Hi. I am Lara Hanlon here for a magic circle mat class. We'll start standing today. You can make your way to one edge of your mat facing the other, gluing those inner thighs nice and tight together, feeling that zipper sensation all the way up towards your belly button palms pressing into either side of the pad of the circle, fingertips always extended. So we're not tensing or closing off the energy in the body. We'll start with the bend of those knees, a deep plie, palms pressing inward, inner thighs squeezing inward, take a breath, and sit a little deeper, exhale arms lower, legs lengthen, inhale to bend and reach, exhale pressing feet to the floor, inner thighs, and glute squeezing tight, inhale to reach long in front of the chest, exhale keep pressing those palms towards your midline. Lengthening through the crown of the head, through the fingertips, through those knees and thighs for 3.
Press and reach down for 2. Warming up with our breath here, thinking of that corset around the ribs last time and stretch leg stays straight. Heels, left arms reach right in front of the chest, and then lower the heels, lowering the arms together, testing our balance today, staying parallel, inner thighs squeeze tight, glute squeeze tight inhale to reach up. Exhale to lower back down 2 more times. We lift continuing to press those palms together, knit those ribs together, squeeze those inner thighs together, lifting back up, staying high on those heels, squeeze your palms a little tighter. Begin to bend those knees with your heels lifted.
We're gonna take a little pulse here. Squeeze those ankles tight. Squeeze those palms tight. Breathing in. Breathing out.
Exhale. Working to find our core. Use it to help with your balance one more breath and exhale. Stretch the legs up, up, up, lower the heels. Reach your arms up, biceps, frame the ears deep breath in.
We lead with our fingertips in the crown of the head to roll down through the spine. Lifting in our waist, rolling vertebra by vertebra just like we would up or down from the mat. Place your circle in front of your toes, and then walk your hands out about 4 to 6 hand steps finding our first plank position of the day. Shoulders are over the wrist, press the mat away, lift the heart between the shoulder blades, belly button to the spine, little rock forward shoulders over the fingertips, little rock back heels to the back of your mat, shifting forward, zipping up through that waist, shifting straight back two more times forward, and back in her thighs stay connected, belly button stays lifted, one more time shift forward, and then pike those hips up and begin to walk your hands back towards your circle. While we're folded over here, we'll heel toe our feet maybe about mat width or a little bit narrower.
Softly bend your knees. Enjoy a moment in this forward fold. Take your circle, really flattering transition, wedge it between your ankles here. So it's somewhat above your ankle bone, not right on the bone, have a gentle squeeze into it. So it's more of an oval shape, softly bend those knees again.
And then begin to roll up vertebra by vertebra. Stacking that spine with control. Take a moment. Roll your shoulders down and back. And then we go back to those plies. We bend the knees.
We reach our arms forward. We'll flip our palms press the palms back. Squeeze between your shoulder blades. Feel that beautiful lift in your low waist. Reach forward on the inhale.
Exale. Press squeezing into the inner thighs. Squeezing into that circle. 2 more. We bend. Plea. Press feed into mat, palms to the back of the room one more time, and press. Reach your arms forward in front of you to hold. Lift those heels up. Find that balance.
Lower those heels down. Testing our balance today. Starting standing, zipping up through your core, through your waistline, lower for 2, and lower. One more time we lift to hold. Once again, we bend those knees.
Can you keep your heels off the mat? Little pulses down and down. Breathing in for 2 and out for 2. We wanna keep that core a little bit tucked and connected here, trying to keep those heels hovering. And if you can, gentle pressure into the circle so our knees stay in line with our middle toes. 2 more breaths.
And exhale, heels can always lower back down onto the mat, or they can stay lifted. We hold it here. We stretch our legs up, up, up, up, lower the heels down. If they're not already, reach your arms up one more time. Take a breath in, flip your palms forward, and roll down. Bone by bone here, making your way back down onto the mat. Crawling those hands out those same 4 to 6 hand steps, we find our plank position.
