then roll all the way down. Bringing the strap up around your neck. So you'll probably want to, if your put your strap over your head and you want to count one, two and have your hands in the second loop out from the middle and you're going to bring the strap around your neck and you're going to slide it up your neck and ever so gently lift your head slightly and then you're going to roll back down. Now notice that we did not use the word pull your head off the floor or Lord Forbid, jerk your head off the floor.

I'm going to actually do exactly what I normally do in a roll up. However, I'm going to use this, the strap as sort of this as a sling. And how do you all feel? You feel okay? Yes. Good. Well you might not feel okay now because we're going to do the ABS series and we're going to you. It's so instead of using your hands on your legs, you're going to focus on keeping your head lifted up as part of your spine. And what I'd like you to do just for a moment, lean into the strap slightly. That's what I'd like you not to do.

What I'd like you to do is try to keep using your muscles and just use the strap as a positioning aid. So here we go and one and two, three and four, five and six and seven and eight. Open the hip on the leg that's extending five and six and seven and eight both legs in reaching out, coming in and inhale and exhale and notice how much your back can support your neck and reach and in and reach and in and bring the legs up. I love to do it this way just to show people that it's an ab series and it doesn't require that I actually pull with my hands and one and two and we're going to slow this down because it's not a kick. It's the hip joint moving in the socket like a wheel and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven a and come up. Flex down and up. Now wait a minute, are we leaning into our strap? Are we actually working us?

And remember, the strap doesn't live my leg and the strap doesn't engage my c curve and down and up and down and up. Bend your legs. Now here's an example. You can put your strap down where it would be silly to try to do a crisscross with a strap. But I think we need to do one anyhow. So let's just enjoy the criss-cross. Remember the back elbow goes to the mat and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, five, six. Beautiful and rest.

Find your strap and come all the way up rolling up. And a well-earned spine stretch. So you're going to have your feet, one loop, second loop. So my feet are a little bit wider than this particular map. And I'm going to bring my arms up. Watch your arms. You know when a hyperflex your wrist. So keep your fingers here.

And then let's, let's just roll back a bit. So sometimes that's what happens to the spine stretch. So let's go the other direction and reach forward on an inhale and rolling back up on an exhale and round forward on an inhale and back up on an exhale and rounding forward. Feel the curve in your spine. Feel your arms lifting up and come back. And one more feeling the energy and the little fingertip all the way down to your little tail in the round spine and come all the way up.

Nasty but fun. So I always tell people, do these things for fun. It's a challenge. So from here, I want to make sure, again, my shoulders aren't up, but my elbows are out a little bit and I'm going to do the rolling and hope I don't roll off this mat and rolling back and Ah, and back and uh, and back. And take a moment, bend your knees and put them down on the floor. Just for a minute. I've said this in my workshop and I've said this many times, but it is true. So I want you to understand this. If people see a picture, they walk into your house and the pictures gotten crooked, they will often go.

And fix it for you. Yet they walk in with their shoulders, in their necks all awry. They look in the mirror, they comb their hair every day. We don't, we're not accustomed to seeing. One thing that the strap can do, particularly in this exercise, is it makes people, they'll often self-correct. I will do a demonstration that I think you can see and then I'm going to ask you to do two more and see what happens. And I did have a gentleman that did this. Can you see how the strap? Yeah. And he was doing it for days, weeks. And my class put strap on his feet rolling back and he's like, oh, I get what you mean now he could see the strap. He couldn't see himself.

So try to have them on your own. These are hard at first. They're really tricky. Think of them as fun. It's a challenge and roll back. Good. And come up. Good. Roll back and come up and you're doing so well. I'm going to ask for one more nasty me and back and come up.

