Class #647

Powerhouse Circle

55 min - Class


Monica calls the Magic Circle "The Powerhouse circle" for a reason! Let her cue your way deeper into your powerhouse as you work with the Circle throughout the class. The depth is in the details.
What You'll Need: Mat, Magic Circle

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Feb 29, 2012
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Um, let's go ahead and just start lying down. So perfect. Just lie down and then have your circle pretty close to you. Alright, so we're going to do a class today with the magic circle, and I like to call it the powerhouse circle rather than the magic circle, just to really emphasize that you want to always pull your powerhouse in. That's what we do. Imply these, right?

We use our powerhouse for every single exercise. So I want you to think always powerhouse before you squeeze the circle, whether you're squeezing it with your hands or whether you're squeezing it with your inner and outer thighs and bottom. Always use your powerhouse first. Go ahead and bend your knees. I'll make it a little, you can have your legs straight if you want, but usually it's nicer with your back to be nice and flat like that. So always use your powerhouse first when squeezing the circle. And we'll just go over a little bit. How do you put, where do you put this?

Circle when you want to squeeze it, so that really works for you. The nice thing about the circle is it's just an iron circle surrounded by rubber to make it more user friendly, but you can squeeze it as hard as you want to getting the most out of your workout, but you also can squeeze it as little as you want to. So you know if you're, if you're feeling really taxing, you don't have to kill yourself using it. So know that it's got a good range or if you're ever injured your son or feel weaker, you can feel like you can still use it, but you don't have to work it totally crazy. It's very versatile. Okay, so when we hold the circle between our hands for our arm work, go ahead and grab your circle and reach it up to the ceiling. You want to hold it between the heels of your hands, just the like right below the Paul. There you go. Good and long.

Straight fingers so you don't want your hands gripping. We're never going to grip the circle. It's always going to be a long straight hand. And you're doing a great job candy because you have long, straight wrist and long arms. Now I want you to drop your shoulder bones into the mat. Good.

And try to slide your shoulder blades down away from your neck. Yes. Good. And now can you see how your elbows are kind of pointing down towards your feet? I want you to keep your hands where they are, but use your arm muscles to turn your elbows kind of out to the side like that. And we're going to turn it just a little bit. Turning them up like that. [inaudible] that engages more of the triceps and now all of the arm.

So when you squeeze that circle, and Candice, I want you to just bend your elbows a little bit cause we don't want to hyper extend the elbow. Good. And the same thing, we don't want our elbows ever pointing down towards our feet when to keep your shoulders where they are, but rotate that elbow out to the side and now you've engaged the back of the arm more, little straighter in the arm. Perfect. Good. And how are we doing? Same thing over here, Michelle. We're gonna just drop your shoulder bones a little bit. Pull them away from your ears. Good. And now again, no elbows pointing towards your knees. Soften them up a little bit and lift them up a little bit like that. Good.

Great. Okay. Now when we squeeze a circle with our arms, you're always going to do what? Pull your powerhouse in first. So anchor your lower belly into your back and now give it all you got. Squeezed that circle. Fantastic release. Let's try that one more time.

Pull your belly into your back and squeeze that circle and feel every muscle in your arm working. Hold it, and release. Let's do it one more time. Let's hold it for five counts as I'm pulling in and hold it. Two, three, four, five and release. Nice job. Go ahead and bring it down and separate your feet so they're in line with your hip bones and let's go ahead and place the pads between your thighs, just a little bit above your knees. Good. There's a lot of lymph nodes there, so sometimes it can get a little uncomfortable. You're going to want it to be vertical perfect and like that. Good and feet a little closer together. Right in line with these two bones.

Very good. You can let go. Your knees can go open so that you're not squeezing. There you go. In restaurants, one thing you guys did really, really well, we squeezed with your arms is you didn't completely go like this with your chest. You kept your shoulders open when you squeeze. That's very hard to do, to keep that in mind when we're working later on to not completely go concave with your chest, but to still keep a nice square open box. So that was fantastic. All right, so now we get squeezed the circle. Everyone has really strong legs. We could squeeze the heck out of the circle with our legs, but a lot of times we need to wake up our bottom.

So without squeezing that circle with your legs at all, I want you first to pull your belly in. And then imagine that you have like the winning lottery ticket between your cheeks. And I want you to squeeze like mad your cheeks to grab that winning lottery ticket. And I'm not talking like $1 million, I'm talking like you know the $500 billion winning lottery ticket, the one that might let you buy a beach house over here and actually afford to pay the taxes and all that stuff with it. So squeeze your bottom to squeeze that circle and then allow your inner and outer thighs to also engage in. Squeeze that and hold it for two, three, four, five and release. Let's try that again. Pull your belly in, always first like crazy. Then squeeze that lottery ticket and then your inner and outer thighs help to squeeze two, three, four, five and release. Good.

Now we're gonna add a little bit of, I'm a more awareness and a little bit of flexibility in your spine. So we're gonna roll up our bottom one bone at a time. So what I would like is candy. Bring your feet in a little bit more towards you. Sorry. Not closer to yes, good. And have them nice and flat so they can. There you go. Great. All right, so pull your belly in. Squeeze that winning lottery ticket, squeeze with the inner and outer thighs.

