Class #574

Enthusiastic Reformer

45 min - Class


Amy offers a well-balanced and enthusiastic intermediate Reformer class that includes a few variations, which is typical for her. With strong attention to detail and good hands-on cueing, this class includes exercises like Leg Presses with Pumps, a Hundred Progression (thank you Kevin Bowen!), Coordination with Beats, Backstroke, Teaser, Side Overs with Port de Bras, and Tendon Stretch to name a few. The final two exercises are stretches, one for hip flexors/hamstrings (Reverse Lunge) and the other for the piriformis/glutes. These are delicious! Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Okay guys. Good afternoon. Let's do some footwork to start little a intermediate reformer. So I've got them on or they have themselves on three red and a blue. It looks like balanced body reformers. So I'm gonna have you guys start with your prehensile feet.

Nice long toes wrapped over the bar. Let's take a good good look at your alignment. Just start a little bit of breathing here. Ah, I feel your ribs get heavy on your mat, your arms reaching nice and long. So we're going to go in with some pumping with the legs in the foot. Work today. A few little variations of some regular things as usual from me.

So let's go ahead. Inhale, as we stretch out long, we're going to go a little paint a little faster, excelling it. Inhale, stretch and, and in stretch one more. I think that was eight. Now our pulses and [inaudible] good. You guys nice and long through the arms and four, three, two. Let's take the long stretch. Inhale, straighten, exhale, come all the way down. So the transition was point the toes, extend the legs right up to the ceiling. We're going to get 90 degrees at the hips. How's that hike feeling now? Inhale, flex your feet and exhale and 0.3 more. And Flex and point.

Flex and point. We're going to keep them flexed. Bend the knees. So the heels come to the bar. Eight presses and s yeah, lengthen and N. Good. I'm getting just feeling your ribs widen into the inner arms. Your whole upper thoracic cage taking in the air. And seven last one, eight add pulses.

I feel your hamstrings. Hamstring squeezing the back of the legs and four and three and two and last one. Same thing guys. Inhale nice and long and exhale all the way in. Point your toes, extend your knees really and nice 90 degrees. Okay, now inhale externally rotate. Exhale back to parallel. So if that femur in the joint and parallel dropping those femurs deep into the sockets of your pelvis, one more stay right there. Flex your feet and let's go first position to the foot bar, not too wide.

Shoulder width. Ready and inhale length. Yeah, so we've got all of our toes on the bar, even the forgotten pinky toe. Yes. And so again, you're thinking right away, inner thighs come together and the knees straighten inner thighs together. And seven good. Last one, eight. Here come our pulses. Feel the rhythm and this and okay, good. It's so fun cause you're so much taller than this. And four, three and two and one transition stretch. Now come all the way in. Okay.

So I want you guys to peel your toes off the bar and go into like a little mini straddle out there. Sync your sacrum because very often we know it kind of tilts back a little bit. Let's do some flex here and point and flex and point. Think about more turnout from your hips here and flex and point for more flex and point. Sinking your sake room down and flex and point and a flex and hold it there.

Bend your knees and we're going to go heels wide with a little, not so much turnout ready and yeah, so we know our inner thighs are still also very active on this one. So if I resist you just a little bit, that's right. And Yeah, yeah. Press against me here a little bit. Little bit in toward me. Yeah, good. Trying to keep that you guys pulsing and good.

Four. That's right. Three and two last one and one more stretch along an exhale coming all the way. So from there, a little another transition legs out to that straddle again. Let's bring the legs together parallel and then just flexing the toes. Yay. So the metatarsal is come right into the middle of the bar.

We'll go into heel, lower lift. Inhale, stretch all the way out. Both heels under both heels up and return to the bumper. So thinking about this a little bit differently. Yes, your feet and legs. Think about your middle, middle region, the abdominal a longer duration. It's a contraction, but it's that elongation is almost maybe what's pulling this springs open down there?

Could you really motivate the spring opening from this part of you? It's the sides of your waist. It's the back of your waste. Good you guys supporting. Then that's helping us support of course, down into our ankles in our feet. Let's take one more pattern out and down. You're going to stay up in your relevant here.

Let's walk in place and know one and two and three and four. So think about if your arms are as active as they could be. Are they as long and energized as they could be? Your ribs down enough. It looks great out here for three, two and one high.

