Class #699

Precision Mat

55 min - Class


Distinguished instructor Brett Howard teaches an intermediate Mat class full of precise cues that will help you find where you're strongest... and where you're weakest in any given exercise. From those places Brett offers ways to challenge you to take your work to the next level. He is relentless in his commitment to push you along, but it is always done with a smile on his face so you are not likely to mind.
What You'll Need: Mat

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So, so we're gonna start, we're going to do a intermediate math, maybe a little bit more arm, and I'm Abby. You guys start on your hands and your knees. And then quadrant pad position. I want the hands to be directly underneath your shoulders. Your knees are going to be directly underneath your hips and I want you to round your back, dropping your head, dropping your tailbone. Great. Now head and tailbone start and you're going to extend your spine.

Nice success of sequencing of the spine. And once again, you're going to round the back. Inhaling as you round your back and exhale, arch the back, head up, tailbone up. We're going to do that in one more time. Inhale, round the back, dropping the head, dropping the tailbone, having them meet towards one another, and then arch the back. Exhaling. We're going to reverse the breath. Now you're going to exhale round the back, spell all of the air out of the lungs, and then inhale, arch the back. And again, Xcel round the back and inhale arch one more XL. Round the back, all the air out and inhale, arch the back. If your knees are okay, sit on the heels, stretch out your back child's pose. Reach your head forward, your tailbone backwards. Fingertips forward. 10 counts to roll up.

You're going to roll up to your spine for ten nine stacking vertebra on top of Vertebra. Six five, four, three, two head last energy out of the crown of the hand. Head will be up, tailbone down, rib cage dropped. I don't want to get the barbecue sauce out, so keep those ribs dropped. I'm vegetarian. Now what you're going to do is you're going to start by sitting on your seat, facing into each other. Legs are going to be parallel hip with distance, feet in line with knees, knees in line with hips. Great.

Then you're going to have thumbs with fingers and you're going to hold onto the back of your thighs. Nice tall back. Elbows out to the side. I want you to initiate from your tailbone. You're gonna roll down one vertebrae at a time, but don't lose the grip so the hands will stay right where they are trying to deepen. Open up the lower back for the roll down and then you're going to come right back up. You're going to bring your nose in between your knees, so retrograding that now start from the tailbone. Roll up to your spine. One Vertebrae at a time.

Make sure that your head is the very last thing to come up. Once again, broad elbow. Start with the tailbone. That's what's initiating. Rolling down one vertebrae at a time. Opening up the lower back. Really pull the tailbone towards the head. Now lead from the crown of the head. Come right back up. Bring your nose in between your knees. Now all starting from the tailbone.

Roll-Up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head last one more time. Initiate. Initiate from the tailbone roll back. Imagine you're squeezing a ball in between the knees. Don't let the ball drop. Try to keep the weight equal. Four foot rear foot lead with the crown of the head. Come right back up.

Bringing the nose in between the knees and then start from the tailbone. Roll up through your spine, up against an imaginary flat wall, one vertebra at a time. Bring your feet and knees together. Cross your arms like a genie. You're going to initiate from your tailbone. You're going to take a 10 count roll down, roll down for 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Now we're going to roll up for 10 counts. Rolling up for ten two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Great.

We're going to do that once again and you guys are going to find out where are your strongest, where you are weakest, where we have more control or less control, where you have to put more effort into it or less effort into it. Find your point. Remember that number it's going to might be different on the way down opposed to the way up. Started from the tail row down for ten nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Same thing on the way up. Roll Up. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

We'll do one more. Take that body scanner bind where your weakest or strongest wrote down? Four 10, nine what is that number? Seven six five four three two one. Roll Up. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Okay.

I want you to roll down to the number that was the most difficult to control. You're going to hold there, so roll down. You know where it is. Once you're there, you're going to roll down one more inch. I'll come up one is and down, an inch up an inch down an inch and up and it down an inch. Up An inch, down an inch, up an inch, five more down an inch, up an inch.

And don't confuse one inch with three inches. And I've been in sand again down and end up, it ends down an inch up an inch down an inch. Hold for 10, nine, eight deepen. So the abdominal was more three, two, one all the way down. All right, you're warming up. All right, so what we're gonna do is we're gonna roll up to the number that was most difficult. It's kind of right before you have to jerk up. So no jerking. The only jerk in here can be me. All right, so I want you to roll up to the number two is like over here.

So roll up to the number of difficulties as talking in the knees and band and roll up to that number. Once you get there, hold there, try to roll up one more inch down an inch up an inch down an inch, up an inch, down an inch, up four. I'm glad you guys are close together and down. Four up five and down. Five more up an inch, down an inch, up an inch. And I guess you guys behind me up an inch down an inch tomorrow. Appellant down an inch up and then talk for 10 maybe one more, eight, seven scoop five, four, three, two and roll all the way down.