Now keep the circle tight and try to tilt your pelvis as if you're lifting. Gesture tail, bone up, keeping your feet on the mat. Everything stays down, but your tailbone, your waistband is even pressing deeper into the mat. So I want her to significant pelvic tilt and now lift just your waistband and tailbone, keeping the Bra strap down. As long as you can keep that bra strap down for me, Candace, and then lift the bra strap so that your back is straight and you have a line from your shoulders to your knees and nothing else is on the mat. Good. Hold it. Keep the circle tight and really articulate by dropping your chest bone, your ribs, your bra strap, or the bottom of your shoulder blades, the middle of your back, going down one bone at a time.

Your waistband all the way down, so you roll through the sacrum and your tailbone is down. Relax that circle. Whew. You guys worked that, didn't you? Oh, well, we're going to add 10 beats when we're up there and they're going to try to be from our bottom. One thing when you're up there, try not to keep going up and down with your bottom. Hold it steady on that plane while you pump the circle. Okay? Once we're up there, here we go. We're going to first pull in the belly. Then school we like crazy or bottom and then the internet or size help out and you're going to tilt your pelvis. As you roll up your tailbone, your waist span, your bra strap. Everything's up. Your straight line from shoulders to knees.

Hold it there and let's pull, set. Circle 10 times one from your seat to make it seat four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Hold it tight with your bottom and again, tilting your pelvis towards your roll down. You're really dropped that chest bone a little bit more. There you go. Rolling it through and finally relaxing down when you come with the tailbone.

Oh, candy. How are you doing over here? Anything hurting or you're feeling it? Doing good. Okay. We're going to do it just one more time and then we're going to get ready for our hundred, so we're going to first pull in your belly, squeeze your seat like crazy. Good job. Then squeeze with the inner and outer thighs and tilt your pelvis as you roll up your tailbone first. Then your waistband length in the back of your neck, so you're still, yes, you never want to be looking behind. You. Try to create a straight line from knee to shoulders and now pulse it 10 times.

One, two from here, three, four, press five, six, seven, eight, nine. Hold it tight with your seat and then roll down your ribs in your middle and your waistband and all the way down to your tailbone. Nice job. Good. All right, we're going to pull your belly and even more and you can squeeze that circle as you draw your knees into your chest. Take the circle away and put it between your ankles. Now see if you can have straight legs up to the ceiling.

Good. And now we're gonna understand how do you hold the circle between your ankles. Same thing, except now I want you to have a slight turnout in your leg so that your knees and toes are pointing a little bit away from each other. And so as if you can see your inner thighs, I want you to think, I don't ever want to hide my inner thighs when I'm squeezing this circle. That way you can feel more outer thighs and see. So first, pull your belly in tight, then squeeze that winning lottery ticket.

And now squeeze with the inner and outer thighs. Hold it without pulsing and release and bullying your belly and squeeze with that bottom. And then let your legs help you and release. And one more time. Pull in the belly more. Squeeze your seat. There you go. And squeeze and release.

Go ahead and bend the knees towards your chest. Keep that circle and I want you to pull your belly and tight long arms on the mat and using your stomach longer arms on the mat for me. Candy, using your stomach, lift up your head all the way up to look at your belly. Come up a little bit higher with your shoulders, good long arms. And now I want you to squeeze your circle from your bottom to an angle that you use. You can keep your back flat on the Mat. Go out straight. Good. That's it. Yes. Turning out those knees and lets pump pumping. I'm sorry, the arms are pumping. Now. One, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five in with the air. Exhaling, your belly should go deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper in with the air and exhaling. Try to make [inaudible] get a fluid. Inhale this time.

Inhale. Nice and exhale. Really pulling in the belly. That's already 40 and exhaling. Good. Making sure you can see your inner thighs at all times. Good and exhaling. Drop in that belly more. Remember you can squeeze a circle as little, but you know as much as you want to.

We could really give our bottom a good workout right here if we keep waking it up while we're doing the a hundred if your neck gets tired, lower your head down. That's definitely okay. We're going to do one more big breath and exhale. You really squeeze that circle with your seat and pull the belly in more hugging the knees to your chest. Nice job. Hug a man, hug a man. Good. Go ahead and rock up to a seated position right on up. And you're going to put the circle between your thighs right above your knees.

Same spot. It was earlier and the feet are going to be more in line with your hip bones, but really bent knees. So you were in a perfect position. You were good. Yes. I'm just going to bring this foot in a little bit so it looks just like this one. There we go. Now we're going to place your hands underneath your knees. One hand under each knee. Good. And I love it. Right now we have our box. This is the foundation of Polis. Everything's your box, right?

Keep your shoulders right over your hips. But I need your belly to really round your body. Okay? So keep your shoulders over your hips, but round your back as much as you can. Head to your chest, pulling your stomach into your lower back. So this is still pretty straight, Candace. I know you can pull back more.

Yas that. All right, great job. Good. All right, now from your bottom, squeeze that circle and let's pull your belly away from your thighs. Your thighs will stay there and you're going to roll back your waistband onto the mat, pulling back, back waistband. Come on, get it down. Get it down. Take a breath and exhale. Keep your belly as far from your legs as you can. As you come back up and feel free to use your hands as much as you need to and pull your belly in. Squeeze that circle and pull your lower belly away from your thighs. Gorgeous, Michelle. Nice job getting your waistband down. Take a breath. Exhale, pull in your belly more and squeeze to come all the way up.