Relevate feel the inner thighs together. Go. Do you guys bend your knees and come all the way down. Just shake your ankles. So I'm going to drop your springs for you. Okay. I'm going to take away one of your reds. So that'll leave you with two reds and one blue.

And I'd like you to take your uh, left ball of foot to the foot bar. Extend your right leg straight out. Now externally rotate both legs. And you know what? I'm going to have to change my, my cuing a little. Your left foot as it's on the bar, you're most likely going to have to scoot it a little bit to the left so that your ball of foot. Thank you. Let's do it this way. That's more clear, isn't it? If you start from first, then give me your right leg. Thank you.

That right leg goes straight up and we breathe in just eight of these. I get excited about the footwork. So what's going on in the standing leg, the moving leg of courses to the back of your thigh or hamstrings. I don't want to get too gluey. Not Too squeezy. Do more. Lift lower and or last one up and down. Why didn't you come step into first position so it's nice and centered and then give your other leg the stretch. You really think an inner thigh to the ceiling.

Here we go. And stretch. Important to keep thinking, both sit bones coming toward your foot bar, energetically reaching center. Excuse me, and four and three and two last one. Up and down. Okay, fantastic. I'm going to let you do your next transition, so go ahead and close your knees. Bring yourself up in a way that you don't have to put your feet to the floor. Take your foot bar down as well as take a red spring away, leaving you with a red and a blue rolling back down.

Hands and straps. All right, so a mind game for the 100 I'm going to just go to your, you're doing one inhale, one exhale. That's one. And then and or you know, two, three is three inhales, three exhales, four, four inhales, four exhales. So right. Let's take a good breath to prepare for it. Curl up to the position. Your 100 where are you gonna love to stay for the whole set. We do. One, two, three x four, four, five, six be all the channel and pace that.

Inhale, five, six, seven, sail five, six, seven, loose feet, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine. [inaudible] really challenging yourself for 10 filling up the ribs and the lungs. And two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Hold it. Squeeze every atom of Arrow way which you're doing. I mean doing it with you and I'm up here and fold and rest. Okay.

Bend your elbows to your mat. Hover them. Coordination with those leg changes that we've done before. We'll do four patterns. So inhale, as you straighten all the way up to the 100 just feel long for a second. Externally rotate again, the legs, just open the legs about reformer with and we beat the Sean's Ma and four, three and two and one. Inhale, parallel and exhale. Fold your choice. If you want to drop your head, you don't have to again, stretch, feel long, peel the legs open and it's kind of spunky.

The beats and parallel folding in to more patterns. Guys. Oh [inaudible] six and seven eight mm. Parallel and fooling in last time. So there's a like a little hole and two, two and five and six and beautiful and stretch and all the way in. Okay. Let's keep moving through some arms circles.

Just some nice supine arm circles. Take a second. Yeah, there we go. And let's go down. Circle with the arms. Four times we come down. Feel the stretch of that chest and return your arms up. I, yeah, whenever possible. Yeah. I just meet the bat with the ribs.

Yeah. And up last one. This direction. Good. Now guys, we're going to go the other way for four. We use the rib cage in without cold. Rolling the shoulder heads forward. I'm feeling the space around you that you're moving through and then we'll make things a little fun and we'll do one each direction. Four times down, open, round. And you'd just get there to open the curtains and down and left.

Think of reaching long town through the fingertips. Wide Out, open space, and two more. Okay. [inaudible] one more time. I forgot. What's your action? I just messed you up and open down a round up.

That should be plenty. Lower your straps to your posts while your hands are behind you. Unpopular a headrest. Let's do a little roll over here that today with our legs up. But ankles crossed. Why?

For variation I think, but also I'm gonna use you for a sec. Not, oh, we're trying so hard not to. Just do that. To peel over. As we know, we're getting so good at lifting the pelvis first. Let's go up and then the whole spine. Follow those. There we go. We get to cross the legs the other way. Inhale, rolling down with just as much control. So by the time we are down on our sacrum, our femurs are at 90 degrees of flection. Keep your feet here, breathe in. Here we go. Ah, Nice. Oh, change the legs.

Inhale and exhale that Nice Strand of pearls, that image of one at a time at 90 degrees. Inhale there doing two more guys. Ah, so also trying to connect a little bit more space between ribs and pelvis, which is kind of hard to do while we're upside down there. So there's some back extensor going on. A little bit of back work in it. Spinal work. Okay. Once again, think up. Ahh, then over. Yes. So does that make sense? So here we are with getting more space in our waist.