I'm good. What you're gonna do is you can slide forward a little bit and bring the soles of the feet flat on the Mat. This time though, parallel hip width, feet in line with knees, knees in line with hips. And we're going to do some bridging shade from your tailbone. You're gonna roll up one vertebrae at a time all the way up to a nice bridge, really lift and then spine articulation roll down to your spine, one vertebrae at a time. Tailbone will be the very last thing to touch. And again, inhale, rolling up Xcel the rest of the way up.

Try to engage the inner thighs to free your pelvis to lift more and again in how round down one vertebrae at a time. Annex cell all the way down and one more. Inhale, lifting up all the way up and [inaudible] how now inhale, roll down and excel all the way down. Now bring your fingertips onto the legs so you have space. Now you have kind of two triangles.

You're going to roll up our from your tailbone and you're going to roll all the way up. Inhale and your arms will probably slide down a little bit in the next hell winter all the way up. Your goal is to try to make sure that there's no space underneath your wrist, so that means she might have to press your pelvis up a little bit more. Now I want you to roll one inch away from your wrist with your pelvis. Now push the pelvis into the arm to lift up and again, lower to lift up. No space, one inch of space, no space, one inch of space, no space, one inch of space, no space. Five more lower.

Lift one lower lift, two good to the hand. Stay stationary only the pelvis is moving. Lower lift, no space. Lower lift, hold, hold there. Reach the arms back behind you. I want your head, crown of the head and fingertips to reach back and roll down. Feel like someone is pulling you back with through your fingertips, pulling back, pulling back as you're rolling down in opposition so you get lengthening.

Now you're going to bring the arms down by the sides. Inhale, exhale, arms right down. Inhale, lift the arms up. Exhale, bring the arms as far back as you can without your rib cage. Splaying everyone will be at a different point. Inhale, arms come forward. Exhale all the way down. Adding on. Inhale, lift the arms up XL as far back as you can without the rib cage. Splaying. Now inhale, nod the head forward. Head and arms come forward. Engage your abdominals, hold their, reach your fingertips forward more.

Pull the shoulder blades down, your back more. Sink the navel. Integrate the pelvis and the rib cage. And now inhale, arms lift and you're gonna nod the head backwards. Exhale. Inhale, nod the head forward as the arms come forward. And exhale, engage your abdominals. Can you reach forward more? Scoop more now like a seesaw. Lift the pelvis up as the head and the arms go backwards. So pelvis rises, hand in the arms, go back. Exhale. Now inhale, head and arms come forward as the pelvis rolls down like a seesaw.

And I tell engage your abdominals and pelvis rises as the head of the arms. Go back, inhaling. And then exhale, reach. Inhale, head and arms come forward as the pelvis lowers and exhale and hold there. Bring both knees into your chest, bring your legs to your working level for the a hundred plotty stance. And pumping up and down. As you breathe in to three pour, five. Exhale, three, four, five. Inhale. Exhale, three, four, five, three XL, three, four, five, four XL, three, four, five, five XL, five more times a little slower.

XL three, four, five. Work the breath out. One big breath in, four, five and one big breath out for five in, in, in, in, in exhale. One more set. Exhale, three, four, five, knees into the chest, legs out onto the mat. Arms straight up to the ceiling.

Plotty stance with the legs and we're going to do the roll up. So Chin to chest. Inhale, rolling up and excels. C curve. Remember guys, the only jerk in here is me. Inhale, roll down one vertebrae at a time. Actually I'm quite nice and I excel all the way down once again to chest. Inhale, rolling up and Xcel c curve. Inhale round down one vertebrae at a time and exhale all the way down.

Three more. Chin it. Just inhale, reach your heels four and wait the legs to roll up. Draw the inner thighs together that will assist you. And now inhale, roll down one vertebrae at a time and exhale all the way down. Let's do two more hands forward should it. Chest. Inhale, ruling up XLC curve. Don't over tense the feet. Guys in hell. Roll down. So from the knee down and try to stay very relaxed.

Annex hell and one more time. Inhale, rolling up and XL c curve. Inhale, roll down. Tell the feet that they're not invited to the party. Don't over tense them. Work the core more XL all the way down. Let's do the footwork series. You're going to bring both knees into the chest. If you need to adjust on your match, you may.

You're going to bring both knees into the chest, heels together, knees in line with your shoulders so you have a frog position with your legs. Bring your hands behind the base of the head, one hand and top of the other hand. Roll your head forward, bringing your chin to your chest. Extend the legs out to 45 degrees and then bend the knees. Come back in and extending out too and in as you go out. Don't lose the integration of the pelvis and rib cage and come back in.

Keep it together and exhale in and extending out and come back in as you go out. Zipper up and come back in. Zipper up through the abdominals as your extend and pull back in. Let's do three more zipper up. As you extend, come back in. Find that opposing force zipper up as the legs go forward and pull back in.

One more time. Zipper up as, extend the legs, come back in. And now rest your head for three, two, one. Draw the chin to your chest. Look at your abdominals, feet together, knees together. Point the feet. There's an American express black card in between your knees so it's unlimited spending. Don't lose it. And extending out and come back in.