Getting that seat now, if you can, Candace, I love for your feet to follow the line of your hip bones. There we go. All right, and now again, take a breath. Exhale, pull back in that belly. Squeeze that circle from your bottom. Roll down through your waist and let's see if you can get your bra strap down this time, all the way down your bra strap. Take a breath and exhale all the way up. Pull it in your belly away from your legs as you squeeze. Great job.

One more like that. Taking a breath. Exhale, squeeze your bottom for the circle. Great job. Nice initiation from that powerhouse. Going through the waistband, down to your bra strap. Take a breath and exhale. Come back up. Pooling in squeezing from your bottom as much as you can. Good. We're going to go all the way down this time, but now we're going to inhale. As we start rolling back, go ahead and inhale to start rolling back and exhale until your head is on the mat. Once you can't exhale anymore, wants you to inhale to lift up your head, back up to your chest. Inhale up.

Exhale all the way up until you're almost kissing the magic circle with your belly in and in health. To start rolling back, squeezing your C and exhale all the way down until your head is on the mat. Inhale, lift your head right up. Exhale, pull it in your belly more. Squeeze with the spotting, good job, and one last time down in with the air. And exhale, squeeze that circle. Roll each bone down in a straight line and guess what? You get to stay there. Nice.

Now I'm going to take the circle away and you're going to put it down by your side. All you do is slide your knees together and your feet together and you're ready for the next exercise. So even though you don't have a circle, that doesn't mean your bottom gets to take a break and it gets to just relax and fan out. You're still going to be trying to keep it engaged. We're going to draw your belly in and hug in the right knee to your chest. Then extend the leg up to the ceiling and have it a slight turnout so you're not hiding that inner thigh again and put your hands behind your thigh. Avoid the knee and pull it towards you for a good stretch.

Nice job keeping your shoulders open. Very good. Good. Now I want you to place your hands on your hip bones. Now, the ones that I've had been talking about earlier, right here, good and right here, and really pull your belly below your hands. You're pulling your stomach in so deep into your back that it's like sinking below. I'm going to put your hands on your noodle. These guys, those bones, you can feel them. Good. You're doing great, Michelle. Now we're going to remember that box I was talking about. We're going to make a circle, crossing our box, go down a bit, and then pull it back up with our belly. Perfect and cross around and up.

We're going to try to go as quickly as we can without moving our hipbones right. Scoop in more. I know your belly can pull in more. Cross around up. That's great. Two more crusts around. Lift one more cross around lift. We're going to go the other way, which is straight down. Cross the body around, up. Good down. Cross the body around up. Make sure you don't go out but down.

Cross the body and up. Good down. Cross the body and up. Two more. Make it a little more fluid. That's nice. Hugging that knee. We definitely can go. Go ahead and bend that knee and we can go bigger and grander and all that. But first we want to make sure that our hip bones are not moving in this exercise.

Place that foot next to your left on the mat and hug in your left knee. Beautiful. Straighten the leg up to the ceiling. Good and grab behind that leg. Nice everyone feeling a good stretch there. Good hands. Go now.

Right on top of those hipbones and we're gonna use your belly to pull that leg up to your nose. Cross the frame around and up. Nice and fluid. Cross around enough. So keeping those hip bones a little more quiet. Bull in. There you go. Nice. Two more. Cross around. Last one crusts around and go the other way.

Go more down than cross the body and up. Good. When you cross, make sure you don't hide your inner thighs so your outer thigh can get a better workout there. And two more down, around and up. Last time down around and up and hugging that knee. Great job. And I want you to use that knee to help you sit on up. And we're going to lift our bottom all the way to the front edge of the mat so we can do rolling like a ball. Good. Yep. Grab onto your ankles. Actually I think your right.

Grab under your knees. That's it. Good. And leave your feet on the mat and try to pretend you're doing the exercise we just did where we left our legs, where they were and we pulled our belly in and we rolled down our waistband. So you go ahead and pull your belly button away from your legs. Good. Let me see that Michelle. That's it. Now eyes on your belly. Don't let it pop out.

And you're going to try to balance with one foot up off the mat and then keep your belly in that much and bring the other foot up. Good. And now we're going to balance like that. Relax your shoulders if you can keep that belly in. And we're going to roll back our waist band all the way back to roll like a ball. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, roll right up and balance. So let's rest our feet back down.

So what we're going to work on is the goal here and that is to not push out our belly when we come up. And so that instead of doing this, we're really in a serious scoop every time we'd come up and those feet don't touch the floor, right? So we're gonna pull back in that nice scoop and then balanced with one foot up and then the other. And you've got it right. So we're going to pull back and roll back or roll back and exhale. Hold it. Let me see it. That's what I want you to get every time. Candy. Nice job. Inhale, roll back. You exhale. Squeeze out all your air to come up.

Good. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, roll up. Very nice. Two more. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, roll up. Good. Last one. Pull back your belly way from your legs. Pull right back up. Now you guys have done that so well. I want you to hold all that and we're going to advance to putting your hands on top of your ankles. Beautiful, and look down at your belly.

