Class #589

Discover the Basics

60 min - Class


If you haven't been working out, you will clear the cobwebs in this class. Niedra uses the Theraband to help you discover the feel of the exercises. This is a good basic class that will help beginners progress while reminding more advanced students of the importance of the details of the basic exercises.
What You'll Need: Mat, Theraband

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Okay. So great. We haven't seen each other for a few weeks, so we have to get, yeah, yeah, we have to get the cobwebs out. The good thing, the cobwebs are easier to get rid of the, to learn first time. So standing in Pilati stance to begin with. Just take a moment to shift the weight back and forth, just and feel the weight into the heels, feel the weight into the toes and then come back onto the heels. And if the Tozer, and I'll see if you can live more than the Tosa, try not to fall backwards and then put the balls of the feet down, but lift the toes so once the balls of the feet are down, start spreading the toes out. Yes, that's it. That's it. And now feel where your big toe is and for your little toe is way too soft for me. And so you have this tripod, big toe, little toe center of the heel, spread the toes a little bit more and then put the toes back down on the mat and start to zipper the inner thighs in and up together. That's it. So the size along and then lift up in the powerhouse and just take the band in front of you and lift the shoulders, roll them back. And as they roll down, lift the sternum a little bit.

But Megan watch it. You don't go backwards. Pull the ribs in a little bit. So you kind of, and then shift the weight very slightly more forward to feel your weight also on the balls of the feet. Yes. And then lengthen the spine up and then pull the, the strap, the theraband apart and back together. And as you pull it apart, lift the chest a little bit. Yes, that's it Debbie. So there's a lift into the upper spine, which is an area that usually can get kind of heavy and dense. So you creating space in the front chest and waking up the shoulder girdle and pull, that's it. And pull the stomach muscles in and up. That's it Megan. So the spine gets long.

Cool. And Paul? Yes, I am Paul. I'm Paul. Am Paul. Very good. Lift the arms up. Pull the shoulders up per minute so you get a sense of the side body being long. And now pull the shoulders down and lengthen the neck.

Tricky area to feel length. And again, pull the shoulders up so you feel like a turtle going into this shell in a sense. And then feel like a swan is emerging as you lengthen up through the crown of the head. One more time. Lift the shoulders and then pull down and length in the neck and then pull the bar, the band apart. Pull it and pull it. So when do you keep the shoulders down even more? That's it. Paul. Hi there. Sandy. Paul, add Paul, ample, um, Paul and Paul.

And then bring the hands down at Sandy. Yes, you can join us with great pleasure. Here's a band. Ah, let me get me a band. Oh right. This will do. All right. Take the the band behind you again. Now see if you can find this space. You would just, that's it Wendy. Now we'll pull the stomach in and up even though the sternum is lifting up and then slightly pull this apart.

Cool ad pull in every time the arms going apart. The sternum lift, so you get two, that's it sandy. So you get to lift in the spine and pull and pull and pull and pull. Very good. Bring the, the the strap in front of you. I just take the arms up and now lifting the chest. Take the arms back and down. So you stretch the shoulders out. Bring the arms up and forward and lift. Lift the chest, pull the stomach up. That's attending.

Keep that so you stay tall. Add forward and lift them back and lift and forward. And one more time. Lift him back and lift and fold. Yeah, very, very good. Cross your feet. Look at your face. Lifted the sternum in the chest. Now as you lifting the elbows, press the shoulders down. So there's this dual action. Elbows lifting, chest lifting, shoulders going down. And you can take the back foot and lift the heel a bit.

So you shift onto the front foot and see if you can bend your knees and come all the way down onto the mat. Yes, very good. Okay. And do your feet. Stretch the arms out in front of you, lift your chest and pull the thorough band apart. Keep that tension, lift the stomach and then slowly roll down onto the mat. Articulating your spine. Rolling. Rolling, rolling. Roll back up.

Trick. And one more time. This time you're really gonna roll down on the mat row. Roll some against some against some, again, all the way down to the floor. Put the band to the side for a minute just for the warm up for the lower abs. So arms by your sides and make sure if you have something under your neck, your neck is nice and long, your head is long, your shoulders are pulled down, away from your ears and pull the stomach muscles in and check that the floating rib areas you feel those ribs on the mat. And then keeping your stomach in.

Lift your right knee towards your chest and put the foot back down and the left knee towards your chest and put the foot back down and the right knee towards your chest and put the foot back down and the left knee towards your chest. And put the foot back down and the right knee towards your chest and put the foot back down and the left knee toward your chest and put the foot back down if you had one more time, Sandy, put it back down and long. Now as you're lying here, check that the floating ribs are on the mat. The stomach is in. Narrow the hips, and again, if you write me off, keep your stomach in and lift your left knee up. Hug the midline, knees and feet tied together. Put your right foot down and put the left foot down if you had for me to put it back down and lift your left knee up. Put the right knee up, put the left foot down and put the right foot down and lift the right knee up and the left knee up with the right foot down.

