Class #155

Focus and Endurance Mat

60 min - Class


The flow and pace of this class will challenge your focus, concentration, and endurance. A little less breakdown of the "how-to's" and more of just getting into the exercises. This is a full-body workout complete with the Corkscrew, the Teasers, Swan Dive, Jack Knife, and Pilates Push-Ups, enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Apr 25, 2010
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I think what we're going to start standing in tonight, everybody. Yeah, and because you are who you are, you guys have no the mat work really well. I'm gonna really try my hardest not to do as much breakdown as I sometimes can get going into unless I really see that we need to, I'm, I'm just going to try not to ah, much of that. Okay, so let's go. We're going to just start with some good rolling down and standing roll down. So as we start, a couple of reminders do bias the weight a little more toward the balls of the feet and just take a about 10 seconds to pull yourself upright from the heels all the way up through your waist, through the top of the head.

Bring awareness to the rib cage, pulling in and back and that. This feels easy to stand here. We like how this feels. It's not too rigid and let's just take three nice deep breaths in and out. So finding that wide. Inhale through the ribs and exhale right away, warming up the abdominals with that contraction. And again, an inhale and the exhale. One more time and exhale.

So we're going to continue this again, another inhale and exhaling. Now starting to roll down, so feeling the contraction from those high abdominal muscles. Let your arms just hang loose and take care of your legs if you need to. Not to go all the way down. If you want to bend your knees a little bit, I do want to encourage us to let the weight of the head go again. Keep biasing your weight more forward of the feet and staying right there to inhale.

And then as we're rolling back up that pull from the abdominal muscles, the tailbone and sacred pulling down, trying to restack the spine, then the spine and come back up with a nice tall, open body again and inhale here and exhale and feel. I slightly feel like you're a fall forward. Engage your legs a little through the inner thighs. I can feel your sitz bones coming together again, letting the weight of the head hang again. Inhale here and your exhale. Pulling the abdominals up as the lower back stretches down toward the heels.

See, feel come up a little bit taller this time. Again, breathe in and exhale and rounding. Oh, you mean the curve in your spine working to find more of one. If you're feeling a little tight, nice full breath into the back and the exhale. Ah, restacking engaging those abdominal muscles as they one more. We'll add into it at the bottom. And remember this can be and abdominal warmup and in the engagement of the core muscles, the abdominals back in the sitz bones, even some work in your lats.

And as we walk out, let's agree to do four walks of the hands. You should get there by the fourth one and just find yourself in that nice front support position. Take care of your lower back. If it's feeling a little bit achy or not really warmed up, you can tuck your hips a little more under. Take care of your wrists. If you want to come up onto the the fist of the hand, that's absolutely fine to do. Work on the extension through the chest, engaging your lats. Really feeling the connection of those muscles onto the back. Okay, let's take another breath and then on the exhale, lift the hips.

You're just going to pass through this position. We did that last week. Walk your hands back about four steps again, dropping the weight of the head, squeeze the legs together and again, let's roll ourselves up, pulling the spine a little taller, a little more waist length in your waistline. Again, breathe in and exhale. Rounding over, maybe going in a little bit more contraction in your stomach. Little more connection in the sitz bones. Same thing. Walking out in four and find that front support position and feel that nice. Reach through the top of the head, back through the heels and finding stillness in this position. Ah, and the exhale, the lift the hips. Again, the head's going to pass through those arms. Walking the hands back and forth.

[inaudible] would again inhale at the bottom. Exhale and ruling. Okay, one more time. Just like that. Breathing in, hoping to feel a little more lifted a light and exhale. Rounding down. Yeah, and walking out. [inaudible] once again, just holding that front support. Ah, finding this stillness, finding the strength in your lats. The connection to those muscles on your back, the abdominal cyst, support your lower back, stretch in your hips and down through your calves. Okay guys, let's just go ahead tonight, Ben, the knees just kind of swivel your hips around, move your hips forward all the way up tall for an inhale and exhale.