Very important and make sure you're holding one hand on each ankle. There you go. And you can open your knees a little bit. That might help you, but keep your feet together and we're going to roll back. Inhale, roll back. Exhale. That's it. One more time. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, lift. Right on. Good job. Rest your feet down. Very impressive. Nice work. All right, we're going to make sure we're centered in our mat, our bottom centered, and then go ahead and lie down all the way. Very nice or right. Good.

We're going to do sing the whole series of fives. The good news is when you do one leg, you can't really use a circle. So when we are using both legs, we will use a circle. But for the first one, single leg stretch, no circles. So we're going to bend the right knee into your chest. Good. And put your right hand on your ankle right there. Good.

And your left hand on your knee. Use your powerhouse to lift up your head. Look at your stomach. It should be scooped like so and like so you don't have any hip or problems or anything. Do you? To Bend your elbows for me and pull that like right there. Good. Now keep your belly and super scooped and extend the left leg a little bit up towards the ceiling. Good. And we're gonna use your stomach to switch legs.

Switch, switch right and left. Now I don't care what your hands do, right and left and right. I do care that your belly has never been scooped in so much. Look at your belly. Make sure it's scooped in as if I grabbed an ice cream scooped or scooper and I just scooped it out. Good. I do care that when you extend the leg, your bottom is squeezing belly in. Squeeze your seat. Good. Scoop it in. Last set, right knee in, left knee in, and hug both knees in and rest your head down.

Grab your handy circle right there and put it between your ankles. Good. We're going to do the double version of this so the hands are going to go right on the ankle. Still good, and you're going to pull your powerhouse. Then of course, lift up your head good. And I want your arms to go straight up to the ceiling while your legs go forward. Okay. That simultaneously. So that's the position. Good at the same time. And now pull it back together. Good. Inhale, reach. Exhale, pull in. Inhale, reach. Exhale, pull in and rest your head down. And we're gonna take just a quick little break. Good. All right, you guys are trying super hard and you're doing what I would like to do too.

And that is you're squeezing a little more with your feet then your seat. So we want to make sure we're squeezing with our seat. If you want, you can rest your feet down on the mat. So when you extend your legs, if you're squeezing the circle, can I do this sitting down? Let's see if you're squeezing with your toes or going in a little bit and then the knees are going in a little bit. You're squeezing a little too much where from the knee down. And usually we're concerned more about the knee up when we're trying to reshape our body. So we want to have the toes and the knees slightly rotated out.

We should be able to see the inner thighs. And now we're engaging the outer thighs, inner thighs, see. And that also helps you get a deeper scoop. It's really hard to get a good scoop when your toes are pointing more in and your knees are rolling again. So just rotating everything out. It helps you squeeze everything and pull everything in and out. Okay, so we're gonna try that again. We're going to bend the knees into your chest, hands on your ankles. Definitely a hard exercise.

So if you're feeling challenged, it is hard, hard, hard. So probably open your knees a little bit wider. There you go. Lift up your head, looking at your belly now arms go straight up and extend the legs forward. Good. Now watch this. Turn out a little bit more beautiful. Little less energy there and now put it there and pull it back in. Inhale, reach. Turning out those yes XL in.

Try to keep your head and shoulders up in how reach. Exhale in good. Two more. Inhale, reach. Nailed that position. Now keep it tight as you pull it in. Keep it tight as you go back out and keep it tight as you pull in and rest your head down. Nice work. Take the circle away. We're going to single straight leg. Both legs. Go Up to the ceiling. Yep, that way.

And lift your head up with your powerhouse. Both hands. Crawl up your right leg as high as you can, pulling it towards you. Yeah, great. Lower the left leg as low as you can. Keep your back flat and your belly engaged and we're going to quickly switch legs left and right and left. How's that belly look? Every time we're looking at it going, I can put you in more.

I can scoop in more. Switch and switch. Eyes on stomach and right, left straight legs reaching for the ceiling. Reach last set and both legs up and bend the knees in. Rest your head down. Grab your circle. Place it between your ankles. Nice job ladies. Legs right on up to the ceiling.

Actually just bend your knees. Sorry. Keep them there. That better rest your feet. Even on the Mat I'm being nice. Okay, we're going to put hand over hand behind your head. We employ bodies. We need Joseph plot did not like you to lace your fingers. He said that that cut off the circulation. He wanted you to have just put one hand over the other and you just rest them down on the mat and I want you to inhale right here and as you exhale, pull your belly in deeper and have really, really as angered in through the back as you can and in with the air.

And exhale as you pull your stomach and really press your head into your hands and feel the strength in your neck. Now I want you to inhale and lift up your head and shoulders and exhale. Try to lift up even higher. Could stay there. Bend the knees into your chest, keeping up with the head and shoulders. Extend the leg straight up to the ceiling. Same thing here.

Don't turn in those neat toes or knees. Good. Squeeze the circle and I want you to take a breath. Exhale, squeeze the circle and pull it towards you. Inhale, let it go as far away from using. Keep your back flat. XL. Squeeze it back up. Inhale goes low as you can give your back flat XL back in and inhale down. Watch those legs. Exhale up.

Two more in with the air pulling in to come back up. Good job, Michelle. One more time in with the air. Exhale up and now hold this position. Just bend the knees into a tabletop and take your left elbow, right elbow to your left knee coming up. Either way. Just go one way and come center and then go the other way and come center now. No movement. Those legs come up to this knee and come center. Last one.

