Class #617

Tower Variations

35 min - Class


Amy offers the first Wall-Unit/Wall-Tower class for Pilates Anytime incorporating many traditional exercises as well as a few variations on a theme. Using Balanced Body equipment, you'll use your Roll Back bar, Push Through Bar (top loaded, blue/light spring), and Long Heavy Leg Springs (purple). Exercises included in this class are Roll Back and Amy adds Chest and Lat Pulls along with Mini Roll Ups with Rotation, Short Spine, Parakeet, Kneeling Mermaid, Swan, Cat, Supine and Side Lying Leg Spring exercises including Ronde de Jambe, Saw, and a fun Roll Over into the Standing Squat Series. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Tower

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Okay. Today we're going to do a wall unit class. So, uh, what we have set up is the rollback bar. We're going to use a blue spring for our push through series, a couple of pieces there, and our purple heavier springs for Legwork for lakes springs and that is about it. So we're going to get started with some rollback and align ourselves up with our legs right up the midline. Do a light press down on your bar, guys, just a little to fire those triceps and lats. And I think I want us to start today with somewhat of a curve in the spine, long neck emerging from those shoulders.

Let's just take a good preparatory inhale. Exhale, Mr [inaudible]. Concentrate today on the breath where you can put your breathing, how deep you can contract inward to your belly, your diaphragm, the expansiveness of lungs and heart and body. So let's take a full breath to rule ourselves back. Inhale, yeah. And we'll exhale all the way down. Inhale, head in Chasse, getting as high as you can with that breath in. Exhale deep into those upper abdominals. Continue carrying that curve over. Take a breath back [inaudible] and exhale, feeling the articulation.

We're visualizing it. At least inhale head and chest as high as you can. Just up off the tips of the Scapula. Exhale deep into those upper abdominal [inaudible]. Keep wrapping those ribs in. Inhale and [inaudible]. Excellent. So this time has, we're down.

We're going to do three pulling of the barge bar to the chest. Inhale to us. Exhale, control the stretch. Shoulders down toward the bra line, elbows wide abdominal supporting the length of the spine and stretch. Let's take a roll up to the top. Inhale, head and chest feeling how those shoulder blades widen on our back. Deep contraction into the upper abdominals and again, same exact piece of a sequence. [inaudible] you like you're reaching your vertebrae back to the mat. Long neck, three times.

Inhale. [inaudible] we know sometimes this is an easy place to puff the Billy or arch the back. Let's try not to keep, oh, nice. Streamline, feel there and inhale, head and chest. The springs are helping us, but we're resisting with that nice contraction into the abdominals from here guys, let's set up to sitting. Pass through it. Bend your knees, bring your heels closer to you. Now let's once again roll back [inaudible] feeling that nice wide chest and collarbone. So let's take a little rotation here. [inaudible] side Bandana rotation.

We're going to go to the left. So I'm going to vision. First of all, my side bend happening while I'm at the Mat. I'm going left side bending, feeling that sideways. Terry note, add a little rotation to it on the left, really deep oblique work, and then coming out of that rotation side bend and we'll lay flat. We'll do three more. We can do an inhale on the up and an exhale on the down. Do More and exhale pooling into that upper belly. One more time. And sometimes these a roll up pieces of movement do start to trigger those neck muscles. So if you need to check your neck every now and again, please do. We're not roll up quite as high. Here we go.

We're going to unlock our elbows and start side bending at a rotation. Inhale as we come up slightly to the right and exhale as we come back. And s finding a level long spine and inhale coming up. Think about pressing your knees towards each other on this side. Maybe it's the right knee, pressing more toward the left and inhale and exhale.

Oops. Excuse me. Now it should be inhale, exhale coming down. It just changed it. One more inhale to come up. An exhale has become down. Lengthen the legs four times. Just place those. Press the arms toward the legs and lift and inhale. Annex feeling how long in through your pelvis, your legs reaching from your hips. Energy through the tip of the head. Now we roll up.

Inhale, exhale. Again, carry that curve. Crown of the head. Following that bar you guys, we're going to transition for a little short spite and so let's put our right hand on the bar. We'll turn toward the left. It's a clean sweep so we don't bump each other. I think to hold the outside's your go. Just you're at the playground and loop those knees over. Hands at the frame.

