Class #904

Comprehensive Cadillac

50 min - Class


Amy teaches a fairly comprehensive Cadillac class leaning more towards the classical style flow and exercise selection. Some class highlights are Roll Backs, Parakeet, Single Leg Teaser with a twist, Single Leg Kick and Hanging. You'll get plenty of spinal articulation, some good back extension and an all around great workout.
What You'll Need: Cadillac

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Dec 05, 2012
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Hi, I'm Amy and I have Leah with me. Today we're going to do a Cadillac workout and fairly comprehensive, a little more on from the classical style and a plenty of articulations, some good back extension, trying to get all ranges of motion. So we're going to start with our roll back bar. I'm gonna Start with my knees bent and feel free to make some changes or differences if you'd like to little press on the bar. Not Too much. Let's just take about three deep breaths.

Getting centered and trying to widen the base of the ribs, the lowest ribs, lift them and widen them as we inhale. Exhale, that slight feeling of funneling the ribs in and down. We'll do that again. Don't forget to think about expanding the ribs to the back. One more time. And on this exhale we're going to start to roll. So taking a nice long roll across the sacrum.

Cross the lower back shoulder blades and head. Inhale comes the head rolling through the spine, bending. I'm going to bend my knees on the way up and come back up to sitting tall. Okay, so your chance to find those abdominals, find them hamstrings, feel where your spine is. Hopefully through the class there'll be plenty of opportunity to feel more mobility and places to let go.

If you feel some tension [inaudible] pulling those abdominals in up wide through the waist. Let's do here in just two, three arm poles will bend the elbows, pull the bar in and release pulling in. So it's a nice way to imprint those ribs, getting those high abdominals awake and let's take ourself up. Inhale, head and chest. 10 exhale, Peele and up to tall single arms. So one hand in the center, opposite hand around the waist. Doing our best to keep the shoulders square.

Inhaling very tall on our sit bones and the exhale again. So try, I'm trying to effort pulling my abdominals in away from this front arm, laying the spine back as evenly as possible. All right, so nice stretch for the side of the body. Take that top, that arm that was around the waist. You can either reach to them that first pole, you can go to the second poll or if you're really a lot more flexible in that shoulder, you can actually took pic. Take your hand on the Mat. I'm just going to kind of go halfway in between. Think about the imprinted ribs, those that we don't want to lift that rib cage up to the sky, so working that imprint but yet a nice stretch and opening. Couple breath cycles on mount side.

Take the left leg also in cross it over your right ankle. So cross that. There you go. And make a big reach through that top leg that we just crossed. I enjoying that opening up and uncross the foot. Sweep that arm back around the waist. Center your spine and rolling up.

Roll into yourself. Pick up the spine into nice, tall. Sit. Just one on the other side. Bringing the shoulders into the ribs and rolling back can feeling that effort of pulling the tummy in a way from this front arm, reaching the borough Vertebra back. Ah, feeling that shoulder work, taking the arm, making sure to imprint those ribs. Pick up the leg and cross, really reach it out over that ankle. It's a beautiful ITB and stretch. It's a really nice way to open up that sigh joint on the lower back.

Ah, let's take two more breaths cycles. I'm even feeling your skin stretch as you inhale, possibly when you exhale [inaudible] and then undo the foot. Find for the pole there. Arms sweeps back around to the waist. Inhale, head and chest, pulling those tummy muscles in, away from that forearm. And we're going to come up to sitting tall. Okay. And movie the Bar just on the outside.

We're going to come into some arms springs. Um, I've, we've got our long yellow springs here, so coming down for a little bit of supine arms. Generally best way to measure long arms straight up in a straight line with a little bit of opening of your springs or a little slack is fine. To find the shoulder blades into the mat. Let's pick up our legs to a table top and we'll just take an exhale. Lower the arms down. We're going to do five arm poles.

