Hi. I'm Laura Hanlon here to lead you through a sculpting Matt Pilates with some bar inspiration classes. All you need is your mat and your own body weight. We'll start standing at 1 end of your mat. Draw those inner thighs nice and tight, reach your arms up, take a deep breath, and exhale to round down, leading with the fingertips, the crown of the head, rolling down right away with control with that beautiful lift of our core. Walk the hands out about 4 to 6 Hanlon steps.
And we'll set ourself up in a strong plank position. Sholders are over the wrists. Palms press into the mat, lift the heart between the shoulder blades, take a deep breath in, exhale squeeze the inner thighs and glutes a little tighter. Think of 1 long line through the heel through the crown of the head, press the heels back a little further, feel that length through the back of the legs, shift that body weight forward a little bit further shoulders over the fingertips again, shifting back on the inhale, zipping up through the legs through the belly as you shift forward on the exhale 2 more times we shift back. Shift it forward, hips stay low, abdominals are lifted, shift and hold, bend your right knee, hovers or taps the mat inhale, press it back, squeeze your seat, left knee bends, exhale extend 1 more time each side.
Inhale, exhale, legs squeeze tight both knees together for 4. Press lengthen through those heels as you press them back, squeeze those seat muscles too. 1 more. Find your plank and hold 1 more breath in press the mat away, lifting your waist as you breathe out, then gently lower those knees down. We'll untuck our toes, set our hips up over our knees, adjust anything you need here, shoulders over the wrist, take beautiful rounded cat shape, let your spine open up through that back, releasing the belly down, pull the heart and chest forward, shoulder slide away from the ears, gaze is up deep breath, and exhale round up and in.
1 more time. Moving into that cow arching through the spine, drawing the collar bones a little wider, hard a little higher. And then from there, press them out away, finding a gorgeous long horizontal spine. We'll start by extending left leg straight back. Make sure those hip bones continue to point straight down to the mat.
Right arm extends along by the ear. Thumb flips up towards the ceiling bicep frames the ear, inhale arm and leg lift a little higher. XL rounding contract elbow and nose to the knee lengthening out and up through those limbs. And exhale to curl it up and in equal weight into that left palm and right shin, including the top of the right foot here. So we're really pressing the floor away just as much as we're lifting that extended leg and arm up. Last time lengthen and lift inhale.
Round and contract, find that cat shape of the spine as you exhale, reach all the way out long to stay and hold. From here, right forearm parallel to the front of your mat. Use this opportunity, get off that left wrist, maybe come onto your fingertips, open up those hips, lift that left leg a little higher as you inhale, left knee draws towards that left tricep as we exhale lengthen out and up, exhale to pull it in I'm really working to stabilize my right hip over my right knee here so I'm not shifting back or fourth side to side from the pelvis. I'm really working on using my breath, exhale to pull the knee and crunching that left oblique for 3. Shoulders pull away from the ears right Laura presses into the mat to pull it in. 1 more lengthen and in reach that leg back, flex through the heel, little pulses up. And up. Now I have this beautiful external rotation of my hips right now.
We're gonna change that and square back off to the mat. I start by pressing my left palm back into the Laura. Come back up onto that right palm. Continue this pulse, hip bones, collar bones, heart pointed down, now engaging from underneath that left sit bone and butt cheek to lift and lift. For 4, breathing in and out.
For 3, press them out away. Too. Can you lengthen the left leg a little longer? Hold it up. Pull the heel towards the seat and stretch the leg back out. Inhale, pull. Exhale to stretch resisting to bend. Trying to keep that left thigh parallel to the floor.
Twice, more we pull it in, stretch it long 1 more time, bending to 90 degrees, lower the knee to hover, tap them out on the inhale, squeeze that left glute, lift it right back up as you exhale continuing to press the floor away here. Trying to maybe keep a slight bend in those elbows so we don't lock into those elbow joints inhale down, exhale up 1 more time. And then we add some circles opening up the hips, the knee hovers reaches out. Rotates up, inhale, and exhale 2 more this direction before we reverse. Again, really focusing on stability for my shoulders and for that right hip. Reverse the circle, lift the heel to the ceiling.
Knee to the side, rotate down. A lot of work for the abdominals, for the arms here. We're not just feeling this in the this in the left glute, full body exercise, lower, lift finished with a little pulse. Up and up. Press them out away. Lift in your waistline for 4.
