Class #604

Mat Modifications

50 min - Class


Enjoy class as Adrianne teaches modified versions of the classical exercises. Work your way through the intermediate repertoire hearing about the finer points of connecting to your powerhouse.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jan 12, 2012
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Alright. So good afternoon. I'm going to have you guys go ahead and move towards the front of your mat and go ahead and just lie down however you'd like to, but we're just gonna warm up a little bit and get into our bodies. So I'm going to have you begin with just taking a nice deep breath in and exhale. And as you exhale, what I'd like you to do is start to feel your spine imprinting into the mat. So pull your navel in and up and get your spines to lengthen along on the mat. And then we want you to try to hold that down for three counts.

So let's do that. Deep breath in and exhale and begin to sink your backs down into the mat. Pull your navels in and up, holding one, two, three, two more times. Nice deep breath in. And exhale. Once again, sinking deeper into the mat. That's it. Start to extend your shoulders down, getting your backs to really lengthen.

And last one, nice deep breath in and a long breath out. Getting rid of any light between your back and the Mat and hold that down for three counts, two, three arrests. Let's go ahead and bring your right leg into your chest. Give it a nice little stretch so you can grab onto the back of your thigh. That's it. So you're not cutting that circulation off in your knees.

You're gonna take your right leg straight up and place both hands at your side. So now that you've got that feeling of that imprint of your spine, you want to maintain that while your leg is stretching up to the ceiling. Get your leg to really lengthen out, keeping your hips bolted to the mat. Now I'd like you to start to lower your leg a little bit and hold that for about just a little bit, and then hold that for three counts and get down to that Madigan. Good. A little bit lower.

Let's see this ribs pulled together. That's it. Hold one, two, three. If you'd like to challenge that, go ahead and go a little bit lower. Get your shoulders to pull down your ribs, distinct in your tummies to pull up. Holding two, three start till the work your leg up a little bit higher. Holding that position for three counts to throw in a little bit more. Holding one, two, three little bit higher, holding one, two, three and then back up to 90 degrees. Get a nice long back. Those hips are nice and flat underneath you. Holding, holding, holding bend journey. And go ahead and switch legs.

So bring your left leg in and give that like a nice little stretch. And then you're going to take that leg straight up, both hands back at your side and have your legs slightly turned out from the hip. Good and hold. Just kind of getting into our bodies right now and then lower that position a little bit. Hold one, two, three and a little bit lower. And maybe one side is stronger than the other. You might notice this here and hold one.

Make sure both hips are evenly placed on the mat so that another word, you feel them underneath you that not one is higher than the other and a little bit lower and hold two, three and a little bit lower. Hold, hold, hold. Looks good, little bit lower, keeping a little more challenge. Make sure those hipbones don't pop up. Push them back down and hold. Now start to work your legs back up a little bit higher. Holding one to three and a little bit higher.

It's where your tummies will want to pop up. Pull them back down and a little bit higher. Holding one, two, three all the way to 90 degrees long, long legs stretched up and hold to, sorry. Bend Journey. Go ahead and rest. Alright, ready to warm up. Really bring both knees into your chest. We're going to go ahead and begin with your hundred so you're in a plotty stance. It's heels together, toes apart so your knees are slightly open.

[inaudible] turn your knees out. There you go. And then you're going to stretch your arms out long at your sides. You're going to lift them above your hips. Lifting your heads start to extend your legs to about 45 degrees so the legs are going to reach out and the arms are stretching and you're scooped into that powerhouse. Begin pumping the arms and breathing. Nice deep breath in. And a long breath out. Now you just keep breathing, but be conscious of what's happening in your back.

She want to make sure the spines are really anchored. That means you might have to bend your knees and if not, you feel like you've got that control. You can straighten your legs and exhale and if you feel that's still not challenging enough, you can lower the legs and exhale so that the nice deep breath in and a long breath out. Get those shoulders to pull down. You want this to be kind of quiet, breathing. Bye. Thanks out to three, four, five and two five but you want energy in it. Exhale, three more, two, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five, two, two, x out, two, three, four, five. The last one to five and exhale.

Ben Journey's rushed her legs on the Mat and your next for just a pause. Good. Let's go ahead and have you sit up for a second. You're in a hold onto the back of your thighs. That's a good position. That's exactly what I'd like you to do. And you're going to slide your feet kind of close to your bottom.