Inhale and exhale like we're reaching our fingertips to the opposite poles of the Cadillac, but yet the shoulder blades staying in the same place on the mat, two more. Ah, could always do this just with the legs on a mat. Now hold the arms. Let's do five triceps. So elbows bend and extend five times endeavoring to keep that collarbone nice and wide and the ribs imprinted and for more Prescott use me. That's number four, that'd be too many. And last one. Now Arms Circle Supine. So let's just bring them up.

Open from the sides. Exhale, press in and arms to the sky. Find Him Nice continuous flow with the circles. Do more. Those exhales feeling, that wastes zip Ian dominoes pulling in up and wide. Okay. Opposite way for five. Ah, and doing the arm work on the Cadillac gives a different opportunity to feel.

Trying to feel both arms working uniformly and in the same timing how dominant arm might want to lead. So really feeling for it. Take the time to feel even. And that's our fifth circle. Let's take a breath here at the top. We're going to come up into an abdominal curl, press your arms down, roll your head and chest up, and just feel the effort of the stretch of the spine forward. And then roll back down. Two more just there.

Exhale as we slide the shoulders down, lift the head, neck and chest. Good long fingers. And we rolled back. Last one. Exhale. Okay. Now let's extend the legs to the 100 position. Give a little squeeze in the hamstrings. We're just going to lift the arms.

Inhale. Exhale, press vibe of these. Trying to keep that upper body position, reaching with those arms to the opposite end of the Cadillac. Exhale. Three last two up. Four broad. Collarbone, broad, upper back. Last one. Press. Now let's bend the knees. Bend the elbows in. Head down.

Coordination three times. So it's inhale up quick. Open-Close knees, elbows, head and press. Open-Close in elbows and head. Last one. Oh, all the way down. Okay, good. Yeah, let's go prune for Flying Eagle. So I'm about five, three and a half, like the thing, five, four, um, Leah's much taller than I am, so she, you're gonna see her feet at the opposite end of the Mat.

I'm going to try to come up a little bit more. So forehead resting on the mat just for a moment. Organize the shoulders and then pull up in his stomach muscles again. We've got that Nice lumbar support, active legs, but you're not too gripped in the buttocks. Send the shoulders away from the head head.

Let's begin to pull the arms back about halfway back. Float the head and chest were not coming much higher than the base of the ribs and bring the arms and chest back down. And let's inhale as we do that, pulling up and exhale three more. I'm trying to aim my breastbone straight out to the top of the Mat and last two shoulder blades, upper back into those thoracic vertebrae. And down this one we'll start to add the circle of the arms. So we press, we'll do stu three wide. As the arms start coming down. So does the chest inhale. You want to feel the upper arm, rotate at the join of the shoulder, lats, shoulders and really reaching wall to wall with the arms.

Now the reverse is become up. The arms are raising up like an airplane. Pull the arms into the body and come down with length and control. Two more. Really always looking for how to find more length with the strength along that spine support from those abdominal muscles. Okay, so we're going to release those handles now and we'll come up, use our roll back bar again for some enrolling stomach massage. So where we'll be setting up is with an arm length away from the frame.

So you may want to bring your arm up there first and then hold on the edges. Lift and put your knees over the bar. And I'd go bare legged so I can get a good squeeze. Okay. And then as the hands are holding a pipe, so the Poles, I'm not too low with the hands, is that might arch the spine not too high is that might be out of your comfort zone there. I'm going to be halfway and then aim the elbow slightly in and just take a moment to notice that can widen the back. Okay, let's start with the feet down on the mat and we'll take our first movement of thighs to chest. Here we go.

Inhale highs to chest and we roll the spine up to the shoulder blades. Lift the knees high, squeeze those hamstrings, and you're going to basically come down through a bridge Planck line. Yes. Feel the feet, touch the mat and then articulate down to the tail. And again, thighs in [inaudible], sail lift. So I'd like to engage those hamstrings quite a lot. Send the sits bones straight out to that roll back bar. Feel the feet, land them as you roll through. Then you also roll the spine.