Keep breathing 3. Last 2. Last 1, extend that left leg long. Lower the toes to the floor. From here, lift a little bit higher in your waist so much so that the right shin hovers off the mat.
You draw that right knee closer to your nose, keep your hips low, spine long, lengthen through the toes to the crown of the head as you inhale, pull the knee in, rounding slightly into that upper body as we exhale. For 4, pull it in. For 3, lengthen. And then last 2. And then 1 more stretch and zip through that waist, lengthen out to hold, lower the right toes.
We find our plank, inner thighs, glute tight, belly and heart lifts, deep breath in, deep breath out gently lower the knees. Taking a moment in child's pose, hips to the heels, arms reach a long, breathe into the back, shake out those wrists, inhale, and exhale. Take 1 more deep breath here, inhale into the back. XL allow the chest to release, and then make your way back up carefully onto all fours. Once again, those shoulders over the wrists, hips are over the knees.
Starting back with that gorgeous long spine, we extend our right leg behind us and float our left arm forward. Right away, make sure those hip bones are pointing down. Bellies pulled up to support the low back. That left arm is forward with the thumb up that helps rotate our shoulder alignment correctly. Lift the arm in like a little higher as you breathe in, exhale press the mat away, rounding contract, elbow and nose to the knee, lengthening out and up, exhale press the floor away, rounding contract, pull the waist up and in.
For 3, shoulders pull away from the ears. Exhale, find that lift in your low belly for 2. 1 more time reaching out. Exhale curl it up and then lengthen all the way out to hold. Lift the arm in leg a little higher. And then lower that left forearm parallel to the front of the mat, rotating those hips once again, roll those shoulders down the back, lift the right leg a little higher as you breathe in, exhale right knee towards that right tricep.
Trying to take the weight off the wrists here. So again, maybe coming on to those right fingertips pulling those shoulder blades away from the ears, make sure we're working the whole body here. That left hip stays really stable over the left knee, kind of the head reaching long versus dropping down, using that breath, inhale stretch. Exhale to crunch from that right oblique, squeeze from that outer right glute and exhale to pull it in 2 more times, lengthen and lift a little higher, exhale zip up a little tighter through that waist. Last 1.
Pull it in, reach it out. Flex through that heel really elongate through the leg line and begin to pulse that right leg up. We're working our outer right thigh, that abductor, that outer medial glute, We keep the pulse. We press back down onto the right palm, back up onto the left palm, square the hip bones and the collar bones to the floor. Now we're working underneath that right sit bone and butt cheek, our glute max.
Right underneath the cheek to keep it lifted. Keep pulsing up a little higher. Press the floor away. Pull your belly up and in. Try and lengthen through the back of the knee for a 3.
And 2, leg stays lifted on 1. We pull heel to seat and lengthen it out. A little bit binger range of motion here, pulling those shoulders away from the ears, pulling that heel towards the glute as if you're pulling a weight or spring tension with you, really firing up the glute and the hamstring for it to 1 more. Bend it into 90, lower the knee to hover off the mat and squeeze the seat to lift it back up. Gay stays down here, next in line with the spine, hips and shoulders, square to the Laura, really pressing the floor away, working that upper and lower body together.
Inhale, exhale squeeze to lift for 2 and up 1 more then we move back into those circles, knee lowers knee to the side, rotate heel to the sky. Down, out, and up. Try to keep that left hip over that left knee. Maybe challenge your balance on 1 hand. Last 1, this direction. Reverse heel reaches up, rotate feeling those obliques help stabilize.
Take it around, down, and lift for 2, and up 1 more time. Lift to hold, little pulses to finish here up and up, firing up underneath that seat, lifting your waist for a 4. Long line of the spine for 3. Belly lifts a little higher for 2. Last 1, hold the leg up, stretch it out.
Lower the toes to the mat. Press the palms to the mat. Little more lift of your waist, of your heart. Until that shin hovers, you pull it closer to the nose. We lengthen through the crown of the head Hanlon the left toes, deep breath, and 3 legged plank, exhale pull the belly up and then to draw the knee in. 4 more lengthen out, exhale zip up through the waist to pull it in.