Now that circle is still between your ankles. You're squeezing into it. We're moving into a side plank. This is a fun one. Try and keep your circle.
Right palm a little more towards the center. He'll shift to the right. Left leg on top of the circle. Left arm lifts up. Squeeze into that circle down and resist.
Squeeze it down and resist. Pull your shoulders away from your ears. Lift from your bottom oblique for 5. Resist for 4. Can you lengthen through those heels, lengthen through that top hand? 2. One more. Slowly come back to center.
Squeeze into it. Left hand more towards the center of your mat. Small shift. Heels to the left. Right arm reaches to the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes forward.
Pull your shoulder blades back. We squeeze down into the circle. Resist a left. We squeeze. Resist. Use your breath. Use your whole body.
Working to squeeze in from those inner thighs. For 3. Last two. And one, Keep gentle pressure into that circle. Come all the way back up onto your plank hand position here. Pike those hips up.
Walk your hands back towards your toes. Take a moment here. Gentle bend of the knees. Take the circle out from between your ankles and roll yourself all the way up with it. Again, maybe a couple shoulder shrugs here, and then we'll meet seated in the middle of our mat.
Facing one direction here with the hips about in the middle of the mat, feet hit distance apart towards the front edge, drape the circle over the tops of your knees here. So it's like a platter. It stays horizontal, and you gently press those thighs outward right away. We're engaging our abductors, that gorgeous outer thigh line, as well as those medial glutes. From there, reach your arms forward, roll the shoulders back, take a breath in, and then exhale to round about halfway back.
Moving into our half rollback position here, make sure the heels stay down, the belly scoops back, and those thighs press out on the circle. We bend the elbows towards the ribs on the inhale, reach your arms back forward as you exhale, simple bend, and extension of those elbows. As you do so, the shoulder blades pull down into the back, the belly button pulls back to the spine for 4. Stretch and reach. 3. Connecting that breath to the movement and at the ribs a little tighter for 2.
And stretch one more time. Elbows bend. Elbows extend. We hold. Keep heels on the mat. Gentle pressure out with that circle, deep breath here.
Begin to roll down vertebra by vertebra. Of course, you could always hold on to the back of the legs if you need a little bit more support. Once we arrive at the bottom, palms to the floor, head to your mat, really press into the palms, press out on the circle, float the legs up to table top, anchor from your low abdominal. Let's keep that pelvis neutral. We point through the toes.
We lower them to hover or tap them out on the inhale. Think of that corset tying tighter around your waist as you lift the legs back up on the exhale. Inhale, we lower it down. Exhale. We lift up. A little more work for those low abdominals here inhaling and exhaling.
Really working to tear that circle apart, engaging into our outer thighs. For to lower, press it down into the palms, keep that chin lifted away from the chest. One more down on the inhale. Pull the belly button deeper to the spine as you lift on the exhale this time, lower the feet back down maybe a little bit closer towards your hips. We press into the feet, press into the palms, tear the circle apart deep breath in, exhale to tuck and curl the hips up moving into a bridge position.
So ideally, we have that long diagonal from knees to hips to shoulders. I'm lengthening through the front of my thighs. I'm tearing the circle out to engage my outer thighs. Palms press down gazes up small pulse of those head to down an inch on the inhale. Lift and squeeze your seat a little tighter as you pulse the hips up on that exhale.
Lower an inch and lift an inch inhale. Exhale. Pressing heels into the mat, palms into the floor for 3. Belly down pelvis up. 2. One more. Lift and hold. Take a breath in at the top, exhale to roll back down vertebra by vertebra through the upper back.
Through the middle back, through the low back, releasing the hips at the bottom. From here, take a breath in, curl up to the tips of the shoulder blades, reach for your circle, taking it back between your palms, and then releasing the head down, arms straight up to the ceiling over the chest and shoulders. We'll float the legs up one at a time to a tabletop position in our thighs squeeze tight, knees over the hips, shins parallel to the floor, deep breath. And a So press into your palms and curl up to the tips of the shoulder blades. Think of reaching the rim of the circle right towards your kneecaps. Inhale head down, arms up. Doesn't have to be a huge movement here.