Your knees will be open your heels together back in that clotty stance, and you're going to round your back. So think of putting your heads between your knees, shoulders, nice and relaxed. I'm going to, you start to lie down, but what I'd like you to do is still hold onto those legs and round just to wherein your arms are straight so your feet will stay still. You're going to begin to lie down. Don't let those feet come up slowly. Go back and when your arms are straight, I'll have you hold that position and pull your tummies in a little bit more in.

Squeeze your bottoms and then you're going to come back up, round over to the knees and go ahead and sit up tall for a second. So again, let's try that again. Heads down. Start to go backwards. You want to think of articulating your back. So the lower spine is working first. You're getting that lower vertebral to place onto the mat. As you go back, you can go back a little bit more. Hold your position, keep those feet nice and relaxed. Take a nice deep breath in this time.

Reach your arms forward, scoop and come back up. Sit up tall. This time we're going to go a little bit further with it and have you lie all the way down and come back up. So heads down. Begin to lie down one vertebra at a time. If you'd like to reach your arms out long, you can or you can still hold on to the legs as you do that I all the way down. Good, nice and controlled. Same thing coming up. Nice deep breath in.

Reach the shoulders down. Exhale, scoop the time. Even pull in. If you reach the arms up, that's fine. Just make sure you take it nice and easy and not force it. Sit up tall. One more time. Start to lie down. Heads down. Last thing down to touch the mat would be the head following that center and rest, Walmart time.

Nice deep breath in and exhale, scoop the time he says you come up. So you're pulling in to that navel as you round forward. Sit up tall. Good. Straighten both legs out long heels together, toes apart. Place your hands on top of your thighs. They sees a full roll up exercise.

So now you're going to do the same thing you did, but it's a lot more challenging cause your legs are straight. So you're gonna start to lie down. And as you go down, think of wrapping the out of the highs around so the inner thighs are engaged. Tuck your bottoms all the way down, keeping the hands right on top of thighs. You're going to come up if you need to bend your knees to help you do so. Otherwise try to keep them long. Pull in.

So don't force the movement stretch forward and start to take that down. Arms Long. Heads down, hips. Curl one vertebra at a time. Place it onto the mat. This time take your arm straight up to 90 degrees. Adding a little polo to the movement.

We're going to go a little bit quicker and I fate breath. Then heads up your tummy and around over heads between the knees as you stretch forward. Don't forget to still pull back those navels and come right back down. So this time when your heads touch, you'll come right back up. So once your head touches, you'll take a deep breath in and exhale, come up. Keep those heels together, stretch and come right back down.

So a little bit quicker. Two more heads down, heads up, around, over stretch. Should be able to go a little bit further each time and come on down. Rounding down last one. Nice. Deep breath in and pull in and stretch over. Soft, soft feet. Stretch forward. Shoulders down.

Go ahead and lie down and you will stay down. Okay. Bring your right leg into your chest. Give it a nice little stretch. I'm going to have you go into some like circles next. I'll take that right, like straight up. Of course, I've got my shoes on, but a little more weight for me. You're going to use a little circles inside your own frame. So from shoulder, hip, hip, shoulders, your circles, so it's inside your shoulders and hips.

As you're circling, you want to keep your hips still. You don't want them to wobble around. Your leg is long. Both legs are long and you're working to keep that powerhouse. Nice and stable. One more circle and then I'll have you reversed those. Think of the big toe coming up to the nose and then hold and circle and hold for about one count and circle and hold one and circle and don't let those hips move up. And one more time and bend your knee, your leg, a little stretch.

All right, I'm going to have you switch legs, other side. So left leg comes in, you can give it a little stretch first you'll take your leg up. This is a great hip flexion exercise. Helps to loosen the hips and strengthen the back and circle around and back up to the nose. Keep your range of motion fairly small. Work on your powerhouse so you don't want any dancing hips to about five times three long, long legs. Four, that's it.

Nice and controlled and five, reversed that circling down and up and hold and circle up and hold. Circle to the nose too. So you're getting a little higher each time. Three around four, last one and five. Bend your knees, give your leg another little stretch. I like you to sit up, place your hands at your hips, lift your bottoms and sit at your heels. You're going to go ahead and grab onto your ankle and draw up your heads between your knees. We'll take the feet off of the mat. This is called rolling like a ball.