Let's go ahead and just go right on down to the back. [inaudible] drawing the legs up to your tabletop position for tonight, for the a hundred just working right out into the position that works best for you with your legs so that take a nice breath, exhale and extend. All right, five pumps and inhale, three, four, five x c. So continue to drop sacrum and tailbone down. Pull up into the chest position, find the connection of the long arms by your side.

I'm gonna lower the legs a little bit if anyone wants to come along. Crown of the head to this ceiling. Sure. 10 yeah, let's go ahead. Just lower everything down.

Hold onto the work here so you don't stress your back and lay yourself all the way out. Wong, let's reach our arms up, back overhead. And then just work a little bit of something to prepare for the roll-up. So arms up only. Let's just take the head and chest up through that frame. Just hold right there. Now let's work to mobilize these vertebra just a little bit.

I guess with the pulse idea, I'm thinking of arms to the ceiling and contract forward so we can do the low rhythm and Yup as if we're getting ready to go all the way down for the roll-up ready. And here we go. And all the way up and over, a little different for me to teach us this there. And then rolling back. Lay in that spine out. Nice and long. Arms back again. Stabilize the rib cage this pass through that again. So arms first.

Exhale head second and little pulses. So you're trying to pull in to your spine, pull the spine to the mat, look down at the toes, ready. And here we go. Up and over. Keep that contraction going and rolling back. Inhale, widening the lower back and exhale all the way through. Two more times in Hilferty arms.

Exhale the head and chest, little pulses. So feeling your lats contracted and sink going up just as much as forward, up and up. And here we go. Up and over the lay eggs, pulling back and exhale all the way down, bending those spines. Okay, last time guys. Arms First, second where the head and chest. So it's equal parts up and forward. Here we go. Go a little more up. Good. So the arm reach can help you going up at Elisa. Yep.

Ready? Here we go. Up and over and pulling all the way back. We're going to pause when we get to our blades, both legs, Zen. Let's head right into this series of five or at least a few of them. Double leg stretch. Ah, that nice long open stretch across the hip flexors right here. Exhale, keeping your head and chest in that forward curl position.

One more time guys. And then we're going to go right into a single leg stretch just for 10 extensions. The left leg, first one, ah, trying to pull a little higher off the shoulders when six, seven and eight and nine. We're going to keep the legs going. Hands back, adding the crisscross one and two and three. Four. Keep finding the breath. Six, seven, eight. Let's go it again. Nine. We're going to take 10 more. Does a little quicker. Add One and two. Three.

Don't shortchange the stretch of your leg and five, six, seven, eight, nine and 10 and you can come all the way down and just pause for a moment. Okay, rolling over. So let's go into the rollover. If we bring our legs straight up to the ceiling, imprint your arms down and I think pressing the back of the arm against your mat as a good idea can help open up your chest. Alright, look straight up to the ceiling guys. Breathe in first and exhale. Work to lift your hips and roll yourself up to the shoulder blades. Flex your feet.

Inhale separate to hip width and then rolling down, pulling the back of the ribs closer to the mat. Energy through the top of your head in that lower back to stretch down tonight. Go lower. We all can do this. I think we can go down to about 45 degrees with the legs or lower. Circle them around, back up to 90 breathe in, exhale and up and over.

It's as if the pelvis is just cresting right over the back of the legs, right up over the chest. Take a breath, open up, exhale and roll down that opposing energy through the top of the head and out the tailbone in pelvis, all the way. Same idea. You're going to take those legs down just a little bit. Inhale up to 90 and exhale again. Up and over hell, this over the chest. You're really trying to open up that low back. Flex the feet, take an inhale.

Open. Good work you guys. Exhale enrolled down. Feel the region, the arms. Feel like you can include your arms in the exercise. Okay. All the way around. And let's do the reverse direction again tonight so the legs will start separated. Hip Width. Inhale here again. Up First, pelvis up and hips over the chest. Flex the feet, pull the legs together, breathe in, exhale, and here we go. Roll of back, rolling down. Ah, taking your time. I'm trying to work the control of the articulation.