Think of curling up and over your ribs, chin hovers over the chest, gazing right at those thighs. 2 more inhale back. Belly button pulls a little bit deeper towards the spine towards the floor as we curl up a little higher once more inhale back and exhale to curl and reach up holding it right here. Taking a breath in its center, press into your circle, twist up and over to the outside of that right thigh, inhaling back to center, exhaling to the left. We stay lifted the whole time.
Your hips stay really anchored Thinking about that seat belt right across our hip bones. Inhale center. Lift and twist to the left. One more time. Each side, center. Lift and twist to the right. Inhale center. Lift and twist to the left.
Come back to center, curl up a little higher, watch that belly sink a little deeper, and with control, lower the feet all the way towards the floor. Release your head down. He'll toe your feet back to hip to and support and a little bit further away from you, press into your palms, breathing in to prepare at the bottom, exhale. We curl all the way back up to a seat. From here, setting up, our hips are still in the middle of the mat. Adjust your feet maybe further, maybe closer, and then we place the circle between the inner thighs.
We're going to a similar series. Now working our adductors, our inner thigh muscles. Carefully place your hands to the outside of your legs here. Allow that to assist you to pull your knees until they're right in line with your hips right over your middle toes. Now reach your arms forward. We'll do it again without that assistance from the hands.
Knees open, inhale. Close the inner thighs together. Close the ribs together. This time. Hold it there. Take a breath where you are. Excel.
We roll halfway down. You pull your waistline back. You pull the shoulders away from your ears. He'll stay firmly planted on the mat, inhale elbows, bend back, exhale belly button scoops back, inhale to bend. Axle to extend.
You keep that inner thigh connection squeezing into that circle for 5. Exle scooping out from the waist for 4. Staying relaxed through the face, the neck, the jaw, take the tension out of the shoulders, put it deeper into your waistline last 2. Belly pulls back a little bit further. Hold those elbows back one last time.
Deep breath in. Exhale. Reach the arms forward. Belly button scooping back, staying here for a breath in. And then exhale slowly rolling down onto the mat, moving through the low back, back of the pelvis, middle of the waist, find that upper body curl hover there before releasing the head down, the arms down. We keep the squeeze of the circle here.
Float the legs back up to table top. Now in this position, we'll bring the toes and or your heels together. So you have this beautiful diamond shape of the legs. Gentle pressure still into the circle. Most importantly, that low belly anchoring our hips and our pelvis onto the mat.
We crease at the hips. We're back to our toe taps. The toes hover or tap the floor on the inhale, draw the ribs together, pull the belly button deeper to lift that gorgeous diamond back up. Inhale, lower it down. Press into your palm, staying open across the collar bones, but connected around the rib cage.
We lower on the inhale, sink the belly deeper, lift the diamond up on the exhale, slow and controlled movement here, trying to work on the way down and on the way up, keeping that gentle pressure into the circle the whole time, trying to stay connected in the mind and the body for 2, exhale to lift. One more time. We lower the diamond on the inhale. Exale, lift your diamond back up. Separate your feet back so you're at a tabletop position, deep breath, and exhale lower the feet all the way down. Once again, maybe pulling them a little closer towards your glutes.
Crawl your fingertips towards your heels, press into the heels, squeeze that circle a little tighter, deep breath, and belly button pulls down. We curl those hips back up into that bridge. We've been here before. Now we're working our inner thighs instead of our outer thighs. Can we still work underneath that seat to really find that boost and that link through the front of the legs. Deep breath in, this time we pulse tighter into the inner thighs into the circle as we exhale.
And he'll let the knees open an inch or 2, exhale squeeze the legs together, draw the ribs together as you close everything to the midline, inhale to open, exhale to close and squeeze a little tighter. Hip bones keep boosting up. Belique button keeps pulling down and in for 4. Axle to squeeze. 3.