The poles like to get a pretty good long reach, not locked elbows but fairly straight and then pressing the feet to the mat. Okay. Now I also have organized the rollback bar with the clip facing out. That's a little nicer on the side of the knees. Just a little side note there. I'm going to do two each direction. So let's take our first movement. Inhale thighs to the chest and now squeeze those hamstrings, but you're rolling up pulling up into those, up his upper abdominals.

I'm going to take us up to the bigger one here. We could just roll down right there, but let's go up, knees up, hips up, find their high hamstring, two-year low butt and just give a good contraction. Feel as though you're also trying to reach your body long across the mat. Roll toes down, and the hard part, I believe here is the articulation rolling down, trying to get the sequential motion and again, inhale thighs to chest. Exhale and inhale high pelvis, long spine. SoK to press through the arms here.

It's actually a nice way to feel a little more security and stability. Good. You guys roll through the feet and now here we go. Upper abdominals, middle abdominals, lower abdominals, and find the plot point right on the pelvis. Let's reverse it. Sophie Peel up before we float our bridge. Feel that connection arms into the Poles right at the base of the hamstring and the glutes. You're very connected. Now from there, just lift up into the bridge, up onto the shoulders, flex at the hips. Inhale there and exhale. Begin to roll down the spine.

Says another place to feel the opposition pushing with the arms. Feel as though you're reaching your tail. End to the mat. Feet down. Once again, let's peel up. Feeling that solid line back is engaged. Glutes are working, trying very hard not to pull with the arms. Float yourself up. Flex at the hips.

Inhale and exhale. As we peel down, pushing with the arms, can you create more length between every vertebrae in your spine? Sometimes it's just an image or a thought. If we're going to hold that position, taking the arms away, fold your knees in and on loop. We're going to take that rollback bar off of the frame. Now we no longer need this. While we're up, we're going to go with a top loaded blue spring.

Let's go with our parakeets. Do either of you need stickies for your feet? Okay, the bar, sometimes feats get sweaty. Slippery. You could put a non-slip there. A good, okay. Nice sense of connection with the feet. There's an image that comes to me today. Well, I have my feet like suction cups just holding onto the bar.

This a nice solid connection. Feel your body quite long. You guys. Ribs are in softly, nothing to engage too tight here. Let's inhale. Float the knees toward the chest and allow the feet to roll on the bar. So now you're more in the arch. Let's go ahead and peel up a full breath. Ah, let's just enjoy being here for a breath and we can maybe get that pelvic tilt a little bit deeper. We'll do three alternating leg movements, right leg first we inhale.

Why don't you to exhale back to the bar changing legs standing very strong on that right side. Exhale back to the bar. We're painting the sky. We want to go up a little higher to touch that bar. Inhale, [inaudible] once again, each direction and our pelvis isn't dropping. We've got a very solid base here and down. Appealing through the spine. Legs are remaining straight. Yeah. Now guys, before we go all the way through and bend the knees again, let's just stay right here. Can you stretch your tail? Extend your spine. Okay, here's our surprise and a good [inaudible] workout for the 100 of course we pump in and we have inhale three, four, five x sail, stretching the tail down. Three. Now start to bend your knees. I'm going to have you pass this far slowly, ah, ah, let's say four, five and exhale.

Six [inaudible] seven eight Jack your neck, nine 10 parakeet. Once again, no more 100 in a row. Since if that sacred mass is tilted under that pelvic rotation, I'm thinking my sacred to my heels, to the bar, to the wall. So really reaching myself that direction as I'm also pulling up into those upper abdominals. Lots of sense of opposition. Let's just do one each side, right leg. Inhale, satisfy that stretch and exhale to the bar left side. I don't know if one feels right. Let's do, we'll go through our three and off and return and lift and turn.

Getting stretch getting strength. Last one. [inaudible] Brene and let's roll down space between every vertebrae reaching long toward the wall and as you can. Yeah, let's go ahead and bend the knees. Place that breached the bar forward. Now the way I want us to transition out of the Piercy, I'm going to put my left foot on the mat and a bend my right knee and start to help myself up just so the bar doesn't get away from the foot. There we go. Alright, let's come up for a little side bend.