Put the left foot down and lift the left knee up and lift the right knee up. Narrow the hips, press the knees together, have the midline and the left foot goes down and pulling the stomach in and the right foot goes down. Very good. Hug the midline, hands on the navel, pulling the stomach in, bring both knees to your chest and then float the feet back down on the mat. Narrow hips, long spine. Very Good Sandy. That was excellent. Bring the knees up again and lower back down and bring the knees up and lower back down. And one more time. Bring the knees up and lower back down. Very, very nice. Now if you want to come up the sitting position and have a look because we're going to work with the bar for the next step with the bar, with the band.

So this is the help really articulate this whole upper area when you're lifting your head and chest off the mat. So you want the band on the, on the mat and you will lie down on top of it. So it's like, then you really in your spinal column on the, on the band. So the band comes up above your head. Now we'll just, um, just, you'll want to check that there's a little bit of leeway to this band. And what we'll be working on is this next exercise is lifting the head and chest up and you'll have the band here so you can actually have this sense of relaxing the head very slightly because it's so easy to work into these muscles and it makes it a lot easier to really isolate from the into the waist area and this whole band of upper abdominal area in the powerhouse lowing back down. This is what you want to watch for naughty kind of Yank in cause it's very tempting to start to pull with the band.

You want to imagine you have like a crown and you keep your hands back and once you get the feeling it really helps to isolate in a lovely way. So, um, take some moment as such yourselves up so the band will be really from your bottom up. So you want, once you've laid the band out, get your bottom close to the bottom, get your bottom close to the bottom. And Sandy in your case. I think lift up a second, but stay sitting. OK, got down. You Go. I'm just stretching it out for you. Okay? Yes, there it is. That's going to work. That'll be fine. You don't really need to stats about the distance you want. Yes, that there. There you go. Okay, so let's have a test run.

Bring the knees and the feet together and lift your head and chest up. So you curl up contracting from the ribs. And now take a moment in this position to rest your head in like a pillow. You kind of resting that, but you're throwing the energy right into the powerhouse and you all look good. Yes, very good Megan. And Go back down. So we really are so late.

This ribs the waist and lift up again. And this is just helping you, not work with the neck and the head, but really work in your trunk and lower back down and lift up again and lower back down and lift up again. Really contracting ribs to waste. Very nice, very good. All of you lower back down and now add the knees into this. So lift up again and bring the knees to the chest. As you crawl up deep, you can really connect and lower back down. So you want to connect upper abs and lower abs and that's what's lifting you.

So the knees come in. So from the hips to the waist and from the ribs to the waist, you want to feel that joining shortening there and down and lift and at. Now hold it here and feel from the ribs to your sacrum on the mat. Nice and long as you lower down. Don't lose that connections. The spine stays long as you go back down long spine like a little course around the waist. Then one more time, lifting up.

Very good work and lower back down. Only thing Sandy, just be careful. You don't have to pull it a lot, but that was excellent. Now next one, keep holding your, your band will go up again and you go into the a hundred position just with the leg. So we'll do hundreds this time. Just this long, slow, deep breathing in this position. So no pumping with the arms. So bring your knees, bring your knees in, lift your head and chest. Stop. Check that your head is resting, that you're really working the powerhouse. Extend the legs up to the ceiling and take them slightly out in [inaudible] stance.

Pull the up even more and lift your chest even more without the next training. Start breathing in and exhale nice and long into three, four, five. Exhale. Really be pull the stomach into three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Now shorter breath in. Four. Exhale, two, three, four, five, six into three. Four. Exhale, two, three, four, five, six into three. Exhale, two, three, four, five, six, seven into three. Exhale, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Then two. Exhale, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight into exhale, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Bring your knees and deepen into the powerhouse and put your feet on the Mat and put your head on the mat and just rest for a minute so it can be a lot harder because it really makes you, I hope, isolate more deeply into the powerhouse. Now let's have you all stretch your legs out, reach up and grab the theraband, deepen into the powerhouse and roll up. So we'll start rolling up. So we starting right away with the legs straight.

Roll up, roll up, roll up and bend over and with the band. Very good. So Sandy, you see how you're stretching it almost too much right now. Ben, Ben, just keep the answer and then come back to a sitting position. Now just keep your hands [inaudible]. No way to get around having the band. Um, so from here we'll start rolling back. So lift up the spine, check that the shoulders are down, pull the stomach in and just bring your secret right into the band. That's it. And check that the neck is forward, but not kind of crunched in on yourself. Sandy, more length in the neck and there'll be more roundness. Click fill up the back ribs. So right around the band of your ribs. Really fill into it. Now Start Rolling back.

Nice. Uneasy rolling through the spine. Same as you really are. Appeal that articulation of the spine. That was good, Wendy. Yes, and down. Very nice. Take a breath in and on your breath out. Roll up the same way. See, articulate through this by not too much with the head Megan. That's it.