It's about a little bit of spine work. So well, back sensors. Yeah, that's fine. [inaudible] I know. Okay. Picky all. Alright. Close the knees. Give yourself a nice dessert hug. Roll yourself up to turn yourself around. But on the way around, take away your blue spring. Oh you guys, that was beautiful to dance. Let's go. Rolling. Okay. Rolling. Maybe three reps. Rowing back, hands, just sternum. Elbows up, shoulders nicely down into the ribs.

Inhale. Here we go. Posterior tilt. Get that boat belly. Very deep. Schoolies. Now nothing moves into carriage as we open. Inhale shouldn't move the carriage either as you exhale and bring your torso over your legs. Now as your arms are behind, you saved there for just a second. I want you both to think about the scoop a little more in your belly. Pull your waist even more to the lower back waist. Okay, there we go.

Arms can go high if you'd like to. It's up to you today. Go all the way around and get a good hamstring stretch first. Give yourself that roll back up. Let's do the next two with just a little more flow. Inhale and the exhale. Yeah, almost like you're balancing a book right here in your head and heel.

Arms go open and exhale over front. Waist to back waist. Soon he'll move the arms from the back to the front. Nice deep scoop in and up. Get that stretch and let's rewalk our spine up to tall. Leave those shoulders down. One more. Yeah.

Enjoy the seeker. Nice. Wide Back. Excellent. So that internal rotation of those arms, deep contraction in the belly and move the arms up circle and go for that hamstring stretch. Beautiful. Okay. Walk up to sitting tall. Make some good fists with your straps today. Okay. And you're going to bring your arm. Yeah. Here we go. Cut. Not the full second rowing, but a part of the hard part. I think so.

I want you guys make muscles with your biceps and your deltoids. Okay. Think of a stiff spine. That's the best word I can think of right now to hinge back and I'd like you to play with going further back. We might do four of these and that's right. And then exhale cheese to the ceiling. And again, inhale, nice solid torso.

Good exhale. Trust the arm muscles you have. Trust the back muscles you haven't. Yes. And exhale up. Can you call them up taller? You have one more chance coming up taller through the head. Lots of energy all the way above you. And then rest. Okay, good. You guys swiftly turn around to the front.

Let's go into rowing the front rowing, bending down three times. Yep. Long sit with the legs and right by your hips. Organize your shoulder girdle. Take a breath in. We begin. Exhale and we round forward. Reach past where you think your normally go. Go, go, go, go, go and begin to articulate through the back of your tail that xylophone ringing all the way up to the top. Arms to the ears and down. Inhale, sit. A little taller. Exhale, scoop. And even more.

Starting back here. Reached this back. I'm going to walk up the back with you. Dropping the shoulder blade, the headset high round. Once again, bending down. View the current that reach, reach, reach, reach, reach, reach, sync the shoulders and all the way around. And pause. Gorgeous diamond position with your legs. A little fun with the salute. The Hug. Yeah.

I don't know why I'm doing this a bit and the shape of the head. Um, all right, so let's go. Salute. You're going to do one of each, maybe a circuit four times through. So it's all about the that scapular work stabilization. Find that low, a lower belly lift. All right, and let's go ahead and extend the arms. And again, that extension. Let it really be more, almost more about the stomach scoop. Okay? From there, open your arms out to where you'd be for hug a tree and you'll hug your tree. As you open from the hug a tree, we're going to put the hands back behind head, which means you may have to in re a incline a little bit. And we start the hug, the shave the head. Now from there, put it right back in front of your forehead. We go and stretch. Oh, and hug your space. And Oh God, why? Hands behind lift.

Put it down in front of you two more times through and reach. So when you hug your tree, it's about widening your back and then widen your front as you put your hands behind your head. One more time through. Come in here, good ele and arms, and circle your space. It's all about yours right there. Bring it up. Hands, back, lift. And let's come all the way down. What I'd like you to do is put your handles back behind you, round yourself forward.