Pull your belly in and go up and Bendon the knees to your chest. Rest your head down. Lower the legs down. Fantastic guys. Really good. Take your circle away and you're going to sit up with it. First spine stretch forward. So use it on this next exercise. Get a little warm. Finally low. It's cold out there. We had to get a little circulation. Okay, so next exercise spine, stretch forward. Let's work on our arms.

So we'll give our legs a break. Grab it between the heels of your hand again. Circle. Yeah, that guy just right here. Straight legs like Candace. Good. How's your hamstring doing? Okay, good. Tight. Okay, so I want to see the best posture ever. Right now your shoulders are directly over your hip bones.

You're pulling your belly and to have every vertebra stacked one on top of the other. And I want you to hold the circle between your hands, the heels of your hands, right at shoulder height. Good. And just like we did on the mat, you want to have a soft bend and then they kind of lift up away from the floor. Great job. So when, if you ever feel that they're gonna, I'm going to force them down. Michelle drooped down. Then you've lost your triceps. And that's when the arm like waves back at you when you wave at someone, right?

So we don't like doing that. So we're going to live, so are going to lift your elbow up to always engage that tricep. So pull your belly in, squeeze above your seat, Groin even taller. And now squeeze that circle and roll. Just your head forward. Try to touch the crown of your head down to the mat as you go. All the way forward, squeezing that circle.

Let go of the squeeze and just roll up your spine. One bone at a time. So just nice, relaxed circle. Pull your powerhouse in, squeeze a circle, lift up and roll off an imaginary wall all the way, way down. Stretching. Good. Let go the circle and roll on up with an inhale and an exhale here. Good in with the, I grew up taller. Squeeze that circle and Xcel forward.

Beautiful. Curling into yourself. Love it. Nice. And in how letting go of that circle roll on up. We're going to switch the squeeze now, so don't squeeze it on the way down. Take a big breath, an exhale down, rolling off an imaginary wall. No need to squeeze a circle here. Now squeeze the circle and pull it back up as you inhale rule.

If you see how your bellies pulled in now and relax. One more like that. Big Breath and exhale forward without squeezing the circle. Just using your belly to curl down and now pull the belly in. Inhale, squeeze the circle, draw it up, roll your shoulder blades down, lift up through that and relax. Nice job. Very good. Go ahead and lie down on your backs. Unfortunately that circle's not going to go very far and lie.

We'll give it a break in a second. Bend your knees into your chest. Good. This exercise is corkscrew and it's very similar to double straight leg that you've done already. We're going to put it between your ankles and I love sometimes adding the circle because my quads like to do so many of the exercises and this circle makes sure that your quads don't so extend the leg straight up and your head and your backs is going to stay nice and flat on the Mat. Arms. Press into the mat and make sure they're slightly turned out. Pull your belly in, squeeze that circle from your seat first and pull it up towards you as much as you can. Good. Lower it down a little bit so you just did one exercise like this and exhale, pull it back up to you one more time. Just really making sure that you feel your bottom and your belly pulling that circle towards you. Now hold it there and let's all drop it towards the ocean.

Let's all drop the legs towards the ocean and now pull them back. Center. Great job away from the ocean and then pull them back center. Let's regain that turnout in the legs. Good. Squeeze the circle from your seat, dropping towards the ocean, and really use your obliques to pull yourself center and away from the ocean and pulling in to come home. Now let's go towards the ocean, down towards the floor, circling over away from the ocean and pull them center. Good. And reverse that. Go wave from the ocean. Try to control the feet from helping you. Good.

And bullet in and the other way ocean around him. Pull it in. I'm going to pick up the tempo away from the ocean down around him. Pull it in one more time. Very hard one. And around them. Pull it up and away from the ocean to finish that circle. Squeezed from your seat and Nice. Good.

Take away the circle and sit on a very good right on up with energy and pep. Oh yeah, you guys are good. Alright, we're going to straighten your legs for saw. Open them a little wider than your shoulders. Good. That's it. And now again, really tall. No circle in this exercise. Yay. And, but I want you to really focus on here's our box again and in the saw we twist the upper part of our box, not the lower part of your box.

So if you see your feet getting one longer than the other one shorter than you know that you're moving your hips. Okay? So we want to work our obliques and really Xcel all our air by keeping those solid in one spot. So we're going to pull our belly arms up just in front of you. So you're there in your peripheral vision instead of straight out to the side. I want you to pull your belly in, Breely back, lift up off your seat, and we're going to twist towards the ocean. Everyone towards the ocean. Good.

And exhale down as you reach your pinky to your baby toe. Let your head go ahead and kiss your knee. Good. Inhaling up, good and twist away from the ocean, from your waist. Feel it. Pull in and exhale. You can go ahead and drop this arm and kind of lifted up behind you like that. Inhaling up, use your powerhouse to twist towards the ocean.

And you can go ahead and drop that arm like that. Good. And relax it. That's it. And just strach inhaling up, pull in in a little deeper here. Got to fill this right here. There you go, Candice. That's it. And inhaling up, it's still a little arched there and I know you need to protect it. So pull in. There you go. And Xcel, reach past your baby toe. Very Good Michelle. Nice. And inhaling up for the last time. Twist away and exhaling down, down, down.