We don't crunch your Chin and bend forward and length in the spine out at the same time. And then as you roll back again Megan, just stay right in that shape and roll back. Very good. Awesome. Without letting your head crunch forward. Too much. Yes. And back. Good, good, good. And again, roll up. Going into this row, slightly rounded shape and the front body is really pulling together to help support the opening of the back and then roll back. Roll back, roll back saying long kind of leaning out, rolling out, supporting for the powerhouse. And one last time, rolling up. Not Too much head Megan. Really work the truck. Yup. Yup. Fight it. Fight good girl and forward and then roll back and make sure the head is resting into the band and you're really articulating through the spine.

Awesome. That was so great. So just roll to one side. You get, get the band out from underneath you and lie back on your backs and get the leg around your foot for the single leg circles. The leg is nice and long. That's it. Now once the leg is up in the air, we'll go right away cause you all have the range of movement left leg straight down, left like straight down. Now take your right hip and lengthen it towards your left heel. That's it. So you and then narrow the hips together and then keep that right hip going down and bring this right like up, but keep the back flat so we're not starting the circles yet.

We just right hip down. Yes, left leg, nice and long. Really reach. Try to touch the person on the other side of the room, but shoulders away from you and start to circle. Cross. Circle the leg and up. Circle the leg and up. Circle the leg and up. Circle the leg up. Turn the leg out a little for me and circle the leg and up.

Stretch and reverse it. Circle the leg. Now pull the thigh up, circle the leg, and lengthen into the powerhouse. Aha. That's what I'm looking for. And three to leg out a bit more. Yes, circle the leg. You'll have more hip work going and circle the leg up. Now take a moment. Pause here. There's lots of ways to do this, but today I would like you to work in the Plati stands for you rotating out. It allows this right hip to get longer, even more sandy, even more rotated out. Now narrow the hips. Yes. Now check the shoulders away from your ears in the back of the neck is long.

Keep that length and take the leg down, straight down and narrow and keep the hips stable and bring the legs up again all the way up as high as it'll go. Keeping your sit bone down and down again. Remember we're getting rid of cobwebs and up again. Nice broad shoulders and lengthen and lower the lake and up and lengthen stomach is in and lower the leg and up and one last time, lower the leg and up and bring the other leg up. Put it in the band and lower this leg down. So Ha have to think on your not on your feet, on your back.

Okay. So once the leg is in the air, you want to double check and re fix hips cause they usually go out. Go off kilter. You slightly turn the leg out, narrow the hips can lengthen the anymore. Thank you. Another three inches. Good. Shoulders away from your ears. Long right leg and stomach is in crossover. Left hip is way down into the floor.

Circle up and circle the leg up and circle the leg in-app. Stretch and circle that I get even more and circle the leg and up one more time. Circle the leg and reverse it and circle the leg inner and circle the leg in to [inaudible]. Yes. Circle the like, keep the stomach in theory. This circle that I, you see how it goes low in there and circle, you know, keep it turned down now lower than they'd done 45 degrees. Stomach is in shoulders a wide.

I'm bringing the leg up without altering your trunk. Lower the leg down. Very nice work here and up, right? Like long left leg long. Amen. And down and up. Even more legs in here. Give it to me. To me that he press it down, push it away from me. Lower the leg. Take this hit and point. That's it. So yeah, the feeling is like you're pushing it away from you.

Lower the leg down and bring the leg up. Very, very good. Okay. Get your feet out of here. Hold onto your bandit, put it above your shoulders. Check that the shoulders are away from your ears and pull the bend slightly apart. And think of yourself creating, I mean, it's the hands going to the ceiling, but think of it as are you picture framing your own face. So as you lift your head and chest, keep that picture frame and roll up the way you did when your head was resting on the band using the trunk. But you have this frame.

The frame is a little bit in, that's it, Sandy. Yes, yes, yes, yes. You come and then bend forward and take the band in. Place it beyond your toes. See if you can reach, bend your knees if you need you to get the band behind your toes. Good cry. And then let your head drop in. Just give yourselves a nice little stretch here. Stretch, stretch, stretch. Now all of you, bend your knees a bit and stretch again so you go a little deeper.

Stretch and stretch and stretch. Very nice. Okay. Take the band and put it to one side. Bend your feet up. Four rolling like a ball. So hands behind the knees. Lift the feet and see if you can find that same feeling if have a curved back without being a collapsed back. But lift up when even more out of the yes, that's it. And then long neck, even though you're looking forward. Good. Sandy rolled back and come up back.

You go and roll up and balance and roll back. Shoulders down there, Debbie and up and roll down and roll up and roll down and roll up and roll down and roll. And one more time. Roll down and roll up. Very good. And put your feet on the floor. Come to a sitting position. Just for a minute. Just cross your legs just for a second and putting your hands on your knees.

Lift your shoulders way up and then as the shoulders come down, leave the chest just a little bit more there Megan. Even more lifting the sternum. Yes. Now really as you press down, we can kind of shove the older downs, but I'd like you to think more of pressing it. There's these muscles, the lat muscles on the side underneath the Arpad, making them become strong. That's it. So lift the shoulders a bit and then press down and feel those side muscles of the rib cage starting to work and then get the neck long, long, long, long, long neck. Yes. Good. Sandy, lift your shoulders again and then press down and feel those lats work. And one more time. Lift again and press down and feel those lats work.