Keep the AMEX card and out to pull back in. And as you go out, keep integrating pelvis and rib cage. Come back in and extending out. Come back and try not to let the weight rock forward towards the pelvis as you extend the legs, keep the weight in your core and come back in. Wait in the power house. So there should be no transferring of weight. Three more and come back in two more. Extending out, come back in and extending out 10 more with flex feet and extending out and come back in. Keep lifted in the chest and come back in. Imagine someone just talk by the front of their shirt, your shirt, and pull back in and extending out and come back in and extending five and five more extending out and in and two and in and three and in.

Two more out and in last time out and in rest your head for three, two, one. We have one more of the footwork though. Tendon stretch. So draw your chin to your chest. Look at your abdominals, heels together. Open your knees in line with your shoulders. Extend the legs out to your working level. But don't let the weight rock forward. And now flex your feet for three to 1.23 toe, ball, heel, heel, ball, toe. Roll through the feet.

Warm them up. Four to 3.23 toe ball, heel, heel ball. Five more. Flex to 3.23 lower, lower, lower lift. Lift. Three more flex to 3.2 more. Flex 0.23 flex two 3.23 knees into the chest. Hug your knees. Bring souls to the feet, flat onto the mat. Feet together. Knees together. Bring your hands on your hip bones, your ashs bones. Now contract through the abdominals.

Use Your obliques. Use your seat. Let your right knee drop to the right, but don't transfer weight to the right hip. So use the left side of the obliques to control the pelvis. Now add duct. Come back to center. Now left leg drops to the side, but don't let weight transfer.

Keep equal weight on both sides of the pelvis. Bring the knee back to close. Let's do one more of that right knee drops. But don't let the weight rock to the right and now bring the knee to close to your powerhouse is going to control it. Left knee drops. Don't let the leg control the body. The body should control the leg and then bring the need to close. Let's apply the sub principle of keeping the pelvis staying very still of using our abdominals as the anchor in the single leg stretch.

So right knee into the chest. Left leg out onto the mat and give yourself a good pull of your leg. Circle the knee one into the body. Circle into the body to circle into the body. Three let's reverse it. Goes straight down across up one, down across, up two, down across a three arms down by the sides. Nine anchors into the mat. Hands.

Our two shoulders are four. Head, stomach six hips, eight the ninth anchors your left leg, right leg straight up to the ceiling. Nothing can move except for the circling leg. Rotate the leg in the hip socket. Lead with the inner thigh crossed to the left. Circle down. Come straight up. Stay PG. Cross down and up. Don't let those hips rock around. No. Rated our Karastan up and across. Up Reverse.

Go straight down. Cross to the left and up. No Mambo hips. Control it down and across. Inhale, exhale a cross one more. Down and across. Bend the knee into the chest. Give yourself a good pool of your leg and let's exchange legs. Pull the left leg in as you pull that leg and try to make sure there's no space underneath your right thigh. Now nine anchors into the mat. Hands, shoulders, head to stomach, hips, lower right leg.

Now extend the left leg into the air. Train out the leg, anchor the bodies of the lake can be free and go across, down, and come up crust, down and up. Cross. Keep it controlled. Cross down and up. One more time. Inhale. Exhale up. Reverse straight down and Karastan. Up and down, across in, up. Control the body. Don't let the leg control the body down and across and down and across.

The body is in control. Bend the knee into the chest. Give yourself a good pool of your knee. Both legs extend out onto the mat. We're going to take a five count roll up. Draw the inner thighs together. Arms are going to go straight up to the ceiling. Somebody needs some at potassium over here. Enroll up. Four, five, four, three, two. Amy, Katie.

I see some tight feet over there. Lady. Right now. What you're going to do is you're going to scoot your bottom to your heels tight ball position. I want you to grab a hold of your ankles, but if this is hard for you, you may grab up higher or hold on the back of your thighs where you can keep the distance between knees and shoulders in heels and sits bones. This should not expand. All right, balance on your pelvis, initiated from your powerhouse. Pull from your tailbone to rock yourself backwards. In roll down.

I'll come up to the crown of the head using your powerhouse. And let's balance two, three and again, roll down, mid back and come right back up balance. No hold there. I don't want to see any catapults or slingshots. So I want you now to bring your elbows on top of your knees. You know what's next? Okay, now this is the cheat.

I don't want to see the cheat. Keep those elbows on top of the knees and now roll down, middle back. Come right back up. Balanced in, hold to [inaudible] and again, roll down, mid back. Come up and hold. Did you feel a difference? Try to re I know. She's like, I was perfect.

Try to recreate that sensation. Bring your hands back onto your ankles. You know what it felt like that last round. So recreate it. Roll down mid back, tight ball. Come right back up and balance to already better. And again, roll down and come up and balance to hold there we're going to do a sexy plot is transition. So you're going to bring your right hand on top of your writing, ankle, left hand, and top of your right knee. Left like extends out and lay down.

