Class #957

Return to Life Mat

30 min - Class


Amy gives a very swift and thorough Mat workout following the original list of exercises from Return To Life. Prepare to move and sweat as she challenges you to get through 'the list' (nearly all of the original 34 exercises are given in this class)! Enjoy!!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Alright. So we are going to do a very swift mat class today. Everyone's smiling. That's good. Oh, so I have planned that. We'll go through the mat list from the return to life book 34 exercises. Here we go. So very traditional in nature. Come to the front of your mat and I am a going to have us cross our arms, cross one foot. Now before we get going and uh, moving focus just for a moment on some of our principles, we have our breathing always. When in doubt, take a nice full breath in and breathe out. So concentrate, feel control through the body will work. Our precision, our fluid motion and balance I think is in there. So here we go.

Let's breathe. And as we sit down trying to sit down in a relatively straight line, hands back, sit the hips back and roll yourself into the center of your mat. All right, I am not going to start with any pelvic Curlin bridge. I'm just going to have this go right up into the 100 take care of yourself. If you need a little break now and again. So let's breathe in through our nose.

Exhale, lift your head and chest up and put your legs in your Pele's. V arms are above the waist. Here we go in in four, five. Exhale. Yeah, so we all know our mat. We're quite well. We know our shoulders are open, our inner thighs are squeezed a little bit. Our glutes are working in a tiny bit. There's length through the arms.

There's efficiency in the movement. We're not overworking. 10 to four. Five. Exhale. Three hold. Squeeze it all out in with the knees out with the legs coming in for roll up. We'll do three repetitions. Arms. Okay. Sail Corolla. Feel that opposition.

So the arms and legs reaching forward, the abdominals pulling way back. That initiates us to roll back through the spine. Two more. Remember control. So if you have to bend your knees to make it more in control, that's okay. That might show up later on. Neck pool and back.

[inaudible] one last time. [inaudible] curl that spine in and rolling down. Arms will stay by your sides. One leg up through a bicycle. Second leg up for the roll over as first with legs together. Inhale. [inaudible] then over. Now if you can guys touch your toes to the floor.

I'm going there today. Open the legs of the width of the corners of your mat. Breathe in, feel your arms help you roll down. So I want you to stabilize or control that. Collarbone roll down. So if you can sweep your legs lower than 90 go for it. [inaudible] over.

Touch the toes. Separate the legs. Inhale, exhale. Roll down. One a massage. That's fine. Sweep the legs in. [inaudible] then over feed. Open, rolling down. So we do three the opposite way. Legs apart. Exhale, roll over. Touch your toes to the floor. Pull the legs in, rolling down.

Who can flex the feet? Lower your legs lower than 90 hoping. Inhale. Exhale up and over. Touch the toes. Bring 'em in. [inaudible] that opposition through the crown of the head. One more. Inhale. Exhale. Up and over. Touch the toes of the floor. Close the legs. Breathe connected the arms against the mat.

Now before we lower the leg for single leg circle, feel your pelvis. Feel the a rib anchors lower the left leg. Stabilize your hips. Here we go. Five. Inhale, exhale, round and up. [inaudible] last one. This way, whole five the other way. [inaudible] get that leg up toward the head and up toward the head. Last one in five. Hold.

Just switch with the leg extension. Here we go. Across [inaudible] to control the hips. Control your ribs and the shoulders. That was our five other way. [inaudible] last. You [inaudible] last one. Now lower that leg. Long fuel the length. Lift your head and your chest. Reach your hands towards your toes. We're coming up for the rolling like a ball.

Pull yourself right in Hugin for a minute. Can you squeeze in a tighter shape? Rolling back to the shoulders. Inhale, exhale up with a little balance. Hold rule back across the spine. Exhale up a little hole. Inhale. Exhale. We're going to do six of these, so that's three. Take a little tension out of the draw.

Put it down into your lower abdominals and last one, hold. Extend your left Lange. Place your hands on your right Shin and press your shin up into your hands. A little bit. Elbows are out. Let's roll ourself back to the tips of the shoulder blades. Now I want you to get to lay close into you today.