So those are very important. They more, more. Sometimes we can get into jamming the shoulders down, you know, because it really up barriers and we're pushing the shoulders down. It's really more about lifting the ribcage where it needs to be, and then they float on top. So next one, series of five, take your band because we'll do it again. Lifting our head and chest off the same way. So lengthening the band out, sitting close to the front of the band and just roll down on your backs and reach up so you can find it so you can set yourself up. Huh?

Yeah. Here it is. Here it is. I want to pull your hair. Oh, lift up your head for a minute. Okay, that looks good. Okay, so now knees and feet are together. Bring both knees into your chest, hugging the mid line and put the feet back down again. And Sandy, I want you to knees both knees at the same time. So everybody squeeze your knees together and tighten the buttocks and bring the knees up identically both legs. Yes, very nice. Now keeping the knees in the air. Curl your head and chest up and rest your head into the band and check that the stomach is really, your front body is really supporting the way to very slightly lift the chin away. Megan, you're just a little for you. Opposite a little bit more down.

Bring the Chin a little bit more deep. Yes. So the back of the neck is long. And extend your left leg out and bring the right knee in and switch your legs and reach with the right leg out and the left knee in. Switch and reach. Switch and reach. Switch and reach. Switch and reach. Switch and reach. Switch and reach.

Switch and reach. Switch and reach. Switch and reach. Switch and reach. Bring both knees in. Bring the knees in a little deeper and lower your head and shoulders down. But keep your knees there and now hug the midline. Knees and buttocks tight. And then relax your hips. Hug the midline, knees and feet tight. Relax your hips, hug the midline and relax your hips. And one more time.

Hug the midline. It's more like squeezing together and relax. Now, Corolla had in chest up for Darba like stretches. Curl up a little bit higher, rest the head into the band and extend the legs away from your would. Pull the stomach up and hug those legs. Bend the knees back. Good and extend a nice long, tight legs and back and extend and back. Now pull the stomach in here. Stay here and extend again.

Don't lose your ribs and back. Much better. Take the legs a little higher and extend and back. One more time and extend and back and bring the knees in and lower your head and shoulders. So the mat and [inaudible] in this position again, hug the midline, hips and knees tight and relax the legs and squeeze the hips and knees and relax and squeeze the hips and knees and relax. And one more time. Squeeze the hips and knees and relax and curl your head and chest up again for scissors. Now really press the ribs and the hips down.

Deepen into the powerhouse. Then if the legs to the ceiling, hog the midline with the legs and now right leg goes forward, left leg, back, scissors, double Pauls. Double Pauls switch, double pals, switch double pals. Leg goes up, double pals, double pals, double poles, double poles, double poles, double pals, double possibles. Exit Up, bend the knees in and put your feet down and put your head down and just relax for a minute. That was good. Very, very good work. One more using the band, like this is the lower lift. So again, this time simultaneously, knees come in, head and chest lift. So curl up, bringing the knees into your chest. Lift both legs straight up to the ceiling and deepen into the powerhouse. Check that the shoulders away from the ears. Yes.

Lower the legs long way from you and bring them up so as you go down and don't lose your back. Sure. The ribs stay in contact with the mat and up. Yeah, just like the legs. Head stays up, the legs go down and lift, not so low for you halfway that distance and lift so you don't lose contact here and lower the legs and lift. One more time. Lower the legs and lift. Bend your knees, head and feet to the mat and rest. Very, very nice. Oh, okay. Now let's add crisscross. We've started doing it with this group.

So just place your hands behind your head and just for a moment in this position, feel the elbows on the floor. So there's a broadness and openness in the collarbones. Now pull the stomach muscles in and bring both knees into your chest and with the hands, have the head resting on the hands. See if you can lift up again. Same quality coming from the truck. Left elbow goes towards right knee and turn and twist to the right from the waist up and switch and turn from the waist to the left.

Switch. Turn from the waist to the right switch. Turn from the waist to the left switch. Turn to the right switch. Turn to the left. Knees together. Head and feet down and rest. Okay. Stretch your legs out. Stretch your arms out and reach.

Just reach over your head and give yourselves a good stretch and then reach with your right arm a little bit more and then your left arm and you can reach the leg away from you just to kind of open up the body cause you've been working really strongly with the muscles. Very nice. And then roll up to a sitting position or rock up and roll. Roll, roll. Excellent work. So we'll do a little stretch for the legs and for the back before we go into spine. Stretch forward. So open your legs up and so we were going to do it and just to check a little bit wider with the feet Wendy, a little bit fight. Yes. Kind of feel the floor, the the heels on the floor and without the heels moving, bend your knees without the heels moving and let the knees come down and then flex and bend the knees and let them go down.

And one more time Ben and reach down with your hands if you can. With the knees bent, Debbie knees are bent. Bend over until you grab your toes. Now pull the stomach in and let your head drop and without losing the feet, take your right knee and presser to the floor, but push backwards. Pull backwards with your back. So you're pulling your belly is pulling into your spine.