One more in this direction. [inaudible] big scoop of the belly. Big Squeeze and the glutes. Push with those arms a little bit, especially here as we roll our spine down. Push connect now the opposite way. Push with the arms. Peel to bridge.

Now float up, let the springs pick you up to the shoulders. Flex the hips. Inhale and we roll. Once again, pressing the bar with the arms. Inhale, pick up the hips. Exhale, float up to the shoulders. Inhale, flex, scoop in that belly. Hollow Hollow. Now making sure the chin is not dropped onto the chest. You've got space. Reach with the arms. One more like this. We peel the hips up, find the glutes, find the hamstrings, lift onto the shoulders, flex the hips. We breathe in.

And as you roll your spine, push press with the arms. Okay, let's do one more of each, but one, one way, and then one the other way. So first is that it needs into chest. Inhale, exhale, we roll up to shoulders. Fluidity up to the bridge. Squeeze those hamstrings. Reach the hips toward the bar. Now just plant your feet. Go right back up. Up.

We go to our shoulders. We flex that our hip joints. Breathing in. Enjoy the roll of the spine, pushing with the arms and all the way. Okay, little hamstring stretch interlude here. So I'm going to have us take our hands on the bar. Lift the shins and the feet.

And you can just start this with your bar at your calves. It's, it's pretty intense there for me today. Trying to aim that sacrum onto the mat and sits bones out. Check that the shoulders aren't getting injured in a rolling in can kinda stay connected to the back if you're feeling good there and want to challenge it, move the bar to the lower cows, higher to your feet. A couple of breaths in that one and I have a little slight press of my leg against the bar, so I'm kind of giving that little, getting that feedback. And then one more place when I'm going to try to get more into my achilles tendon. Sacrum is down, sitz bones are reaching. One more breath.

Exhale and lift the hips up. Take the feet out and let's move our bar up. Okay, so taking that bar, we don't need it. I'm going to put on the outside, come into the opposite end and use a red spring top loaded for some work yet this end. Let's take ourself down on the way down. We'll grab our bar and let's start with our alignment that we have that good straight line from our shoulder up to the bar. Knees right now can be bent feed on them. You know what? No, let's take them straight. I want to have that really good full body stretch three times.

Just opening up the shoulder joints now. So as we inhale and bring the bar toward the chest, aim the elbows back for the mat without arching the spine and continue moving the bar through the frame and that full long body stretch. I'm going to have us slide the shoulder blades up toward the head so that we can do the contrast and slide them down. Return the bar, elbows wide and bar up, and two more. Inhale, exhale, and that slide of the shoulder blades, it's gonna come in handy in a few minutes there and slide down. Elbows out. Anchor those ribs. Feel those abdominals at work and up.

One more time. Pan. We inhale using that mid and upper back. Really to hold out those elbows back, those upper back extensors. Stretch and glide, glide back and return. Okay. Now we'll bend those knees. I'm actually gonna move up toward my head a few inches so that my head is right at the top of the mat for me. That's where I'm going to go. Leah may not need that. She'll probably figure that out.

And just to say I don't have as much shoulder flexion extension and at something so flection in this case. Uh, so I need a little bit more room this way. All right, so that's what I'm gonna do. Hands shoulder with the part and let's extend our right leg in a teaser, diagonal. Press the legs together. Inhale head in, chest, and exhale, not all the way up into flat back. So you're going to see that we're staying back on the sacral anchor there. And as we rolled back into the body, really curl and roll back to the head.

One more there. Inhale, picking up the head. Big Scoop of the tummy. Exhale can gaze right out to the toes. And we're rolling back as we pull into the core long leg, reaching from the hip and down. When we go reach your left arm forward. Inhale, head and chest. So as we come up this time, let's turn uh, toward the front of the room there. Add a little more extension. Now on the upper back, turn back to the leg as we inhale and rolled one more there. Inhale and head and chest.