Legs down, open around and inhale, hop then over, pelvis over the chest, flex the feet, pull the legs together, inhale and exhale coming down. Massage. Pull the spine to the mat. Legs around. Inhale. One more time. Exhale, add up and over. Flex the feet. Pull the bin. Exhale in this rule of down. Oh, all the way. Okay.

I'd like us just to take the knees back to a tabletop position. When your arms up to the ceiling, you can have your palms face each other. Open the arms now nice and wide. Opening your chest, trying to be monitoring that you're not pinching the shoulder blades on your back. And let's take the knees over to your right on an inhale, getting some twists now through the spine and exhale as you pull yourself back to center over to the left. As you inhale, you're trying to feel the opposing shoulder wide stretched and exhale as you come back. And again, inhale over to the right and the exhale contract to pull back and again to the left ankles together, knees together, and exhale they add onto that just slightly. Inhale over to the right. We've seen this before. Now hold the diagonal, extend from the knees to the feet. There we go. And slide across the ceiling of straight line with the toes. And once again, bending to tabletop and heel over to the left.

Exhale and stretch. The top leg should feel like you could go a little bit more with it. Reach a little bit more. Comes from the back through the hip and out the leg. Inhale across the ceiling and exhale, bend at the knees once again each direction. So that same idea, this top leg, lengthen it just a little bit more than the other one.

Inhale across the ceiling and exhale as we've been and last time. Inhale, rotate left, exhale and stretch. Inhale, Lacrosse the ceiling and we bend at the knees. And let's go ahead and slide the legs down all the way on the mat, arms by the sides, bicycle, the right leg and just bring it right up into leg circles. So the leg is slightly turned out. Imprint the bottomley heavily on the mat. Here we go. And Cross to the left around and center.

Cross [inaudible]. Alright, so back of your right hip firmly imprinting your mat. Last circle this direction and the reverse. Open out, down, around and up and sink the back of that hip. Open route and lift and lift and last one, open around lift and whole and then go ahead and lower. I was going to do the extra deal there but other side we'll do that later.

Leg is up, slightly turned out. Here we go. Cross over there, right and circle keeping the back of that hip heavy. [inaudible] and five, reverse your direction. Open down around and pull in the stomach. Pull in with the tummy and four and five and go ahead and just lower that leg all the way down. Now bicycle, both legs back into your tabletop position.

Up we go again to chest lift. Let's take a hold of the right calf. Lower the left heel down. Now hold onto the leg for a moment. Cruel. A little higher in this, in the chest. So you're bending that upper back. There we go guys. And we will do our double pole tonight. So replace the tailbone down. Some of us. Yeah, here we go. [inaudible] first exhale. Double pull. One, two.

Wow. So when those legs are passing, be very mindful of how your spine is sting even on your mat. That's where the deviation could come. You're looking down at your abdomen, seeing a flat pelvis. [inaudible] [inaudible], [inaudible] [inaudible] take four more and one, two, good. Shoulders you guys three and four and bring both legs up and they actually just go ahead and bend down. Okay, I'm going to have this roll ourself up.

Rolling like a ball, wrapping the hands up the ankles, tucking the knees in close to the chest, find the toes up off of the mat. And let's just go with our six repetitions. Here we go. Rounding back through the lower back. Lift the hips, exhale and hold. Inhale, roll back. Think of lifting the pelvis. [inaudible] how much closer the heels can come in toward the back of the legs.

Inhale, roll, lift hips two more times. Okay, hold on. Do it. Legs and tabletop ish. Probably a little more open than tabletop and that's walk herself back down just to the up, back of the pelvis or bra line. I'm actually going to have us go there and just hold onto that for a second. [inaudible] send your legs on a teaser. Diagonal going into teasers. Your choice.

If you want to hold on and walk the hands up or if you want to just reach. Here we go. Rolling up. We want to feel a little lift through the top of the head. Hold the legs firmly together. Pull your shoulder blades down, take another breath and let's exhale and roll back. Now again, just about the mid back bra line. Still work in the control of the articulation. Nice work you guys and again, pull in, think up through the top of the head as much as you're coming forward.