Just give your spine a nice UE stretch and then mentally get ready for doing some a long box work now. Okay. So let's go ahead and grab your boxes nearby. I'm going to keep you guys on the red spring. However, when didn't you change your handles to your loops and I'll make sure we are in our nice straight cause we liked that. Ouch. Yeah. And as we get ready for our pulling straps, Uno Wando number one, put your chest at the back end. You know that under arms corners right at the corners. Ooh. Are we going to be stretch here? No, we're good. Super. Okay. So walk your hands way up the ropes. Way, way, way up.

So I want you guys to concentrate for just a sec. Yeah, little hamstrings. Not so much that your legs are too high, but definitely active. Your belly underneath there of course is supporting your lower back and we are going to drape that torso all the way over. Enjoy that nice curve. Concentrate on your scapula for just a second. And we're going to do a bent elbow pulling straps.

So I want you to engage your scapula down your back. Begin to bend your elbows toward you. Let's call that an inhale and then exhale, keep going into your back extension as you bring your arms back, lifting your sternum for the and then coming down. Inhale as we bend, and then exhale as we go all the way. And again, inhale, we pull our shoulder blades down. Exhale, reach up, open your chest and inhale and exhale and all the way down again, find the flow. Scapula, elbows, extend. Could you go higher and elbows, arms all the way through. Stretch those knees, Scapula, triceps. And let's begin to lift a little more. Little more, little more. Yeah, guys. Okay, two more to go. Yes, we love our back extension. Cool.

A little more up, up, up there last time. Good you guys. Okay, next is our back stroke. Flip over to your back. You can do so holding one a hand with straps, shoulders at the back edge of your box. Yes. Going into a dead bug position. So make some fists right at your head.

Need to start in tabletop or going, let's do two each direction today. So inhale, arms and legs both up to vertical. Exhale, just about the width of the box. Sweep the legs down. Reach your hands towards your shinbones, a little preview for your teaser. Lift a little more and then bend back and heel to the ceiling. Just the width of the reformer. Reach toward me with your femurs, your hands toward your shins.

Lift a little more and bend back in. Now the other way, give me your shins and arms. Sweep. 'Em around and up. Lift a little more as you come back into your dead bug and we've got one more. How stretch toward it. Open work hazard around left. Oh and come in and rest for a second. Okay.

Teaser probably shouldn't let you rest too long. Get it in there. Ready arms are going to be out and he's in tabletop. Let's take a breath in as we come up. Stay right there guys. Gorgeous. Give yourself a moment in teaser. Sometimes we do rush through the the final product here. All right. Now.

As you start rolling back, keep your arm energy reaching this way, just like you did in the dead bug. Dare. Then you, you control the bringing back in your legs. Let's go up again. It's an intentional folding of the knees that you do. Here you go. Find that with right rearmost. You're reaching now as you're rolling back, you're still reaching. You're still reaching. Your stomach is going away from your legs.

Now you intentionally fold your legs from your hip joints and go away out to T. Ready? One more time. We're gonna add a few things at the top. I know we, how about two times our arms? You're fine. Go down. BICEP curls. Get your biceps active. One more time. I was thinking three, but two is going to be fine. Oh, now lower right leg alum.

Pull it up. Left leg a little and up once again. Right leg, a little, a little left leg. Now finish it. Breathe and exhale guys. Roll down. Keep energy reaching through those arms. Beautiful. Articulation and rest. Oh, okay. You can drop this drops in the well please. You roll over to your tummies. Heads at this end.

So a lot of that flection we did extension, we're in deflection. We're going to go back into some extension. How about light hands on the little platform, right where you've got your hands and some single leg kick and double leg kick from our mat program. So your upper back position for where you'd be for single leg kick. So before we begin there, that's it.

Then engagement of hamstrings to unweight the legs a little bit, right? Feeling your Scapula, you know where your heart does. Nice and open. Ready, breathe in. Let's go. Flex point of each foot. So right heel, flex and point, reach back, left and reach back. Flex and point, reach back. Could you keep lifting through the top of your spine? Might even be considered your head.

I'm going to give you a little squeeze right here for the re light. Hands two and last one and lower four times our AA kick, which is odd because of course we don't have a mat here. So I'm gonna let you just have your head kind of where we were for pulling straps. Are you guys okay with that? Yeah, of course. So let's take a breath. Who am I talking to? Three kicks. We have one and a two and a three. Now as you reach your, your um, legs back, what I want you guys to play with today, could you extend your arms but not lock them as much as we usually do?