You're stretching your waist and then bend the knees back and take the left knee and really pull backwards with by pressing the knee down and bed. And the right knee presses down and pull right toward sacrum. You stretch back into the sacred and bend and the left knee presses down, stretching into the sacrum and then, and the right knee stretches away down into the sacrum and Ben and the left knee stretches down into the sacred and bend. And now both knees at the same time. This is actually really good for you. Both knees go down, so you want to stretch right into here and Ben and right into my hand and bend and stretch. Both knees go down and bend.

And one more time stretch. That's it. And then very, very nice and roll up to a sitting position. It's a really nice way to open up the back body. So spine switch forwards should feel a lot kind of richer now. So stretch your arms out in front of you.

Take a deep breath in and lift up and press the shoulders down and press the backs of the knees down and reach with the toes and then start rounding your upper back, your middle back, and your lower back and let the head go way down. And Megan, throw up that left rib cage area and roll back up. Roll back up, roll back up. Sit Up nice and tall and lifted. Inelegant and narrow the hips. Take a breath in and breathing out. Start Rolling for that. Excellent. Rolling down reaching law with the arms and check that the hands are shoulder height, Wendy. That's perfect. That's it. And then roll back up, sitting nice and tall and lifted. Shoulders down. Nice, long lifted crown of the head. Take a breath in and breathing out.

Fill up the back body and really go down as though you're trying to take your nose towards your navel. Now stay here and take another breath in. I'm breathing out. Go a little bit deeper and really empty the lungs to go deeper. And one more time. Breathe in here and breathe out and go even deeper and then roll back up.

Roll back up, roll back up and lift up the spine and relax. That was excellent. Very, very nice. Okay. Open leg Drucker. Bend your feet. Hold behind the knees just for the warmup. So holding right behind the knees. Sandy, take your right leg. [inaudible] send it and back and the left like no, check that the shit the soldiers are down. Yes sir.

An open and back and open on back and open and Megan seat could lift up a little higher so you don't, you're not fall, that's it. And download both legs at the same time. Now this is a funny thing cause you're rounding but you're not collapsing so that you have to fight. That's it. And that. Good. And again, keep the down and fill up the back body, but then lift the sternum so your spine is still being stretched even though it's an alarm. Say One more time. Lift. Pull the stomach in and roll back and forward. Roll back under your shoulders and roll up and lift and roll back and roll up in lift and roll back.

Good and roll up in lift and really pay attention to your spine as you go back and forth. Even balanced both sides of the spine. Roll back and roll up and lift and put your feet down. Very, very good. Excellent work. So these rolling exercises are very interesting because you can correct a lot of imbalances that we all have never seen a perfect body in my life. I don't think I ever will to be honest. So we all have to work to kind of keep upgrading what we have going for us. So when you wrote down conceptually the spinal column to go straight down the middle and you can literally feel if there's more pressure on the right side or the left side when you're rolling, rolling, like the ball is the same thing.

And so you want to kind of just with your conscious care and attention, try to even yourself out. So let's say with me, but the right side of my back used to be very strongly developed at a very big muscle there on the left side was more flimsy. So the work very hard to keep making it work, making it work and it's almost, you can barely see it anymore. But if I don't do it for a long time it starts to come back. So let's do a few more really now focusing so that when you rolling back you really, and I don't mind if you do it with your knees bent, you're really looking to keep that simple, very symmetrical alignment going. So find your balance and I actually recommend softening the knees for a little bit and then roll back and see if you can control the shape as you go back to roll back and roll up.

Good and roll back again and roll up. And I know you have a lot was very good, what you're doing there and roll back. When there's scoliosis it's much harder and roll up and roll back. That's very good sandy. And one more time and rollback. Very nice. Really. And Roll Up.

Roll up and hold and breasts the excellent. Put your feet down and reach your hands in between the knees and hold the ankles. Lift your feet up off the mat and take your right like an extended out. So same thing, but now you're holding so you can get the leg long and try to keep the chest lifted anyway and come back down. And now pull the shoulders down and then see what happens with this left like and down and the right leg and down and the left like, and I'm now right here. Stabilize your pelvis.

See if you can even outright the left side, even at both legs and see what happens. If you tried to stretch symmetrically, lengthening out, even pressure even in the hands right now, just for the front of it, roll back and up in this position. So back here, go and roll up and roll back and roll off Wendy, you're almost the only one doing it. And one more time. You're the only one left, not roll back and roll up, up, up, up, up. You kept us going. You will. So stretch your legs that, that was very good. So two legs I put saw. So nice lifted arms.

Actually let's take our band behind our backs and place the beds with the arms bent at first. So you can feel the bed kind of near the tip, the bottom of the shoulder blades and lift your chest up over that and stretch your arms out to the side and lift your chest up. And if it's too much, come back and take. Is that too short for you? I'll, I'll trade you. I'll trade you. It's short and strong. So not, not what we want. Yeah. Yeah. So once you have your hands, Oh yes, I think that's a little better. So see if you can get this sense of the shoulder blades going down as the arms go out, bend the arms and again, those shoulderblades tend to roll forward.