Reach a little longer. Pull everything a little tighter to and and last time reach and and reach it out, lower the toes, legs squeeze tight, harlips. A deep breath here. Exale to stay. 1 more breath in.
Axale gently lower those knees. Again, we'll take our child's pose. These can open. Chest can release. Arms reach long.
Open up through the back. Give those arms a moment to reach a little further forward as you reach your sit bones a little bit further back. We'll take 1 more breath here, opening up through the back, releasing the arms, giving our body a moment of rest. Before coming right back up onto all fours. Alright. Setting up once again shoulders over the wrists, really strong plank line extend those legs back. Of course, you can always modify on your knees, on your forearms. If you need, we're not here long.
Take a breath in. Lift the belly, lift the heart up a little higher, really squeeze those legs together. From here, we're moving into a side plank. Bring your right hand towards the center of your mat. Begin to rotate heels, right, left arm lifts up.
You could always be on that right forearm. You could stagger your feet, you could lower your right knee. We'll all be doing that for a moment, but lift your hips a little higher to prepare. Stay there. Pull the ribs together. The belly back a little bit tighter.
And then from there, stagger your top foot forward. Carefully lower your bottom right knee down. From here, we're gonna lift our body all the way up. Now we want that left foot in line with the hip, our pelvis pressing forward, and then the hands come behind the head elbows wide. We lower back down onto that diagonal similar to where you just were, and then use that left oblique to lift you back up.
Inhale lengthen that whole left side of the body through that foot through the crown of the head, inhale, and exhale. Continuing to press into the right shin, into that left foot for 2 and up. 1 more lower and left. From here, we lengthen over. We twist to the floor.
Laura back to the side, lift back up inhale lean exhale pull back in that bottom oblique, find center, and lift inhale lower, and twist from your waist line. Keep those hips nice and square for 2. Twist it down, back to center, and up last 1, center and left. From there, open those arms back out, carefully tip your body back over pressing into right palm, pressing into that inner side of your left foot, extend your bottom leg, that right leg back behind. Squeeze your legs together, lift your hips a little higher.
We hold here on the inhale, left fingertips, thread underneath the right ribs. Again, we're twisting just from those obliques hips stay where back to that gorgeous lift, exhale to twist. 3 more times reach up. XL twist under for 2 and under 1 more time reach and twist. Reach all the way up to hold and then carefully transition back to your plank. Find the center of your mat, the center line of your body, lifted through the chest.
Left palm moves to the middle, heels to the left, right arm reaches up to hold. Lift those hips a little higher, squeeze the glutes forward roll the shoulders back deep breath and zip up through your waist deep breath out. From here, right foot slightly in front, lower the left knee down, carefully come up onto that left shin. Hands behind the head, little tuck of that tail, belly zips up and then we lean over for that side bend, exhale lift from your right oblique, inhale as you lengthen over, exhale as you lift. Working into that right waistline stretching out the side body for 2 and lift 1 more like this lean and lift, we add our twist over, twist to the floor back to the side.
Laura up, inhale over, exhale twist, side, and up. For 3, shoulders pull away from the ears, those elbows stay nice and open, really moving from the center of the body to Twist and lift last 1 lengthen. Twist to the floor. Twist to the side and up. Those arms both open out.
Begin to tip that body over with control. Press into the left palm, really pressing the mat away, press into the inner side of that right foot, lift that left knee, thread the legs together, squeeze the hips a little higher. Breathe in at the top, exhale right fingertips underneath that left rib cage. Keep squaring the hips off to your side wall pulling back from your left oblique. For 3, exhale gaze follows those fingertips down for 2.
Maybe you gaze up and twist. 1 more time. Reach. And twist. Reach all the way up to hold. And then twist to find your plank facing the mat.
Square your body off and make sure you're still on your mat. Deep breathe in. Deep breath out. From here, lower those knees, sit your hips back, walk your hands back. We spin on around to finally make our way to our seat. Alright. We're extending our legs in front of us.
Not fully extended. Just a soft bend of those knees. Reach the arms forward. Find your sit bones. Beautiful, breathing at the top.
XL rounding about halfway back. Feel the scoop in your waist fingertips past the kneecaps, a position you can maintain those heels stay firmly planted on the floor, shoulders soften, breathe, and exhale twist to the right. Back to center inhale, twist to the left. We should know where that oblique connection is coming from where that rotation is coming from at this point. Use it here 1 more time each side inhale, exhale twist. Center.