Very nice and lower the legs down. So for corkscrew, we're going to put the feet in the two inside straps and then we're going to roll down and we're going to do what's often called a beginner's corkscrew. And to me what a corkscrew is, it's when the spine actually spirals, which works on something called the fossette joint. And um, it's kind of Nice when we do this. Actually let's do it this way. I think. I think maybe we'll, we'll do it this way. Why? So you have choices when you're working with this. So my legs are up.

I'm going to obviously have to have them flexed and I'm going to roll over onto my right hip. My left hip is not on the floor, and then I'm going to come back and I'm going to center myself. Both of my hip joints are seated and I'm going to go over to the left and then I'm going to come back. Now it's really easy for me to think, okay, I'm going to just stick my feet over here to the right side. And if I, if I do that enough, eventually my left hip will be pulled off the floor. But I would like you to literally lift your hip to move your legs. Does that make sense? Lift your hip. Now we're going to make the little spirals across, around to the other hip and up to the hip.

Two hips, one hip, two hips. We're reversing the movement as you go and over a round. Not as easy as it looks. Very nice. And lengthen your legs out long in the mat and roll all the way up. And we're going to come to a soft position for the saw position.

You're going to your hands over your head. So we're going to have to do a little strap check. And that's why you wouldn't want to do probably every day, every piece of mat work because it gets cumbersome. So as I go over and I'm feeling, hmm, I need a little bit more with. So I'm going to take my strap and I'm going to do another strap check. And I think, oh yeah, that feels good to me for now.

So my strap is a little bit over my head. I'm not trying to do anything else. I'm just trying to do a saw. So let's all turn toward me and then we're going to reach one, two, three and on an inhale, one, two, three, and one, two, three. Thinking of the front hand, reaching to your foot and now chipped. And think of the back hand reaching and the back arm reaching end. The back arm reaching both hips equally weighted and the back arm reaches very nice and come up.

So there's a difference if I think front hand or back hand. And you can try either one. Let's take our strap and so we can all see each other. Let's roll. Let's flip over. So your heads are facing the center of the room to do some of the rocking so it doesn't make sense to do the swan dive with the strap.

It might someday. So what we're going to do is we're going to come up, take a nice inhale and an exhale and inhale up and exhale as you come up. Think of your sternum bending so it's not your Chin lifting. And I'm going to look at this. And your sternum bends, which brings your head up and come all the way down from this position. Lift both of your thighs up and press down. Notice I didn't say feet. I didn't say knees.

I said thighs and thighs up. Good and thighs down. Try to get your legs as close as you can. Thighs up and the eyes down. Just a little word here. If your legs are open, although a lot of people use that as a modification, what it does is increases the Lordosis. Eh, I, there's, there's a reason for this, but I'm not. That's another works.

That's a workshop. So trust me, if you bring this together, it causes the lower doses to be less in the middle of the rocker. So if you've been thinking this will help things, maybe not. So let's bring our legs as close as we can and we're going to do our rocker like this. I'll show you one. She, I showed you too. I get going on this phone. Ready and inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Three, four.

And by then hold. Now find your strap. This is one you may or may not choose to use, but strangely enough, there are people that like it. They like polling the Strat, the elbows in and the strap apart and then feeling like the sternum is being stretched away from their fingers. So can everybody feel that? Okay, now we're going to start with the leg closest to me and B, B and down, beat down point, flex and down. If you want to. If you only want to point, that's okay. If you only want to flex one more, set B, B and down and beat B and down and release the strap and head comes down when I do the double legs. Um, so the double leg kicks, I have chosen not to turn the head to the right of the left because of some of my clients are actually patients. So I just keep my head off the floor. Take an inhale, exhale.

Two, three, inhale and one, two, three, inhale and one, two, three. Inhale. Good. And one, two, three. All see, look what you did. So good work ladies and come all the way up and reach back. Stretch out your back. And again, let's come forward so that we're facing the center of the room. We've got to fix the microphone. Next, same thing that we did on our app series. So again, I have my hand on the second loop from the middle.