Towards your legs. And one more time. Rolling back, pausing. Just when you get to your chest or bra line. Really Nice and exhale, contract and articulate and roll up. Keep going, you guys. Let's go with what we've been adding, bringing the arms higher above the head. So if you've got a ball in, you're putting it right up in a hole in the ceiling. Look straight forward. Take one more breath and then exhale. Just place your feet down. Let's go back again. Very nice. Okay. Some shoulder bridge work. Separate the feet hip width apart, or sits bones with the part and that one more chance to open up through the chest. Press the back of the arms down.

Let's take a good breath and exhale. Pelvic tilt and rolling through the spine. So getting into the back of the legs a little bit more. Okay. Pausing at the top. Let's take a breath. And on the exhale, rolling back down.

That feeling that we can reach your hips out towards our knees, trying to get more length in the lower back. Now once you come all the way down to level, go a little farther. Almost like you're trying to dig your tail into the mat to get some engagement of the back extensors, the Lumbar extensors. So for a lot of you might feel like you're arching the small of your back. I want you to feel that just a little bit more work down there to contract my pubic bone is lower than my hips right there. Okay, good.

Now take that the other way. So of course we come to level on the inhale and then exhale, keep going through pelvic tilt. Beth sits bones together, hamstrings, engage in, bring those hips up. Inhaling at the top and exhale is we're rolling, pulling the back of the ribs down to the mat, awareness through the inner thighs to help keep the legs tracking parallel. And just one more time. Inhale and exhale. And here we go. To roll up. Exactly. Okay guys, marching in place on the exhale.

Raise the right leg into tabletop and inhale as you lower it down without dropping the hips, they stay absolutely stable and exhale the left side. Inhale as you're lowering down, keep concentrating on not dropping the pelvis. Exhale and the right leg up. And inhale lower and exhale and left and inhale and lower. Less. Continue going on. Arms to the ceiling.

Taking some basis of support away. You're concentrating on staying evenly weighted across the upper back. One more each leg. Exhale and pull the navel to the spine. Had the last one with the left. Exhale, pull.

Inhale, setting that foot down. Now take your arms back, overhead, ear check so the arms are right alongside the frame of the head and then start to roll down the spine as you long gate through the top of the head, lengthening all the way down. And then bringing the arms back again near the sides of the body. Needs to chess. Let's just roll up to sitting position. Move your hips back. Diamond position with your feet and your legs. Alright, so flection extension. We've been working this one. Arms forward and sitting nice and tall through your spine.

Feeling a nice, long lower back. Take a breath in downtown sounds and exhale as we round over that imaginary beach ball or a physio ball right here on your body and over your chest. Over the top of it. Now let's find our hinge. I'm going to ask us to flex the feet. We did this a couple of weeks ago and let your spine come forward and up.

Hold that position so feel the feet flex like you're letting your pelvis just drop between the legs. You want to lift your chest, pulling the shoulder blades down. Now Inhale, get longer. As we come back to contraction, round the back and place the feet together and then roll back up to sitting tall. Leaving those shoulders down. Let me breathe in and again, exhale, sit. Starting the curve. Nice control everybody. Inhale, exhale, hinge. Flex the feet. Exhale all the way up. Let's inhale.

Get a little longer. An exhale contract again over the feet touch and we restack up to sitting tall, leaving the shoulders down, maybe squeezing the glutes a tiny bit more. Two more to go. Breathe in and exhale and find the curve, the strength in the contraction. Now put the strength in the back extensors to extend and Linkedin the spine. Inhale and stretch it more from a head to tail.

Keep sending your tailbone back a little bit more. Couple of you know who you are. Breathe and exhale and round, pulling it more under that looked good, you know, and rolling up. One more time. Inhale there and exhale and curve. Nice. Wide Back, very wide. Flex the feet. Find that hinge forward.