XL twist. Come back to center deep breath in. Slowly roll all the way down, pulling your waist back, taking your time with control before releasing at the bottom. Arms or palms flip forward arms stay up over the chest, and then we'll flip the legs up to table top. Really pull your shoulder blades down, pull your belly button down, glue those inner thighs together, inhaling here to prepare, exhale to curl up, keeping the legs at tabletop. 2 more times like that.
Head down, arms right up over the shoulders, curling up over the ribs, feeling our abdominals sink a little deeper to the mat. That core should be nicely connected at this point. We curl up to stay and hold, beginning to pump those arms breathing in fives. Starting with those legs at tabletop, and exhale out two, three, 4, the right leg extends long. Left knee stays at tabletop, curl a little higher.
Pull your belly a little deeper. 1 more breath here. XL. Switching legs, right knee, and left leg long inhale. And exhale out. Two, three, 4, 5.
Nice long, strong arms. Exail belly pulls a little deeper to the mat, finishing with both legs long and low. Breathe then. Think of that corset tidying up around your waist. 1 more breath inhale to three, four, 5, exhale to three, four, 5. Stay a hold, curl up a little higher, sink your belly a little deeper with control, lower the legs down, release the head and the arms back.
Finally feeling this full body stretch on the mat, flex your heels forward, reach your arms up, take a breath in, exhale to round and roll up, abdominal scoop back, inner thighs squeeze together, reach past your toes, but continue to pull back in your waist, open up through the back inhale, exhale to roll down vertebra by vertebra heels press forward, belly scoops back in and lengthening all the way out through the head and the arm inhale, we reach up, exhale, we round and roll up, continue to open up through the spine, stretch a little further past your toes, exhale to roll back down and join these moments, longining through the body, through the back once more. Inhale and exhale. Abbs pull back a little further. Heels and arms reach a little further in opposition. Rolling all the way down vertebra by vertebra begin to point through your toes, hover at the tips of the shoulder blades, right knee and opposite hand to the other hand by the ankle, left leg hovers to eye level. Pull those elbows wide curl a little higher breathing and and exhale to switch.
We switch and switch. Feel that extension through the front of the thighs, belly pulls deeper to the floor for 3. And 2. Last 1, right knee pulls in to stay, lower the left leg, lower the head, lower the arms, keep reaching out and up through your toes inhale, exhale to circle the leg across down out, lift at the top, around, pull the belly deeper and lift 2 more this direction. Hold around finger that seat belt, inhale, exhale tighten up across your waistband using that low belly to stabilize the hips for 2 and lift 1 more.
Hold at the top, take the back of your right leg, bend your elbows wide curl up left leg hovers, pull it a little closer inhale, scissor and switch, exhale. We switch and switch working to lengthen through the front and the back of those legs. Hip stay square. Belly button pulls down and in for 3. Cur a little higher, 2.
Last 1. Left leg, high, right leg long. Release the head. Press into your palms inhale. Exhale to circle across down out. Can you sink your belly deeper as you lift the leg a little higher? Three, and two, and lift 1 more.
Hold breathing and exhale reverse out down across. Lengthening through the hamstring, through that outer hip, lift it a little taller. 1 more. Hold and stay. Take a breath in, curl back up to the tips of the shoulder blades, hands behind the base of the neck and the skull for support. Right leg hovers scissor switch inhale, scissor and switch exhale breathing in, breathing out, continue to alternate those legs, fingertips press firmly into the base of the neck and skull for that support to maybe curl a little higher over the ribs last 3. And 2.
And 1, both legs lift, squeeze those inner thighs together, curl a little higher legs lower on the inhale. We lift them up, crease at the hips as you exhale. Take it down and away. Caller bones are open and hovers over that chest, inhale down, exhale up. Last time, legs lower, deepen the belly legs lift.
Bend the knees to tabletop. Keep them there glued tight release the head down into the Hanlon, fill your elbows and chest open, take a breath in to prepare, exhale, knit the ribs together, curl back up to the tips of the shoulder blades, legs stay where they are. We breathe in, exhale lift and twist to the right. Inhale center, lift and twist to the left. Right away adding on inhale.