I'm going to run this up my neck until I feel my skull. I'm going to do this in a series of steps. So the first one that I'm going to do is I'm going to round forward and then I think of my cervical spine as being curved and rural all the way. Ah, and full breath as you go over and full breath as you go up, I'm watching full breath as you go over. Remember it's not the shoulders that are going over good, it's a long neck and come up looking good.

Now lean back and imagine this as the sling on the Cadillac and it's holding your neck and come up. And I actually was shown an exercise by one of the first generation teachers with the sling. Using it like this and back. Now add the forward roll up and back and add the poor word. And roll up one more back and come forward and round and roll up. So you could stop right here in a beginner class at any, any one of these steps.

But we're, I'm going to invite you to participate with me. We're going to do the full neck pole. And if you don't choose to do it, you don't have to do it. All right? So I'm here leaning back, starting from my tailbone rolling down and my head goes down. One of my students pointed out that she likes the idea that the elbows are open here, that she so small, if she puts her hands behind her neck, she can't get her shoulders in the right position just because of the way the arms are placed. So as you roll up, let the strap suggest to you a roll up and come down from this position. Don't bounce because you, you might get your students pulling with the strap and roll up. Okay, here we go. And [inaudible] ah, watching man back, rounding up and rolling all the way up.

Good man. Take the strap and put it to the side. So I have a little trick I've just discovered maybe somebody else has too, but I think you will all enjoy it. Are going to do the shoulder bridge and usually we don't do the bicycle and we don't do the scissors because they're really hard on the risks. But I, I think if you think of the leg going down and up as a scissor, you'll understand where my bicycle is coming from. So let's up [inaudible] release to starting from your tailbone, rolling all the way up, feeling a nice Planck line.

No, no weight in your neck. Shoulders are down and relaxed and then rolling all the way down and coming flat to the mat again. And one more tailbone goes up, the tailbone actually travels up and it goes toward your knee. So you're in one nice long line. Bring your right leg up, four and flex and lift two end lift three and lift four and lift and bend and place and lift the other leg and down and lift down and lift down and lift and down and lift and place the other leg and come all the way down for a moment. And then you may want to see what I'm going to do. I'm going to go up, I'm going to lift this leg up and I'm going to bicycle one leg and I'm gonna do that four times. And then I'm going to reverse and pull and reverse and pull.

And then I have a bicycle and a scissors in the mat. Work for a beginner. A beginner could probably do this. All right, so I'm watching this one and rolling all the way up. Tailbone goes all the way up and bring your legs straight up so that your leg is going to go down, straight down and pull and lift and two and pull and lift. Beautiful three and pull and lift and four and reverse band reachout and up and bend. Reach out and up. Is your pal this still up in the air or has it gotten down to the floor?

Bend and roll down. So I should do this the next time. Now that you have the bicycle focus on the bottom leg and so press all the way up now and you're going to lift your left leg up. Really be aware of the right foot, anchored into the floor and your pelvis, lifting and bicycle out. Bend up, straight leg out and up, straight leg out and up and straight leg out, reverse and loins up and then and up and bend and up and then and up and place your foot down on the floor and roll all the way down. A little note here is when I look at Joe's Matt list, it bothers me sometimes when I see Pete things taken out of it because they're not maybe healthy for everybody to do or they may be dangerous.

And then I think, well gee, what could we do that would replace the essence of the exercise so that all of us can participate in that? So we're going to do a jackknife and we're going to do a jack knife where we don't roll over. So I want you to put your hands on your hip joint as your feet are bent right there. And what Jackknifes do is they close and they open. That's what they do.

And the only difference with this is we're doing a jackknife without a rollover. So let's take the strap and let's put our feet in the two inside loops. And we're going to think about our hip as a jackknife. And I'm going to go down to where I can control and then I'm going to come up. Now I like my Jackknife to flex cause I like to use my feet and point and down and up.