I want your, yeah, your back to do more work than your elbows. All right. In coming in kick one and a two and a three. Two, just a little more bend in the elbow so we're not locking them out. Good. And coming down one and a two and a three and stretch even more like the there. And then one more time. One and two. Three and lift and rest for a second.

Okay. Just a second. Bend your knees back in again. So I'd like you to put your hands behind you at your feet. You know, one hand, one foot, one hand, other foot lift. That beautiful front of your body. Up this wall, this wall. Kind of narrow your, if you can, I am going to do the Q. I think this is really helpful of fist between the knees. You feel the center. All right. Now it's up to you. If you want to start a little rocking, the breathing kind of makes the rock happen. Yes.

And four, three a little up bend to little more up and last one. Girl. Do you guys relax your legs? Maybe before we do too much else, come up on your box and make a cat back or rest pose. Yeah, just read. Don't get those. The SII back open again. Beautiful. Bless you. Okay. What's coming next is even more fun. It's the side overs with some choreographed arms that make your obliques really scream and scream happy things.

So I'm going to help Ya. Why don't we uh, sit on the right hip first. Thank you. You're absolutely welcome. Sure. Do you know which piece I'm referring to? Good old dance days. So I'm gonna yeah, go ahead. First of all and Hook on that strap on your ankle.

Lean out to your side and then we'll take our left arm overhead. You can curve it if you want. It can be straight. Put some good thought on your shoulder girdle. Of course, the other arm is reaching quite strongly down. You know, underneath the waist. They're being careful not to let it turn your torso. So that's that real dynamic sense of opposition.

I want you to go lower from there. Breathing in. This is the exhale to come up with your obliques. Now you rotate toward the floor. Open the arms, fly over reformer. See what's down below. Lift up from those obliques. First arm overhead. Second arm under stretch. Now guys, you're going to counter stretch. Come up, right arm will go over your head and you side bend the other direction. Ready?

Two more patterns. Ready? You really want to reach the arms in opposite directions. Now come up a little higher. Rotate toward the floor. Could you add some length to this? Go a little lower guys. Tore the floor. Lower. Lower, lower, lower, lower, lower. Yeah.

Now using those obliques has also in your back. [inaudible] for stretch and then your counter stretch. Ready last time. That's it, right? So it's pure obliques, right? No arms blinging go lower. A little lower. Ready from the abdominals up. Left arm goes over right arm under. Now here we go. Up and to the side.

I don't think we need a fourth one, do we? I don't think so. Yeah, we're good with that. I think we're good with three [inaudible]. Okey dokey. Right arm over, left arm under. Yeah. Stretch it off as opposite directions. Good guys are really well aligned today. Ready? Go a little bit lower. Stretching those obliques to in contracts.

Then use them to twist and we use them to lay over a little further. Use them to pick you up to rotate you back to the first direction. Right arm goes over, left arm under obliques. Pick you up for your counter stretch so that left arm comes way high over your head. Two more times a big stretch for those obliques.

A nice contraction. Use them to help you rotate and rotate back to the facing the front. First are mover. Yeah, things that could go right. Not really happening right here though. A little bit is the pelvis could kind of go wonky when you take the [inaudible] position. So one more to go. This is where I would get a little more. You got it. So spine twist, but not the pelvis. That's better. It's always easier when someone holds on, reached to me with that left arm underneath here. Yep. And we counter stretch. Enjoy that.

And the counter stretch up and over. Really strong reach with both arms. And let's go ahead and face your legs for just a second. Thread the other leg through. Nothing really tricky or particular, just stretch down and reach. Give a good hamstring, stretch a lower back stretch maybe three of them. And I'll tell you what's coming next is going to be feed and straps. Okay, that's good. So let's go ahead and come up. You can take your foxes away. I'm going to set your springs, you guys at one red and one blue on the way up. Uh, you know it's up to you if you want your head rest up, feed in straps or the other straps. That's good. I love that.

Okay. We have seen us try to put our feet in these and occasion. It's, it's, I've never had it really follow through there, but okay. I know it's possible, but it wouldn't be kind of uncomfortable nonetheless. Okay, let's start legs at 90 or just shy of 90 okay. We're going to go like we did an arm circles for one way for the other and then alternate for four. So let's come down the center. That's our hamstrings, right?