Left leg extends. We twist right. Center inhale. We twist left. 1 more time each side like this, curling higher over the ribs, think opposite collarbone to thigh versus elbow to thigh, inhale center twist right and hold. Left leg lifts up.
Left leg lowers down. Again, we lift the left leg up. We lower the left leg down curling deeper into that right oblique for 2. Palvest stays square and anchored 1 more and lower center inhale. Twist left.
Right leg reaches to the sky, lowers to hover off the mat, curl higher and deeper into that left oblique for 2, lift. And lower. Really feeling those obliques working today. 1 more series here, center twist right. Again, legs don't move. Chest to the ceiling, inhale. Twist to the left as you exhale.
Chest to the center inhale, twist to the right as you exhale. Don't move your legs. Don't move your pelvis. Just twisting from that waistline once more inhale and exhale. So important to use that breath Come back to center, leg center, breathe in.
We twist left. Right leg stays long, inhale. Twist up and over. Can you get that elbow closer? Your collarbone, your shoulder closer to your thigh inhale? Exhale lift and twist. Center, lift and twist last time, and twist center, and twist back to center, draw the knees in, curl up 1 more inch, pull the belly deeper to the Laura, and hug your knees in to rest.
Relax the head neck and shoulders. Pull those shoulder blades down into your back. Keep your head down. Lower your feet down. Heels in line with those hips.
Palms press into the floor by the sides, really crawl your fingers towards your heels, elongate through the neck, the shoulders, the arms. We press into the hands, into the feet, take a breath here, pull that belly down, start to tuck and curl your hips up. We feel our low belly working. We feel the front of the body lengthening here. This gorgeous long diagonal from knees to hips to shoulders should feel like an extension and stretch for the front of those hips and thighs, which after that core work should feel really good through here. The more you draw your ribs together and pull the belly down, the more you boost your pelvis up the more you find that gorgeous stretch. Deep breathe in at the top, exhale to roll back down, chest away from the chin articulating through the spine, slowing down the breath in the body, moving with care. Feel the hips release at the bottom again, deep breath in.
XL belly button pulls deeper towards the Laura, tuck and curl the hips up. Drive your heels and palms into the mat. Squeeze your sit bones, butt cheeks a little tighter. From here, we press into our right foot. Left leg draws to tabletop, and left leg extends straight up to the ceiling.
We lower the hips on in the inhale. We exhale, lift the hips right back up, lower an inch, and lift an inch think of reaching your left toes higher to the sky, driving your right heel further into the mat and down an inch and up an inch gazes lifted chin away from that chest 1 more time lower, lift and hold. Flex through that left heel. Reach that leg down and away, point and kick it straight back up, flex to lower, lengthen to lift, press down into your palms, feel your triceps engage to support you here for 2 and up 1 more lower lift and hold, boost up 1 more inch. Slowly bend your left knee, place that foot down, re tuck your tail. If it's shifted, pull your ribs together, reconnect, palms down, left heel down, right leg floats up, and extends high to the sky.
We lower an inch inhale squeeze underneath that left seat, lift right back up as you exhale lower and lift, inhale down, exhale up for 3. Squeezing right underneath that left cheek too. 1 more toes reach up, belly pulls down flex through the heel, reach it forward and away point and kick back up inhale to lower, exhale deepen through your waist as you lengthen to lift, lower. And lift for 2 hips stay nice and square here 1 more. Hold at the top. See if you can lift 1 more inch.
Slowly, bend that right knee and place the foot down. Equal weight into the heels and palms squeeze the seat. Lift your hips a little higher. Lift your gaze a little higher. Take a deep breath in at the top.
X. I'll slowly melt down bone by bone through the upper back into the middle of your waist. Try and slow it down here. Allow this to feel good. Like a massage for your spine, releasing the hips at the bottom. From there, hug those knees all the way back in towards your chest, give them a squeeze.
Take a breath here. Feel your body sink further into the Laura. Your shoulders relax. Your hips relax. We're gonna try and do our best to keep the tension out of those places specifically as we move through our teaser series here.
So starting with those legs at table top. You always have the option to hold on behind your legs. Most importantly, we keep that core connected to support our back. We reach our arms up to start. Take a breath in. Begin to curl up to the tips of the shoulder blades.
Gaze between the thighs. Think of your teaser 1, the legs won't move. They might shift a little bit away from you as you roll your body up. Think of lifting your chest, lifting your arms. You have your lovely tray resting on your shins.