And you're going to pull the right leg in. Change Pool, the left Ligon change to change to pull three and three and right and left and five and five for the single leg. Stretch six for more. Seven and eight an eight and nine and 10. 10 both knees in double leg. Stretch, arms back, legs forward simultaneously, and hold them to three arms. First. Knees second, arrive together. And again, inhale, extending out to three arms first needs second. And in pull, inhale three. I know I'm being mean to three. Circle the Ardennes. Bend the knees in Pool.

Let's do two more like this. Inhale out in hold. Zipper up. Don't let the weight rock forward. Circling arms first. Knees second and in pull. One more time. Inhale out in hold. Two, three arms first, knees second in, in pull. Now we'll do five more. This low, quicker. Arms and legs out simultaneously. Arms Circle. First knee. Second arrived together simultaneously out as you inhale. Arms First, knee second. Arrive Together. Inhale three and exhale, and in pool. Keep those eyes on the belly button. Inhale out and exhale.

Come back in and inhale out and make sure the ears and shoulders are not becoming friends and Xcel. Come in and pull and rest your head for three, two, one. Draw your chin to your chest again and now right leg up to the ceiling. Left leg out. 45 degrees for the single straight leg stretch. Pull the right leg, bull pools, scissor pool, pool, and two, two and three. Three and three, three and four, four, four, four and five. Five more with the hands behind the head. And one one and one, one, two, two and two to keep the body very still.

Don't let the legs control it. Pull, pull and pour. Pour both legs to the ceiling. Plati stands for the double straight leg stretch. Lower the heels for three two one. Lift up to 90 degrees. Lower for three two one live to 90 as you lower to three. That is denied to make sure that the space between your ribs and pelvis are not increasing and live to 90 keep it staple together lower to three.

Good. Lift to 90 and sink the navel. Magine you have a ball on your stomach. Lift to 90 don't let the ball roll off your stomach. Lift to 90 and lower to three lift. Let's do two more. Inhale. Inhale. Inhale. Exhale. One more lower to three. Lift knees into the chest and rest.

Soles of the feet flat onto the mat. Hand on top of hand. Behind the base of the head. I want you to squeeze the knees together and dead weight. Let your knees drop to the right. Do you have, did you see a weight transfer?

So probably now you have more weight onto your right shoulder than your left shoulder. Can you try to square that off a little bit more? Make it a little more even without the leg. It's getting into the picture though. Now the reverse is going to happen. Lift both shoulders up off the mat and now you have to lift the right shoulder up a little bit more. But make sure the elbows are not getting involved and lower pool from the sternum. Lift up and try to make sure both shoulders are lifting up equally.

Lift from underneath the ribs and lower down. Lift up right shorter has to lift just as much as the left shoulder. Can you lift a little higher and lower down as to the other side. So knees are gonna drop to the left and you're going to see there's probably going to be a weight transfer across your shoulders. Blades. Now try to square that off. Lift both sorters up off the mat.

Make sure that your elbows not helping though and lower down and lift the upper body up. Zipper up through the core and lower and now lifting up, up, up and lower good center the legs. Bring both knees into the chest. We're going to apply that principle to the crisscross. You're going to try not to let one shoulder drop below the other.

The other thing we're going to do is we're going to imagine that we're laying across a six foot balance beam on our spine. So you're gonna twist, you're not gonna rock from right to left, so no weight transferring a balance on your spine. Yeah, that beam, if you fall off, I might be forced to laugh. So lift your upper body up, balanced on the beam, and now twist to the right and hold for three counts. Two, three, change to the left and hold them two and you can extend the leg. Yep. Change and hold. Balance on that spine. Change. Twist two. Don't transfer weight change.

Don't fall off the beam. Three, change three to the reed. Change four to three, twist to three, twist to three and twist five a little quicker. Change One, change, one twist. Two twist to balance on that beam. Don't fall off. One more.

Twist knees into the chest and relaxed your head. Legs out onto the mat. Arms straight up to the ceiling. Five count. Roll up, roll up for five, four, three, two. Do One make a v with your legs and we're going to do the spine stretch forward. What I want you to do is bring your fingertips onto the mat and now toes up to the ceiling. Magine that you are ringing a wet dish cloth.

All the air will come out and exhale slide forward. Exhale, exhale. Inhale, roll up through your spine to a nice, tall back. Let the air Xcel ring it out like you're wringing water out of a wet dish cloth. And then inhale, rolling up to your spine. Collect all the air again and again. Exhale, go over over. Exhale. Inhale, roll up to your spine, one vertebrae at a time.

Let the arms shoulder with shoulder height. Squeeze your bottom, lengthen your spine round up and over. An imaginary beach ball reached the crown of the head in front of that beach ball to the sand. Now Stack Vertebra on top of Vertebra. As you roll up against an imaginary flat wall, squeeze the bottom, slide up that wall round up and over the beach ball. Your hands are on a tabletop. Press down on that tabletop. Exhaling. Inhale, roll one vertebrae at a time.

