Class #711

Dynamic Spine Corrector

40 min - Class


Join Kathy Corey for a dynamic program of NEW exercises on the Spine Corrector that challenges core alignment through range of motion and various positions. The program includes innovative movement patterns for balanced muscle work for the whole body with emphasis on spinal articulation.
What You'll Need: Spine Corrector

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May 25, 2012
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So this spine corrector, this spine corrector is one of the pieces of Peloton equipment that is the most near and dear to my heart. Uh, when I started my programming, um, I worked a lot on the spine corrector on the Petty Pole, um, and on the Cadillac and the repertoire on the spine corrector is as an intense and um, as full as the repertoire on all the other pieces of equipment. I see it, it's a great way to introduce polite equipment to your classes, um, as well as a wonderful tool for the spine. Hence the name spine corrector. So what we are going to do today is a program that I have just been recently working on, uh, of uh, unusual body positions and unusual ways to really work on the spine corrector that are variations that come from the traditional work that I learned, um, way back in the late 1970s on this great piece of equipment. So the first thing that we want to do is we're going to stay, go behind it and we're going to kneel behind this mind corrector. You want your knees to be hip distance apart and you want the, um, needs to be about one to two inches away from the back of the spine corrector.

From here we lengthen the spine upward and the head stays in line with the spine. And we're going to bring the arms to the front at shoulder level. So changing the pelvic position, we want to lengthen awkward and start from the upper back. Hold the Pelvis Gel and began to round. So the keep your tab on reaching down toward the floor and we're gonna place the elbows onto this seat of the spine corrector from here. Relax the body and just allow the back to go over the spine corrector so that we are completely supported. The ribs are supported. The uh, the naval is still on the spine corrector and we're in a very relaxed position from here. Draw your tailbone down to the floor, bring your ribs lightly in a press into the forearm and allow the body to raise up off of the spine corrector just a few inches.

So we're rolling the spine up and get a little more roundness. That's it. Roll the spine up, drop the tailbone down, come in to that position, take a breath and release the back down a row. Think about lifting from the naval to the spine. Relax the head, bring the ribs in. She had come up into a long hat position and release the back down. Oh, let's do that again. Think about really coming from underneath the body.

Beautiful. Think about the work from the forearms, pressing in, relaxing the hands in the fingers so that when we are up, this is what we see, that we actually have created our own spine corrector in this front of the body that we have that beautiful roundness in the back and take the movement back down. Now this time we're going to come up and hold the position. Keep breathing. So we'll roll the spine up. Now just think about pressing the thighs to the spine corrector.

Come from the tailbone, shoe the thighs. Push them in and push back. Push in and come back round. Bring the tailbone down and push the ties in. Good and come back. Exhale as you press the thighs toward beautiful toward the spine corrector and release it and for arrest and bring the thighs even more. Put Darya, go. Really move it. Beautiful Emily and release.

So this is what we want to create right here is that maintenance of the spine and then we progress it lightly forward. How does that feel on your backs and release? Two more times. Exhale, press it in and release it out and exhale and press in and release out. And from here we're going to come up on twist, straight arm, nice deep breathing. And we're going to bring the body up. I lightly over, so we're, the body is now going to be supported onto the spine corrector and the arms are still going to be on the seat with the elbows bend from here, get a nice roundness in the upper body and she had flection over the spine corrector.

The legs are going to be nightly apart, but I want the feet or the toes curled under from there, lengthen up, let the upper back lead the movement to come up and to our extension length in the body. At the top of the movement and reach and stretch lightly over and press into the seat and feel how much more extension we can get because we've got that, the the raised seat helping us to come up and Linkedin at the top and bend the movement. Oh, in a full release on that back. Come on over and down. Very nice. Let's do two more of those. Take it up, reach it, stretch all the way through. Make sure the neck is long and in head in line with the spine.

Inhale and exhale. And as you come down, just think about keeping the body activated so we're not collapsing onto our spine correctors. And one more time. Reach and stretch the body up. Lengthen, lengthen, lengthen. Come all the way up. Leg lift at the top and then stretch and calm down from here. Let's come up only as far as you can comfortably. Now I want you to think about that.

Nice evenness. So you're going to lift the front arm, the arm that is closest to me, Jack it up. From there. We're going to chair and you're going to turn the body and look, retire, come back to the center and take it down there side. Reach it up in the body and look underneath the body, underneath the arm. Turn it back and take the arm down. Inhale and exhale. Inhale back and exhale to come down. One more time.