You pull the shoulders back you lift and fold a little tighter, a little higher, and then lower the upper body back down vertebra by vertebra knees squeeze together, belly button pulls a little deeper, knees over the hips, head to the Laura, arms right over the shoulders again just like that inhale at the bottom to prepare. XL chin over the chest. Fill your ribs in it, tight your belly button pull deep. Begin to curl your body up. This is a great place to start your teaser series.
If you're feeling solid today, you extend those legs out long on a v. Reach everything a little higher. Take a breath in. We begin to lower back down. Maybe you hold on. Maybe you move into that full teaser, lowering body and legs, but we're only lowering to a hover. The heels hover, the shoulder blades hover, gaze and arms are forward.
Breathing in that hover. Pull your belly down, float everything right back up. Fight for these last moments, finish strong inhale, lift everything up up up, exhale lower everything down. Pause on the inhale. Lift on the exhale.
1 more time, lift a little higher, and maybe arms by the ears, deep breath in. Slowly lower in 4. Can you squeeze the legs a little tighter in 3. Pull your belly a little deeper. Find that hover of heels and shoulder blades too.
Release everything long on 1. Shake those legs out. Press your heels forward. Toast up arms up inhale and exhale round and roll all the way up to a seat. We're spinning back onto all fours.
Make your way there carefully. I am sweaty. Hopefully you're feeling good too. Sholders over your wrists here hips over the knees. We've been here before.
With the tops of the feet down. This time we're tucking those toes underneath us. Press into the toes, the balls of the feet. Round back up into your spine. Let your gaze drop back between those knees.
Take that tension out of the neck out of the shoulders. Take a breath here. Lifting your waist, hover your knees. We hold inhale. We hold exhale. Can you pull your waistline up a little higher?
2 more breaths to stay inhale. And exhale 1 more breathe in. Exale it out. Pike your hips up. Press your heels down.
We keep those heels in line with the hips. Press the chest closer to the thighs, softly bend both your knees. See if you can get your sit bones, your tailbone to reach up and back a little further, inhale here, exhale straighten your arms and your legs a little longer. Inhale lift those heels back up into that high heel releve position. Roll those shoulders back forward over your wrists.
Lower your knees to hover once again. From here. They gently tap the floor on the inhale. They lift it right back up on the exhale. That chins stay slightly tucked over the chest so we're gazing back between our knees. That way our next stays in line with the spine, knees tap down.
Belly pulls up knees lift up just an inch or 2 for 3. Pull those shoulders away from your ears, open up through your back for it to lift from your waist. 1 more inhale, and exhale find your hover and hold. Breathe and breathe out. 1 more inhale.
Exhale pike those hips up and back. This time, walk your feet together, feel the inner thigh connection once again, lift your heels up nice and high, roll through your spine, find a gorgeous long plank line, energy through the heels through the crown of the head inhale to stay. Exale, lift your hips back up. Keep your heels lifted if you can. Enjoy this articulation, finding that beautiful length.
XL using that core and that inner thigh connection to pike the hips up and back 2 more times. Inhale shoulders forward over the wrists, exhale abs up and in. Last 1, lengthen out. XL pull it up. From here, bend your right knee, press your left heel to the mat.
Inhale lift, exhale switch, inhale lift, chest closer to the thighs, heel closer to the Laura, lift both heels, press both heels down, find greater length through the sides of your waist, and then lift in your belly enough to be in walking those hands back towards your toes. We'll meet in a forward fold here. Lights can be together or slightly apart. Allow your knees to soften enough to let your chest hang heavy over your thighs. Take hold of 1 elbow with your opposite hand.
Let your head and your chest drape a little further over the legs. And give yourself a gentle sway back and forth side to side. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Allow any remaining tension from the mind and the body to drip right out the crown of the head. Leave it here on the mat. Release any final grip or grasp of those arms and hands.
Keep your knees softly bent. Take a breath in. We slowly roll up through the spine bone by bone. In 4, taking our time head is the last thing to lift in 3. Try and resist the urge to fidget here into honoring the practice. You just had last 1 shoulders rolled down the back and standing with this gorgeous posture.
Thank you so much for joining me for that very sweaty, very fun sculpting neck class. I hope you enjoyed.
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