Up that wall like you're stringing or Pearl necklace together. One Pearl at a time. Last time. Squeeze your bottom lift and exhale. Curve over and exhale. Exhale, exhale, exhale. Inhale, Stack Vertebra on top of Vertebra. Rolling up against that imaginary flat wall. Nice guys. What you're going to do is bring the legs together out the legs allow.

I want you to bring the soles of the feet flat onto the mat and I want you to hold on to the back of your thighs again. You're going to roll down and find where your weight starts to rock off of your feet, where it starts to get light. Then extend the legs. This might be your working level. If you want to challenge yourself, extend the legs more. If you want to challenge yourself, turn out the legs and start to walk up the legs. There is another challenge, but I'm gonna leave it for today. Now bend the knees and we're going to do that one more time. Okay, that was beautiful, but there's something I want you to think of and it's about not getting fresh, keeping it PG. So when we do this exercise, when you roll up, I don't want to see this. Okay?

That's getting fresh. That's right at arm. So don't get fresh. Keep it PG. All right, so let's do that again. Feet flat horn on the back of the thighs. Roll down one vertebrae at a time. Now keep it PG.

Go to your working level. If you want to challenge yourself more, you can even grab your toes and bring your legs together. Your choice now roll down. And when you come up, don't get fresh. So raw down. Roll back up. Don't get fresh. Oh, they got a roll down. That's okay. Rah. Back up and don't get fresh.

And again, a raw down and rock back up. Keep it PG. Three more road down. Come back up. Keep it PG. Two more. Roll down. Come back up. Keep it PG. Last time. Roll down. Rock back up and do not get fresh.

Now I want you to keep it PG. Bring the legs together. Keep it PG. Extend the arm is parallel to the legs. Keep it PG. Don't let the legs move in space. Roll down through your spine. One Vertebrae at a time. At the last minute, you may bend the knees into the chest. Hug bunnies. Good. The court's grill arms are going to come down by the sides.

Eight anchors into the mat. This time, legs to the ceiling. Pilati stands balance on your spine. As you circled, the legs were right down. Don't fall off the beam center. Circle left down right center. So pull right down. Balance on that spine. Keep the rib cage and pelvis integrating together. One more. Inhale down.

Exhale, center in hell. Left, right. Exhale, center knees into the chest. Legs out onto the mat. Arms straight up to the ceiling. Squeeze your inner thighs together. Roll up through your spine. Four, five, four, three, two, one. Let's um, stagger. So I will have Aaron Alisey don't move back. Yeah, drag you. I'll come back and then I'll have Amy h go back. Good.

All right, so we're good. Now what you're gonna do is you're gonna open the legs and find your v again. Arms going to go out to the side. Peripheral vision. Now when you twist, twist from your spine, I think of yourself like a helicopter propeller. Don't let this happen. The arms are an extension of the back. So twist to the right and hold.

Drop the arms saw off the little toe with the little finger and reached. Do you have equal weight on both sides of the pelvis and then come back up to center. Good twist to the other side. And now drop the arms to reach. Reach, reach. Come up to center and hold. So we have our helicopter propeller headlights of a car just cause you're looking to the side of the road. Don't drive off the side of the road.

So twist to the right. Keep your headlights front, drop the arms saw and reach. Exhale, exhale. Inhale. Roll up through your spine to a tall back, helicopter propeller, or go to the left headlights front as you reach. Exhale, exhale and come back to center. Hold on one more thing to think about. Four wheels on the pavement, your heels and your sits bones. When you reach no evil Knievel don't drive on this side. So twist to the right headlights front, drops on.

Reach all four wheels on the pavement and come up to center. And now helicopter twist to the left. Drop the arms, Saul, and reach headlights from all four wheels on the pavement and then come back up to center. Good. Bring the legs together, shake up the legs. I'm gonna have you just flip over so you're all facing away from each other. We're gonna do the neck roll so your hands are going to elevate one inch into the air. Head will be down, and then inner thighs are going to draw together for this exercise.

If you feel it's hard to go up, you may open your hands wider and bring them a little further away from the shoulders. So inhale without using your hands. Lift your upper body up so our hands will elevate. Good. And exhale, lower the body. Inhale, lift the upper body up and exhale. Lower. Inhale, lift the upper body up. Hold this time. That's your strength. Bring your hands down and lift up as high as you can. Everyone will be different.

Make sure that the shoulders though are not getting friendly with the ears and then roll down to your spine when you can. Take the hands off. Controlled the descent down. We'll do that again. Inhale, lift as high as you can without the hands when you can't go anymore. Hands on the mat. Continue to rise as high as you can. Now hold there. Turn the head to the right, circle it down. Turn the head to the left and look front. Reverse. Turn the head left.

Circle it down. Turn the head right look forward. Repeat right circle down to the left and front and left. Circle down to the right and front. Roll down one vertebrae at a time when you can take the hands off and control the descent all the way down. Sit on the heels. Stretch out your back. Child's pose.