Shake it up and turn it, carrying it back and exhale and reach the torso down and relax the body. Inhale. Once again, the feet are going to be hip distance apart and come up. Place the hands behind the back, right the sides of the body. Now shake the arms to the front, circle it out and circle to bring the arms in the torso. Balance. Yes.

Circle it out and circle to come down two more times. We're each yet beautiful. If you can let the legs come up, circle it around, fully balanced and take it all the way down. One more time. Lengthen, lift, lift, lift. Open it wide and circle and calm all the way down.

All right? That was the preparation. So we are now going to go up higher on to the spine corrector. So what we want to do in this position, again, feet are curled down. We are coming up. The hands are now off of the spine corrector and onto your, onto the floor. Let's bring the arm up and turn it and come back and come down.

Bring the arm up and turn it and come back and down. Bring the arm up, bring the opposite leg up and reach to come down. Bring the Arma opposite leg stretches long back behind you and take it to come down two more times. Bring it out, lift it longer and reach out and down. Last one lifted up. Stretch it longer and reach it down.

Now what I'd like you to do is to find the place on your spine corrector, moving yourself front or back where you can live both your arms and your legs at the same time. It might take a minute or two for you to really find the adjustment in the pelvis that you need. The arms are going to go over your head. We're going to swim and I'm hoping that no one drowns. So one arm, one leg, and one arm and one leg slowly and let the arm and the leg come down each time.

Find your balance point. Find where you're not diving forward or back. And sometimes it's like a quarter of an inch in there, a quarter of an inch. All right, now both arms, both legs, up, balance yourself and began to swim. Very nice. Began to swim. Begin your swim, began your swim. Begin this swim and swim and swim. Inhale, exhale and round yourself down. Fantastic. Ah, because it's just not easy. So what happens here? So we're going to think about, we want to find the balance point.

So if in fact my legs can come up, oh, I arm find where I can adjust myself so that I can have everything up and off of the map. Now when I am swimming, if fact I am swimming properly, I will not fall forward or fall back. Why? Because my shoulders and hips are stable. If they're not stable, you're going to go under the wave. If your hips are not stable, you're going to go back over the wave.

So gonna try that again. The more stability you have core from the pelvis through the shoulder girdle, the easier. This is going to be very nice, stabilized, stabilized, beautiful. And inhale. Exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale and reach long and come over. Very, very nice. Uh, from here, let's just bring the legs back up, lift them high, keep your knees together, elbows are down and it in and in. As you extend, extend the legs and the arms. Come to the elbows in and inhale long. Exhale up.

And again, inhale, inhale. Long exhale, the knee should be higher than the spine corrector. Inhale, inhale long. Exhale up. One more time. Inhale, inhale and long. Exhale up. Find your balance. Point once again, bring the arms out, legs out and together. Out and together. Out and together. Out. Add the arms out and together. Out and together. Out and together and out and together.

Out. I love it. Okay. Find your balance, your arms. Go out. Now bring your legs out. Good. And bring the RS front and out and together and out and together, out. So when your arms are front, your legs are apart out and then close it out to the side and close. You got it. Beautiful. And together and out and together.

Same principle. If you're using too much of this, you're going to go one way or the other. So it's the stability through that pelvis that allows the movement to work smoothly through the body. All right, so from here we're going to slide back and just stretch the torso and I would like you to sit on the top of your spine corrector. Now one of the things that is very, very important when we're doing this is that you want to sit evenly so that you don't have more spine corrector on one side than the other. The spine is long and straight and they lengthen upward. And now we're going to make a small curl through the pelvis.

Hold onto the side, and I want you to slide the body down and sit with the legs over the spine corrector. Now from here, press up and find a position where you can extend your legs high to the ceiling. Very nice. Relax the shoulders down. That's where we're going to end up. Where we're going to start is with the feet touching the front of the spine corrector [inaudible] and the abdominals. Nice and strong. The arms to the side, cause we're going to do the hundred so we'll start with the knees bent. We'll extend the legs low.

We'll [inaudible] reap the legs up, up, up, up, up til we finished our 100 beats at the top of the movement. All right, here we go. Don't let it throw yet and stretch. Inhale, one, two, three, four, five and exhale. Two, three, four, five. And inhale, two, three, four, five. And exhale, two, three, four, five. And extend the legs low to three, four, five. And exhale, two, three, four, or five. And inhale, two, three, four, five. And exhale. Two, three, four, five.