So see if you can press him down into the band. And as you go down, imagine they spent pushing them in and your chest lifting up, flex your feet, twist to the right and reach towards your little toe. Reach, reach, reach, and come back up and lift the chest. Twist to the left and reach. Reach, reach and lift the chest. First side twist. Keep both hips even dress to three and lift. Flex your feet. Other side. Stretch to three and lift the chest.

One more time. Twist and stretch to three and lift the chest. Last one, stretch two, three and lift. Bring the Hansen, bring the legs together, put the band down on the side and slowly rolled down onto your backs. Very good for corkscrew. So bend the knees in. And if both legs straight up to the ceiling, just take a moment to press your hands into the mat and check that the shoulders are nice and broad and lift both legs straight up to the ceiling.

That's at a narrow, those hips. And we'll just do small circles too. They go into the room right down to the left and up and to the left, down to the right and up. And to the right, down to the left and up and to the left, down to the right and up to the right, down to the left and up. I'm to the left, down to the right and up. Now press the hands into the mat. Broaden the shoulders, pull the powerhouse up and slowly float your legs to the floor. Long legs, long spine, long stomach, all the way down. Very, very good. Roll onto your stomach with Swan preps. A forehead will be on the fingertips. Yeah, move the towels away and happy your knees and your heels together in this position.

Narrow the hips again and imagine a strawberry under your navel and you don't want to make jam out of it, so you have to lift the navel up away from the strawberry. But at the same time, innercise tight together and see if you can really squeeze the cheeks together. Now keep your lower body long. Lift the elbows off the mat, lift the fingers in the forehead, off the mat, and lengthen from the tail through the crown of the head and lower back down and lift up again. Lengthening all the tail. The head good and lower back down and lift up and lower back down. And now lift up a little higher. Lift. Stop the elbow. So you want to lift up even more. So you almost looking forward, lift the chest a little more lower back down. And one more time.

Lifting a little bit further up and lower back down. Very, very nice. Come up onto the elbows for single like kicks. So make fists with the hands and pressed the shoulders away from the ears and look forward instead of down. And think of bringing the chest forward between those collarbones. Nice tight buttocks. Bend your right knee kick twice. Kick, kick.

Lengthen the legs out. Hug the mid line, left leg kick, kick and hub. Kick, kick and hug. Kick, kick and hug. Kick, kick and hug. Kick, kick and hug. Kick, kick and hug. Kick, kick and hug. Kick kicked. Nice type Paddock's. Kick, kick and lower down for AA kicks. So both hands behind your waist and turn your nose to the right. How about midline again, nice tight hips. Now in this position, can you get your left ear on the mat? That's it.

So all the way and then see if you can get the shoulders and the right shoulder will sometimes roll way up to this. Not Everybody can get the full turn of the head. So it's a really interesting place, owl owl to get a very nice stretch into the neck, which is another area that gets tight. Then start pressing your elbows towards the floor and keeping the shoulders away from the ears. Yes. Now hug the midline with your knees and hips and kick your bottom three time kick to three and then pull back with the arms and chest and lift up and squeeze the shoulder blades together.

Turn your head the other way and just take a moment to set up. Turn your head really extensively. Check that the shoulders are even if you can, and hug the midline. Here we go again. Kick to three and pull back and squeeze and lift and and stretch and first side again. Click two, three and pull back on stretch and other side kick to three and pull back and stretch. Look forward and first sight and kick two, three and Paul that and stretch kick two, three and pull back and stretch.

Very good. Sit back into your heels and stretch your back out. Nice long stretch and come to a sitting position before we do the sidekicks for spine twists. It's a new one we haven't done before with this group. Why don't you like stretched out in front of you? Let's take this theraband and you want the band underneath the shoulder blades or just at the tip of the shoulder blades. Like you have a towel in, you're rubbing it. Then stretch the band out and see if you can get this sense of the hands going right to the side and almost like you're lifting the shoulders and the chest though the chest over the band. Cause that's right.

The area where the back tends to slump. So see if you can imagine that as a stick pushing in right there and lifting the chest, your sandy shoulders down. But Kathy, I mean Debbie, I mean shoulders down, chest lifted and long arm, straight arms. That's it. So that, that's it. Now everything stays like this. Hug the midline with your hips and twist to the right and double pulse. Twist, twist back and lift your chest. Left side, twist, twist and back. Right side twist, twist and back. Left side twist, twist and back.

Right side twist, twist and back. Twist, twist and back and relax for a minute. Pretty good. Now this is what was happening a lot. The arms are doing a lot of the work. Now we have the band, so they're going to go anywhere we want. They'd like you to imagine this is a broomstick because we actually Romana used to do this with a broom secured. She kind of put it there and then nothing would move.

You couldn't move to which means you don't have a feeling of moving as much. This makes you feel like you're going somewhere, but you're working your shoulders. This is really to rotate the truck. You're looking to get this rigid area of the ribs to move. You want your stomach to be the the what's moving you. This does not move at all. So if I see you doing this, I know you're moving in your hips.