Kneeling Mermaid will face. Yeah, so left hand on the bar. Let's do the position guys with our feet tucked up against on the mat we've got our toes tucked or heels together. Our knees are just open about hip with a s I s with, we'll start with our bar down already. We're going to take our other arm today just behind her head and feel the back of the neck for a minute. Reaching into the hand. Say, really feeling your neck? Yeah. Okay, so those arm of support here externally, rotate your humorous guys just a little. Yeah. Okay. Soften that left elbow. We're going to inhale on the side bend. Here we go. Inhale, we open the ribs and exhale. Let's come back to center.

So the lower half of the body is from hips down. Uh, engaged, contracted hamstrings and glutes are contracted. Inhale and exhale. We'll add rotation as we exhale. So we started again. Inhale, opening that chest. Now exhale, as we rotate without turning the hips. Inhale back to the side bend and exhale up to vertical and to more generous side bend. Exhale, pulling that chest, the sternum into the body to widen the back. Inhale, rotate high and exhale all the way up. Once more, how stretched. Open more and more. Stretch more. Stretch EQ. That's it. You guys can twist back to the side bend, but don't come up yet.

You're in your side. Bend. Can you side bend a little bit more, little bit more. I'm going to have a shift so that the right leg can l straighten out to the side just for a little test of balance in a way. So there we are and this might look like a little mat. Kneeling side bend, having that leg into internal rotation. Let's try three leg lifts. Try not to move this bar too much. It'll go a little bit. Hook into the lat. Here we go. Exhale. We go up. Inhale, we reach long.

Exhale, lift up and reach long. Kinda fun. That'll lift. Lower the leg return. Bend that knee in. Bring your body back up to kneeling and you can bend your left elbow. Lower the right arm. Other side. All right. [inaudible]. Okay.

Okay, so engage through the bottom of the half half of the body. Glutes, helping to open up those hip flexors and hip joints. Hand behind the head and our bar starts down. All right, the inhale to yawn, the rims, and exhale to return and inhale the yawn through the left rib cage and exhale to lift up through the upper abdominals. And inhale. Yeah. [inaudible] three more. Adding rotation. Do the hips stay facing that front direction. We of course really concentrate middle back, the racich rotation.

So I'm thinking as I rotate to the right, I almost press my right hip more forward because it would want to swing back often. Not every time. Last one, we inhale to the side. Exhale, rotate. Inhale, return. Now let's just stay there. See if we get to squeeze a little more exhale into the side bend. So much that we can free up the left leg. Stretch it out into internal rotation.

Let's take an inhale. We're going to do three. Exhale. Try to lift the left thigh. Inhale Lower and the left elbow to the ceiling may help free the leg up that energetic going up. Lift Oo and slide that knee in and really stack up to our sitting talls on the knee position. Okay, let's go into a little swan here. So Dan, we go. Okay.

Thinking to with straight arms too with the f more f a bent elbow position. A full swan is I learned at, so as we began, let's get ourselves set up for a moment. I'm going to have a start in which with a head that's floating off of the Mat, I'm not dropped all the way down. Weight on the pubic bone, elbows extended but not locked and hyper extended. Here we go engage through the hamstring. So let's take a full breath. Inhale coming up. You want to float the chest an exhale as we come down, pulling up into the upper abdominals, that strength into the upper belly. Once again like that inhale, I'm thinking long through my legs.

Okay, head is nice and light and exhale as we come down. Actually one more like that you guys and again I think kind of the bars pushing us where resisting, although we only have a blue spring, so we're doing quite a bit of this on our own. No three bending the elbows. So as you bend your elbows behind your back, keep the head hanging down. What I'd like you to think about doing is pulling the shoulder blades towards each other, contracting the muscles towards your back. Start lifting the back. [inaudible] put your hand around the bar and let the bar carry you up.

Work to keep your legs together. Float the chest. Now as we come down, I want us to bend the elbows behind the head. With the bar down we go with stretch security arms. I think we'll need a full breath cycle for full swan. Inhale and exhale. [inaudible] inhale the band. Open the heart and exhale as we reach.