Shoulders nice and relaxed and you're literally gonna roll back and try to come up to balance. So begin roll back, keep your chins curl to your chest, try to come up and balance. Good. Inhale, does this the same movement you just did that roll up exercise. It's a scoop into the tummies to help you come up. Inhale, back, exhale, scoop in and come up and balance. That's a nice and easy. Two more. Inhale back, Hasko between the knees. Exhale, nice, easy coming up. No bounce. One more time. So don't force it up. It's all there. Good. Alright.

Place your feet down. Get yourself recentered on the mat if you're not and you're exactly going to lift your hips and stretch back. And then you're going to lie all the way down and getting ready for what's called your stomach series. So you're going to start with the right leg in, right hand on the ankle, left hand on the knee, left leg. Okay. Come up in your head will come up. You want to get a nice position here, so make sure your shoulders line with your hips, low shoulder, left hip, right shoulder, right hip. So there's no crooked this happening. You want to get your left leg up to a decent level that you feel some of the support in that bath.

And now switch leg outside hand is on the ankle. Don't worry too much about the hands, just make sure you pull those, enables d and switch a switch on hole deep scoops or curl those sternums a little bit more. So those are ribs are down and switch and scoop. Shoulders down. The tips of the shoulders are on the mat, so don't come up too high and switch and switch and switch. And now three fast switch. Chang, one on with a scoop to two. So Tommy's pulling in three and restroom next.

All right, moving on to the double leg stretch. This time both knees are going to come back into your chest, heels together, toes apart. You're in that [inaudible] stance again that you started with Edward [inaudible]. You're going to try to reach for your ankles. If that's too much of a stretch, just hold onto the back of your thighs. You're gonna end up with your heads up looking at your belly buttons.

This is where the arms and legs are going to go out at the same time. So here we go. Arms and legs go out. Don't take those links too low because you want to make sure you have the some support underneath you. Circle the arms and grab on to the ankles. Inhale, this is a breathing exercise. Actually. You want to do it so the arbitrary to the lake you're reaching, you're pulling off together. Inhale, stretch. Make sure your backs are on the mat as you do this.

So don't go too low with those legs. And exhale and inhale, arms up here so you can keep your sternum up. And exhale straight up. Keep your chest up there. Three more. Nice deep breath in. Wrap your thighs, and exhale two and straight. Add and add one more. Sure. And, and, and take a rest. Good. Okay. Everyone doing okay? All right.

So let's go ahead and go into the next exercise. Yeah, take your leg, one leg up. Let's start with our right. You're gonna take both hands or reach up for the cab. You're going to add your head. So now you're looking at yours stomach both like there. No off the mat. Find your powerhouse.

So another word you want to pull in and get deep into your backs. Get your enabled down into your spot and reach up even higher if you'd like. But both legs are straight. So go to where you can get a straight leg. Now, pulse the leg two times. Paul Paul, you're gonna scissored the leg and pull Paul. Don't grab onto the back of Nayan. Paul, either the thought or the calf. Paul Paul, switch. Paul Paul, switch. Keep your chins curl to your chest.

To the weight, Paul. Oh, nice. Straight. Yeah. Legs. Get the length. Really Long. Pause. Oh, to Claire Pools. Pool Pool. That's it. Now you got more reach. You can reach away up there. [inaudible] look down at your, tell me though. [inaudible] go ahead. Cool. Paul, Paul. Oh, one more set and pulse. Pulse. Pulse, pulse. Bend your knees. Drop your heads. Good.

All right. Place your feet down for just a moment. You're gonna bring your hands this time behind your head. Elbows in Nice. And you're going to take both, like straight up. Listen to your bodies. If this doesn't feel good on your backs, don't do it. Terry. Her feet back out. So you're in a plotting stance or heads are going to come up.

You're gonna look at your belly button. Keep that gaze here. Get those shoulder way up. And our lower leg is about two inches. Lift them back up. So just the legs are moving, but your chest stays up to little bit down and up through. You're trying to fill it in back here a little bit down. Right? All the way in the 90s I had left not letting those tailbones arise and left.

I really get those like straight left and now come up. Here you go. I know. Come up with the legs. Touch my hand. That's it. Tumor and up. There you go. One more time. And Bend your knees. 52 alright. Hands once again or back behind the head. You all have done this.

I'm sure at some point it's called your Chris Cross. You're back into your plotty stance. Heels together, toes apart. Now left your head. Do you want to make sure you're not hanging back here? Like curl the sternum up. So the upper power houses engaged, one leg is out one knee in your hand to try to twist to tap the knee and hold as actually hold. Scope the tummies back in and drew up your heads all the way down when you transition and then happen. Hold. So in other words, go ahead and turn to watch me. You know, drop your head down and then you're going to come back up.