Go Higher. Two, three, four, five. And exhale. Two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Reach up to three, four, five, and higher. Two, three, four, five and inhale, two, three, four, five and exhale, two, three, four. Reach to the legs. Lift your torso higher. Stay there and flex feet beat two, three, four, five. Point the toes, two, three, four, five and flex two, three, four, five and 0.2, three, four, five and flex two, three, four, five. Really engaged from those abdominal shoulders down. And inhale, two, three, four, five and exhale two, three, four and five around the back.

Slide yourself back up. And we're going to sit on the top of the spine corrector. Um, take a nice deep breath. If you have a god you might want to pray now. No, I'm not kidding. A length in the spine up.

Now what we're going to do is we're going to round the back and we're going to come slightly in front. So you're really in this nice, comfortable position. Place the hands behind you on to the seat. Bring your legs in and find that position that best suits your body so the legs can come up. Then the legs are going down, pull back in, lifted up and lower to come down. Pull it in, lift it long, lower end, stretch down, and pull in and up. Let's do it with straight legs. Body longer and come down.

Exhale and inhale. Exhale, inhale, and exhale. Double leg stretch the body comes in the legs. Come in Lincoln, pull it back up. Lengthen it out, pull it back in length, pull it back in. Lengthen it out. You look great. Pull it back in. Bodied more body, lower the arms and lift the arms.

Let the body come back and up. Pull it back, pull it up and back. Pull up and hold and extend the legs out of. Bring the legs in and down. Once again, what we want to do now is to slide back down with the legs over the front from here. Once again, find the position in your body when you don't feel that you're, um, really supported in the seat of the spine corrector. You look good. And find that position where the legs can be a long gated and lifted up.

Yeah. From there, we're going to slide the arm back stretched to the ceiling and lift up to the legs, Geezer backwards. Geezer. Bring the other arm down. This direct the body over, lifted up, teaser steer, wretched, back, taken down, lifted up teaser. One more time. Take it out and open it and take it up and teaser.

Bring your legs down and stretch the spine because that was fun. Let's do it with a twist. Boomerang style. Okay, Cross when they go over the other, whatever leg is on top, we're going to have, yes. The leg on top should be closest to me. Take that arm across the body.

It goes to across the toes, lifted high. Circle it back, lift the other arm up and stretch all the way over. From there, lift up and cross to the opposite arm. Change sides, change legs. Reach it over, circle the arms. Come back and stretch. Take a deep breath and exhale. Come up and stretch.

The other arm goes behind you. Change the legs, change the arms, take it over, lengthen it out. It's directed back, lifted up. Stretch and reach. One more time. Take it over. Circle it around. Open it out. Very nice.

Pull it up and stretch it over. Bend the knees and relax the body. How are we doing? Everybody? Good? Alright, come back to the top. So now we're going to do our side some side leg series. We'll do it into position. So we have a nice progression.

We'll come to the side of the body. And the first position we're, we have the um, arm down and we've, we're, we're on the hip, but you're not all the way on the top. So it's leg over. Leg. Arm is down. And we're just going to with the leg, lower down and lift the leg up and lower it down. Lift the leg up and lower it down. Lift the leg up. Now this store, stretch the body and stretch to your legs.

Stretch the body and stretch to your leg. Stretch the body, stretch to your leg. And one more times. Direct the body and stretch to your leg. Take the leg down. So how do you, was that pretty good? Yes. So let's come on up.

Find your balance. Now in this position, we have hip over here, shoulder over shoulder, and the LE, both legs are going to come up off of the mat. So what we want to do from here is like goes up, other leg comes to it, leg goes down and down, up and up and down. Now if any of you are feeling that it's too much on the hip in that bottom leg in and it goes up and higher down and down and uh, either position is fine as long as we're supported. Shoulder and shoulder, up and up, down and down, up, up, down. Now the bottom leg stays down in the top lake circles front and to circle three, circle four, circle five if you can. The other leg is up, circle it back and two and three and four and five and bending. Lift high and lower to come down. Bend in, lift high and low were to come to hand. Banded in, lifted up and lower to come down. Banded in, lift it long and lower. Here we go.

Hip over hip, long positions and scissor and Caesar reach it. Nice and long. Scissor if you can. That arm comes out and scissor, scissor, scissor, scissor and bring the legs down. Sly down and Stuart Hatch all the way. Let's do the other side. Come on up. So the first one is we are down. No, you need to be on the other side of the spine corrector.