Once again, inhale to bend the elbows. Exhale. [inaudible] can we lift a little more before we come down and think of going? That's it. I see it. And inhale using the back and exhale all the way forward.

Beautiful guys. Put one hand on the Mat. I'm going to say kind of crawl up from a prone position. Any one cat real quick just to stress your lumbar. Then we'll get into our leg springs. Okay. Alright. Nice. Sits bones with the part once again, the lower half of our body and contracted in a healthy way.

Inhale as we press them, getting on the front of the Sh, uh, the knee joints there. You could go so far that your shins float and your feet float you. The light spring is going to actually kind of allow us to uh, curve, but you're going to feel like you fall contract deep into those upper abdominal muscles. Now let's not exaggerate the extension cause we just did one. What if you just simply release your sacrum and lumbar and search for more of a long spine rather than not hyper extended spine.

Breathe here and then keep the bar where it is round the lumbar. How round can you get the lumbar before you have to pull the bar back contract deep into those upper abdominal muscles, pull yourself up, widen your upper back, stay on those knees, contract those hamstrings, keeping the arms straight. That should do it. Okay, great. Okay, so we're going to lower our bar and we'll move into some a supine leg springs. Again, we've got our heavier leg springs, but we've attached them pretty low, uh, to prepare us for some of the side leg work as well. We've got our purple could absolutely use yellow too, and I'm going to ask us again and put her hands on the poles and push the heel of the hand into the pole. Hands are pretty low in the polls. Let's start with the frog position.

Tabletop with their knees open and our pelvis and sacrum are very anchored and we'll just do about five frogs, maybe guys, five or six. Just a nice sense of length here, low abs into the pelvis and Xcel recontract up into the upper abdominals and inhale sense of letting the femurs move away from the pelvis joints a bit. What brings us back in is the abdominal diaphragmatic contraction and inhale as we stretch, should feel some back muscles [inaudible] and two more. Inhale, we stretch and join the length and exhale return. And just one more. We're going to go out there and hold means we'll add a little heel beat and inhale. Exhale.

[inaudible] four, three, two, one. Hold the leg straight. Let's close parallel. So from this position, if we float the legs up and going into leg circles, we'll take six each direction. Moving down first inhale and exhale around and together feeling the opposition, the hands against the Poles. Four [inaudible]. It's almost a sense of the hip flexors getting relaxed right there.

If you can connect to that last one this way and around no. Reverse for six we have open those hamstrings and inner hamstrings, nice long spinal muscles and reached down. It's a nice opportunity here to relax the neck if you can feel that engaging more through the sides of the shoulder blades. Three more and reaching down. S heavy, sacred [inaudible], heavy sacred. One more you guys. Open and down. Endless hold right here. Okay, I'm going to have us go a slight external rotation.

Bring the left leg up a little bit of spring, staying open at the top. This left a right leg touching the mat. We're going to go into our bicycle and we like to work with the dragging heel on our bicycle so we drag that right heel in and throw it. Reach the leg up and drag the left heel in and reach up. [inaudible] and these can be a nice continuous, airy, ooey, gooey, stretchy bicycle peddling open and open and reach running on the moon.

Also comes to mind, ANA and up. Let's no pause. Reverse it. He'll push us out. He'll push us out. [inaudible] [inaudible] four and up, three and f two and reach last one, end reach. And let's bring both legs together and we'll turn to our left sides.

We'll reach, release, release the left foot, spring, leg, spring. Just keep that spring on turn to the side. And what I like for the arm, your bottom arm straight really long and straight like you're reaching for the wall. Head down on that arm. We know to align the body back to the back edge of the mat and we've got those boxes at the front. We really haven't used them yet. So what we can reference guises, bring both legs down and move your legs to almost to the feet to the front of that, that little moon box there in case they're slightly bent in the hips. No. If we just take that top like now and turn it out, we'll do up and down four times. We know not to hike that hip.

So let's raise the leg. Feel as though you're still reaching your sits bones to the other end of the mat. And let's pull down one and up and draw down and contract to draw down and lift and hold right there. Now Front four times just front reach toward Leah with my foot. Just pull to the other two, the other leg, hip flection.