You're using your head as a weight and up and switch and go ahead and start again. If you haven't [inaudible] up and try to tap that Naisa. Bring the knee in as deep as you can and switch as oop and switch and scoop and rest. Nicely done. Okay, I'll have you guys sit up for your spine stretch forward. Next of that, this is where your legs are apart, your feet are flexed and you're sitting as tall as you can, so you're trying to sit right on top of your hips. Both arms are forward and take a nice deep breath in. Pull in an exhale, round forward, goes low as you can. You're trying to get the top of your head to the mat and then you're going to roll around back up instead of tall.

Your feet should be flexed because you want to get a stretch and deep breath in. You want to squeeze your bottoms as you were around forward and Exhale, I might grab your hair. Just pull back and squeeze your bottom a little bit more. Good, tall, two more. Nice deep breath in, lift up, and an excellent, pushed the heels away and come back up. Last one. Nice deep breath sense. Exhale. This time you can hold it down for a moment longer.

Grab onto your arches or your ankles. Give yourself an EAD, a little stretch. Do it. Try to keep your shoulders relaxed. So good. All right, good to have you bend your knees, your, and I said that first and then you'll bend your knees. You might want to move a little bit for it cause we're gonna roll again. All right, let's go ahead and sit a little bit closer to your feet. That's it.

So your knees are pretty bent and you're going to hold onto the back of your calves just like you did a little while ago. It's rolling like about some, maybe move just a little bit more forward just cause she wants Matt behind you and you're going into like a tabletop position, but you are going to round your back. So drop your heads forward. You're gonna roll like a ball. Begin your, you know, take that back. Yeah. That come back up and then you're going to stretch. You want to sit as tall as you can. Don't worry too much about what the legs are doing and round your backs.

Go back. Just follow your spines and come up and sit up tall. Now if you'd like to challenge that, you can try to straighten the leg and continue rolling heads forward and come up. Lift your backs. The higher you hold, the harder this becomes. Go back, come up, find it, lift your backs and it's down. Take your Chins, George, your chest to the weight of your head stays forward. That will help you come up. Left two more. Find those c curves. Take it back.

Come up nice and controlled. Left and last one C, curve back. C, curve to come up. Sit Up tall and place your feet down. Go ahead and bring your feet together. Let's lie back down onto your backs. Bring your knees into your chest, going into a corkscrew. You're going to take your legs up.

You're trying to zip those legs up so they're nice and straight and you're going to do little circles to the right center. Then you're going to go left around center. So your circles are reversing. Very important not to let those hips move. Even the little spit. So long legs, little circle center center. Try not to push with the arms and all and center around and center.

I'm gonna make yours a little bit smaller, so long legs. Good little circle up the little. Circle up. One more set up. Good. Last one, address good. Bend your knees, grab onto the back of your thighs. Give yourself a little stretch by pulling the knees back in, and then I'll have you sit back up for a sauce. Your legs are once again apart.

Your feet are flex arms out to the side. Yeah, you might want to space each other just because you will be moving close to each other. Both feet are flex. You're going to turn to the right. Take your pinky and soft your little toe as you reach for that toe. Pull in your stomachs. Drop your shoulders and make sure both hips are sitting on that mat and come up and center and turn and she stretched to the toe. Pull the opposite hip back. So pull that right hip back and then come up and center feed.

Stay flex and now turn stretch with the scoop. 'Em Up and center and turn and stretch up and center and turn and reach both hip. Stay on the mat. Come up and sent her last one. Hold the stretch and come on up. Okay, well have you guys flip over to your stomach for a little neck roll exercise. So on your stomach, your palms are underneath your shoulders, relying all the way down with your feet together. Okay. You're going to push into the palms and you'll come up off of your chest.

Go to where you'd like it does not have to come all the way up. Listen to your back. Pull your stomach's up. If you can come up, that's fine. Look right. Really heads down around to the left look center and now look left. Oh the heads down around to the center. Lie Back Down.

Now if you have any knee issues, I usually don't recommend these unless you really can get that powerhouse up. Otherwise we can try it. You're going to come up onto your elbows and what's called Your Sphinx position. You're up on their elbows, you make a fist with each hand, so make a fist with the Chan. Good [inaudible] and you want to make sure your backs aren't collapsing.