Exhale up and into the spiral or rotation and look at that hand. Beautiful. Inhale, center and into the body. Arm and Lange. Switch it out first with the two hands on the bar. Inhale, head and chest. Heel up. Follow the line of your leg into your foot with your eyes coming down. Same thing. I'm following my leg line with my eyes and center.

Okay. It's kind of a nice way to put the head in a proper position and coming down, right arm extends for the rotation. So we go in, he'll head and chest. No, you might want to press those legs a little closer together. A little more firm turn express through the upper back and chest. Inhale Center and Exhale, coming down, trying to stay even on that spine. Inhale, exhale, twist. Okay.

Inhale, center. Pull it in. Rolling all the way down. Okay. And both hands on. Now let's come safely. Bring herself up. We'll flip over to our tummy, pulling our bar down with this, we're using a red spring top loaded still and I'm getting into those upper back extensors a little more of our swan work. So as we have our a bar straight out long arms but not locked elbows.

I'm really me up monitoring that those shoulder blades are nicely set on the back. Abdominal supporting the lower back. Hamstrings and adductors are active so our body is very active. My forehead is now hovered just slightly above the bar. Oh Mat. So let's take those shoulder blades and go up again toward the head was so good and then slide them down without bending the elbows. And then as we go into a very, in a mini swan, we're articulating the upper spine.

Really trying to only come up about to the base of our ribs. Exactly. And then coming down with length all the way. Hover the forehead still again. We breathe in trying to connect to peeling the front of the spine off the table, fuel those lats, very supportive. All of those shoulder girdle muscles holding those arms steady and coming down.

One more like that. We'll stay up on this. Next one. Shoulder blades are set. Peel. Okay, check that the tummies still participating here. Look right out over the bar. Now more active hamstrings. Pick up those legs. We'll do our single leg kick from our mat program and a kick, kick and kick, kick, Choo Choo Choo and kick, kick and kick. Kick and kick, kick and kick. Kick again, four and three and two and one and both examines.

Breathe and lower the legs. Lower the spine all the way. Moving onto another sworn. Let's bend those elbows. I've got a more secure grip with my hands on the bar. You can keep it light. Now I want you to take the bar back behind the head and let's actively contract the all the muscles between the shoulder blades, like you're squeezing a big red, juicy grape squish and feel. Then the contrast of releasing that, holding the bar with just a little bit of energy in the back, low at the base of the shoulder blades, and then move the bar forward away from the head. Okay, we'll do another one like that. So behind the head, squeeze the grape.

Now it's the grape is a little lower on your back, lower in the shoulder blades. Release it and move the bar forward. Adding a little something to that. Now let's do the same thing as squeeze. The grape is low, little lower. Now lift the head. Feel that the [inaudible].

Now how the back of the head can actually touch that bar and keep engaging the muscles around the base of the shoulder blades. Now if we move from here into full swan, let your hands swivel underneath that bar. Lift your heart up to the bar. Lift it, stretch. I'm actually looking up toward that. Pushed through bar lift. Now as we come down, let's bend that elbows squeeze the grape.

The grape is very low on our back now and we're gonna go all the way through. One more fluid swan. Inhale, bend and move it. Pick up the head. Exhale. The body follows the bar. Feel a beautiful stretch and the abdominals active legs. Heart is high.

Inhale coming down using those strong back muscles and all the way through. Woo. Okay. One Hand on the Mat. Yup. Use a little kind of crawling position to come on up. Yeah. Great. Okay, so parakeet, parakeet, still on our red spring. I like to grab one foot across the top of the bar and then one underneath it to secure my, my, uh, cell phone. I go down and then getting both feet on.

I'm gonna work today with the little space between the legs. So about in line with sits bones. Such a great exercise for our feet as we know. Let's just take a moment to bring the arms in close to the body, imprint the ribs, but try not to take it into a posterior tilt. Got a good long body. Inhale, bend the knees and feel the foot. Just navigate around the bars.