Gazes up.chin is lifted. Open neck and chest. Last two. Squeeze a little tighter. One more time, inhale.
Axle squeeze and hold. Give those hips one last little boost up. Press into the heels. Press into the palms. Take a breath here.
And exhale rolling down with control. You should feel those inner thighs shaking. Those glutes nicely engaged, abdominal's working to control this articulation before releasing the hips and the legs open at the bottom. Take a breath here. We curl back up to the tips of the shoulder blades.
Taking our circle out from between our inner thighs and then hugging those knees all the way into the chest. Relax your shoulder blades down into the back, still holding the circle from in the inner thighs, but this time placing it between our ankles. So similar to where it was when we were standing above the ankle bone, so it's not right on the bone. From there, guide your legs to ideally perpendicular here option to always have a soft bend in the knees or work with them a little bit lower. Still holding on from the inner thighs.
Holding on to that circle from your low belly pelvic floor, toes reach up, arms reach up, take a breath into prepare, exhale to curl back up to the tips of the shoulder blades, you lower the arms, and you lower the legs. Palms hover circle hovers off the mat. We lie back down, lifting the fingers and toes back up to the ceiling, crease at your hips, think about your seatbelt, inhale, again, thing of tipping the body up and forward right to the tips of the shoulder blades. Can you squeeze that circle a little tighter? We do that two more times. Sit bones, tailbone reaching that direction versus upward, really important here to take care of the back.
So we're not gripping in those hips. We're working to support our spine with our low abdominals. One more time, inhale at the bottom. Excel squeeze your circle. Curl up taking those legs to a diagonal. You can maintain pumping in fives.
Inhale to 3, 4, 5, exhale to 3, 4, 5 deep breath in as you exhale squeeze your circle a little bit tighter inhale. Exone that your ribs a little bit tighter. Chins stays hovering right over the chest. Option to always bend those knees if you need more support for 5 and exhale out. 4.
Can you squeeze it a little tighter? Pull that belly deeper for 3, lengthen longer through the fingers and toes for 2, and exhale out. Last breath in. And exhale out 2, 3, 4, 5, stay hold and reach. Keep the legs where they are. Lower the hands, lower the head.
Legs float up as you inhale. Roll over as you exhale. You're still using your core. You're still squeezing your circle. Can you squeeze it tighter? And then roll through your spine. Use your palms to press into the floor.
Get your hips down with control. Lower the legs back to that long diagonal. Again, legs float up in here. Roll over exhale. Thighs over your eyebrows here, legs parallel to the floor.
Don't let them drop, squeeze the circle tighter, roll back down, chest away from the chin. Allow this movement to slow down the body, slow down with your breath, open up through the spine. 2 more times, flex through your heels. Reach up inhale. Reach back through those legs as you exhale.
Don't drop that circle. Can you squeeze it tighter? Roll down vertebra by vertebra, opening up through the upper back middle back. Use your arms. Press from your triceps. Low back. Squeeze the circle tighter.
Pull your belly down to lower those legs with control last time. Inhale and exhale. You should feel your inner thighs. If not, squeeze that circle another inch, rolling all the way down bone by bone in 4. Take your time, 3.
Palvis touches down 2. Leggs lower to your point of control on 1. Carefully, bend your knees in. Take the circle out. We'll extend our legs out long on the mat. Toes reach forward.
Arms and fingertips reach up, squeeze in our thighs and palms together deep breath and exhale to round and roll up. Again, taking our time articulating through the spine. A lot of spinal mobility here today. Reach a little further through the arms and legs deep breath and exhale to roll back down vertebra by vertebra. Pull that belly button a little bit deeper, lengthen the arms all the way back by steps frame the ears. One more inhale arms up, exhale to roll up. From here, sitting up tall, feeling that Pilates dance slight turn out of the legs, We're gonna place our circle one side of the pad down towards that of your mat, taking that bottom.