You want to fill this actually your headphones or you can have the elbows a little bit out or a little bit in and just I prefer them a little bit out. Tommy's way up in here. That's it. Now you're going to bring your, kick your bottom with your right foot two times to really lift and squeeze your bottom. And now kick right foot, kick, kick, left foot, kick, kick. Alright, kick, kick, left, kick, kick. Get those hips up off the mat as much as you can see. [inaudible] got some support in here and kick. So bend your knee as you kick. Then there you go. And kick and kick and kick.

Go ahead and stretch back by sitting back towards your heels. You can open up the knees if that feels better on your knees. And then I'll have you lie back once again onto your stomachs. You're going to turn your heads and grab onto your hands and kind of clasping the fingers. Elbows are down, both theatre together. You're going to kick your bottom three times and for the feet. One, two, three, your feet drop else. Lift your head and hearing and tradition.

Dredge back to your heels. And then you're going to switch cheeks and kick one, two, three and stretch back. Try to touch those ankles as you kick. You're going to keep those hips pushing down and kick one, two, three and stretch and switch and kick. One, two, three and stretch. Hold this stretch. Try to come up a little bit more. And once again, rest, you're going to sit back onto your heels, so you're going to just stretch your back out again.

Okay? All right. I'm going to have you turn back around. You're going gonna sit down like you did in the beginning of the class with your feet hip width apart. You're still be that wasn't hip with the part at the beginning, but your feet are going to be hip width apart. Hold onto the back of your thighs and you're going to slowly lie down.

Good. We're going to do two regular roll ups and then we're going to add on. So let's begin. Heads come up. Nice deep breath in. Curl your chin to your chest, shoulder, side down. You want to pull in, so don't pop up around into it forward. Sit up tall and, and I'm going to have you lie back down. One Vertebra at a time. Good and one more time.

Then we're going to add on deep breath in. Exhale forward, tall. Lie Back Down. There's time you're going to straighten the legs and flex your feet. Hands can go on top of your size. Feeder flex. Nice. Deep breath in again, rolling up. Push the heels away. Theatre or part hip with the part round forward and sit up tall. Lie Back Down. Now if you want to challenge this, you can take the hands behind your head. Otherwise, if that challenging enough.

Keep your hands on top of your thighs. Deep breath in, pull in around forward. Sit up tall, around, back down. As soon as your heads touch, you're going to come up. You want to pull any and keep pushing those heels away. Sit up tall, around, back down, and two more heads will touch your cup back up. Keep flexing those feet so you get some energy coming out of the heels and around, over. That's it. And sit up tall around, back down. You've got Walmart. One more time.

Last one and deep breath in and exhale round over. Push the heels away. Stretch all the way over and come back up and go ahead and finish. Line down. Okay. You know, lie on your left side. Your right leg is on top.

Getting ready for some lake kicks. You want to align yourselves up with the back of your mat. Hip on top of hip, shoulder on top of shoulder. So you are going to rest on your palm. Yep. No you were right. Your tummies are in. If you can come up here, that's great. If not, that's okay. Are you more comfortable down? Can you come down onto your elbow?

That's right. No. Okay. Then you might want to go this way. Alright, so both legs are forward to your in kind of a v shape or yeah, probably a little bit more off the Mat. So it's great. Your legs there. All right. You want to get those ribs back? You're going to take your right palm is on the mat for support. Pull those in. So push into here. Fill this in back here. Good.

Take your leg up pip level. You're going to go into a front kick first though. Turn your legs out so your knees are kind of pointing up, but you've got gotta wrap of the thigh and take your right foot and keep two times towards kick. Kick forward to the nose and then swing the leg back and kick. Kick forward. Push me back. Yes. So you're using your bottom eh, kick, kick forward and backward and go a little bit quicker now and kick, kick, front and back. Kick, kick forward. Kick, kick forward. Back to more kick, kick food and one kick. Kick and back. Both likes back on top of each other.

Make sure you've got your hips right on top. One on top of the other shoulders are on top of each other, so you want to keep your chest open. Take the leg up. Once again, hip level, turn the leg out with the wrap of the thigh. You're gonna take your leg towards the ceiling. So up this time, stretched the leg out, make it grow longer, and tap heel to heel, like comes up, heel to heel. That's it. Now once you come down, you want to feel a scoop. Tommy's pull up and up with the leg, resisting it coming down so you're in control of the down and up. So it's not just flopping down. You're working and up and lower and up and lower.