You control it up. Be Pelvic Curl. Now Peel. Here's that deepening of articulation. As we roll up, we standing on the shoulders. Take an extra second to extend the hip joints or the opening there, and I want to have you put your hands at your bum. We're going to do a little before leg kicks. Bend your knees and pull the bar down a few inches.

Find those hamstrings and calves and then control the bar up just to more lower hamstrings and extend. This doesn't have to be a big movement. It's actually a nice preparation for a single leg pattern. Now hands down. Let's take an inhale, roll down the spine and exhale deep in that scoop. Rotate the pelvis, plant the pelvis in and bend the knees.

Send the bar forward so we'll go through the full pattern. Twice, not the knee bends, but now the leg kicks. Inhale, straighten a full breath to roll us up. We peel and we stretch. We're going to alternate leg starting with the right leg. Inhale away and exhale to the bar. Remember thinking of going up before touching the Var. Paint that ceiling.

Feel those triceps at arms. Nice and anchored. Last one, your pelvis should stay level. No dipping. Hold both legs, solid hamstrings. Roll the spine, upper back, broad color, stable feet. Bend the knees, stretch those legs. One more round pattern all the way through. [inaudible] full breath to roll up. Left leg first. [inaudible] whole inhale. Exhale, roll the spine.

Solid hamstrings, broad color. Feel the pelvis, bend the knees, stretch the legs out. And a similar way to transition up to sitting. I'm going to hook one foot underneath the bar then and start to roll up just so I can get up there. Yes, stable. Alright, now let's sit a straddle. We're going to do a little push through series from straddle and I'm going to have about a full arm length away. I need to actually come in just a little bit. All right, so using some adductor, squeeze the table a little bit there with your calves and we're going to pull the bar down, staying sitting tall and then exhale, straightening through.

Hinge ing forward at the hips to send the bars straight ahead. And now your, your butt's gonna probably come up a l a l a significant amount, that's fine. Reach out two way stretch. You've got energy out, your tail out through the tip of the head, as long of a distance between both points as possible. Now breathe in again. The exhale is going to start at the tail. We're going to curl, put weight on those hips. Let the head drop.

Send the shoulders down, bend the elbows to bring the bar up and through and the hinge to come forward. Just lean a little more weight to the front of the pubic bone. Being mindful not to let the ribs just open up and then we'll go through that pattern again. Inhale, sit tall. Bring the bar down. Exhale, push through. Full breath to hinge. Staying here for full breath length from head to tail.

Breathe in again. Find that exhale deep in the pelvic floor. Scoop per weighed on those hips. Broaden your back as you articulate up and up to a nice forward hinge, getting the head between those arms. Nice stretch. One more round trip. Inhale, Paul. Sit Tall as we pull. Squeeze the table and hinge at the hips.

Okay, so as much distance from our head to tail as possible. We've got pretty relaxed feet active doctors inhale, and then we round back weight on the hips. Easy shoulders resists that bar and up into the hinge. Okay. Now I'm going to go into more of our circle pattern and as we hold on now we'll hinge back in a secure my lats and let's release our a right arm first. We can go round and as we're going around that central access from our tail up through the tip of the head, I'm going to just take that central axis and turn with and turn it and turn.

I'm going to take myself all the way around a beautiful side bend. There you go. Now on this red spring, this is pretty difficult. I'm going to just push down, put my other hand on it, go through the forward hinge and let's come back with a round spine and just come to sitting vertical. We'll go to hinge there, hindering back. Okay, release the left arm. So we're trying to paint this wall. Feel that nice, solid supporting arm. And then as we're going round, it's like we're in a big bubble and we're tracing the whole circumference inside that circle. There we go. This is a tough one. Your inside bend, push into flection and move into extension. We're going to do the whole series one more time and roll back.

Coming through. So hinges back and yeah, reach, reach, expand. Try to touch that in the s the bubble is bigger now it's got a bigger circumference. Oh, bigger diameter. Reach out. [inaudible] into extension, getting that chest down nicely and then round back. [inaudible] last time into the hinge back and release the left arm. This is the wonderful circular big stretch.