Very nice job. Inhaling up and rests down. Great job. Good. We're going to do some work on our stomach. So bring your legs together and flip over onto your belly. Feet are all going to be pointing towards. Okay, that's fine. That's all. Face our heads that way that, there we go. Thanks candy.

All right. And just go ahead and lie down and melt into the mat. Guys. Get a little breather. Okay. So I want your arms long by your side. Nice. And forehead actually into the mental block. The Sun for you. Good. So we're gonna do a back extension and we're going to try not to let your legs come apart. Try to use your bottom to squeeze them together, squeeze the back of the inner thighs, have that winning lottery ticket and Kay. Now really pull your belly in and up.

So pull it and I'm gonna move your feet a little bit, Michelle. So you're nice and centered. Pull your belly in, up off the mat. And I want you to imagine that there is a pencil between your shoulder blades. Are you cramping up in your feet? Candy? Okay, we're all going to do a little stretch. Go ahead and just put, put [inaudible]. Actually you're going to just let your heels, you can just relax your feet.

Candy. There you go. Everyone can let your heels fall over towards the ocean, Huh? And then let them fall away from the ocean. Great. And then towards the ocean and allow your pelvis and your back to move with them if you want. And Go the other way a lot of times. And then back to the ocean one more time. When our lower back is tight and we flip over onto our stomach, it'll cramp up our feet. So this little extra stretch right here should be able to loosen it in your lower back up a little bit. They're still cramping though. Like crazy.

They're better. Okay, good. All right. How about you Candace? Alright. Okay. So I want you to think about your bottom when you're doing this back extension is the point. So squeeze your bottom, squeeze it back your thighs, pull your belly in. And now imagine there's a pencil between your shoulder blades and squeeze it. Excellent, Michelle.

And now I want you to keep your belly in and your bottom as you lift up your head and your chest, keep your belly in. Don't balloon it into the mat and come on down. Now Bend your elbows and put your hands under your shoulders. Elbows pointing straight back. And then one hand underneath each shoulder like Michelle. There you go. Good. If you have a really stiff back, you can bring your hands forward a few inches and a little out to the side. That's up to you. They're a little too far back though.

You want to bring them right here. Okay. So again, keep an eye on your bottom, squeeze it, pull your belly in, squeeze that pencil between your shoulder blades. And now let's start coming up with your head and your chest and keep your belly and come up as high as you think you can. Keep your bottom engaged and your belly engaged and then come on down. Nice job. One more time. Stomach in bottom tight. And come on up. Think about lengthening your spine as well.

Don't just crunch into your lower back, but reach at long in opposite direction of your pelvis and come on down. Great. Okay. We are gonna do, um, next two exercises are single leg kick and double leg kick. But we're going to do double leg kick first, which is out of order and a lot of, I hope you have your thinking caps on because it's very tricky. So we're gonna try to grab that circle and put it between your ankles and I will help you if you need it. So you bend, bring your feet towards you and got it. Michelle. It's like folding up into a pretzel. So there you go. Good.

All right, so no squeezing it with your feet, right? This is going to be all seat. Does that feel okay? Candy? Good. All right, so I want you to put your hands together. I'm coming. I just left you there. Sorry. Um, I want you to put your hands together behind your back and then bring them up as high as you can between your shoulder blades and then let the elbows fall down into the mat. Great. Alright. Without losing the circle, that means you might have to lift your legs a little bit. I want your legs nice and straight. Go ahead and put your right facial cheek on the mat. Should have said that.

And elbows just go down. Sure. There you go. And then just drop these down. [inaudible] like that. Relax the feet. We're going to cap the legs straight without losing the circle. All right, here's the thinking cap part. Keep your legs straight as straight as you can.

You probably have to get your size a little up off the mat to straighten your legs. Come on. Let's get those thighs up. And now I want you to squeeze a circle from your seat and lift it up with straight legs, not bent Candace straight. Lift them up straight. Everyone's straight. Now keep them. Keep the thighs up off the mat as you squeeze the circle to your bottom. Now bending your knees.

So now we're going to bring the circle towards your seat. Oh, where'd you get a cramp here? Yeah. Right. It's gone now. Okay. And then you're going to straighten your legs again and lower your legs down. Keep your hands together, straighten them behind your back and lift up your head and chest lifts from your powerhouse. Straight arms. Michelle, behind you. Good and switched cheeks. Put your left cheek on the mat. Hands. Go back up as high as you can. Now you can watch Candace here.

We're going to have [inaudible] your legs straight and we're going to lift up the straight legs, keeping the knees and thighs up off the mat. Pool the circle to your bottom. Come on, lift up those thighs. Good. And then straighten your legs, keeping your [inaudible] thighs and knees up off the mat. And lower it down. Good. Reach those arms behind you. Lifting up your head and chest and switch cheeks. One more set.

That's the good news. Okay, so you should feel your bottom hamstrings like crazy. Use them to pull that circle in. Keep squeezing, keep the legs working as they lift. Go straight again. Reach them out. Long Candace up. We lost the circle there and lower down the legs and stretch up and help you with that. All right, switch cheeks last time. So squeeze a circle. Lift straight legs.

Now keep those thighs up as you pull the circle into your seat. Keep those knees high as you extend out behind you a long, long, long lower down those legs and lift up for one final stretch. Straightening your arms, reaching, reaching. Good. Good, good, good, nice and melts into the mat. Good. Take the circle away and get into a child's pose position. Just pulling back in the powerhouse and sitting onto your heels.