So you're missing focusing the movement in the center. So let's get rid of the band now, but do the same thing without it. Same Principals, knees together. Lift up sandy hands a little higher, just a little higher, but the shoulders down. Now squeeze the hips to keep them stable and go to the right.

Twist your chest to the right twist, twist, come back to the center, left side, twist, twist and back to the center. Twist, twist and back. Twist, twist and back. Twist, twist and back. Twist, twist and back. Very nice. Arms in front of you. Roll down onto your backs. Nice work. Roll onto your right side for the sidekicks. So roll to the right leg.

Set yourselves up in the back part of the Mat and support your head with your hands. Have your legs long. And then check in this position that instead of having your shoulders crunched up, take especially the bottom shoulder and pull it down and then lift the chest up towards away from the hips. So there's an elegant feeling to the position. And the left shoulder is away from your ears. Yes, your hand can be here, but you keep pulling and look forward. Look, there they are. So you have this sense of Nice length here. Now lift both legs up and bring them forward and place them down with your feet.

Flex and nice long ways of view. This rib is going to have to go back. Just this one. It's this one you need to keep pulling back. Imagine my hand push into my hand. [inaudible] now with the feed flex, lift your top leg up a little higher than your hip and lower back down and lift the leg up and lower back down and lift that looks good there sandy and down and lift the leg. But flex your feet a whole lot more both feet and lift the leg and down.

One more time and lift the leg. And now the pendulum one where you lift, swing forward and back, lift the leg, hip high, extend through the toes, bring it to the front, double pals and long to the back and double pulse and long to the back and double pouts and long to the back. Make show the head is not collapsing down and long to the back and double posts and long to the back and double pulse and long to the back and bring the leg one on top of the other. Turn it out and sidekicks to the seating. Swing the leg up and flex it down and swing it up and Flexi down and swing and, and swing and and swing and down and swing and down and swing and down and swing and down this hip forward and see you can keep it there. That's it. Now little circles with your top leg. Circle one and two and three. That's right.

Reach the leg nice and out. Oh wait from your hip. Now reverse your sir. Call three and four and five and six and seven and eight and extend both legs out. Nice. Take hips, lift both legs. Up and lower them down and lift them up and lower them down and lift them up and lower them down and lift and down. One more time and lift. Very good and down. Roll onto your stomachs for little beats. Forehead on your fingertips. Heels together, knees together.

Stomach is long and lifted. Lift both legs off the floor and little beats. One, two, four, five, six, seven. Lift a little higher. That's a Sunday. Five, six, seven, lift as high as you can for seven and eight. Lower the legs down. Put your hands under your shoulders and sit back into child's pose.

Nice long stretch with the stomach pulled way in onto the other side. So rolling onto your left side support. Um, set yourselves up in the back of the Mat. Make sure you want to really fill up those back ribs and then check that the shoulders and answer this, this sense of yes, this front upper body is long in the bottom body as long now lift both legs up and bring them forward. Put them down on the mat and flex your feet and take your top leg and lifted a little higher than your hip and lower down and lift and down. Just look for, there you go. Lifts you feel the movement rather than look at the movement and live to, you're just looking straight ahead and down to the really the concept. You're almost emulating standing when you do this and the legs are doing their thing. Very nice. Now lift the leg hip high, extend the toes and swing it forward and back.

Double Pals and long to the back and double poles and long to the back and double poles and keep the waist nice and lifted and double poles and long to the back and double poles and long to the back and double poles and long to the back. Bring the leg down and turn it out for this high psychics and swing it high. I'm bring it down and swing it up and bring it down and swing it up and bring it down and swing it up and bring it down. Try to tune it out more to go further and down and swing the leg and down. Very good. Swing the leg and down and swing the leg. Very nice.

And I stack your hips again because some of you have fallen backwards in the chest forward and it'll circle circle one and two and three. That's it for reach the leg, nice and long and seven. Now reverse it then one and two and three and four and five and 6 cents. Seven and eight one on top of one and lift both legs up and down and both legs, up and down and lift and down and lift and down and lift and down and lift. Very good and down. Roll onto your backs for preparation, for teaser.

Bend the knees, hug the midline with the arms, long, long waist, long hips, and slide the shoulders away from the ears. Now just for a moment in this position, lift your head up and look at your own body. You want to check that you're symmetrical. So if you need to adjust in any way to get yourself closer to a more balanced place, do so now. And then put the leg head down with the knees together. Extend your right leg up out, yes. And then lift your head and chest and roll up towards your toes.

Roll up up you come and roll down and roll up and roll down and see if you can roll up without jerking your shoulders up. Shoulders. Stay down, wake up, try. That's it, Megan. Harder to do and roll down. Change sites and again, showed us away from the ears and you roll up SAS and roll down, but you're working correct correctly and roll up again. Good. And Roll Down Square there and roll up.

Try to keep that. Yes, good girl and row them. Bend both knees into your chest, stretch your arms over your head, lift your legs to the ceiling, and then bring the legs out on a diagonal and roll up again. So stay into that left side. Keep that side working. Push this up to me and roll down. Keep it working towards me. Posters. Meet perhaps at Megan's. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And roll down one more time. Press into me and roll down.