Now there's a little muscle work right there and nice blend of stretch and contraction. I say reach. Inhale, exhale, round. [inaudible] and roll all the way up to finish. Good. Okay, good. So let's move on to some legs springs. Now we'll need to take her, push their bar down and we'll take our arms springs off and just line them on the flame on four. Oops. And we'll be using our purple leg springs. I'm going to keep them in the same place as we had for the arms springs a little lower, but that's okay for me for right now.

Same measurement as the rolling stomach massage. So start with setting your arms first. I've got a good arm length and we're going to start with nice little frog and work into those nice deep exercises. So elbow slightly in. Now let's find a frog position. Heels together, knees about shoulder with Nice level hips and imprinted ribs. Inhale, stretch the legs out and exhale, pull in.

That's that big scoop of the stomach. Inhale could be a long diaphragm and exhale the diaphragm coming back up. Inhale, stretch in. Inhale, stretch and in. And one more. Stretching out. Let's stay there.

And keeping the legs externally rotated. Bridge is going to do open to close about five times. As we take the open, maintaining that positioning of sits bones forward. The leg should really go open. Close on that same parallel or horizontal line. Last one coming in.

Now I want to take us to parallel bend the knees into what would be a tabletop position. And uh, so the springs are right above the shins. Put your hands on your thighs. Now I'm going to try a little something here. Thighs will stay stable. Extend the knees so the Shins and feet go to the ceiling but not completely straight. Now move your femurs down, hold your femurs there, bend your knees and then re flex the hips. So I'm just kind of breaking something down.

And knees and femurs and knee flection and hip flection. Knee extension, hip extension, knee flection and extension. One more there and up and legs. Knees and femurs. Now going the other way. Femurs. Yup. And knees.

Femurs and knees. Just some isolation. Maybe some more specific detailing of working your legs. Two more patterns. Femurs, knees, never quite fully extending. If you prone to hyperextension and down. Lengthen and up. Now we're going to hold the legs up.

Reposition the hands on the bars, push a little bit. Leg circles, five each way down. We go externally rotate around and center. I'm only gonna go a little wider than my frame and work on the lengthening of my body rather than how big my circles are. [inaudible] two more year-end down. Same as the RM springs. Trying to let those legs work in tandem, so five the other way, if you have a dominant leg, try to not use it.

You know what I'm saying? He into, if you have that tendency last two and up last one. Now let's keep the legs in a little turnout down there and raise your left leg up. We're going to go into our scissors and we'll do a little pull pull, but it's going to be the bottom leg and we're going to think that it reaches, reaches. Here we go. Reach, reach, reach, reach. [inaudible]. This is another place to really push with the arms. Try to extend, find connection to two way stretching out your toes. See how long she is there and out the fingers this way and four and three and two and last one and they'll keep in the left leg up there. Let's go right into bicycle there. Yes, so yeah, you're wondering which like, uh, let's go. We're going. Let's go forward.

There it is. Yeah, because as we know there are two bicycle directions and we're going to again focus on the up, the out, the up and the out and the up and the out and the up and the out. Little faster and up and up and up and out, up and out, up and out. And four, three staying in control as we up that temple hold backward pedal. So the, Yep. Feel the mat, reach out, try to still hit the [inaudible] up the up, the up when one is out of one, one is way out. The coordination here up and Oh for more. You push that leg away. Push and, and rest for a second.

Now let's take a little bit of the Sean's Jamal with walking pattern. So legs up to the sky, little turned out, nothing too fancy. Feel those, the lower glutes wrapping the legs. And let's start with a little right over left. So we have a one, two, three, four, five, six and seven, eight and up, three, four making sure to keep the springs open here at the top, going down five, six, seven, eight and up to four. Really feeling those add doctors. You've got three more sets, six, seven, eight and up. Six and seven. Eight and two more sets. Long. Five, six up.