[inaudible] now what I'd like everyone to do is to turn their spine correct three more times. Okay, onto the side, arm on the floor and the first part is to lift and come down to lift and lower. You look great. Lift and I can see everybody and lift and lift it up. Now the star, we get a long stretch over and we lift up.

Long stretch over, lift up, long stretch over, lift up and long stretch over and lift and come down. Now let's pull our bodies up even more so that we can balance the hip over hip on the top of the spine corrector. And once again you may have the leg bench where the leg is about and we are here. It's up and up and down and down. It's up and up, down and down.

Lift, lift, lower, lower, lift up, lift up and lower and lower. Circle if you can both legs up. Two, three, four and five. Reverse it. One, two, three, four and five. And now we're going into come in, extend and lower down pool and extend lower down, pull in, extend lower down and in exed end lower and scissors aren't out and scissor route. If you can, you can place the hand behind your head and scissor, hip over hip, shoulder over shoulder. Keep breathing. Keep going and come to take a nice deep breath. And I keep the spine correctors facing in this direction and well, once again, we're going to come over round the back and bring the elbows down. Rule the spine slightly up, straighten your arms and this time get more intense, stretched through the upper back. Relax the shoulders away from the ears.

Sit back on your heels and take a nice deep breath. We're going to come around and sit on this seat of the spine corrector. So now I would like you to all face the seat inward please. We're going to sit comfortably. I know you thought we'd never get to actually sitting on the spine corrector, but we are here. We're going to sit comfortably. Honesty, that's mine corrector.

I want to make sure that the low back, the small of the back is completely supported as we do the work. We want to have that position now with a straight line from the knee to the foot, and we're first going to stretch forward. Reach the body front. Now Rolls, bind back and take the arm closest to me. Yeah, I'm closest to me and place it on the floor. Press into the heels and lift the torso from the hips and stretch over.

Lift the arm to the ceiling. Look to the ceiling. Slide the torso down. Circle to the front and stretch over your feet. Come up and roll to the back. Police the arm down. Press from the hips, not the arm to come up. Stretch it over. Stretch it to the ceiling and look to the ceiling.

Slide the torso down. Circle k the front of the room and stretch over the feet. And again, roll the spine. Circle the arm, press from the hip. It's not an arm movement. Press it up. Go to the ceiling, stretch it over to this ceiling and slowly slide yourself down. Stretch to the front. One more time, reach and stretch. Press the torso up, stretch back and over. Stretch to the CIA and slide your torso down into the seat and stretch to come over. Let's bring the feet into the diamond position, sitting up nice and tall and length in the spine upward and just reach up, stretch to the side and I side bend and come center and stretch to the side.

Now as we are doing this stretch where you're making sure that both hips stay flat, so we're not allowing the body to tilt, but our anchor point, it's the opposing hip. We keep it anchored in pressing down so we increase the stretch throughout the body. Let's go one more set, take it up, reach it over and come up into the center. Take it up, reach it over and come in to the center. Lift the arm and stretch over your calf and reach a little bit more out to come up and open and lift it up. Reach over the calf, lift it long and stretch it over. Lift up and stretch over your cath. Once again, both hips have equal weight on them.

Lift up and nice deep breathing to inhale and to exhale and lift and come back. Now stretch to the calf to this side. Roll yourself back and lift yourself up without the arm. Take it over. Take it through. Take it back and lift it up. Take it over there, a nice take it through. Take it back and come up and last time over and through. Take it back, lift into the center and other side.

Reach down, arm on the floor for the first one. Come up and reach stretching back and come up. No arms. Reach it out. Lift up and region. Stretch long to the back and come up in.

Once again, we want to really think about the evenness of the hips reaching. Even though one side of the body is working more than they ever, we have stabilization through the pelvic alignment. One more time. Take it through and stretch and come up in to this center. Let's place the hands behind the head. Now from this position, we want you to make a small curl through the pelvis. I want you to make sure that we have a the navel lightly, lightly reaching toward the spine.

The space between the hips and the ribs is a long gated and not collapsed down and we're going to take the movement and we're going to roll ourselves back just until the sternum is level with the ceiling. So we're not back all the way. We are actually anchoring ourselves across the thoracic spine and now you're to the front of the room. You are going to, you just bring the elbow to the knee with the changing the body position or design, come back into the center, bring your elbow to the opposite knee and come back into the center. Bring your elbow to the opposite knee and back into the center and elbow to the opposite knee and back into the center. Now W at, use the spine corrector. Keep the elbows wide and use the spine corrector.