Our hamstring adductors. You can rotate inner thighs, bring 'em in. So we have our hamstrings in her, in inner thighs. Feel the rotation, the back of the leg in and center like my hands on doorknobs, just turning the legs, turning the legs. If I had my hand on your femur head rotate and rotate. That was four. Let's go the other way. Now you can rotate at the top. Exactly. Back of the legs. Bring them together and up.

Check the ribs occasionally. Good. Two more open pulling down together and up and one more. Open down together. Up. Now one, one way down we come. Turn out open and in other way to gather and up to this nice continuous movement breaks down our normal pattern. Just a little bit more interesting. I think. Let's actually just do one more that way and hold, oh, I'm sorry. Did I not have you finish it?

[inaudible] and okay. Can I take your head rest down? Okay. The short spine. Let's start short spine from out here. Straight diagonal legs. Breathe in. Exhale. Here we go.

As a ladies pass through your 90 you're lifting your pelvis just like we did earlier in a nice little tap of the bumper. Inhale your feet. Pull up in the straps a little bit. Knees been towards your shoulder rests. We're going with this version today that your feet stay right above your face. You begin to roll your spine away from your feet and I'm going to go in for that nice delicious stretch, leaning my body weight on your legs just a little bit. And then when you feel like you can't go anymore, you use those hamstrings.

Bend the knees, heels towards your balm, and we press away and you rollover. Good, so that Nice. Just a little subtle pull in this strap. You're feeling connected, keeping your feet right above you. It's my forearm on the back of your legs. Can you stretch just one more inch, which is a lot there.

And then heels toward your bum. One more repetition. Inhale as you frog and exhale as you roll down, feeling like you're reaching your sits bones away from your heels. Stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, gorgeous. You guys, heels. Come down. Finish it with those legs extended long and then we'll bend your knees, take your straps off your feet, take them back, and to give you a high bar. Just know what's coming up now. Tendon stretch.

What? I think I'm going to have you do two red springs. Okay, so come on down. I'm, I'm in your way. I just want to do this a little Wickler. I like the two red. I know it's a little heavy, but it doesn't have to be too heavy if we're in control, right? Wipe those hands off. You got it. I don't have stickies handy. Sorry. So you're upside down and the ball of the foot or maybe toward your arch is on the edge of the mat. The carriage, we feel the heels dropped down. You feel that nice deep scoop up of your stomach. Now remember, this is not about going too far out. Let's find a rhythm.

I'm going to give you three counts out, three counts in we go, and one, two, three, come in, two, three, good and out to three and in two, three very much like a pendulum. Hanayen could you soften your elbows a little bit you guys. And in two more heads closer to shins. If you feel like you'd like to do that. And in last one and in two, three and sit carefully on your foot bar, turning ourselves around for down stretch to counter the movement of our spine and the shape of our spine. Feed against the shoulder rest. Nice solid hands.

Get the pelvis forward. We'll be doing this one. And here we go. Inhale. Can you go pretty far back? If not all the way that your sh your thighs. Get on the mat. Exhale good and inhale. And so try to move this less. Ah, Xao just two more string here.

Hamstrings, glutes, all the way down. Taller last time on to red springs. By the way. This is great guys. Round your back into cap, back. Begin tastic. Okay, lower your foot bar. We're going to do a nice little balancing deal, so I want to say a one red and one blue. Let's turn to face the back of the reformer. Place your hands on your head. [inaudible] a shoulder rests, right foot halfway up the head.

Rest left foot back. You're going to put ball of foot on the platform base here and your heel on the bar. Now take a quick scan down through your legs and make sure that this, you like the parallel heel. We want to see the parallel heal. Okay, so pause for just a second. Boy, there's lots we can do here. What I have chosen for us is to come up into a balanced position, so arms are going to come up. Now if you're walking down the street and you've got one foot in front of you, your other norm arm naturally swings in front of you, so put the other arm in front. You've got opposition. Alright. Now if you can bend your front knee a little deeper, little deeper, a little deeper, and then start to let the carriage move away.

And this one can come out to tea. Now you guys are fruit, fairly flexible. Go ahead and extend the knee again, but be careful now. We're not locking now. Stay right there. Kaneohe let's energize the other leg for a second. We need this hamstring working okay. And Ready. Then that right knee back in two more and extend.