Let's go back onto the stomach. Make a Sphinx position fist together. Elbows underneath your shoulders. Imagine you are hugging a beer barrel in front of you. Now, that's where Romando used to tell us.

So you're going to lift your upper body up plot. These people are not like yogis right now. Press your fist down, press your elbows down, and you're going to lift up through your powerhouse. There's a flame underneath it and now right leg kicks twice and kick, kick, left, kick, kick and right, right, left, left den three, three and three three and kick, kick, kick, kick. One more kick, kicked and kick. Kick hold there. Stretch your legs. I want you to press your fist down. It's the mat.

Press your fist so far down into the mat that the elbows elevate off the mat about an inch, some very lifted with your spine. Imagine your head is touching the ceiling. Do not let your head and remove from the ceiling as you pull your elbows to the mat, but don't let the head lower you stay lifted. Let's try that again. Lift your body up by pressing her fist so far down into the mat. Now my hand is on top of your head.

Do not let your head come away from my hand. As you lower your elbows down, do you feel a difference with your body? Keep this, maintain this. Do not let the legs control your body. You control the legs. Five more kicking, right, right, left, left. Keep your head touching the ceiling. Kick, kick, and kick. Kick.

Two more. Kick, kick, kick. One more. Kick, kick type seat. Loose feet. Okay. Lower down, right face, cheek onto the mat. Hands behind the shoulder blades. If you can get them there. Otherwise work in your working level. Let's have one hand on top of the other and not interlace.

Elbows are gonna broaden towards the floor simultaneously. Both Leigh Kicks three times. Kicking one, kicking, two, kicking three sled the arms down the back. Lifting Linkedin, and for today, let's keep the feet on the mat. I know there's many different variations and we'll also keep the hands on to the legs. Lower down other cheek onto the mat. Kicking one, kicking two, kicking three, sled the arms down the bat. Lift and exhale, Xcel x a lower down, right cheek onto the mat and inhale, kick. Inhale. Inhale. Exhale and lengthen. Lengthen. Lengthen. Lower down and inhale, kick one.

Kick to kick three XL in. Lengthen. Lengthen. One more set, right. She kicking one. Kicking two. Kicking three and lengthen. Lengthen. Someone's feet are in the air. And then lower down. Kick. Get on one. Kicking two, kicking three. It's the one of the errands. And lengthen. Lengthen. Lengthen. Lower down. Sit on the heel. Stretch out your back. Child's pose. Keep.

Keep your seat connected to your feet. Roll up through your spine for 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Okay. Turn around based to each other. We're going to do the neck pool. We're going to start seated today. Legs are gonna be parallel. Hip Width, distance. Flex feet. Try not to hyper. Extend the legs here. You're going to bring hand on top of hand behind the base of the head. Brought elbows and now you're going to squeeze the bottom.

Ribcage clothes. Don't make me get the barbecue sauce out. Lifting hinge back. Hold there. Can you lengthen more? Can you drop the ribs more? Can you squeeze your bottom more? Can you lengthen one more inch? Now roll down, tailbone lower, just asking all the way down and again, rolling up. You could squeeze me rolling up. Squeeze me and I'll drop your head. Four nose in between knees. Good. Inhale, roll up to your spine. One Vertebrae at a time.

Now lifting a hinge back and then roll down. Tail, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Let's do two more of those. Chin to chest. Inhale, rolling up. Exhale, nose in between your knees. Inhale, roll up to your spine to a nice, tall back. Lift. Hinge, back and roll down. Tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Last time. Inhale, rolling up. Xcel nose in between the knees. Roll up to your spine. Too Tall. Back in hold. We're going to have solidarity. We're going to take a 10 count and roll down, but if you're not, if you're a down, before I get to 10 we have to do it again.

So solidarity guys work together. A hinge back and wrote down for a ten nine eight seven six five, four, three, two, one a little incentive. Mather hurts. All right, Solos at the feet, flat onto the mat. And what I'm going to have you do is cross your right leg over your left leg. [inaudible] like you're just sitting at the doctor's office reading a magazine.

Great. And now what I want you to do is you're going to initiate from your tailbone. You're going to roll up no for Ah, AH, sorry. From your tailbone. Sorry. I know. We're going to do the bridge. Shorter bridge now. Roll down below various of it in all the way down. One more time.

Rolling up. Try not to let your knees wobble. Think like their flag. Don't let them wobble or wave in the wind and roll down through your spine. One Vertebrae at a time. And as you roll up again, no rebel, wobble, rolling up all the way up, up, up, up, up. Now, once you're up, let's bring the right knee into the chest, right leg up to the ceiling. Lower the knee to knee with a straight leg. Lift to 90 degrees. Lower knee to knee. Lift to 90 degrees.