Now when those hip flection exercises, we know the stomach muscles very deeply engaged, high in the belly. See if you can get your leg a little higher this time. And now let's go up and down again for more. Can you get more external rotation? Top of the Femur, rotating in the hip, up with the leg down with the leg. Last one up with the leg and down with the leg. Now as we go back, you want us to go very far? Two reasons. The spring is on the side here.

If you go too far back or we're going to could lose it and get a little wonky with their hips is you extend your leg behind you, you lengthen. Don't go for distance. Um, backward. Go for distance out in space and then bring it to the other leg. And three more. So it's a reach. There's still energy through the chest and we bring the leg to the other leg.

We're staying balanced on her hips, feeling some of the gluteal muscle work and leg in last time and leg in. Now I would like us to go to Rhonda, Jon, four times each way. Let's come forward first. Lift your leg. There it is at the top of the leg at the hip. Rotate in, draw the leg down, feeling the glute work and sweep the leg forward. We are going to go a little quicker. Front up, back and sweep two more. And lift. Rotate down and sweep. Last one, lift around and sweet. Pull it to the other leg.

Reverse and take it to the front and down. Back. Always thinking I'm thinking femur head reaching to my foot at all times. [inaudible] last one and back. Lift around and close plenty. Let's go ahead and take that strap away and just put that down on the back of that shoulder and then roll onto my back. Change this around a slight bit.

Alright, so starting in the external rotation with that leg, getting yourself set up, long arm stacked pelvis, legs, just lightly forward to the boombox. Okay. Stabilize that top shoulder. It looked good. Actually on the first side you can catch me if I'm wobbling my shoulder. So turning out, let's take it up. We want to work those high inner leg muscles to contract and pull the leg down and up.

Contract high inner thigh down and three [inaudible] and for, and then taking it forward four times hip flection. Use the back of the leg to contract the abdominals. Contract in hamstring contracts to move the leg leg forward, leg back, leg four a little further, little further, little further and center up and down again for four. Wow. [inaudible] [inaudible] and again, back for four.

I'm going to have this put my left hand here on my pelvis for a little reference. It's going to hold for moment and move the leg to center. Moving the leg but not the hip and bringing it back to center. And two more reaching back and pulling in. And last one going for length on that diagonal and moving in. Rhonda Zama starting forward. Front up.

Rotate and move the leg back and down. Keeping that top waist extended. Lee Long. Oh sure. Boy that hip hiking and two more up. Rotate. Add down. Last one.

Oh, okay. Rotate an yeah, a little transition and back [inaudible] front and they out reaching law. So the spring is helping carry our leg, but we're working quite hard to keep our hip stack the length from femur to foot and in last one and up and around and two together. Okay, let's take her late spring off. Let's do one more pattern and I'm gonna have us go back to the blue top loaded spring.

I'm gonna incorporate one mat rollover with some saw and some standing squats. So versus this aim, get kind of prepared where you'd want to have your hands ready for holding on and your feet would be ready at some point here. Okay. But we're not going to use this yet. So let's bring the legs together. Have our arms reach forward. Just do a nice easy roll back. Just an easy roll back. Oh, that feels delightful.

Now let's draw the les, move the legs up to the ceiling. We'll take a breath and we'll exhale into overhead. Please continue. I need to re Mount Light. Yes ma'am. Yes, my source here. And Flex your feet. Let your legs open to the width of your mat. Breathe in hard flex.

I'll catch you up and rolling down your back. Shoulders nice and wide and open legs can come down to the mat. Just roll up any old way. We're not going to get too specific, but I do want us to do, here is a nice hinge forward. So if we lift the spine, he goes, oh, from the tailbone up through the tip of the head, you've got little air pillows made me throw our back. So if we take ourselves back into a hinge first, both hands on that's released, we'll do saw going to the right inhale as we rotate away and exhale as we rotate forward, we'll do four of them. Inhale as we rotate away and exhale as you rotate and reach and in trying to care, cut it really carved through space. We're not touching the viral.

When we come around the front, we're not hooking on lift and center. Let's take that right arm up. Return to a nice tall body and I think what we'll do is come up to our standing squat here. So we're going to use the glutes and legs and just stand ourselves up. Stand with the feet together.