We'll start with our left leg in the circle about, like, I don't know, lower part of your calf. You don't want it too high, too low. You might play around with this a little bit. Right leg on top. Again, I'm slightly externally rotated. I think gentle pressure down to work my inner thighs. I try not to let it slip.
High round forward. Take a breath in, and then roll back down. It might move around. Squeeze into it. Pull your waistline back.
We're gonna do a few more roll ups here. Squeeze your circle. Reach your arms to the ceiling, inhale. Pull your waistline down, exhale to curl up. Press the bottom leg to the floor, the top leg to the bottom leg, rounding over the thighs inhale.
Again, shoulders pull away from the ears, roll all the way back on that exhale vertebra by vertebra smooth and controlled as much as you can. One more arms reach up, exhale to curl up. Reach your toes forward. Reach your fingers forward. Take a breath. And arms continue to reach forward.
This time, we roll down to stay, squeezing those legs towards the midline, pulling that belly button deeper to the spine, pressing palms to the floor, left leg down into the circle. And then from there, extend your right leg straight up towards the ceiling, anchoring those hips, take a breath in to prepare, we circle the right leg across down out pull the belly deeper, lengthen to lift at the top around. Keep drawing those ribs together. Really stabilizing your body on the mat. That means your arms, your torso, all the way down through that bottom leg.
One more. Around lengthen to lift and hold deep breath and exhale reverse. Keep reaching out and up through both toes. Often, we forget about our bottom leg in the leg circle exercise. Use it to press down into the mat. Here you're forced to to hold that circle stable. Again, last time, lengthen lift and hold.
From here, bend you right knee in, we thread it through the circle, lift it towards that top pad, keep that external rotation wrap of your leg, start to float your legs up. Use the control from your core. Reach your legs up and back just like roll over. Now think of your boomerang exercise, but we're not gonna switch the cross of the legs. Keep this turn out.
Keep tearing the circle apart. Start to roll back through your spine. Tear the circle apart, find your balance, arms come behind us. We let the legs cross in 5th. We float the forehead towards the knees, get that gorgeous shoulder stretch.
We start to lift back leg lifts into the circle. Legs float back all the way overhead. Inhale. Exhale. Roll through your spine. Tear the circle apart.
Find that moment. We'll have balance. Let it float forward. Once more, little more momentum here. Tear it apart. Reach it back up and over.
Breathing. And Excel, roll through your spine, tear the circle apart, find it, and fold over. From here, sitting up tall, we'll switch to our second side. Alright. Lot of balance work here. Press into the circle. Left leg on top of your circle.
Make sure you're a square through your hips as you can be. Squeeze into it. Reach forward. Take a breath there. Pull your waistline back. Try and slow your body down as you roll down here vertebra by vertebra. Try and take your time, lengthen through your toes, lengthen through your head and arms.
Press it down into the rim of that circle. Reach your arms up, inhale. Axle roll up. Pull the ribs back, the belly back. Stretch a little further through those limbs, exhale to roll down vertebra by vertebra.
Keep squeezing those legs together. Pull your waist back a little bit deeper. Not an easy variation here, inhale. I feel it, exhale. Roll up.
Try and pull all those shoulders down away from the ears. Stretch a little further forward, deep breath in. We roll all the way down bone by bone. Reach through your toes. Press bottom leg into the circle, top leg into the circle. Palms come down to the floor.
Pull your belly button down as you lift the left leg up. Deep breath here, exhale we circle across down out, lengthened to lift, around pressing into the palms, pulling down across that waistband for 3. To keep reaching through the limbs through the crown of the head. One more. Hold at the top. Inhale. Exhale. Reverse out, down across, lengthen the outer thigh lift those toes a little higher for 4.
Zipping up tighter through your waist. 3. Keep pressing bottom leg to the mat reaching that top leg higher to the sky. Last time, lift and hold. Bend that left knee. Threat it through the circle.