Lower needs knee lift 90 bend the knee in and bring your foot down. Now cross the other leg roll down through your spine with no weeble wobble and rolling up. Don't let the knees wave like a frag fluffed for a frog and flag in the wind and roll down. Must be thinking of fraggle rock or something. And again, rolling up. That's what I was thinking of. Rolling up all the way up, up, up and rolling down and again, rolling up all the way up. No hold there. Pull the left knee into the chest. Left leg up to the ceiling. Lower knee to knee. Lift to 90 degrees. Need to need 90 degrees.

Need to need 90 degrees. Bring the knee into the chest. Bring your foot down onto the mat. Cross the other leg. No weeble wobble. Roll down to your spine. One Vertebrae at a time. Okay, everyone's going to lay face towards me and we're going to do the sidekicks series. So back, it's going to be completely flat in line with the back edge of your mat. One line from elbow to Tel bone, and then what you're going to do is you're going to lift the top leg up.

Hip Height. Lift the bottom leg up to that one. Clap. Five, four, three, two, one, lower bottom, lower top, lift top, lift, bottom clap. Five, four, three, two, one, lower bottom, Lorde top. Hold there. Don't get fresh guys. All right, and again, lift, lift, and clap. Five, four, three, two. It's cute but lower. I don't want it. And now lift the leg. Hip Height. Now think of your body like your grandfather clock. The leg is the pendulum.

The body's the base. Do not let the body move and kick. Front. Kick a little more and back a little more and front further and back. Further and three, three and back. Back. Don't let the leg control the body. Five, five, back, back, six, six. No, don't get stingy with eleague going back and challenge herself and back. Don't get stingy and kick. Kick and back.

Back and one more. And back. Back leg on top of leg. Rotate the leg. Now lift the leg up. Ooh, existing down that Mike went right into my side. Again, lifting up to resisting down and again, lift up. Three resisting down. Lift up for resisting down.

Lift up five hold. Turn the leg out more. Circle one circle to circle three, circle four, circle five, reversing one. Reverse two, reverse three, reverse for reverse five. Press down through Jello. Circle one, circle to circle three, four, five rebirths. One, two, three, four, five and now the ground rod is jam. You're going to kick the leg front, lift the leg up to the side with the turned out leg. Now rotate it back to parallel as she bring the leg back and then bring the leg home. That's reverse sid. Parallel leg goes back. Turn the leg out when you can, as the leg goes to the side, and then bring the leg to the front and bring it home and again, kicking front and then lift the leg up to the side and then bring the leg to the back and bring it home.

Reverse going back and now lift the leg up to the side, to the front. Bring in home and run more time up front. I didn't say to go side yet. I'm a control freak. And now lift the leg up to the side. Bring the leg to the back. Bring it home, reversing back. Turn the leg out as you go side.

Turn it as you go front. Bring it home. Nice guys on your stomach. One Hand on top of the other hand, forehead and top of that we're going to do transitional leg beats and then you're going to clap the feet. Lifting the legs up, open the legs, close the legs open too. And close. Three and close. Four and close. Five and close. Six and close and close and eight.

Close. Nine. Close. 10 little quicker. Open. Close one and two and three and four and five. Don't let those shoulders get involved a little quicker. Beat. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Lower the legs, other side, so or turn and face me, whatever you like. Okay. I know you want to look at me and I'm getting [inaudible] now, but you're going to do is you're going to lift the top leg up, hip height and kicking front. Front. I'm sorry I didn't do that. Did I?

S It's threw me off. I'm getting lit. The top leg. I've looked the bottom leg up in about five, four, three, two, one lower bottom, lowered top liv top lip, bottom clap. Five, four, three, two, one lower bottom, lower top, top, bottom by four, three, two, one lower bottom, lower top, the front and the back of the top leg. A pip height, grandfather clock kicking. Front, front and back. Back. Don't let the leg control the body. Anchor through your power house for four and back. Back. Don't get fresh with your shoulder. Five more kick. Kick, stretching back. Don't let the rib cage separate from the pelvis.

Integrate the pelvis and rib cage in this plane as well and back, back and front. Front and back. Back leg on top of leg. Turn out the leg. Slice up through the air. Press down through Jello. Slice up through air. Press through molasses. Up three pressing down. Slice up, pressing down. One more time. Slice up on hold. Rotate that leg and circle one. Circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reversing one e two n three and four and five.

Lower the leg, circle one and two. Brush heel to heel. Trace of golf ball, reverse two, three, four and five. Ground run is Zhang kicking the leg front. Turn the leg out, side parallel leg as you go back, bringing home, reversing parallel leg back. Turn the leg outside. Keep it turned out front. Bring in home, turned out front, side back. Bring it home and yes I am getting slower and now go back. Turn outside.

Turn out front, bring it home and now turn out front. Side, parallel, back. Bring in home. Parallel back. Aaron l, keep that rib cage and front. Bring it home. All right, shake and bake and turn into the center. Shake out. How am I going to land her back? And you guys are going face to each other.

Get and we're going to do the teaser as a two more exercises. We're on the home stretch. I know facing into each other. Yup. [inaudible] that's okay. So shake and bake and I helped so knees into the chest. So what you're going to do is you're going to have you or we're going to do a modification of the teaser. So you're going to bring your hands forward. Chin forward. Look at your abdominals. Legs up to the ceiling.

