Alright. So come to the front of your mat. We'd like to start off with a [inaudible]. You're going to stand right. You will stand off a little sub to the side when you sit or do you stand on center? Okay, so stand nice and center. Some people do because you cross over a leg and so they figure might as well stand off a little bit to the side. So run to start off the Pilati stance. Heels together and not too large of a slice of pizza between your toes.
Kind of like two or three inches between your toes. Great. And then start maybe soften your knees. Just let your weight go and try to feel the ball of every toe into the mat so you feel the ball of your foot, the side of your foot and your heels. And you want to have a grape underneath your arch and you don't want crush it and make wine. You want to feel just a nice lift. So you start in to find some awareness in your foundation and your feet.
Then have that lift in your arch. Continue by lifting the inner thighs through your pelvic floor, through your powerhouse, and see if you can bring your weight just a little bit forward to your, like a leaning tower of Pisa and resting the shoulders. Maybe even opening your collarbones without losing the ribs too much and using that drawing in and up. Put one arm on top of the other, one foot in front or behind the other and you're gonna lower yourself down, lengthening your tailbone, drawing your belly in and up the entire time. Good. Good. Keep pulling in and lower down. And then you want to lift your bottom back so it's in the middle of the mat and reach out nice and long.
So lie on down and reach through your fingertips behind you and reach long through your toes. Almost feeling like you have, um, a horse pulling you on each limb. Just go ahead and lose your center for right now. Candy, do you think you're good with your water bottle there? Should we pull it out a little bit? I don't want you to feel like you're gonna. It's gonna make your movement small. Good. And so just reach, reach, reach, reach, change. There you go. Good. Reached through your toes. And then let's pull back into our center. So inhale, bring your arms to the ceiling and exhale, just leaving your head there and exhale, bringing your arms down with your arms down. Really feel the naval in.
Try to pull it up. Keep lengthening your legs away from you. Good. Try to open the shoulders as much as you can and slide the shoulder blades down your back towards your tailbone. Very nice. Much better. All right. Now go ahead and dry your knees into your chest, whether it's one at a time, but draw him in. Give him a good hug. Take a breath and just breathe into the mat. Exhale in with the air and exhale, anchoring your navel. Good to your spine and with the air.
Feeling every vertebra on the mat. Exhaling good. And then keep your breathing like that and use your abdominals to keep your knees into your chest. But lengthen your arms down by your side. Good on the mat and feel the triceps, the back of the arms on the Mat. Feel your shoulder blades slide away from your ears and take a breath. And on your next exhale, use the belly to draw your head to your chest.
Keep your knees bent, slide your arms long. Bring them up to hip height, and now take a big breath like that. And exhale. Lengthen the legs away from you as you keep your center super scooped. Good and pumping. Inhale two, three, four, five, and exhale two, three, four, five. Then inhale, Mandy, let's go ahead and wake up your bottom a little bit by turning out those legs and squeezing it. Very nice. Stretching out that lower back. Beautiful God. Big Breath. Little less energy in there and just a tiny, oh, that's gorgeous.
Now you've got a good, what we call scoop and exhale. Always want to feel like you can draw your belly in and to the whole hundred you're warming up that powerhouse and exhale, just drop and open that shoulder a little more. Very nice. Big Inhale. And this is the get blood flowing. So let's into three, four, five, x out two. Let's do one more after this into three, four, five and exhale, two, three, four or five. Now, length in the legs, down and reach your arms up to the ceiling and back as you rest your head and you're ready for the next exercise. Keep all the muscles engaged for the roll up. Arms come up, head between the arms and curl up one bone at a time.
Keep it rolling forward. Reach forward to your feet. Inhale, roll back like you're pulling back a heavy weight with your powerhouse. Lower back, middle emptying the lungs as you reach back and with the air, the arms come up and then your head empty the lungs as you roll up. Very nice and stretch forward. Head to your chest. Inhale, roll back like you're pulling me back with your powerhouse. Lengthen your tailbone forward. Lower back, middle one more at this tempo. Arms head, scooping in, articulating your spine. Squeeze in that seat.