And you can challenge yourself by going as far down as you want to go and then bend and come in. So at some point you might feel that you're able to do the rollover and then add the jackknife portion once you're over there. And so let's roll all the way up and we're going to have our hands in the strap. Two loops between the middle for the spine, twist on the spine, twist. You want to sit up and we're gonna keep our legs together on this one. And as I turn, I'm going to think about the scapula back here, pulling my little finger around my spine. So if everybody comes toward me, you'll be pulling.

Yeah, that's right. And I'm going to go as far as I can go. And then I'm going to come back to the center. And first I'm just going to do this feeling my scapula, pulling my little finger and around. And this is the same kind of thing we started with in the beginning of class where we tried to feel the connection and now we're going to add a little rhythms. So we have an inhale and exhale, two, three and one, two, three and one, two, three. And hold just for a minute. Keep your strap at the ready. So it's, it's taught.

See if you can get your sternum above the line of your strap. That may mean lowering your arm a tad bit so you feel your scapula down, but really work to get your sternum up. Now let's try it again coming toward me and exhale, two, three. Inhale, lift your sternum and one, two, three and one, two, three and one, two, three. Very nice. Keep these straps in your hands. Face me. Okay, so if everybody faces me with the feet in the same direction, I think it will work better.

So we're going to do some sideline leg series and we're going to lay down and just keep this quiet because you're gonna use it in a few minutes, but you don't need it for right now. So we're going to do, there are three ranges of motion in the hip. We're going to do all three, so we're not going to think of patterns. We're going to just think of function. So when my hip comes forward, that's flection. When it goes back, that's extension and flex, flex and back and flex, flex and back and flex. Flex and back and flex. Flex and back and put the foot on top of the foot and inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale.

Feel as if you're lifting your, your f a foot from your center, right under your ribs. That's the connection and down. And I think we do two more of those and down and one more and down. So thank you to pull out these anytime for helping me raise money in Japan for the victims of the tsunami. And I had just been working on a piece that I think really needs to be added to the side leg series or something similar.

So maybe somebody will have a better idea, but I now call it the Japanese fan. So you're going to press and I, you may, you don't have to go, I have to go further to the floor. So just pretend I'm on a flat mat. So now I have internal rotation and then going to lift up. That's my fan and I'm going to do external rotation. External rotation is only gonna go about six inches at the most behind your back foot. See if you can get your toes to the ceiling. You feel that?

So turn, inhale and exhale and inhale. And Are we feeling that? And inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. By the way, everybody in Tokyo knows it's the Japanese fan. Inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and bring your legs together and press them down. Now I don't have a lot of mat here. Sorry about that.

So what I'm going to do is usually we have our hand here or we're doing this. See if you can really find a position here on sideline where you can feel the support coming from the upper body and the strap up and down, up and down, so you can press the bottom hand in the floor and the top one up. You'll see how that gives you, there's your triangle and then down and up and down. Oh, I feel really like having fun. Lift up and down. Two and down, three and down, four and down, five and down and six and down, and there we are.

Bring the bottom leg forward and slide all the way. Oh, excuse me. I think that thing will be right there. Fine for now. Lifting up your strap is ready and you're going to reach over. One, two, three. Inhale, think of this as a mermaid. One, two, three, and one, two, three. Now I'm going to take an inhale and exhale.

Then I'm going to stay here. Inhale and do a spine twist to three. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. One, two, three. [inaudible]. Now give yourself the inhale.

[inaudible] did your cell phone. Inhale. [inaudible] one more. [inaudible] and come back to the center. Now we get to do the other side. [inaudible] just think if we were four leggeds I mean seriously and one of the horses developed the Mat list. Why would that look like? We would have four legs to do it on?

So here we are, and flex, flex and back flection and extension flection and extension and one more. And put your foot on top of your foot. Now just put your hand under your rib cage. Imagine there's a little magic button, somebody presses it, and that's what sends your leg up. And that's really about as much abduction in abduction as the hip joint really is happy about and down.