Really pull it in so you get a feeling of some stretch back here. The opposite leg is really stretched out. Let's go in the double breath. We have an inhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale. Just four, three, two, last one. That's it. Double leg, three times whole.

[inaudible]. Anchor your ribs. Exhale. Squeeze the air out. Exhale. Squeeze the air out because I'm going to go to scissor here on the math, right leg. Let's do a little pull pull. So the moment the legs are changing, I want you to work the control of the spine for more and one and two and three. Last one was Tucker knees and rock ourselves up. Spine stretch forward.

So he didn't do that in the book and that's okay. We did it. Inhale, so arms long. You can have palms face down or in either way he owes her reaching through. Exhale and trying to get that deep spinal flection. The low abdominal ribs here in roll up. Leave your shoulders down. Sit Taller and exhale.

Can you go further over crown of the head toward the floor. Arms are long. Roll Up. Sit a little taller last time. And exhale. Squeeze that air out. Roll. So open the rocker. Let's point her feet softly. Scope the abdominals and shift that pelvis back.

Hands are here waiting for the legs, right? So on the next sale, hold that position. It's a rocky position. Excellent guys. We'll do six reps. Rollback to the shoulders. Exhale up, hold that pelvis in control and we roll back. Hold it in control. Excellent role. Keeping the eyes looking at your belly through the roll may help. Role.

Oh hold two more easy through the roll. End Up. Good reminder. Easy hold. C, piece of cake. Legs together corkscrew. So we're going to let her leg stay right there. We're rolling on down. Bring your legs to 90 and go ahead and take a breath. Guys, I want you to roll over now in a regular rollover. Okay, we're going to roll down the right side of our spine. Here we go.

We're not going to take too much time with this roll down as you sweep your legs across. I wouldn't recommend going too low at this tempo. Going down the left side, around and up, over the spool. Shoulders down the right side, up and over the shoulders. Down the left side. We've got a controlled chest, meaning it's not closing at the shoulders. Over last one.

Okay. Up and over. Coming up for saw. We just come right up. Yep. Let's go to our left first. So inhale, twist, exhale, and reach to that pink Yuto Rola to the other side. Exhale, rollout and read the opposite hip anchored. Roll up and twist feet or flex twist one more each way. Can those arms stretch a little more in opposite directions?

Last one, and twist and all the way up and rest. Okay. Swan dive. So, hmm, let's do a swan dive with our arms just out to a tee position. Okay. But we'll prep. Yeah, let's prep with our hands here. Feel that elongation from head to toes. Shoulders are set. Ready. XLP How fun with it. Ready? Six times we rock.

[inaudible] is it? Hey, good. Pushing up. Give it a little cat back stretch. Shift your hips back towards your heels. That's plenty. Corkscrew is next. Sorry. No, I didn't mean corks road. We already did it. Neck, pull your eyeballs and we'll wait. What? Okay, so feeder of flex legs are extended in hip with position. Pretend for a moment there was a little wall right here or block or something.

Can you push your heels out a little? Try to get that as we go through the neck pool. If you have trouble during the neck pool, remember work control. You can bend your knees. You can also do a regular roll up. Okay. There's that loving pool up on the neck to lift you from your tail up through the top of your head. We take that and we lean it back, control the ribs as we roll down. Don't get too comfortable up we go.

Ooh. Rolling up. Keep that into the hinge and exhale. Good work and he'll come right up. Exhale, flex over. Can you head get down? Got Two more of these guys. So when you roll up, see if you can get your head down in between those knees. Elbows wide, belly back. One more and good. That's it. Inhale, weak co up.

Exhaling. Stay right there. Put your hands at your heels and give yourself a stretch. Breathe deep. How are we doing? Good. Rolling up hips come forward. So it's the scissors in the air into bicycle into shoulder bridge.

So we know what we're headed for. Okay, so here we go. Do a rollover. [inaudible] okay. Wiggle your shoulders and bring them closer together underneath your back. I'm going to put my hands waiting there for my pelvis and I'm gonna choose this position today where my hands, my fingers are facing up to the ceiling. Art Your low back a little bit and sit on your hands. Okay. Legs go vertical. Now reach your right leg out. Left leg to your chest.