Oh, that's really working now. The inner leg. Five, six, seven, eight and up. Two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Okay. Bend the knees for a second. So I'm going to have us try something for hips and knees technically, and maybe some other schools. We would raise the spring attachments or at least that slide bar up a little bit. Let's just see what happens if we take our legs up, push with those arms and pull the legs down and bring the hips up. Let's see where we go. Oh God. Good. Endless heel beats. Real quick.

Little, he'll be there squeezing the buttocks. Four, three, two, one and bring the hips down. Frog. Let's try that again. Stretch out from frog. Legs go out, hips go up and we go shoot there. Little heel taps again in one, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Again, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Hips down, legs in one more. We'll do 16 beats what and in [inaudible]. Okay. Then let's take the strap off the left foot. We're going to do a really nice quad stretch and hip flexor stretch.

I'm going to have this move to this edge of the table and you'll want basically I'm thinking one this half of my pelvis kind of off the edge. And if you have a knee issue, uh, you don't, this may not be one for you. With the strap, you're going to take your leg and folded over the edge of the table. Try to slightly tilt into posterior. The other foot is on the table. Just a nice flat leg. Ribs are imprinted. You can absolutely take your arms back and hold the pole. It's to really carry that line of stretch through the whole body.

If you need a little assist, you can take this hand and hold the canvas strap or you can just do it without the strap in the spring is something to get that length across your quadricep and hip flexor. And just a few more breaths. [inaudible] and then we're gonna move into just a short sideline with the legs. Springs the same leg. So if we can return the leg roll onto the side of the body here and I'm going to have us with our, yeah, the traditional setup, their arm, long head body at the back edge of the mat hips and then send your legs just slightly forward on that diagonal and then we'll take our bottom waist slightly lifted, flex the foot. We're doing eight just abduction and down and lift down.

I'm thinking is if I could touch that pull with my heel. I'm really not worried about the height, so much of my leg as the length, really the whole side of the spine through and last one for eight. Now keep the leg lifted slightly, turn it in and we're going to do eight little circles. One, two, three. Think of this circle as it's in the socket circling six, seven and eight other direction. One, two and three. The whole body is long. Five, six, seven and eight. Leg to leg, slightly churned out for front. Move that leg and feel the stretch as it comes back slightly internally rotated and make it long. Reaching to you forward in a little turnout back with a little turn in, three more front and back, trying to keep that leg hip height last one and front and back. Now as it's back here, let's start to go further into the big circle.

So I'm thinking lengthening out to you. Let the spring help pick my leg up, feeling the adductors and hamstrings reaching back. We'll just do three each direction back up and [inaudible] around a three the other way. Always trying to keep those springs just slightly open where it feels slack. They're not completely closed. Open those spring, stretch that femur way from the hip last one and leg to leg. Okay, let's turn around. Be careful as you put your strap down.

We'll do our quad stretch series on that left Femur foot, foot over the edge, flat foot on the right. If you have a good imprinted pelvis and ribs anchor down and again play with, if you liked that having those arms back overhead that could tempt your ribs to arch. However, so just monitor of course there it may help to track this femur closer to the table than away good knee and hip and knee alignment and also lowering the femur down toward the table edge. A couple more breaths. How you doing? It's, it's we're stretching it out. Yeah. Ah, long lessons open hip. Okay. I could stay there longer but let's move on to the side series.

So I'm gonna move this around. Cool. It says we're long here, leg slightly to the bottom corner. You've got her hips nicely, stacked waist is slightly lifted and beginning with parallel and Ab duction up and down. And lift does is if you could touch the push through bar with your heel and lift. Again, just a moderate lift of this bottom waist for that stability last two and last and hold.

Now moving into slight internal rotation, make it a long leg and circle. Let's go up, back down in front, up back three and remember it's in the socket, the femur moving around six, seven and eight other direction, four, eight, two, three. Front hand can either be up on fingertips or flat, and seven and eight little turnout for a nice hamstring stretch. Sweep that leg forward, moving it back, and a slight internal, at least parallel angle and front good and back. Still Energy through the tip of the head. Three more.