Hold on the back of the thighs, dropped the feet, bend the knees. Roll up like a seesaw. And don't get fresh. Now don't get fresh and extend the legs. Don't get fresh. Extend the arms round onto your spine. One Vertebrae at a time. Knees in at the last minute. Once again, hands forward. Chin forward. This time.

Don't grab the back of the legs as you extend the legs like a seesaw. Drop the feet, bend the knees, rock up and don't get fresh and extend the legs out. Don't get fresh. Lift the arms are parallel to the legs and then roll down through your spine. Bend the knees in. Rest your head, adding on hands. Four Chin forward, legs up to the ceiling.

Drop the feet and bend the knees. Keep it PG and extend the legs up and hold that. The arms parallel to the legs. Lift the arms back to the ears. Roll down through your spine, knees and arms down and relax. Good soles of the feet flat onto the mat.

And now lift the right leg up, knee to knee, straight, right leg as that hint, the left leg. If you bring the foot a little further forward, we'll make it a little easier. It's not a cheat. Arms are going to come next to the ears. Teaser with one leg rolling up, reaching up. Now lift the arms up to the ears. Roll down to your spine.

And maybe we just bring this a little bit more forward. Good. And once again, rolling up and then lift the arms to the ears. Round down through your spine. That's okay. And one more time. Rolling up. Lift the arms up to the ears and roll down to your spinal. And let's change legs. So left leg up and now rolling up.

Lift the arms to ears. Round down to your spine. And again, rolling up. Lift the arms by the years. Push someone back with your arms as you roll down. Push them back, push them back, push them back. One more time. Rolling up as I was looking at you and I'll let the arms through the years. Now push me back, but doesn't mean back. Push me back. Push me back.

Push me back. Push me back. Last one lot actually. All right, I got that could mean that. So bringing both legs out in the Mat. Arms straight up to the ceiling. Five count. Roll Up. Roll up for five, four, three, two. You can do it, Tatiana. One good. Let's do the seal. Oh No. And remember, don't get fresh when you come up. You know hip rocking there. Okay.

Now you're going to reach through like a needle and thread grab underneath. And what I want you to do is clap your feet three times. Clap. One, two, three, rock back and clap. One, two, three, up to two, three, two, two, three, three, two, three, three. One more time and four, two, three. And Balance and hold there. Are you in your moment on your point of strength? Curve your back more. Hold onto the back of your thighs and don't get fresh now.

Don't get fresh. Extend the legs out in your open Mike rocker position. Don't get fresh. Bring the inner thighs together. Don't get fresh. Reach for the legs and don't get fresh. Arms to ears. Roll down through your spine without getting fresh. Roll back up without getting fresh. Stay in that position.

Lift the arms to the ears. Don't get fresh. Roll down through your spine. Don't get fresh. Roll Up. Lift the arms up. No rocking of the pelvis and roll down. One more time. Roll back up one more time and not get fresh. Hold there. Bend the knees. We have two more of the seal and clap. One, two, three.

Back. One, two, three. Up. One, two, three. Back to three. And balance. Balance, balance. Thank you guys. You're done for today. Wonderful. Yeah.


7 people like this.
Thank You Brett !!
Impeccable Cueing ~ WoW
I do however think this was a level 8 class ;)
4 people like this.
I knew the workout was going to be a GREAT when I could see at least 3 regular instructors taking this class! Brett has an amazing personality! I love the creative variations and the descriptions of how to keep the proper form (keeping it PG- LOL)! Absolutely terrific: I do hope to see more of Brett on PA!
2 people like this.
Great class! Absolutely loved it! THANK YOU!
Yes that's it! Level 8! Thank you for saying that Yugonda. Counting to ten never took so long in my whole life!! Brett spent three days with us. He is impeccable in every way. Talented, Professional and Super Fun with an amazing history in Pilates. Stay tuned for our in depth interview with Brett, two more classes and the most inspiring workshop I've ever seen (Pilates for Children). Thank you Brett!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
2 people like this.
Loved the precision and continuous flow. Please do another class!
Loved loved loved this class!! I've never laughed so much in a class before! I will definitely do this again and again so as to not be so fresh! I can't wait for my kids to do the children's class!
2 people like this.
Wow! Tough yet so much fun!! Thank-you Brett for your presence and thank-you PIlates Anytime for providing so many amazing and diverse instructors!
PIiates for children!!! I'm so excited!! I'm so passionate about children using Pilates. I really can't wait.
3 people like this.
Wow,level 8 is right! Are you sure that was only an hour??!!
3 people like this.
Wow wow wow!!! Amazing stuff... love the cueing on finding the weakest part.. I really like your work Brett! I am familiar with most of this cueing and it is very similar to the way I teach.. wish I could have you here everyday :) Thank you, thank you and thank you Kristi and PA!
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