Squeeze the right buttons. Here we go. Change. Let's work control. I'm going to slow it down just a tad. Ah, focus on the leg that goes out away from your chest. [inaudible] one more right side. One more left side. Start bicycling in the legs. Just make it very controlled today.

Guys, breathing [inaudible] stop. Other way backward pedal. If you could dip your toe in the mat there on the down and out and down and out to see if you can think of lifting your pelvis up off of your hands. Three, two, and one. Now I want you, whatever leg is forward, keep reaching it to the mat. You're going to transition right into exactly that little wind. We'll kick into shoulder bridge. Okay, so the heel of the hands now, right on the lower back. Hips really, not the lower back, but your hips. Walk your knees together if you can. Okay, control those ribs.

Here we go. Right leg forward. We're just going to do three of them up with the leg down with the leg up, down, up and down, and step it in. Left side. Center your hips. Here we go up. [inaudible] it. Step it in, let go and enjoy. Just trickling down your back.

Literally the sweat trickling down the back. Tuck your knees in, roll yourself up. Hips go back. Spine twist in the way I want us to do this. Let's go back out with the legs open. Just the width of your mat. Sit very tall. Let's just an inhale as we come left. Here we go. Inhale. Exhale, return the other way. Yeah, watch those rims. Just feel like you're pulling back in there a little bit or that maybe you're widening this part of your back, right? Four more guys. Inhale, twist.

Can you try to get your shoulders square to the side? You're turning to last one here and last one here. Jack Knife is next. Here we go. Hips forward. Now our Jack Knife, we're at pause for a minute. You're going to take those legs up and do a quick touch on the floor behind your head. Down, up with the legs. Okay. You've got to get that dynamic. Here we go.

Exhale over and touch. Go up and hold now. Roll down slowly. Feeder over the face. Reachers by now. Inhale, re good. Exhale, touch up. Squeeze the butt, roll down. You can look at your toes if you'd like to keep those feet over your face. 90 degrees. We've only have one more and over touch and lift.

Roll it down. Oh, okay. Hug your knees. Good you guys. Okay. Come on up. Let's go with a little side kick. I'm going to face you and let's go with our elbow in the back corner. Your hips on the back corner and your feet in the front corner.

Ish. Close to it. Other hand behind the head because we can, we're going to really work into here. Lift your leg. We're only doing three. Should we do five, five and and squeeze. Act, kick, kick and squeeze.

I feel like that does. It's easy in the chest. It's open and easy. Last one, kick, kick and hold. Now bring your leg together. Flip over to your other side. I'm going to aim my elbow for that corner and pretty well positioned. How'd you do? Here we go five times. Leg goes up. Then we kick one, two, come behind and lengthen length. Last two, last one, and Oh k let us put a lake together. Flip onto your belly is actually real quick for a heel beats, so just stack your hands. I'll let you choose.

If you want pointed feet or flex feet, lift the legs a little bit. Here we go. And inhale. Exhale. Easy. Shoulders four, three, two, one and rest. Okay. Hands by the shoulders. Push yourself up swiftly. Turn around. Legs don't come up for teaser one.

Center your mind. Here we go. So you were let go. Let's roll back. Articulating arms. Go back, keep those abdominals firmly engaged and we reached toward the toes just to the toes. You don't have to go up just there. Do more. Roll back. Yeah. Meaning you don't have to take your arms above your head. I like to reach to the toes and then the opposition is the lower belly. Right? And last one. I know it. Here we go.

Now teaser, to be honest with how low you can drop your legs, I'm going to go like an inch to down and I don't want the strain or tension to go my back. Want to keep it right here. That's our three. We go to two teaser three. Now when you roll down, remember the legs don't go all the way to the floor. You've got to keep them up. Here we go. Peel, reach out through those legs. Touch the toes. If you could. Two more like you're painting that wall, touching that back wall up. You go guys, last time and you love the next one. Of course we know what's coming is our hip circles back here.

No recess. Hands way back. You can absolutely go down on the elbows. No problem. Or look up to your toes. Opening the chest. Let's go to our right hip. Exhale round and left it down around. Inhale. Excellent. Last one, right? She last one left.