We've got a front and back ensuring that this top shoulder doesn't drop forward or move anywhere through right there over the other shoulder. And moving the leg back into Ronda. Zam. Careful not to open up those ribs. Wow. Leg, back and up and forward and down. Last one and back and up. Forward transition. Or we go through the other way.

Front fi rotate. So as that leg comes from the top of the body down to turn in slightly to get those adductors, get that glute and down to finish that series. Okay, yummy. So let's take that down. So let's do just a nice quadrat head cat stretch. So hands full opened up. Nice weight in the heel of each hand.

Shoulders above wrists in print. The shinbones take a nice breath. We're just going to take an easy cat stretch, trying to get those shins down, head between the arms, curl that tail under, breathing in, and then as we exhale, go the opposite way and let's really release it. So releasing, I'm just letting my belly drop out. Arch that back, look up. And one more exhale, curl, head to tail, tail to head. Open up the back, breathe in. Exhale, reverse sending those sits bones back, chest forward and neutral. We're level. Okay. Lastly, we're going to do a little hanging. So, uh, what we can do here is let's take our legs springs down and move that slide bar up considerably if not all the way to the top and a major in a way to measure this.

I think that's going to work fairly well for both of us here is measuring. I've got my fingertip at the edge here to my elbow and that's where my, I'm going to put my strap right there. I won't quite know if it's perfect and tell him laying on my back. So this is kind of average, but where I really can tell is when I'm down underneath it, I lined him pretty well. Okay. No, you're fine. We'll tuck in here because things are going to show.

So what we'll do is put our feet in those fuzzies and I'm going to just come through a tabletop, rock the hips up, put the hands on the pelvis, step into those straps and probably a good, this always looks fun. Two or three wrap arounds. I like a snug fuzzy. Yup. And then just a good, somewhat of a passive moment letting ourselves hang. Oh my gosh. It feels good every time. It's a nice way to let the knees just flex slightly.

The hip joints are gonna flex, allowing the back to fall superior traction for the lower extremities. Now you could stay just with that and call it good. Uh, which is fine. Thank you. If you're leaving, now we're going to then go over the edge of the table and do another hanging from there. So safest way with those hands on that pole on the Poles. Lift a little bit. Keep holding on until you feel really well safe.

I'm going to actually hold on the whole time today and just let yourself invert. Okay. Making sure to breathe fully, like three more breaths will be good. So it'd be grading to let the blood rushed to the head. [inaudible] ensuring that wide collarbone, making sure not to splay the ribs.

Yeah. Now getting out. Let's pull on the the Poles lift and pull your hips into it. Little bit of muscle work there and slide on that. Yes. Light on through. Yeah, you probably got stuck. Perfect.

And then hands underneath the pelvis again, that's been our knees. Rewind those twists and come out there and rural all the way down. There we go. So well-balanced. Lots of articulation. A little head rush there at the end. Thank you very much for taking class with us.


Super class, as always. Love all the articulation and opening of the body. You are joy to watch Amy.
Thank you Amy I really enjoy your style of teaching. And it's great to see the classic work on the Cadillac.
Hi Kerry......thank you so much for your kind words!
Leslie, glad you enjoyed this Cadillac class. I do love the traditional/classical work ... and I really love the Cadillac. Thank you so much for your comments!
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Great! Loved the inversion with the fuzzies at the end. You don't often see that taught.
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Love working out with you Amy!! Fun class ;)))
Jeannene......thanks for taking class....glad you enjoyed the iversion with the fuzzies too. I love this and try to incorporate the hanging work often.......delicious for my spine!!
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Hi Sunni! glad you took class with me! :) Thank you!!
Great class! I too love the inversions.
Anne-Marie......nice to hear from you! Thanks for 'hanging' with me during class! :)
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