[inaudible]. Inhale, lengthen that hinge a little bit more. Now stay right there in that and I want you all to take that and come up to vertical spine. You can close the feet together. Here we go. Extend the legs forward. Open the legs out to the side. Let's just take a nice easy spine twists. Breathe in here.

You can flex the feet to your left for three pulses and one, two and three. Center to your right. Exhale one, two and three. Good work you guys. Your backs are looking up very up. Pay attention to the rib control. Let's take four more. Wouldn't be out of the question to think of turning your chest toward that wall. It can get there because the spine is that mobile, that much flexibility, resilience in it to get that rotation.

Twist to three and last one and twist two and three. Let's find center and just little A. Point your feet. Bring your legs, their pelvis back, feet together. Extend into the open leg rocker position. Here we go. Rolling back. Inhaling, tip the pelvis back. Come right back up. Find the length up through the top of the head.

Easy with the hand grip there. Inhale and roll back. Exhale and up. Easy doesn't. Yeah, the coordination of how much to pull the labs down to assist the back extension. Three more times. Inhale, roll back. Exhale. Just enough for back extension. Put a lot of intention in the top of the head.

Two more. Nice summer. Exhale forward enough. Last time. Nice focus and concentration on your erectors. There we go. Legs together guys. Okay, teaser too. So the teaser to leave your arms here, the legs are going to come down a few inches on the inhale and then on the XL, pull them back up. A big contraction of the low stomach.

Inhale just a couple inches. Exhale and pull them up one more time. Inhale, lower and exhale. Lift. Now. Let's take one teaser three. We're going to go all the way down. Spine, legs, arms, everything along. Don't lose. That contraction will come back up. Articulate, reach through the legs. That was so good. We'll do it again. Reach up a little more and down.

So articulate the feeling of lengthening from the hips to the feet. Keep thinking of the long reach in the hips and here we go. At articulate. Exhale and pull up. Arms can come all the way up overhead and bend the knees. Feet down. Great. Really Nice. Let's come down. Since I'm back extension salon, go ahead and get yourself positioned. I do need to move this tiny kind of bobbing around my, my hip. Okay, so Dan, we'll go right into swan to find a nice long lumbar.

Here we go. Inhale, reaching out through the top of the head. Hands can pull on the mat a little bit. Pull your shoulder blades down. Let's go all the way through. If you guys are ready to fully straighten your elbows at one bite you to go there without locking them. Remember to pull the energy from the back of the head and the upper back back as we still have some rib control. All right.

And coming down through the elbows and all the way through the chest to the forehead. And again, yeah, I'm pulling the back of the head back. Not Lifting the chin, pulling the energy of the back of the head back up or back. Back and coming down. And again. Yeah. And if the legs can, they would probably be a little closer together. Lift into this one position. Beautiful you guys and coming down.

Broaden the chest. Feel the strength in your back. We'll do two more. Staying up on the second one for dies. [inaudible] I feel the strength in that mid to upper back. Just continuing to pull you back. Inhale, coming down through your elbows. Exhale and along through the top of the head. Let's take it one more time.

Here you go. Inhale and exhale. All right, so we've prepped dive many, many weeks. Go ahead and release the legs. Let your arms fly forward and up. Keep going. Yeah, and lift legs and back. Legs and bath. Two more and up two more.

And there it is and all the way down and rest. Come on back to a rest position. Good, good, good. And during your palm space up? Yeah, just a different stretch in the shoulder. A few deep breaths, but no for long we're going to go back hill for single kick, single leg kick and tonight can we do it up on front support? A little change of venue. We've done that. So come on out. And again, if your risks are feeling funky, go ahead and come up into a fist. Completely fine. Um, could you all try that? If we wanted to ship, what the heck? Let's join it. Let's, let's do a fist.

It's got to feel really different for me too cause I don't ever go there. Yeah, support on your fists. Okay. Now the single leg kick point, your right foot back behind you. It's going to come in for that little double kick one, two and place the foot down left and one, two and down. And you could point your foot or flex your foot. You could do one of each. I know this is different. Bring it down a little bit more.