So your bottom is squeezing two more and up and lower. Last one and up and lower. Going two little circles down around circling. One, two, three, four, five. Reverse those circles five times, so the opposite way. Five Times one, two, three, four, five. Take a break. Take your right leg. You're going to cross it over the left and grab onto your ankle. Your right foot is down and you're going to take your left foot, left leg up and down. Three times one lift and lower, two lift and lower three. Now you're going to take that leg up, the left one and circle it. Two little circles up and around, one up and around to nay and get bigger with it.

Three times one big circles, two, three, reversed. Those two little circles. One, two, and now three big ones up and around. One, two and three both legs back on top of each other. And let's go ahead and swing your legs back a little bit. I was just deciding whether I wanted your legs back or not. Alright, you're going to take both like straight up and lower. Try not to push into the palm. Pull your ribs back.

Don't let those hips fall and lower to keep those hips right on top of each other and lift and lower and lift and lower. This time you're going to stay up there in both feet. Clap five times. Then one, two, three, four, five, and rest. Let's transition. So you're going to go to your stomach. I'm on top of palm. Forehead is on your hands. Good. You want your legs really long? They're still working.

You want to reach the lakes from the hips out long and lift both legs up off the mat for transition. Beets. Tommy's are up and you're going to clap your feet. 20 counts. So open and clap. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Now quickly, one, two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and rest. You're gonna switch legs. So now you'll have the left leg on top to go ahead and turn over and get yourselves lying with the back of your mat. Hip on top of it. Good. Both legs will be forward. So you're in that v position or boomerang.

Good shoulder on top of shoulder. Tommy's nice and tight. So the ribs are pulling back. They're not popping out. You're going to take your leg up, hip level, getting ready for your front kick. Remember though, you're working from the hip, so that leg should be slightly turned out and your bottoms are engaged. All right, begin kick, kick forward leg comes back, kick kick. As that leg comes back, don't let your backs arch.

You want to keep those backs nice and flat. Kick, kick forward and back and kick, kick back. So these are stretches. Kick, kick. You're stretching up and you're stretching back like a big grandfather clock. Kick, kick, and back end. Tomorrow kick, kick and back out. Last one, kick, kick and both legs back on top of each other.

Getting ready for an up and down. So you're gonna start with the leg up, hip level. Little bit turned out good. Really pull those ribs back and now take the leg up towards the ceiling. Lower down and up, working that leg. So you want to squeeze your bottom as you come down. So there's some resistance and down and up.

Lower and up and tummies are still pulling up. Three and four, not letting those hips fall back as the lid comes up. Five, eight times up. Six up and stretch the leg out. Seven and one more so it's can reaching out as it comes down and stay down a little circles five each way. So we're going one, two, three, four, five, reversing one, two, three, four, five and rest. You're going across that left leg over, grab onto the ankle. So now your left foot is on the mat. Good. Your right leg is going to begin to lift at a lower three times.

So go ahead and begin up and down, one, up and down, two and up and down three now, two little circles. Then you'll do three big ones, so little ones, one, two, and then peg as big as you can one way up there, two and three and then reverse those two little circles, one and two and as big as you can, one to not letting those hips fall and three both lakes back on top of each other. Getting into the lake list that you can swing the lakes back a little bit if you'd like or keep them where they are, which is more challenging. You're going to push those ribs back. Your bottoms are wrapping and squeezing your, you know, lift the legs and lower and lift and lower, lift and lower. Don't let those backs arch though. Fill this up.

Good and lift and lower and hold it up both feet. Clap five times. Now one, two, three, four, five and rest. I'm gonna have you guys lie back onto your backs. Get re organized and recentered on your mats. Go into a single leg teaser. So you're gonna the lying down with your knees bent heels together, toes apart. You're going to end up taking your right leg up and blurring both knees together. So now one leg is extended, your knees are glued together, but that right leg it is turned out and you're still squeezing your bottom.

You're going to take your arms all the way back. Your backs will come off the mat. Try to imprint them. Still take the arm straight up and you're going to try to peel off that mat. So you're going to try to round up, go to where your left foot does it move. So if that means you can come up, great. Otherwise just go to where that left foot doesn't move.

Then try to sit up as tall as you can. Keep those knees glued and slowly articulate down. Make sure you're centered arms and a head drop and deep breath in. Arms or legs or sorry, arms and head up. Pull in, lift your backs and lie back down to more. Get that right, like we're really stretched out. Should feel like a hundred pounds a lift and lower.