You're still turned out. Think inner seams of your pants rotating up. Be really cautious of your back here, use your core, use your arms, start to tear the circle apart, float your legs up, roll over. Open up through the spine here, begin to roll back down chest away from the chin, moving through the back, Class those hands behind you. Find that moment in a teaser. Let the legs cross one over the other as you reach forehead to your knees, arms up and back. Again, legs tear the circle apart.
We reached toes to the wall behind us. Deep breath in. Tear the circle wider, roll through your spine, find that moment before releasing into your forward fold. Last one inhale and exhale. Hold it. Tear it wider inhale. Roll down.
Find that moment and take your forward stretch. From there, coming up, taking that circle out. We'll extend our legs long in front of us. Once again, reach the arms forward round through that back, press into the palms, and roll down vertebra by vertebra, finding the tips of the shoulder blades, taking a moment there before releasing the head down and arms to the ceiling. Right and left leg float back to tabletop anchoring from that low waistline deep breath. And, actually, we curl back up to the tips of the shoulder blades.
We've been here before. See if you can curl a little higher, right knee draws in towards that right shoulder, left leg, long breathing, and exhale switch. We switch and switch. Start to reach your arms further forward on that diagonal. A little more challenging to pull that knee underneath the circle, pulling it closer towards your chest. Pulling the belly button deeper towards the spine, we add a twist to the right thigh, to the left thigh up and over, and switch. Palvis stays anchored.
Arms and fingertips reaching long. For 2. Last one. Go back to center, right leg high, scissor, and switch. Think of starting with your fingertips straight up towards the ceiling here, and then a less of a circle I'm sorry, less of a scissor movement.
We curl a little higher and deeper, switch and switch less about that flexibility of the legs, more about curling higher over the ribs for 2 Then we add our twist to the right and left. We switch and switch. Palva stays anchored. Palms press into the rim of the circle for 2 Last one. Back to center.
Legs up. Arms up. Head down. Squeeze your legs together. Pull your shoulders away from your ears. Lower your legs to a forty five degree angle. They can always be bent.
Press your palms a little tighter breathe, and x, you'll begin to curl up finding our teaser position. Find that balance. We've worked a lot on stability here. Can we lift everything 1 inch higher and hold? And release those legs down. Alright. I'm gonna turn and face you, and we'll do a little sideline work.
Once again, that circle is resting on the mat. Our bottom leg, our right leg to start will thread through it. We're going to lower onto our right forearm, and the left leg comes on top. Starting with flexed feet. Again, make sure it's not right on the bone. I have a long line in my body through my leg through my crown of the head, and then I'm really pressing them out away so I don't sink into this bottom oblique shoulders pull down away from the ears, inhale squeeze into that circle, exhale to resist it back up. Try to pull that bottom waistline away from the floor, pulling that belly button back in towards your spine.
Working those inner thighs, we squeeze together. We resist a lift. Inhale squeeze. Axale up. 2 more tig together.
Resist a lift. Keep pressing out through the heels, flexing back through the toes to hold. Shoulders slide down the back, toes, point, top leg hovers. We make a rainbow. Top leg goes up and forward, and then up and back. I like to use my left hand, my left fingertips on the mat for stability here. That way I know my pelvis isn't rocking back and forth side to side.
Maybe look at your leg briefly. You wanna just trace the rim of the circle. An inch or two around it in both directions. You're not going too far forward or too far back. You're keeping it nice and even.
We're working that outer abductor, that outer medial glute leg line once again. Take it back one more time forward. And back. From here, top leg bends and threads through the circle. Keep pointing through your toes, lower all the way down, bicep to ear onto your right arm. Now that left hand presses firmly into the mat, you tear the circle apart, little more outer thigh work, lift the legs up, lower the legs down, circle stays stays taut the whole time here, working that top oblique as well, for 2 One more with just the legs.