Press into the spine, correct engine spine corrector to roll the body up and over. Roll. Keep the elbows wide and roll it back once again just to that straight position with the sternum to the ceiling. Now to the front of the room or to the window. The elbow goes to the knee.

Now we're going to turn the torso and we're going to roll the torso over and over and come back to that side. Stretch. Come back into the center, bringing elbow to the knee. Bring the bottom, elbow down, top, elbow up a. Keep them wide. Turn it more and more and more and more. But keep both hips. I will turn it back and come into the center or rotate. Turn the torso and turn it back and through the center and rotate.

Turn the torso. Keep the elbows wide and open. Turn it back and center and two more. Roll it over. Roll it back and center last time. Take it over, roll it and open to the ceiling and in to the center. This shine close the elbows. Reach the torso.

Long going only is into extension as far as you can fully support your head in your hands. Then roll the spine up. Use the spine corrector, push into the spine corrector. We need elbows in between the knees, relaxing the spine. Take a nice deep breath. Roll the spine up to the sitting position.

From here we're going to stretch to this side. We're going to round the back so that we round over the knee, go to the other knee, ruling the body all the way through. Both hips are flat, roll to the opposite side. Roll High and calm center. So we're making a circle with the body. Go to the side, go over your knee, circle the body around to the other knee, roll up the side, higher, higher, higher, end in to this center. And the other way we keep reversing it. Go down or roll it around so we're all trading sides.

As we circle and lift up and again, go take it. Oh over round. Roll through the center and open and come up. Now close the elbows again and reached down. Oppressed, a small the back into the spine. Corrector. Relaxing the elbows. We are not pushing with the elbows, they are just relaxing or sliding down our legs. Making sure that these, the mall of the backstage on the spine corrector.

Now the line of the knee, and then roll the spine up slowly to the sitting position and close and roll over. Slide down to the ankles. Begin to roll the spine up. Opening the elbows at the knee level. Open it. Roll the spine, uh, to sitting. Let's do that again and close. Rounded. Sit. Uh, we're round over and slide down to the ankles.

Open out to the knees and roll the spine up. Elbows are nice and wide. Bring the arms front. Round this time. Keep the arms down at the sides of the body on the spine, cracker and rule and imprint the spine. One Vertebrae at a time as you gently and slowly reach back only as far as you can.

Comfortably lift one arm just around the ears. Lift the other arm around the ears. Bring both arms up to the ceiling. Drop the shoulders onto the spine corrector. Press into the spine corrector and begin to slowly peel the spine up. One Vertebra at a time. Rounding the back, rolling and stretching past your toes on the floor.

Come back, roll the spine. One Vertebra at a time. Rolling down. Very nice. Roll it down and bring both arms up and over. Bring the arms to the ceiling. Drop the arms down so that the scapula are wide across the show, across the top of the spine corrector and press from the sternum to the rib into the navel, into the small of the back and stretch.

Let's bring the legs together and slide back up onto the top of your spine corrector. Sitting up nice and tall. Now from here we want to find that position. Bring the legs onto the front of the spine corrector and extend one leg up and come down and come up and down. Lift up and down. Lift up and down. Lift one leg, lift the other leg.

Both legs come down opposite lift. One leg, other leg, both legs. Here we go. Both legs up nice and slow and down and touch. Lift it up, press it out and down and lifted up. Reach it long and come down based the feet flat. Slide the tour, so down.

Hug the knees and stretch the spine over. Roll your spine up. Nice long sitting position and thank you very much for joining us. [inaudible] finale.


1 person likes this.
Thank You So Much for this Wonderful Class Kathy !!
The Spine Corrector is my favorite for balance work :)
anna hartman - israel
i am a pilates teacher in israel for the last 7 years mat/equipment.
thanks very much for this uplifting and amazing class
2 people like this.
I have always enjoyed Kathy's classes. The spine corrector is rarely used and she created a class with variety, exceptional cueing and progressions. Her program built slowly from a warm-up and she progressively added more complex movement patterns.
1 person likes this.
Kathy, This is a Brilliant and beautiful class – thank you Rich
Loved loved loved this Kathy! You've done it again! amazing class. judy
Beautiful class--Kathy, those legs of yours are poetry!
Really enjoyed this class tonight at home. Thank you!
Thank you for your comments. I love the spine corrector and the great way it helps keep my spine flexible.
Kathy,thank you so much for an amazing class. My spine feels absolutely great.

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