And Ben gimme gimme your hamstrings there. Yeah, and then one more. And in place your hands on the shoulder rest. Straighten the front knee. If you can straighten and achieve a flat back, we're gonna love that and just hold onto it. Okay. Almost always it's the front foot that that's hip is a little in front of the other ones. So we want to just organize a little more square pelvis. Inhale, exhale, pull your reform or your carriage back in and just hold that. I'm just going to have us hold there for about three more breaths.

As we know the series could go on and we could do more with it. I'm not going to, I'm going to have you both change legs. I love to see what we choose. How do we choose to change if we don't have a direction? And that's fine. Either way works. Okay. So once again, you've anchored into your front leg.

You'll bring your body upright. Find a nice strong oppositional arm and one front, one back. Bend into that front knee a little more, which means you'll have to move that carriage. There we go right there. So the back leg is my, when I'm looking at, I want the ham strings engaged to support this knee.

Now if you'd like to guys stretch the front leg forward there. Well that felt good. And Ben and remember as you bend the front knee, you're not bringing underneath you too far. Just into a knee bend of your knee at 90 degrees there. 45 45 really coming? Yeah, more hands there. One more. K hold, hold, hold. And bring it in. Hands on the shoulder rests and extend your front knee again.

Good. If you're not back at the bumper yet, come on back. Fantastic. Two more deep breaths. And then there's one more delicious, I think a little newer to us. So come on down and as you change yourself, I'm going to have, uh, the high bar come up. We're going to load all of our springs because we don't need them for this exercise or for this stretch. Okay. It's a Piriformis and glute. Big glute strips. So you put your right Shin and knee up on the bar and that kind of fashion, it's like we'd be doing, if we're in yoga, maybe something like the pigeon back leg is kind of up to you.

You can keep your foot flat. You can talk, you can be against your shoulder block. Yeah, yeah. Okay. And just, yeah, circulate the breath with this, you know, do some of the good stuff in the abdominals supporting our pelvis. But that Nice Piriformis as we come right off of that sacred to the Femur in there, let it be like a river just flowing open. Nice broadening of the external rotators, giving them a very good stretch. Good. You guys.

Maybe one more breath and transition. I'd put weight in the hands. Lift yourself back. Changing sides. Okay. It's a great place to notice. I think if there is the one side that's holding a little more, what would maybe feel like gripping or held?

You can give away and let it, let it stretch and open supporting that sacrum. Yeah. Good. And I'm sure you're both feeling your different sides. Isn't it great that we have different sides? Gives us something to stay focused on as if there wasn't enough to focus on. Sorry. Good.

I'm not really, you know what I'm doing. All right. One more. Nice deep breath. Great. Now get out of there by lifting this back, pulling that back. Good and you guys and maybe standing off to either side of your reformer to do standing roll down either direction, legs together. Nice deep breath in. Just soft weight of the heels and rounding over. Taking a moment to think about maybe some of the new exercises or new ways to look at connecting a few things together.

Some challenge that you might not have felt for a while. One more breath there. Rolling up very slowly through the count of 10 and two and three they had his number 10 and five six, seven, eight, nine and 10 thanks ladies. Thank you.


Thank You so much Amy :) Your cuing is awesome, the class was awesome & loved the hundreds progression !! and yes, the stretches were Delish !!
1 person likes this.
Thanks Amy! A great class as always! I really liked the variations for the arms and leg circles. =)
hi Amy....I do love your combinations, attention to detail, and the time you spend preparing/playing with the work we all know. great back extension combo from matwork... Love it.
Thanks, Amy! As always, a great class with excellent cuing and with variation on exercises and repertoire. Very balanced...loved the short box work!
Thank you Yugonda, Rachael, Joleen and Kristen! You ladies are wonderful...thank you for taking class and giving me such clear feedback!It's always nice hearing from you!
I miss your teaching style. I am going to do this workout with my duet tomorrow. Thanks a million for all of your inspiration and such clear and conscious guidance . Aloha!
This class is top notch! Love your attention to detail and the seamless transitions! Gorgeous!
Encore encore....can't wait to use this with my Pilatesstick class...step platform = long box. Loved the footwork transitions, hundreds progression, arm/leg circles, rowing, side stretch port de bras, and your closing. as always, you rock!
Hi Krista!!! So good to hear from you and what sweet thingsto say. I miss you girl! Hope you are well my friend!
Gina....thank you!
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