Good. Rolling forward. Stretch in how? Rolling back and exhale the rest of the way. Good. And now let's double time that tempo. Arms head. Roll it up. God Get us and roll it right back down. So really focus on that power house and you're going to have the arms, head, belly in and up, reaching it stays, engages you.
Stretch forward and rolls right back. Lower back, middle and upper. And let's do one more time, arms head and scoop it in. Good. And you're thinking about the next exercise. As you're rolling down, it's going to be the single leg circles. So let's make sure we're on the full length of our mat. Good little bit, your head, just a tiny bit. Good job. And we're going to draw the right knee into your, extend the right leg up to the ceiling and put your hands behind your thigh.
Instruct it to you, drawing in your belly good. And making sure your hips are square. So the bottom line is also reaching. You're using your hamstring and bottom to press that leg long down into the mat. Your shoulders are staying square, you can put your arms down by your side and I want you to actually lower the leg a little bit and see if you can use your stomach to drop back up. Good. Let's do that one more time. Anchor that belly, lower the leg a little bit, and use your stomach to really pull it up.
Now let's cross the body. Cross. Go down in a circle around, up, cross a round and it's cross around and it's up to more. Cross a round in. Lift. One more. Using a belly to lift that leg. Hold it. Reverse down. Cross the body and up. Good Dan. Cross the body a net and three more. Make sure that that leg is not pointing in and two more and cross.
When you cross, drop it like that and pull it up. One more damn cross and it's up. And hug the knee into your chest. Uh, other leg length in the right leg down. Bend that left knee in. Hug It. Extend the left leg up and give it a stretch. Good. You want the leg that's on the mat going down the middle of your body and it's also working arms by your side. But really open shoulders. Nice box.
Lower the leg a little and use your belly to pull it up. We're just warming it up. Good. Two more down a little bit. I mean one more and try to keep that hip open when you're pulling it up and we're going to cross the body now. Cross around an up. Good cross around and up and three more. I bet you you would do great to put your hand right here and feel how tents down around and up until you want to use the opposite.
You want to use the seat and your stomach rather than tensing your hip flexor. Yes. And two more. Did you guys reverse it? Sorry they did pull it up and Candace and Mandy, you guys are done and I want candy you to do two more like that. Okay. So go ahead and hug your knee into your chest. Good. Last one. Scooping it in, hugging that knee and think about the next exercise. Rolling like a ball. So both legs are long on the mat and I want to see your thighs squeezing.
You're lengthening and you're going to draw your belly in to lift your head in with the air and do a roll up to come up. Empty the lungs all the way up. Good. Give it all you got. Now put your hands by your bottom and we're going to lift our bottom forward, which means don't slide it. I don't want to hear that sound and no shoulders up. I want some good tricep works, so try to open up those clavicles and feel the back of your arms and your powerhouse as we lift bottom forward.
Then see if you can keep your weight more on your tailbone and arms and pull the belly in to balance. Look at your belly, make sure it's nice and scooped, and then hold that scoop as you bring your hands around your ankles. Then hold your lower belly pulled in. Don't support with your lower back. It's a very round back looking at your belly. Create as much space between your thighs and your belly. Really a lot of space there.
And then try to bring your head between your knees. So that's where you want it. That's it. Now separate your knees a little feet together though. Good. Um, now try to use your upper belly to bring your head forward. Yes. Excellent. Good. And now we're going to roll like a ball. You're going to inhale wall back XL right on up. Inhale, roll back XL. Let's use that upper belly to come. Now draw the lower belly to go back and exhale. Upper stomach.
Very good. That's it. Inhale, roll back. Exhale. Upper stomach comes up. Good. Inhale, massaging your back. Exhale to empty. All the air out of your lungs. Two more. Try to keep your gaze on your powerhouse. One more time. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, Rola and balance and holding it. And that nice scoop c curve. And we're going to transition.
So your feet are going to go down. Hands go behind you again. And no sliding or shoulders lifting as we lift our bottom back. Good. All right, good. So now the next series is a series of five. So we pull this aside for a second. So when you will down, think of the Rola, okay, where you roll down your waistband before your head and shoulders, right? Good.