Hmm, let's do one more. Now we're going to do the Japanese fan. The better you do it, the more impeccably you do it, the more energy you're sending to people in Japan. Okay, we're going to light up Tokyo with the energy in this room and toes down in, foot down. Hen that's is what we did in our charity class with the beginners. We, I told them we were gonna all light up Tokyo and they were so excited and they were just absolutely beautiful beginners in the class, you know, struggling along and doing it full out and having a wonderful time, which is what this whole thing was all about originally. And then come down long. I apologize for having to get myself so I can get on the mat.

Here we go and lift and down and then remember that we usually put our legs on a triangle to give us a firmer base. Just imagine that this triangle above your head is a base of support so you have a triangle and lift and down. Now lift up and hold it there and up and down, two and down, three and down, four and down and come down and put your hands down. Bottom like comes up and here we are. Arms are open and out. And inhale, one, two, three.

Mr Joe seem to like these little things done in three counts and one, two, three and one, two, three. Inhale and exhale. Wait for your inhale. One, two. Now stay right here. And this might be a Cadillac piece or a reformer piece where you turn to the side and inhale. Exhale. Inhale. One, two, three. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. One, two, three.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. One, two, three, n, exhale. Inhale. Last twist, one, two, three. And back to the center and down. That's a note. I think I've totally destroyed that device. So put your feet in the straps.

I always start in class, no matter what the level of my classes, I always start, um, my teasers in this round position because I really want to see if we've all got our lower backs warmed up today. So slowly roll down, roll down, roll down, roll down, roll down, roll down. Now sometimes we have people who may have had beginners where you put their feats on feed on the wall and then you have them roll up for a teaser. This is the same thing. So the feet should not shoot out away from you and roll all the way down and roll and come up. And this is the truth of the low back. Rolling all the way down.

Good and rolling all the way up. Now you may, should you choose which feet in the strap. And we're going to go all the way down, keeping our legs right there. So we're not going to go up and down the wall and roll all the way down and roll and come up that the arms can come out and roll in, come there and roll and come up and roll and go down and rural and comm. Uh, good.

And then you can release the strap and there you are sitting straight up. Okay. And for this one we're going to have our strap underneath this. So you may choose to watch us do this. Amy and I are going to do this. Yes. So I'm going to cross my legs over.

Has anybody have a clue what this might be? Yeah, that they but the boomerang. So from here what I'm going to do is I'm going to roll that and my strap is down to, I don't have a floor, but you'll have a floor open and close and lift all the way. Oops. I have a problem. Lift all the way up and touch and over and reach and roll down. And come all the way up and over.

So the strap, the strap starts under your legs and you're gonna roll back and over. Open and close. Good. Now from here, she's going to roll all the way up and bring the strap up to the top of her head. Okay, so let's do that much. Okay, so put the strap under your legs. We'll just see how it goes. It's just kind of fun it because to me it's a combination of actually boomerang and rowing. That's, that's how I think of it. And it's a way I can get people who don't, you know who won't come to reformer class? They, they will get their rolling.

All right, so roll back over your strap. Opening. Close your legs. Good. Now Roll over your strap. Come up to a teaser, bring your arms up to the top of your head. Yeah, there you are. Good. That's good enough. Touch your thighs. Reach all the way back and over.

Now lift up as you round forward and down. Roll all the way up and the strap goes behind you again. And then you roll all the way back, open and close. Roll forward. Bring your arms up, touch your thigh, go back the good and up and over and round. Roll all the way up and lift and over.

Thank you very much. So do you think you've earned a seal? Yeah. Good. So the seal is basically this position. So for most of you, you're going to have to find a like position like this. And uh, what I like about the seal is when I'm in this position, I feel that my, my stomach pulls into my strap away from my feet. So let's just take a deep breath in, make sure this is low enough and exhale into the strap and inhale, get your feet a little higher. You see, this would be rolling back.