Round your back as much as you can, Michelle. And good reach your arms away from you. There you go. Good. So hopefully you felt that in your seat and your hamstrings more than anything else. How'd we do? Yeah, he felt it there. Okay, good. All right, so now take the circle and bring it forward and lie back on your stomach, but we're going to be how we have the circle between our hands. I'm going to use you as an example. Candice, think of single leg kick and lift up onto your elbows. Good. And now push your elbows out to the side and I just want you to be squeezing it like that. Good. Little bit further back with your elbows though. There you go.

Legs together. Voila. Good, good. Elbows out a little bit to the side. Perfect. So you should feel you're under our muscles, your chest muscles, everything. Squeezing that circle and hopefully your powerhouse. Really Nice. And lifting those muscles you just felt in your legs.

I want you to squeeze them together and lift them up a little bit so they're fully engaged to watch your lower backs. And now we're going to do the right leg. Little double pulse. One, two, and left two. Sorry Michelle. We're going to bend the knee. That's it, right? Two, one, two left, two, boom, boom. Right too. Are you using that seat? Lift that thigh up as you pull it in. Get that knee up as you pull it in. Then he's still on the mat.

Get your knee up. There we go. Now we're working and kick it in. That's it. And one more set and this is still lifted. Do and last one. Love it. And that was a great breakthrough. Round your back and sit on your heels. That was fantastic. Leave that circle around your back. Sit on your heels. Good job. Really, really nice. All right.

Now I want you to lie back out onto your mat. Ally on your left side. So everyone's going to be facing me over here. We're going to take our circle and we're going to put it between our ankles. Go ahead and lie out. Rest. Keep your head up and you're going to bend your elbow on.

Rest your head on your hand. Good slide back. Michelle, until you're all the way on the back edge. You too Candace. A little bit further back. Good. And now bring your feet forward to the front edge and I'm going to place it like so and I'm going to come around and help go ahead a little bit further back with your feet. Good. That's it. Nice. Good. So your right hand is going to be the kickstand for you and it's also going to be your reminder that you're not going to push your [inaudible] belly into your hand. Good. I'd bring this forward just a tiny bit more. So you're in line. This is behind here. I need you to bring it forward there. Perfect. Good.

All right, so both legs turn out so we can see your inner thighs, right? No energy in the feet. Pull the belly in first powerhouse. Then squeeze that winning lottery ticket as you squeeze down. Hold it down for five, four, three, two, one release. Keep your knee a little soft, Michelle, and you'll probably stop it from rocking a little bit. Pull your powerhouse in and squeeze down per five, four, three powerhouse.

More to one and up. One more time. Scoop it in and squeeze that winning lottery ticket. You should feel on the seat. Two, three, four, five and release. Now we're going to change it to that. Both legs are inside. I'm again going to come around and help you. So lift up that bottom leg. Good, and just rest it there for a moment.

You can keep the legs one on top of each other. Fancy. Candace did that without me even seeing you. Good job. All right. Okay. Now everyone have your legs open so that they're touching both paths. Good. Turn those legs out again so we can see your inner thighs and pull your powerhouse in and stretch that circle. You've been squeezing it all class.

Stretch it out, stretch it out, stretch it out and release. Pull your stomach in and stretch it out. Turn out that need more to the ceiling. There should be no question that it's in your outer thigh and release. And one more time scooping your belly and stretch, stretch, stretch. Feel it right here. Right here, and release.

And now you're going to put both legs on the outside again. So we're going to good. Lift it. Great job. Nice. Okay. How we doing? Good. All right, pull your stomach in. And this is a three, three stepper. Okay. Stomach and squeeze like crazy with your bottom. And press that circle down. Hold it tight and use all of those muscles to lift your legs up a few inches.

Hold two, three and down. Nice job. Stomach first seat. Second. Squeeze like crazy. Lifted up to three and yeah, one more time and then we'll add a trick stomach in. Squeeze lift. Keep them lifted as you roll onto your belly and make a small pillow for your forehead with your hands. Keep your legs up and we're going to pull that circle together. 20 Times. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. One, two, three, four. Get your thighs up. His eyes. He can and dressed. Good.

Alright, we're gonna swing around so everyone's feet are in the opposite direction and we're going to lie on our right side this way. Nice. So we're going to, Michelle's is tricky because I'll have to put your heads that way. Like candy is now. There we go. Lie your hole. Thank you. All right. Lay your whole body on the back side of the mat and then I will help you get your circles between your ankles. There you go. Nice. Good. How are we doing on canvas? All right. You're not quite, but there you go. But it's pretty good. Now do you, does your neck hurt you?

So you want to rest your arms like that. Otherwise you can do that. Okay, great. And you're just a bit pushing your back forward. So I need you to pull your belly back so you have a straight line there. Wonderful. Okay. All right. Turn both legs out, make sure I can see both inner thighs. Relax your bottom foot and first pull your belly in and then squeeze that circle down. Two, three, four, five release and two more.

Pulling in and squeeze down. Two, three, four, five release. Great. One more time. Bolin and I remember you can squeeze it as much as you want to. Squeeze the heck out of your bottom and release. And now we're going to put both legs inside the circle so we're going to put it there. Excellent. Turn both legs out. So I can see your inner thighs. Nice work again, pulling into your back a little more good.