The tighter you are it is. And one more time. Arms Up. Exhale to the toes. Don't let those knees fall. Keep them glued the whole time and I'll go ahead and arrest that right leg. Switching sides. So now left leg goes up. Both knees are glued. Arms back, arms up, head up.

Began to peel off that mat. Reach for the toes, sit as tall as you can and lie back down. So don't let that leg move around. And three more the right both to the ears, stretching or backs and come back down. So it'd be when you're up, you're going to try to stretch your backs by sitting up taller and coming down. Last one. Knife, long left leg to the toes. Very nice to the ears. Lie Back Down and rest.

Drop your legs. Go ahead and [inaudible] bring your legs then and give them a little shake if you like. Stretch. Yeah, and then we're going to sit up for, since um, actually no, let's do this place both feet down. Since we didn't have a very fluid stomach series, I'd like to try that now. So right leg is in, this is what you did in the very beginning, but we're going to put it all together without stopping. It's called your single leg stretch to start. Left leg is out, head is up right near.

Then get that strong feeling underneath you that that back is really supported. That might mean lifting the leg up and switch legs. Let's do six sets. That's one switch to switch to each time you transition. Scoop your tummies in deeper. Three and three, four and four. Five and five. Six and six. AA.

Both legs are in our legs out at the same time. Arms and legs in one. Inhale. Exhale, two, stretch away. Exhale, three. Inhale, exhale, four, five and six. One leg up, scissor, one, one, one, one. So you're reaching for the ankle or the back of the cab. Two and three and scooping at the same time. Four, four, five, five, six and six.

Bend your knees, drop your head. Hands behind your head. Legs up, head up. Lower lift. Lower heads are up to three. No hop. Four, five Chris. Cross, add one and one. And to um, to tap the knee. Three, tap the knee. Four, five and five and six and six. And Go ahead. One more. Set up, stretch forward.

You can open up your feet, flex them and sit up tall. Two more. Nice. Deep breath in. And exhale. Can I sneeze? Yep. Plus you and tall too, mark. Keep the fee flex. Take advantage of that stretch. Hang out down there for just a moment and come back up. Last one. Nothing like getting the blood flowing and exhale down. Flex. Flex, flex.

We're in both feet together. Here you're gonna go ahead and let's start from the chest that is tall as you can and take both arms straight up. Take a nice deep breath in. Grow Taller. Exhale, arms, come straight down. Inhale, arms up. Exhale, squeeze your bottoms and lift your backs. So again from your chest. Inhale up. Exhale straight down. Lift your spine.

Inhale up and exhale. The tighter you are, the harder this is. And inhale up and exhale straight down. And Hey, lift and exhale from your hips. This time your heads are down, your feet are flat. You're going to skim your hands on the mat and reach for your toes.

Then you're going to pull in your stomachs and round back up. Arms. We'll come shoulder height. Take a nice deep breath in and circle who lifts your backs. So same thing from the hips. Heads down and he'll stretch forward. Exhale, sit up. Tall, deep breath in. Exhale, squeeze are bottoms tumor. Now we'll go a little bit quicker and he'll stretch.

I'll tell sit up tall. Inhale, lift and exhale. One more time and he'll stretch for flex. Look, slugs. I feel sit up, tall, deep breath in and exhale is place our hands at our sides. Move a little bit forward towards your feet. Put your right foot on top of the left. Both legs are straight. You're going to drop your heads and you're going to fall backwards taking the legs with you, so you're going to need support with your hands. You're going to go back, your legs are going to go with you. Once you're back here, re cross your legs or your bottoms are in there, that's fine and then you're going to roll back up.

You can bend the knees and sit up tall. You can keep your hands down and then la dropped the legs. Recross the legs and the same thing. Ready? Use Your hands, push back, take the legs with you. Go to where you can. It might not be all the way up ray, cross come back up.

Go to where you can. If you want to do this and hold it, that's fine and go ahead and drop fluid. Let's do that two more times. Hands at your hips, heads down. Now we'll go a little bit quicker. It'll go back. Legs Go. If you re cross, you can keep your hands all on the mat the whole time or you can challenge that and take the hands off and fall forward. Stretch hands back at the HEADSS Walmart time. Go Back Re Cross, Huh? Up.