This is seal. Now we can't clap. Maybe somebody can. And all the way back and up and hold. Your feet are up all the way back and up and hold all the way back and up and hold. Good. And all the way back and up and hold.

Now is anybody game for the rocker? Okay. It's worth seeing. So yeah, let me, let me help with it. So if she'll come up [inaudible] cool. So you'll learn how to do this yourself. Trust me. She's going to put her two feet in loops. [inaudible] yes, we can coordinate that. And her hands in the straps go like this.

And then from here she's going to lift her thighs up. Good. And then she's gonna Start, uh, pulling. She can press her thighs up, chest up, press. So you're going to use your hands to get your thighs up and raw. Rock and rock and rock and rock.

Anybody want to try it? Actually, you would want the needs to be as close to, you don't want them in a wide v. So let's, let's just try this. So if I put my feet in my straps, everybody got that feed in your straps. First Rollover. Hmm. And or are we ready?

Are we already, oh, please make them be ready. Okay. Now put your hands up by your shoulders. Your head is up, your thighs are down. Now you're going to push with your arms to start getting your thighs up and up and up. And up and up and down and press back and roll.

Uh, good. And from this position, I'd like you to press back on to your feet and come up as if you were doing a washer woman and turn and face the center of the room. And I think we'll do zip up just to do a little vertical work. And [inaudible] it comes from the guillotine and Joe called it sip up probably. I don't know. Did they have jeans then? Had Levi has already started.

Okay. And pull up now reach out, round, back, come all the way back up straight. And so it's a vertical spine stretch. Ah, and Ah, zip up your paints. Reach out and come in and up and zip and out and in and up. Take the right loop off, put it in your right hand, lean over and find a loop that makes a bow and Arrow for you. So you will all be facing the sea. Yeah, center.

Okay. All right. So if everybody, I'll do it this way because everybody in this position, all right, so I'm going to twist my spine. I'm not making a shape with this strap. And then I'm untwisting my spine and inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Good. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, good and change the straps. Yeah, she do this. Think about the connection.

You can feel your right foot. You can feel your left hand, you can feel your right hand, you can feel your spine moving, the strap and open. Inhale and open and inhale and open. Inhale and open, and the last one, inhale and open and let go of your strap and put it down on the ground. And take your uh, shoulder blades. Just slide them up and then slide them up and down.

And imagine that your scapula are heavy and they wait and they slide down your back and down. Now let's go back to that neck. Turn your neck to the ocean and back to the center of the room and then over to the other side and back to the center of the room and turn because we don't want to leave our mat class feeling really good in the center of our body. Let's do that one more time and forgetting that we actually have a head that does the thinking and is connected by our neck. And then a little bend and straighten, bend and straighten and bend and straighten.

And then we always thank Pilati say anytime, a particularly Christy Cooper way. And we also thank ourselves because we did a fantastic job and everybody out there in video land, you are doing a fantastic job. So yeah.


Loved using the OPTP band and finding new ways to use it. Great class Pat!!
I had technical difficulties with this one - somewhere around 38 min it just stops playing.
I'll check it out Rachel...
Will a regular band work? I do not have a strap.
Will a regular band work? I do not have a strap.
The SOS strap is unique as it has loops that hold your hands or feet in a desired position. You can use a yoga strap or band - it just may not have the exact same effect. Let me know how it goes.
Back in the early 80's when I taught prenatal classes in a small town in the midwest we called your "Tokoyo fan" the "Decatur (IL) polka"!
Rachel we tested all three formats and can't see a problem, though admittedly it took longer than normal to load the class. Would you mind checking it again at your convenience? Make sure to close programs you don't need open and if you haven't restarted your computer in a while that is a good idea too.
The first time I tried this class I had no problem viewing this class. But this morning I wanted to retake this class because it was so good. And it wouldn't reload.
I could view this web site. The second time I tried!! Sorry for the first post!!
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