But you're going to draw your right knee with you and lengthen the left leg away from you. So I'm going to be opposite of you guys, but you're going to draw in right hand on ankle, left hand on the other legs, reaching away, and you're going to roll down with control. Stop when you hit your bra strap or the bottom of your shoulder blades and you're ready to go. Switching left and right, very good and left open. Those clavicles more. Those shoulders really allow them to open more so that you're not tensing too much in the chest. Great. Allow us squeezing in your bottom as you lengthen that leg away from you and it's right and left. One more set. Grab both ankles in, still engaged and double leg stretch. Inhale, reach, good. And the lungs. Beautiful. Really Nice. Matty. Inhale, reach. Very good. Exhale maybe a little more. See, inhale, squeezing the sea turnout. Those legs can get the bottom. [inaudible]. Exhale, draw it in. Inhale together. One's out. Exhale, drop it in. Inhale, everyone's reaching.
Now let me see your really squeeze out that hair. One more. Inhale, reach. Exhale, squeeze in your can't get any tighter. Now bring the right leg up left like forward. Grab the calf or ankle if you can, and switch left, right, left these, fly through the air because your quads are loose and it's your bottom that's helping to come up and up. And your stomach's pulling that leg up and switch and it's right and left and right and left. Last set. And now both legs are up with your powerhouse. Hand one over the other behind your head and reach those legs away and pull up with your belly. Good.
And reach them away and see if you can get your bottom engaged. Squeeze your seat as you go down and pull and really squeezing so the belly can come in. We've got one more. Use Your upper stomach to push your head into your hands and stay up up with your upper body and bend the right knee in. Squeeze down the left leg a little bit straight down and Yep, perfect. And now come up to twist to your right knee and stay high as we switched legs.
Great Job, Nice Candy and staying high as we switch. And we only have one more thing high as we switch and hug in those knees and rest. Very nice. Some times our back gets into it. So we're going to naturally go into spine stretch forward. But the transition here is sharp.
So you're on your back and you want to come up really thinking about that exercise. So you're going to sit up, open the legs and sit up tall with your arms at shoulder height in one count. So it's just going to go right on up so that you can lift a feet flexed and go right into it. So picture it in your head. Good arms, shoulder height. So come a little bit more forward and put your heels perfect. Nice. And you're just right into it. There you go. Nice. Pull your belly in deeper than you think. Lift with it, and now exhale as you roll forward, often imaginary while beautiful.
Exhaling and inhaling back up, stacking your spine and exhaling forward. Good. There you go. I love that you're now curving. You want to keep the hip bones over your sit bones and now rolling up. Great. And in, let's exhale here for a second. And I want you to inhale, pull in and get even a little taller. And then exhale forward. Head to your chest. Rolling. Push your heels away.
Use your bottom to lift off of it. Yeah. And then inhaling up, and one more time. Exhale forward again, using your bottom to lift off. Push your seat down and touch the crown of your head down to the mat. There you go. And then roll it up with a nice breath. And you're thinking about open leg rocker. So ideally an open like rocker, you're going to keep pulling back in your waist as if you're going to roll down your lower perfect. And then all your energy is here, not in your legs are super relaxed and you're gonna pull your ankles at the same time, right up to your hands. So then just let them float up.
Bullet be to German. Yes, keep coming. Yes, I didn't mean to hold you back. You probably could have done it if I wasn't pulling you back. So if you want to try that transition again without me, that was great. Just a little less energy here. Good C, it was more of me scooping it in. Keep your belly supporting your back butt.
Lift as much as you can and let's massage that back. We're going to inhale, roll back your good. Exhale right on up. Good. Tell your arms not to bend. Be Real determined. Say Straight arms. Inhale, roll backs. Your upper stomach works harder on the way up. Good. And inhale, roll back and exhale. Roll Up. Two more. Pull your belly in. That's it. And massage your back. Last one. Really breathe through it in with the air. Empty your leg, lungs right on up. Hold it there and you're thinking of corkscrew.
So we're going to squeeze your legs together. It's like a little glimpse of what teaser will be. Use your powerhouse and just reach your arms for teaser. Leave your legs reaching away as you roll down your spine. Lower back, middle legs. Go Up to a 90 degree and they're going to fall to your right circle around to your left and center.