Find the position and stretch. Very nice place both feet back apart. Flex to this tall as you can. Take your arms to the side. It's called your spine twist. You're gonna take a deep breath in, twist to the right, both Peter together and flex and exhale, grow taller in your backs. Exhale, pulse Hos so center, so the feet are together. You're going to take a nice deep breath in. You're going to exhale as you're pulsing, you're lifting your backs.

Lift those hips up. Exhale, exhale, center and exhale and center and exhale. Hello there off center. One more set, Paul. Paul's really tall backs and pulse. Pause and reach for your toes. Stretch forward. Yeah, this is comfortable. You can cross your legs, otherwise you can keep your, your leg straight depending on how it feels for your knees. Okay. Okay, good. It's as though you had weights.

You're going to make a diamond with your hands, put that diamond behind your head and lean a little bit forward. Now this is where you want to get those ribs deep into the chest so you're not arching your backs so you're not popping your chest out. You're pulling it back by getting those ribs in. And it's as though you're holding 20 pounds. You're going to stretch your arms out, get their arms really straight.

Now dig those ribs in even deeper. Good. And then the elbows back. Bring the thumbs to the base of the neck. Elbows are wide and stretch. Grow Taller on your backs as you stretch those arms all the way out and bend. Good. And for more n stretch though, you're pushing away some heavy, heavy weight and Ben and three [inaudible]. Good. Go a little bit taller though. And Ben and two and stretch and bend. Yeah, I last one. And stretch and bear.

Now you're going to take those arms to the side instead of tall. Elbows up. Nice, strong arms, ribs back, and inhale like a big hug and exhale, open your chest. Don't let this happen. And inhale and push it away. Exhale, inhale and exhale. Re crush your legs. Same thing, just reversing your breathing.

So now you're your exhale, tightening, and here not powerhouse and inhale, so you're exhaling getting those. Tell me to support deeper in and inhale. [inaudible]. Exhale and inhale, restaurant arms. Go ahead and stand up. Feet together, heels together, toes apart, and take both arms up and you're in a walk down your legs and reach for the toes. Take this slow so you don't lose your balance. You want to keep the weight towards your toes, your and shoulders relaxed, and then you're gonna slowly round up. But as you round up, try to keep your hips on top of your ankles and not lock those knees pulling and one vertebra at a time. It's your roll up on the Mat, the same movement. Arms up nice and tall and take that down all the way. Try to grab onto your legs if you can.

If you want an extra stretch, do so. Otherwise, just go to where you can said, right. Sure, weight is on all 10 toes. Do you need to move the feet? Then do so. And now I'll start a tour around, up, pulling in, letting their shoulders relax, and uh, try to get those heels together. Now told they're apart. This time you're going to go halfway down. So just to the top of the hips and then you're going to stop there. You're going to just let everything relax and give your arms a little push iron.

I'll let that push, take that momentum and circle the arms five times. So now just let them dangle no energy from you. That's it. And now a little push to reverse your circle. Five Times your weight towards your toes. Don't let those hips fall back.

That's it. Now, very slow. Concentrate on getting those hips on top of your ankle. So the way stores the toes as you start to round up said, careful not to lock your knees. Good. That's it. All the way to standing. Both arms are going to come up.

Remember that weights kind of forward and you're pulling up. You're going to rise to your toes, heels together, and then you're going to come back down as you rise up and up and down. Five times they were up to size, up and down. Don't let your shoulder weight fall back at your shoulder. Weight forward. That will help and down and to all the way up.

Grow Taller, lengthening those size and down. And one more time. And Dan, let your arms drop three big circles up and around and fill this in. So shift your shoulder right a little bit forward. There you go. Two and last one and shake them out. And you guys are all done. Good job.


Looks like a great class - just cant heat it - instructor needs to speak up. So disappointed had to stop.
Stephanie, is the volume on this class different to the other classes for you? I'm playing it here at home and it sounds like all the rest to me.
1 person likes this.
I love the instructor's cueing. Great morning workout!
Great class! Clear instruction and easy to follow. I'll be looking out for more of Adrianne's classes for sure!
I loved it all. A different way of doing several of the exercises I have learned and been teaching. Plan to apply for my next class. This method really works for me. I love the ability of being able to keep up with new methods of instructing: terminology, prompts and skills. THANK YOU Pilates Anytime for this site and offering!
Wow, what a fantastic class. Loved it. The cueing was right on.
This is a very well cued beginner type class. Very slow pace which is good for learning an exercise.

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