Tuck your knees in and come on up. I'm going to turn around for swimming that way. Just full lip and swim. Okay. Stretch your arms and legs out. Collect your breath. Arms and legs. Head and chest. Go up and go. Keep your buns tight. Okay, contracted. Lift your limbs higher. Four, three, two, one and rest.

We're doing well. Hands by your shoulders. Tuck your toes. We're going to push herself up to front support. One, two, three. Push. Hold yourself there and just if you need to. Okay, so leg pull front. What I want to do with it today. Lift your right leg up. Hold for a moment. Rock towards your arms. I mean your fingertips rock, rock back.

Stretch that calf to more rock forward. Rock back. You pull with your lats. Push with your last step, the foot to center. Other side. Lift your leg hold, pull forward, push back, pull forward, push back, pull forward. Push back and step the transition.

I'm walking my left hand and my feet over to this side of my mat. Swivel the feet that armed as a windmill. Ah, all the way around. Now I have to adjust my arms. My hands are face out. Chest is lifted. Now tuck your hips under a little bit. Let's do three if you want to up and down other side. Good.

You guys, set the hips down. Reach your arms way up and over. Stretch, stretch and stretch. Body, very warm. The stretch you can might go deeper into not too much of a rest of there. Let's come up for side kneeling kicks. I'm going to face you right here we go. So to our right. I want you to put your hand down. Open up that hand, make sure your elbow vein is facing me. Can you get your leg higher? Yeah. Little bit more controlling our ruins.

Let's just do eight pulses of the leg and one and two and three. Four and five and six and seven. Hold it up for circle. The little think going up and up and up and up. Other way on up and up and three and that's all.

Tuck the knee. Nian push off that arm. We over to the other side. Alright. Center the breathing. Lift that leg. Ready and up to keep that feeling of the chest being open. It doesn't need to close. We don't need to force bad posture up and hold four circles. One, two. Good you guys. Excellent. Other way. One, can you go higher and higher? Yes.

And up and let's come all the way here down into her hip. Side Bend. Yes, I'd been so hand open. Again, feet are going to be stacked on this one. So if you can get them stack just to start and knee stacked. All right, so as we go to bear weight, the legs extend as we lean over that arm here go. Oh yeah. Okay. Now look into the poem as you set the hip close to the mat, but it doesn't get comfy and push with that solid arm. Yes.

Two more. The underneath waist is lengthening toward that bottom foot. Oh, I'm slipping down. I'm slipping my feet and up and I'm human. Yeah, I'm slipping like crazy. All right, so yeah, this underneath hips, stretching to the feet. Here we go. And up on the arm, looking into the poems. Set the hip down and push and up and lower length in my underneath waist toward that foot and up. And last one. Good you guys. Boomerang is next. Let's face each other. Tuck your knees in.

So I'm going to just cross my leftover, right? You can do whichever works for you. Inhale. Here we go. I know we're nearing that. And now risk chain to the legs. Roll Up. We've done our teasers. Hold for just a second. Bend your elbows. Clean your ribs with your elbows.

So brush class those hands and pull for a second. I want you to try to lift your feet and your hands higher. Then we go down, hold, circle, stretch, touch the toes. We roll up again. How are we doing? Roll. Brisk change. [inaudible] let's go to fluid.

Motion could be my energy that's making us be a little frantic. Ah, I'm excited. It feels good to move like this. Well we can go back into principle of control. There we go. Helps with precision. And if you don't make it, we don't make it.

It's a practice. Remember it's a practice. We've got three more of these [inaudible] fine and look. Elbows, clasp and and last too. [inaudible] open, close roll down. I have just had a recollection that I skipped a couple. Do you know which ones they were? Single leg kick and double leg kick.

Oh well sorry y'all. I won't have us go back and do them. I'm sure you're not going to miss out close and here and extend this Finna hold hold whole. I'm sorry I didn't get it there. I didn't get it in sooner. We're good. Okay. So, cause that was kind of our double leg kick cray. We got our shoulder thing. Okay. Kinda seal.

So with our seal today, I press your elbows and your knees toward each other. Create a little hug there, a little solid feeling and open. Close the hips. Three time roll back. Open. Close three times and up. One, two, three. Breathe. [inaudible] so continuous rolling motion.