You got a candy and to your left around and center. Good. And Anchor and reach around and center palms are down and around and set. Or use your bottom. Squeeze it and reach with it. Yeah, that's it. And one more time to the left around and center. Great. Now like right angle, sit up.
And for sauce you're going to sit right up like that. Just going to switch. Yes. Up, up, up, legs, down. Open the legs, arms up at shoulder height, palms down. Good. This is saw now. So you're going to pull your belly in a little more. Lift up and let's both twist that way. Good. And now exhale, reaching past your baby toe. Good.
Now hold it right here for a moment. Candy, check out your feet. This is a great way to get more waste. Work out of SEO. Benefit a lot more if you keep your feet even when you twist. And that's from your keeping your hip bones even perfect. Reaching down. Head kisses your knee. And yeah, and inhale, roll on up.
And this time when we twist, we're not gonna move these bones at all. Pull in your waist and we're going to keep that pelvis exactly square. Fantastic. And exhale, reach. Now you get a lot more oblique work and inhaling up, twist and exhale for really pull the rib into your lung when your exhale forward. That's what this breathing exercise is all about. Pulling right into there and inhaling up, twist and exhale, reaching.
One more set. Let's stay together in how twist. And now you're going to exhale really for five, sorry, four, three, two, one. Inhale up. Turn just like the hundred and exhale here for five, four, three, two, one. Inhaling up, relax your arms down, squeeze your legs together. And we're gonna flip right on over for natural. So flip overheads are that way. [inaudible] that's okay. It'd be fine. Just go ahead and flip right on over.
That's it. Lie on down. Yep. Good. So we're going to turn back over first saw, see if I can do this without, go ahead and sit up again because you want to feel like you didn't lose one bit of tonus. One bit of one muscle did not relax in that transition, right? So when you're, you just finished usually to the left for saw and we're going to pull up in our hole. All of this is just like singing and you want to squeeze the legs together and you want to turn over almost into a push up and you're ready to go.
So you want to feel like really strong energy shooting in both directions. But otherwise you kind of lose it. And then a lot of times you can hurt your lower back cause you're not as engaged anymore. Your bottoms taken a break, you know, so to get it all back again. So I want you to be in this position and you're out here and you've just finished and you're off of your seat. Your heels are pushing you. Feel your energy in Annette and keep that energy as we squeeze our legs together and flip over. Think about your bottom. That's it. Hands present, dam.
And now let's slowly lift your head and your shoulders and your chest. Come up as high as you feel comfortable. Good. And you're going to look over your right shoulder. Circle the head down to your chest around to your left and look forward. Good. Look forward.
Now look left around to your right and forward. And then you're going to calm down. When you come down, you want to feel like your shoulder blades are pulling. This way, you're pulling, oh, keep your hands when they were like you're pulling the mat behind you and your whole body's going forward. One more. Press your bottom together. Wake it up, it supports your back. And we're going to pull up. Good opening that chest. Look over your left shoulder this time. Sherkle the chin all the way down to the chest, over your right and forward.
Great. The other direction, right circle down around to your left. Look forward. And now try to feel like you're pulling a mat behind you as your body lengthens forward as you go down. So you're pulling down. That's great. Keep that energy. And try to pop yourself up onto both elbows at the same time.
So you're gonna lift up your head and chest and shoot your elbows forward. There you go. Yeah. And knuckles together like this. Excellent. So almost perfect candy. I want you to just bring your elbows in a little bit in towards each other, just a tiny bit in and then the fist like that. And we're going to make two fists and push them into each other. Yes.
And I want you to feel the strength and pushing your forearms into the mat. Feel the underarm muscles, but try not to round this part. In fact, I want you to, yes, there you go. Good. Scooping in your belly. Squeeze your legs together. Your goal is to keep your knees together, but sometimes they separate cause we have tight thighs, so we're gonna try to keep them together. And without arching too much in your lower back, lift both legs up a little bit. Hmm. So you feel your hamstrings and your seat. And now with the right heel, you're gonna kick your bottom twice.