And we're going to stretch it out now. Stretch out. Push out on my hand. That's it. That's what I want you to feel. And release and pulling in your belly and push up with this muscle. Turn the knee up a little more. There you go. And release. And one more time scooping it in and stretch ups.

Come on the bottom. Legs. Pushing down to bottom. Legs down, up the ones. Yeah, it helps. So don't let it float up. Oh, don't let it. No, that's it. And now both legs are on the outside again. Pretty good. Nice job. All right. And now we're going to pull in your belly and we're going to squeeze with our seat. And now lift both legs up to three and down. You have to always do those steps. So belly and first squeezed up, bottom two and now lift with both of those muscles working and down.

And one more time. Pulling in. Squeeze down and lift up and down. Great job you guys. All right. I want everyone facing each other. So I'm going to take your circles. You are all done with your circles, but I want you to sit up and face each other with your feet on the very front edge of the mat. Nice bed.

And we're going to do an exercise. Can I just take away that circle? Yes. I'm being nice. I'm going to take it away. Nice and not so nice. I don't know. Bring your bottom forward a little bit more. Good. Hands Underneath your knees. Good. Now imagine you have the circle between you. Okay.

And I want you to say I'm going to give you the circle back cause I think it helps. So sorry. Here we go real quick. So the fee are like canvases then with the circle plates at between your Aha. Good. And we're gonna go ahead and separate your feet a little bit.

There you go. Hands under your knees and first pull your belly and then squeeze like heck with your bottom and roll down your waistband. We'd done this exercise already. You might be wondering why the heck are we doing it again? Roll all the way down to your head in how lift up your head. Exhale, scoop in and squeeze that circle with your bottom. And you can do it. Yes, you can come all the way up. [inaudible] and one more time like that. Scooping your belly and squeeze that circle and roll down.

Fantastic. Really strong. Inhale, lift your head up. Exhale, pulling in the belly. Squeeze that circle. Good. Now I'm going to take away the circle. Bring both knees and feet together and it straighten your right leg. So if he needs a feet together first and then straighten your right leg, good. And the leg is straight, straight, straight, and the thighs are at the same level and you're going to do the same exercise with one leg straight in the air. This is what Joseph Walleyes did.

And roll down. He was like, Oh, you can do that. Well how about with one leg up in the air? And Inhale, lift up your head and exhale, pulling in, still squeezing that seat even though this, that knee is bent, put the foot on the floor. Good one more like that. Pull it in. And and squeezed down super strong. Michelle looking good. And as soon as you're down, you're going to inhale and exhale all the way up and you're going to switch feet good and in with the air and start rolling down. And exhale all the way down. More scoop in your belly. More scoop.

That's what I want to see in how lift up your head, pulling in your belly. Squeeze your bottom so your leg depressing together. Good. We have one more with that leg up, right. Inhale and exhale, squeezing down. Good. Inhale, head up. Exhale. Come on up. Good. Now I want you to straighten both legs up, right?

And now I want you to roll down away from him and come right on up. Okay, very, very good. Now I want you to bend your knees down so the feet are flat and put the circle between your ankles. Lie down on your back. Just lie down, bend your knees into your chest and use a circle this time to help you do the teaser. And I bet you it actually helps you quite a bit and that's why I gave it back.

So now straighten the legs forward, turn out those knees I want. See those inner thighs at all times and you want to have the legs kind of low for you. Good. Inhale, lift up your head and squeeze with your bottom, not your feet and come on up. You can do it. Well, one up. See you're strong, right on up. That's it. And inhale and exhale. Roll it down. You're just trying to do it with your feet and you want to do it with your seat to-be. Say seat work. Inhale, head up and exhale, squeeze and pulling up. Beautiful. Michelle, that's it. And Rolling on down. One more time and we're done. Inhale, head up and exhale. Score.

Yes at an old start. Rolling down. And exhale, bend the knees in. Sit on up for seal. Always massage in the back to finish. So we're going to lift your bottom a little bit forward. Let your knees open and hands dive between your legs and under your ankles.

Perfect. Always pull back with your powerhouse to balance with the feet up. And you want to clap the feet just an inch off the floor. One, two, three. Look at your belly. Roll back with it and exhale back up. Two, clap. Two, three. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, roll up. Good job, Michelle. Really good control with your powerhouse. Inhale, roll back. Exhale, Rola. Clap two, three. Let's do three more.

Have Fun with the inhale. Exhale up to three. Doesn't matter. Just massage your back. Think, oh, this is the ending of my exercise. I'm going to roll each bone down. Roll each one up, and one more time. Rolling back and roll right back up. Hold it and rest your feet down and you are all finished.

Really good job, ladies. Nice job.


2 people like this.
Great beginner level class using the magic "powerhouse" circle. Great cues even for an advanced class! It's always good to go back to basics to get the fundamentals perfected. Monica does an excellent job!
Great beginner level class using the magic "powerhouse" circle. Great cues even for an advanced class! It's always good to go back to basics to get the fundamentals perfected. Monica does an excellent job!
love the circle class Monica ! as you say.. it really helps me get my Quads from taking over and makes me use my inner thighs & seat. So easy to cheat without the circle

Tip- Could use a more pronounced count doing those dreadlul100's !

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