Nice guys. Three more. Roll. One, two, three. Up. One, two, three. Think of easing your hip joints to do that. Clap. That's it. Rock. Hold. Okay. Left ankle over right. It's fine. Hands crossed for the crab. Now let's come up lightly. Put the of the head on your mat. Okay, before we go any further, can you lift that uh, kind of your gut area up toward the ceiling?

Now take that whiskey was you rolled back over your heels. Roll. Lift your guts up. Here we go. Up and over. Lift over those knees lightly onto our head. And again, you've got to find the lift to get up off the knees. Exchange the feet and is the up over those knees lightly on your head.

One. A couple more reps guys over up. Lift lightly to the head. Last one. [inaudible] ah, and then come just on to your seat. Okay. Control, balance. Excuse me. Rocking. I'm going to go over on my belly this way. The rocking.

So on your front. Yes. If you can get your knees close together, please work toward that rather than just repeating it for years with your knees apart. You'll get there faster to try it the right way. So here we go. I want us first to lift the chest and the thighs simultaneous. Honestly, feel the pressure of the feed into the hands. That should make your butt work and contract. Now play with the breath. The inhale. We'll get that chest to go up. Exactly.

Use the feed into the hands. See if you can get a bigger rock. Okay, and now release. Good. Now we'll go control. Balance. I'm just going to flip right over guys. We're almost there. Control, balance. And then our pushups. Okay, so let's take ourselves into a rollover. [inaudible] [inaudible]. Circle your arms around.

Now let's today hold onto their left foot. You can tuck your toes down. You can set your toes flat. I'm going to let you choose. Focus on the control. Of course, as you go up to balance in this position, there's a scissoring feeling with both legs. Now, some of us are higher with our leg than others, and that's fine. The attention to how your neck feels, get onto the shoulders to get your leg higher, if that's what you're going for. Glutes, hamstrings, but you're back.

Send your spine up to the sky. [inaudible] we good? Lower the leg. Look too good. Out of the corner of my eye here. Other side. Yeah. Great Energy in here. Everybody's focusing very deeply. You can muscle group, but if you want abdominals, yes. Hamstrings. Yes. Glutes. Don't forget your deep spinal muscles.

Extend them up to your foot exactly. When we're that foot, we're going to bend her knees. Rock ourselves down. Swiftly. Stand up. Turn right around. Well, this do three pushups guys, or you can just hold your playing position. Arms go up, take a breath, roll down, walk out in four steps. Push up of your choice three times.

[inaudible] round your spine. Walk your hands backwards towards your feet. Well, very slowly roll up in 10 counts. I'm going to start at your tail and we'll consider that count. Number one. We'd go one to help your spine. Three and four. Five halfway up, six, seven, eight, nine and your head number 10 and we are Fini. Thank you guys.


Karen M
Great start to my day, nice heat to the class too.
1 person likes this.
Yea Amy! Nice quick traditional class, a few Amy tweaks, lots of sweat. Thanks for pulling out some of Joe's exercises that we tend to leave out.
This is going to "my favorites"! Just what I needed today. Challenging, short and sweet
wow what a challenge
So glad everyone is enjoying this class! Thank you very much for the positive feedback!!
Paola Maruca
1 person likes this.
'Contrology is not a fatiguing system of dull, boring, abhorred exercises repeated daily "ad-nauseam".......Thanks Amy for reminding us that by bringing us right back to Joe.....:)
2 people like this.
I loved watching you workout.
I had an ah ha moment watching your pumping arms in the 100. the arms moved powerfully and freely as you were so connected in the upper body. this has opened a new awareness as to how important the upper body strength and connection allows the rest of the body to stop working so hard often with tension
Great class Amy! I love your classes but I really liked the pace of this one. As a mom of 2 small children 30 minute classes with no props are perfect for my needs - so thank you! Would love to see more like these on here.
Wow! This was my first level 2 class that I was able to "make it to the end"....... I like to 30 minute pace. I am sweating! I have a scoliosis rod fused to my vertebrae so some exercises were a challenge but I worked though them with modifications!! Thank you!
Myriam Kane
Nice pace, Amy...thank you!
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