Pull it in for two, one, two and then left. You got it, Manny and then right? Two and left. Two with energy guys. Lifting. Lifting. Yes. Don't forget that sinking chest. It has the lift up. That's it. Pushing your forms into the mat. Every part of you is toning. Right now. Your bellies in and up. You're pulling that heel to your seat.
One more set and enough right cheek, facial cheek on the mat. And you're going to bring your hands together behind your back. Go ahead, pull them up as high as you can. Very flexible. That one. Nice job. And I want you to squeeze your legs together. And again, without taking it too much in your lower back, try to lift your knees and thighs up off the mat. Great. And feel like they're reaching long out of your lower back. And now three kicks with both feet. One, two, the rate.
And then the legs go down and your upper body comes up, up, up and switch. And it's like a dance. Pull it in. Two, three and Lyft, Lyft, Lyft and switch. Jenn, kick, kick, kick and lift. Lift, lift. And last one, kick, kick, kick and lift. And I'm just going to stretch you because I think you could use it. There you go and round your back. This is a nice buy. You're going to round your back and sit on your heels. Finally, a transition.
That's not completely an exercise. So go ahead and lift, but when you do, we'll keep this space and now crawl your hands away. Good. So that you can stretch out your lower back. Good. But while you're here, you're picturing the next exercise, which is neck pool. So you're both gonna flip over, point your feet towards each other and lie on your back. Yep, right on down. And I would start with your heels as close to the front edge of the mat as you can't, because as you do this exercise, we just start sliding back. Our goal one day is to keep our heels there, but that's like super, super advanced. Okay, so we're going to have our feet hip width apart and flexed.
There you go. And we're going to start with your hands right here. I'm going to build you up two hands behind your head. All right, so I want your bottom engaged and pushing your heels away as if you're skidding on your heels. And I want your belly to draw in as you lift your head up in with the air. And now exhale, slide your hands up your thighs as you roll up. Rounding up one bone at a time. Kiss your knees. Inhale.
Sit up tall from your lower belly all the way up. Don't lose your belly and you're still lifting off your bottom and see if you can go back tall. So your arm, your body's like my arm. You're going to go back like this tall, tall, taking your stomach with you. And now roll the rest right back up. Inhale, head. Exhale. Scoop it in. Rolling up one bone at a time until you kissed your knees. Inhale, sit up tall, rolling up through your spine. Keep it engaged.
Lift off your bottom. Go back tall. Very nice. Roll the rest down. Hands behind your head, one over the other. You can bring your elbows together and we're going to inhale, roll. Exhale. Roll right on up till you kiss your knees. [inaudible] there we go. Inhale.
Sit Up tall and open your elbows and pull in to push your head into your elbows from your stomach and roll the rest down. Good. Right on. Up again in with your scoop scoop. Scoop. Now if I wasn't here to hold you inhaling up, cause you're doing a great job with me just doing that and pulling in, roll back. You'd want to go back to your hands so that down by your side so you can keep challenging yourself and challenging to Moore, either one in with the air and exhale. You got it. Tell yourself I'm getting there. That's it. Inhale, roll up and exhale back. Good, good.
And one last time in with the year, keeping the elbows in the future as wide as you can on the way up. That's what you want to build up to. Inhaling up and pulling. Let me fill your stomach in my hand. Yes. And lift off your seat as you go back. Pull it in. Yes. Wonderful. Lengthening and down. Great job. All right, so now we're going to do sidekicks.
I want you to line up your both. Let's line up your side face that way. Can't really say you're right or a left, but all the way on the back edge of the mat all the way back. There you go. I'm bend your elbow. Still want you to scoot back a tiny bit more, Mandy. There you go. And especially your shoulders.
And then bend your elbow so your head is resting on your hands like so like a beauty queen. Voila. There we go. Good. All right, pull that. That one worked, that, that cute. Pull back your pelvis a little bit and bring your legs forward. Okay, good. All right, so our hand is here. Alright. So since we're working on transitions, we're going to get back to this, bring your legs a little bit more forward. You know, and I'm going to actually teach you the real transition, which, sorry, bring your legs back. So you're perfectly straight line and you're going to flex your feet.
And now I want you to put the top leg in front of the bottom one.