Let's go with three of our squats with two legs. I'm able to go all the way down. It feels fine for me. You don't have to go all the way. You may just, you just did. You may want to just stop halfway with your pelvis and thighs on the same line. That'd be fine too. Let's go one more like that. Guys. Check your shoulders, Miss. Bring the energy down through the Scapula a little bit and up.

Now we've just completed our third one. So let's go ahead and sit all the way back down. We're going to start the entire pattern all over again. Okay, so let's release the legs. Release the hands, find a nice curve for would take a breath going back through the roll back again. Legs reaching to the wall. Down we go. Let's just reach the legs up. Inhale, coming up and over the shoulders. Flexing the feet. Let's open the legs. Breathe in and rolling all the way down.

Keeping those shoulders anchored on the Mat. It's okay to lower the legs. Let's just, yeah, roll all the way up. Reach up to the sky, man. Stoop my hips forward and lift. So we'll do that. Saw again guys. Four times a start coming to the left versus hinge back. You're good. I love it. And greed, Eh, can maybe have a little more play this time cause we know what it feels like.

Really go for it. Reach and around there we go. And around and center. Just take that arm and lift up to the bar. Okay. Legs together. Bring yourself up to standing. Challenge our quads. Challenge our balance with a one leg, so definitely on the one leg for me today.

I'm not going to take myself too low. I'm going to squat down my left leg trying to just hold that position for a moment. Now how about three up we go and down tracking the left knee straight to the wall and using the quad to help stand up and lift will change legs as we're down in the squat. Change left leg. So there's the prep three times and so just enough use of the latch shoulder girdle pressing down. We're not really pulling backward off the wall unit.

Really just using it for a bit of counterbalance and up last one and down lift. I want us to go all the way down. One more time. [inaudible] I think we deserve one. Nice forward push through is the easy stretch. So here we go. I'm going through with straight arms. Keep a good reach on the bar. Good hand hold.

[inaudible] you'll see variations. Of course, some of you might want to do a flat back pushed through piece. That's fine. Some of you might want to stay in your flection moving through either one. [inaudible] take three more breaths together. [inaudible] and then as we restack very slowly, my observation was I loved hearing us breathe together. I love the thought of us thinking about how we were throughout the workout.

I know it feel, yeah, like I could stop. Actually. I'd love to keep working, but it's time to stop and we'll wait for another class. Thanks guys.


Paola Maruca
This class is the proof that the PA family really listens and puts lots of effort and passion in what it does. I am sure that many out there who, like me don't have a cadillac but a tower have been asking for a class like that for a while and once again you guys listened. On top of's a class from Amy (whom I adore by the way).....soooooooo...just wat to say....PA rocks!!!!!!!!!
4 people like this.
100% agree with paola, all of my classes our tower at my studio, so this is so helpful. Some great ideas Amy! Your cueing is so thorough! PA is the best! Keeps me thinking............
2 people like this.
Really nice! Know how hard it is for you guys to try to accomodate everyones request. PA is awesome! About to watch this one thru , might just get motivated this morning to open my tower up. I left a request almost a week ago for roller work on the reformer.. hint hint hint Amy! We love you.. Jamie
I'm so excited to see this! I have the balanced body spring board. It doesn't have the push thru bar. I'm sure I could still take this class, but what variations could I substitute for the push thru bar?
Joan Bee
Yay!!!! I'm new to PA and am also thrilled to see a class for Tower. I built my own springboard using BB springs and handles. I am now crafting a plan to incorporate a push-thru bar. Maybe I'll post the results when I figure it out! Amy, thanks for great cues, excellent pacing and a fantastic class!
Be still my beating heart! I can't wait to watch/practice this one! I teach the Pilatesstick so this will give me some new fun Amy stuff! Love love love PA....another comment to follow - post view!
Robin D
Flippin' LOVE PA! I too have towers off of my Reformers, and my clients love it when I mix it up. This certainly gave me more ideas! Thank you Amy + models!
Excellent class.
Amazing class Amy!! thank you soo much .. you are full of brilliant ideas. This gives a great workout. Thanks again :)
Thank you everyone, wow! I appreciate all the feedback and support and we WILL get more Wall-Unit/Tower classes up soon. This response is very positive and I know PA appreciates do I!! You guys are awesome, thank you!!
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