Now legs and upper body, think of your banana shape. I wanna reach the crown of the head, my fingertips in line with my top toes. Pressing into that left palm without using the left shoulder, can we use our a tricep, use our obliques, use our outer thigh for 2 and lower. One more time. Lift. And lower.
Now upper body stays down. Really fun transition. Legs lift. Start to bend your knees, shift over onto your belly. One hand over the other, forehead onto your top hand, circle still taut, knees are bent to about 90 degrees. We float those toes higher to the ceiling, squeeze those buns, release the knees down.
Press your pelvis into the mat. Squeeze your seat and lower. Lift those thighs up and lower. Glutes are working. Abdominals are working to support the back for 2.
One more lift and hold and lower. Now we're gonna reverse that transition. So legs extend, carefully float over onto your left side, and then I'm going to adjust so I'm not on the floor here. Make sure you're still on your mat, inner thigh, inner leg in the circle, top leg on top of the circle. Start by flexing through your heels, press into that bottom forearm, press them out away, really lift out of your bottom shoulder, pressing our hips forward, squeezing our glutes forward, so we're in that gorgeous, long straight line.
Squeeze down into your circle, resist the lift. Stay active in your bottom oblique, active in that bottom lats. Inhale squeeze, exhale resist. Try to flex all ten toes back towards you. Don't forget about your pinky toe.
This is where I often see a lot of feet supernating. Yeah. We wanna engage both outer and inner leg line throughout this being really aware of our alignment from the toes through the crown of the head. Inhale to squeeze, exhale to lift, one more time squeeze, and lift. Point through your toes, shoulder, slide down the back, lift a little taller through your spine, hover your top leg, take that rainbow forward and down, and up and back. And around on the inhale.
And up and back as you exhale. Pressing them out away. Belly button draws a little tighter back and in. Take it forward with control. Squeezing from back backside as you take it back hips stay really square here for 2.
And back one more time forward and back. Bring that top leg up. Threat it through the circle. Keep reaching through your toes, laying all the way down in this long pencil line. Left by step to left ear, right palm presses into the mat, tear that circle apart, feel those outer glutes and legs working, lift your circle, lift your legs, and lower.
Inhale they lift. Exhale day lower. I'm using my right palm on the mat for support here without lifting that right shoulder. Keep pulling it down into the back too. One more lift.
Legs keep pulling that circle apart. We add the upper body. Everything up. Everything down. A lot of right oblique work here. Tear that circle apart.
Feel your whole body active coming together for 2 and lower. One more lift up up up and lower. Lift just your legs this time flex through your heels. Start to bend your knees and transition back onto the belly. If you keep your circle there the whole time, Bravo hands back, clasped one over the other here, forehead rest down. This time we press our heels up towards the ceiling, squeeze your seat, tear the circle apart, Resist.
Pull your belly up and in as you lift your heels a little higher, resist to lower for 3, and lower. Feel that backside working for 2. One more. Lift hold. Tear the circle apart. Little pulses getting higher for 5. For 4, feel those glutes for 3, last 2, and 1, let it go.
Can kinda shake your circle off there. Carefully press yourself back. We'll remove this lovely device. Place it off to the side and sit all the way back into a child's pose. These could be together or apart.
Let your hips reach back. Your arms reach long or if a different rest position would agree better for your body. You can always take that deep breath in and exhale it out. From there, coming back up onto all fours. Tuck those toes underneath you.
Lift your hips all the way up and back. We'll keep the circle off to the side, but reverse how we came into and out of class today. Keep those heels pressing down, inner thighs squeezing tight, soft bend in the knees as you carefully walk your hands back towards your toes. Meeting in that forward fold right where we began, hopefully, a little more engaged in the back of those legs, a little looser in the back of the neck. Take a breath here. And these stay soft, taking our time rolling all the way up bone by bone in 4.
In 3, lifting through the waist, lengthening through the legs, 2, and standing nice and tall on 1. Thank you so much for joining me for, hopefully, what was a fun filled mat class with that lovely magic circle?
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