Now you want to feel everything still engaged here. Okay, so I want you to take a mental picture of where we are right now, where your elbow is. This hand is actually going to be like a kickstand right in front of your belly. And it's a great way to know if your belly is like puffing out and going on to it. So picture all of this where your head is, where your spine is, where your legs are. And I want you to go back onto your back for a neck pool, like as if you just finished it and then see how quickly you can come right back into this. So lie on your backs. Good. And I want you to, we're going to do a little bit more center for me. Mandy, scoot over a little more center. Good. And now I want you to actually have your legs hip with the part and let's just do one with your arms down by your side. Inhale, rolling up.
Exhale all the way forward. There we go. So now our muscles are getting engaged again. Inhale, sit up tall and lifting off that seat. Roll back, right, pushing those legs long, finishing the exercise and think about sidekicks. Go all the way down to your head and then you're going to roll right over. Get back and get into position so that we're ready to go. And here we go. Taking that right leg, we're going to kick it forward and take it back. So you, that's kind of the rhythm that you want them already have been there with your elbow all the way back on this back edge. And same with your body.
There you go. Good, good. All right, lift that top leg just a tiny bit. Turn it out and let's sweep it forward and take it back. Good and forward and back. So I want you to just keep swinging that leg. And what it's most important to me right now is that you understand that your box, your frame is staying in one place. Keep swinging that leg, make it challenging your range of motion. How high cheer knows can you take it hard foul bar?
Can you take it without moving your frame? And what supports your frame is your powerhouse reaching? Taking that leg long. Good. Everyone's forward and back. Really try to kick your nose and back. And let's do one last one. Forward and back and now legs together.
Okay. Keeping your frame. We're gonna take this leg, the top, like up to your ear. Reach it up and then squeeze it down. So let's see if you can keep this hip over this one more. There you go. And squeeze it down. Good and up. And as you squeeze it down, pull your belly in and up. Lengthening your spine and up. It's a delicious feeling when you can stretch your lower back in one direction and two and squeeze a thousand pounds down. And one more time. Up and squeezing. Now stay here.
And this should still be posture. So you don't want to be looking down. You want to be looking up and you want to be really reaching. Lift that top leg a tiny bit and give me five little circles. One, two, three, four, five, and reverse very nicely as you're not moving your whole up or body. Three to one end. Great. Now I want you to lift both legs up, pull your belly and lift both legs up and the transition is roll onto your stomach with your legs up.
Make a small pillow for your forehead with your hands. It's legs are up. They're still engaged. They're still working in your nice, I'm going to straighten you out, candy. There you go. And I want you to open your legs about the width of the mat and squeeze your inner thighs all the way together. Can you get them higher candy? There you go. And I mean Mandy and up and then school Hayes together. Hold them together and now I want 20 fast beats. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 supporting the lower back, always with your stomach and rest. All right?
I want you to swing your, um, selves around so that your heads are facing each other this time and your legs are the opposite. So do whatever you need to do so that your heads are here. Feet are there. There we go. And now quickly think about sidekicks. And what we're going to do is we're going to put your elbow here and be on your side. You're gonna be on this side now and get your legs forward so that you're ready to go.
And let's start lifting that top leg up a little bit and turning it out. And you're gonna sweep it forward. Good job. Sweep it forward and taking it back. So I loved how you looked up at that point. That was really good. So that continues your posture and forward and back, and really fill your stomach.
Pull that leg forward and use the hamstring and bottom to go back, stomach and seat and forward and back and three and back and two. And find these muscles. Don't let your inner thigh get hidden as you pull up. Don't hide your inner thigh and back. Ooh, little click in one more time that can't feel that great and legs together. And now keeping your frame to push up and squeeze down and push up and squeeze thousand pounds down it up and squeeze and three and down and two and down and last time up and squeeze and length in Linkedin. Now we're going to do five little circles. Circle one stomach and two stronger.
Three a little quicker for five and go the other way. One, two, three, four. And rest that leg down. Alright. Every muscle still engaged though as if you're lengthening both legs in one direction, upper body in the other, and just to be able to see each other, I want you to swing your feet towards each other so that you're actually lying on your back with your feet towards each other and heads the opposite way. So turn around onto your back. We're going to do teasers, so just keep swinging them that way. There you go. And lie on down. Yes, good. Keep all those muscles engaged. Hug your knees into your chest. Great. Reach your legs up to the ceiling. Reach your arms back behind you.