Sternum there. So when you're bringing that heel to the buttock, remember the rib check rib to hip, right heel, left heel. Let's go one more of each. Really Nice you guys. Do we like that on the heels of the hands or no? We're hands. Okay, come on down and rest. Yeah, just a little little check there. Okay, good. Oh, let's go back down. Now we've done this before.

I haven't been off. It's been a few weeks. So palms face up, getting a little bit more into the back extensors, quite a bit more in the back extensors. And I have my elbows just slightly forward of my shoulders. Look straight ahead. Same thing. Feeling the energy in your upper back, pulling back on the abdominals up. So we're going to be reaching the arm. All right, so take a breath first. Let's start with the right arm. The goal is to feel relatively stable on the other arm as one leaves the surface of the, so on your exhale, reach the right arm for skim the mat.

We'll start slow and low. Feel how it loads one side of your back differently. And then as you bring it in, you stay lifted through that spine. Exhale, the other side, just tune in there. Probably a some slight deviation in your balance, but we'll work on gaining more connection to that equal side, okay? And a right side. Again, exhale.

If you feel like you want to lift your arm a little higher, please do so. If you want that challenge, inhale, bring it in and stay lifted in the back. And again, exhale the left arm and inhale and bring it in. We've got one more each side and exhale and left anyone. Yep. And down. Just feel what it does in the back and the left arm and inhale them. That's come all the way down and lower the head and chest.

Okay. Okay. Double leg kick. Just six repetitions. Let's turn the head to the right. Look over your left shoulder, I should say. So your right cheek is down, engaging the hamstrings to lift the thighs slightly off the mat. Let's breathe in the three squeezes, one, two, three and open the chest. Lift those arms again. Feel like this is coming from your mid back and turn to the other side.

And again, one, two, and three and lift. Don't want to see you lift a little higher. Use your mid back, turn to the other side. And it's one, two and three. Length. And from head to toe, turn Annex Hill two and three. And inhale, go for it. Open the chest. Lift a little higher. One more each direction.

Squeeze those hamstrings to three and extend long. Last time guys. One, two, three and extend long. Hold right there. Let your arms release. Bring them all the way round for swimming. Ready, keep it lifted. And we'll go for a quick swim. Keep lifting. That's the endurance of the back extensors and inner thighs.

Inner thighs. There we go. And four, three, two, one and rest everything down. Great. Come on back to arrest again. Either you round a child's pose or if you want to come up into a cat back. Let's take a few deep breaths. Got It.

Okay. And we're gonna come back around, sitting on the mat to start basing forward like we did at the beginning and work some corkscrew. So let's roll ourselves back and start again with your legs vertical to the ceiling. We started with a roll over. So let's take a breath in here. Lift the hips up toward the feet and roll yourself overhead. Okay, so we know our corkscrew beginning with coming down the right side of the spine, being mindful. It's not a huge hip swivel. It's the tracking on the side of the spine.

So here we go and you're controlling that roll down. Ah, and that little teardrop or horseshoe shaped from one side up over to the other. Now rolling up the left side of the spine and you sent her on the top of the shoulders here. Now the reverse coming down the left side. Exhale. If you feel competent to drop your legs a little bit lower, please do so.

And up and over the right, even on your shoulders coming down again, the right side, ah, hose through the top of the head. Rob The legs a little low or anybody if you want you good job up and over the left side and coming down the left [inaudible] and all the way round up the right. Now I want everybody to stay right there. We're gonna do a little bit of prep for the Jack Knife and work on the Jack Knife while you're here. All right, so it's not going, it's not about going farther back over the neck. You're plenty right where you are. You're very weighted on the shoulders, the back of the shoulders, but it's fine.