And when the young [inaudible] if you were had one more time go up. Yes. Oh Damn. Very, very good. Okay. That was really good. So when you're doing those things, you want to take that left leg. If you push it out, you even out and then you, you like doing it every time.

It was really good. Roll up to a sitting position and seal. So bend the knees, bring your elbows inside the knees and wrap your hands under your ankles. Shoulders a down other way. Sandy, fill the stomach and that's it. And Clap your feet three times. Make sure the rib state closed. Clap, clap, clap. Now Roll back on your shoulders and come up again. Back. You go and come up and balance again. Clap, clap, clap and roll back and come up. And again, clap, clap, clap and roll back and come up. And one more time. If you want to stand up from here, clap, clap, clap. It's up to you. You know, to stand up. You can otherwise just come up and let me stand up. Yay. Megan. She did it. Oh okay. You forgot how to do it.

We haven't done it in awhile. Have we? Yeah. Yeah. Now before we do the ending, usually this is something that can be done with the um, magic circle but we don't really need it just to strengthen the neck cause we've been doing some work with the Lexis. Just standing up straight. Take your right hand and place it kind of just above it, the temple on the side and push your hand into your head and push your head into your hands so you almost like feel that pressure and then release and again, push and release and push and release. Change side, lift up your chest, lift up your spine, have you feet together, Wendy's, the fetal under you. So you start with the head straight. You don't start with the head. You look like you're dipping your head. Yeah. Good. You Stripe and push.

Sometimes if the side people look up and again suppressant into the hand, push their hand into the head. And one more time push. So you really make that area start to work. You start to feel the side of the neck. Now bring your fist under your chin, and this is a tricky one because you're going to be pushing down, but you don't want to do that where you bring your neck forward, you want to feel the next stray and the Chin of just working down against a bit of a resistance and up against the neck is long. And then push the chin down into the hand. So the face goes, looks towards the floor and and again, press down to the front of the neck is working a little bit and bring your hands behind your head nice and tall. Now when the hands are here, you don't want the neck short.

You want to feel the back of the neck long. So the Chin stray straight and then push into the hats. That's it. And push into the hands of this is really good for you. That's it sandy. So you lengthen the back of the neck. Press and release and press.

Yes. So just kind of stimulates a neck. Then bring the hands down. See if you can get a sense of the length of this. There's this natural sense of the neck floating that looks so much better. So it's a very lovely kind of, the head is floating up from here. Very, very good. Now roll the hands out so that external rotations, you feel the shoulders getting. Y long neck. Relax the hands.

Rotate the hands out and lifting the sternum. Long neck. Relax the hands one more time. Rotate the hands out and I'll keep the rotation. But let the hands come back the straight and then float the hands up with the shoulders. Very wide. The neck long and three little circles. Circle one and two and three, reverse and two and three.

Lift the waist and bring the hands down and broaden the collarbones. Nice. And why now? The hands float higher, but the shoulders don't lift three circles against circle two and three, reverse it two and three. And then lift the sternum lifted chest. Float the hands down and broaden the collarbones and then lift the hands are very good. And then then start rolling down. So see if you have the same feeling we had with the third band.

So you rolling down, you using this front body to open up the back body so it's controlled and then start relaxing the shoulders and the head and the arms. But everything else is hitting three little circles here. So go one, two and three. Reverse it, circle two and three and then start rolling up. Rolling up. And today for change, we're just going to have the hands come to two by the sides of the body. As you roll up and you stack up your spine and feel that lift in the chest, feel the breath through the shoulders and the neck is long. And then just take a moment to look straight in front of you. Yeah, which is usually we look down, not out.

So just imagine looking very far away, but being very relaxed. You're very present in your own body. You're very grounded into the earth. You're very open hearted and you have a vision and you can see, take a deep breath in and breathing out, letting go, all go. [inaudible] very good. You did a wonderful class. Do they vary.


REALLY good class Niedra. Took it twice and really got a lot out of it especially at the end.
I thoroughly enjoyed this class! I appreciate the use of theraband, it certainly helped with remembering to zip my core to engage instead of using my head and neck. The stretch and joint rotation at the end were very helpful. Thank you! I look forward to taking this class again :)
Niedra Gabriel
That is wonderful to hear - I am so glad you both enjoyed the workout.
Liking this class.... I've been on injury timeout and just getting back to pilates and yoga. Niedra is a good coach and her explanations are clear.....brava
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Savagedancer - I like your name. Anyone who has that name obviously LOVES dancing and moving. Keep up with careful recovery, injuries are sometimes the best teachers.
Stacie J
Another great class, especially after taking 2weeks off to care for family. Next time I  will try to keep it up.
Stacie J
Ps, is there a way to down load video deos? I have freezing issues (really, how long can you hold that teaser until the video restarts?)? Thanks!
stacie ~ We have an option to download videos on our app for the iPhone and iPad. If you don't have these devices, we are working on an Android app as well which will have the same features as the iOS app. You can also try our Video Troubleshooter for tips to help with video playback issues. I hope this helps!

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