Try to do it from your waist to your stomach's in and reaching all the way through your fingertips and engage your bottom as you lower your legs down to a 45 degree angle, right about there. Good. And try to keep them at that Langle little lower that angle and roll right on up for your teaser. Up you go. Hold. Reaching for your toes. Scooping it in. Good. And now roll down with control. Yes. And arms back and roll it right on. Up Scooping in. You got it. And rolling down. One more time.
And I want you to really feel good on this one. So give me your hands and now use your upper belly scoop in your middle. Hold it there. Bring this right heel to the other one, right. Squeeze them together. [inaudible] now pull me down as you roll down. Oh yeah. That stomach into your back is what you want. Do One more time. Come on up.
Exhale all your air. Oh, that was gorgeous. And rolling down Madge and you're pulling me down and bend your knees into your chest. I'm sure it was gorgeous over here, Mandy. Just absolutely beautiful. Good. Now. So now we're still working. We're doing our last exercise. Actually we'll do two more.
We're gonna use our stomach to roll up as if you're doing a rolling exercise. Sit on a good feeder on the mat and just let your knees open and slide your hands under your ankles. Good, good. Pulling up. All right, so you want to pull your balance with your feet up off the mat, but do that by pulling in here. Always trying to keep as much space between here, holding yourself with your lower belly. Clap your feet together. Three times. One, two, three. And now roll back and, and then, yes, and then come on up. Very good. Inhale, roll back.
Clap to three. Exhale up two, three. Inhale back to three. Exhale up. Eyes are always on your belly. That helps really round your back at back. That's it. Now you almost want to feel like you're bracing yourself with your stomach back there. That used to help me a lot. That's it. And up and you're solid.
And let's do two more. Can you guys stand up after your g? You do. You're rolling. So we're going to do our last one. If you can let go of your feet and roll all the way to a standing position. Pretty Nice. All the way up. Good. That that was pretty good, Huh? I you cross. You can cross your legs as well. You don't have to do in parallel.
So you cross and you push up off the floor. Then you come right on up. And I want you to walk all the way back to the back edge of your mat two. You're already there. Look at that. And we're back to the original position. Plotty stance, no whine underneath your ankle.
Our arches. Open the toes up a little bit more. Good. Shift your weight forward and everything is working all the way. Extend your stomach and powerhouse all the way through to your fingertips. And imagine you have your back against the wall and I want you to roll off that imaginary wall rolling forward. Good. If you need to bend your knees to get your hands on the floor, that's fine.
And then I want you to walk out into a pushup position. So you're going to walk out with your hands and hit a pushup or plank position. Good. And we're going to bend our elbows straight back for five. Bending them back at, pull down four up and squeeze that bottom. Engage that bottom. Two more. Gotta. Use your whole powerhouse. One more time.
Pull in. And we're going to lift up in the waist and walk back to your feet. We're going to do that one more time. So right now your bottom is behind your feet, right? Oh really good. I want you to try to keep it right over the balls of your feet as you round up all the way up and reach your arms up to the ceilings you do. Yes.
So if you can do that that way you really are using this and then it helps you a lot to pull up. So we're going to do one more set of five and that'll be it for today. Guys are doing great. Arms up to the ceiling and rolling off an imaginary wall. So try to keep your heels together to candy. Good. Excellent job on rolling off that wall. And now roll out. Walk out.
Good. And stay right there a little bit forward with your hands. No, I'm sorry Mandy. You're fine. Now engage your bottom. You could do a lot more squeezed. There you go. And dip down. Five for good and three. Lift your head up a little bit. Yes, two more.
Don't let it weigh you down last time. Excellent. And now pull up your waist and hips. Walk to your feet. Good. Now see if you can keep your bottom more here. As you roll up, keep rolling up until your arms are all the way to the ceiling. And exhale. That's right. And you're gonna inhale as you lift your belly in and up, pushing away the earth and exhale here. And you're all finished. Nice job. Really good.
Thanks for working on the transitions with me.
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