You use your hands behind your pelvis if you need to. Completely fine. So put your mind on your hamstrings and your glutes on your stomach and start to lift your legs from there. So that's really the back of the legs getting nice. Alright, now select, set your hips again and bring your legs down. Still trying to get your pelvis to come up and over your rib cage slightly and we're going to go back up and over again. Hamstrings and glutes. Lift the legs up. [inaudible] now what brings your legs down is the contraction of your abdominals. Go ahead.

It's the same kind of thing as doing, but belly at the very beginning when receded. It's the same kind of low back opening up and then again, hamstrings and glutes to press. Very good and coming back down. See if you can get a little more c curve in your spine. That's for soldier c curve your low back. That's right.

Good. Yeah and one more time everybody. Press the legs up now if you trust yourself, let keep your legs there. Let your arms come down. If they're your hips and put them on the mat and let's try to roll down your spine with your legs up on that Jack Knife Angle. It's a toughy. Go work. [inaudible] you got it? Yep. You got this strength. Go, go, go, go and go and go and go. Now we're not quite done with it. Let your legs come down. About 45 you're going to do one more complete jack knife.

So the legs come up and over 90 degrees. They pass through that up over your shoulders, Jack. Knife, the hips up. Press up through the hamstrings and your glutes. Breathe in. You got it guys. So as you roll down it's control, strength and control. Try to let your pelvis reach farther forward on your mat. Yes and yes. Bend your knees. Rest. Excellent. Excellent, excellent.

We haven't seen that one for awhile and we need to cause it's quite demanding. Good. Okay. A little more a shoulder bridge work. So minute ago we did marching. We're going to go with the straight leg. Give a little more hamstring stretch. Okay. And more backwards. So feed or apart sits bones with the inhale, exhale and curl up we go.

Same thing. If he wants your hands behind your pelvis, absolutely fine to help stabilize. Extend your right thigh, keep it in line with your left thigh. Okay, now bring it up again. That didn't make sense, but I had you pass through it. Want you to concentrate for a second on again to hips up the leg over your chest. Okay. Now as you lower your leg just in line with the left thigh and pull it back up. Exhale. Inhale down.

Exhale up and inhale down really strong on the standing leg. You can tuck your hips a little more if you need one more time. Pull up and down. Now step that foot to the mat. We're going to go to the other side. Lengthen your left thigh. Keep your pelvis rotated under rib. Cajun leg. Did the ceiling.

How far can it come up and back? All right, now here we go. Five repetitions, lower down, and exhale pool and lower down and exhale pool. It helps me to think of bringing my ribs in and my tail under two more times and press and one more time. Press leg down. We're not quite done. We're going to go back over to the other side. Now this time reach your heel to the ceiling one.

Hold your position five times as lower. The entire pelvis is going to come straight down. That's an inhale. Exhale the lift. Now concentrate on the left glute. Inhale and lower and exhale and glute three more and press and exhale and lift. Good work you guys. Great breathing tonight.

Okay, good. Fine. That was it. One more and exhale. Okay. Keep your pelvis up, bend the knees, step down. Last thing on the other side, flex it up. Stand very firm in your standing leg. Press into the mat. Here we go. Pelvis down and pelvis up and pelvis down. [inaudible] when it comes down, fuel level across the back of those hips, try to stay level as you press up. Two more.

And last time [inaudible] keep it up there. Bend the knee. All right, one last thing while we're up your clasp your hands together. I've been done this for a long time. Watch your shoulder blades very close together underneath your back. And I want just to actually kind of exaggerate the curve in the back. So for those of you who don't have a lot of back extension, know you've been wanting more, here's your chance. So again, press your pelvis to the ceiling. Open your chest, keep your glutes firm.

It is putting it a little bit bigger of a bow in your spine as everybody. Okay. Things, I think you're okay. Track your knees a little more parallel. One more breath and then let your hands go and just melt your spine all the way down. Yeah, very good. And I love to just go like toss the knees or toggle as I usually say. Just let her drop from right to left.

I'm going to let the back relax a tiny bit. Okay. Now let's come over to some side work. I'm going to face you on my right side. You can face me on your left side and let's come onto where elbow tonight to start and legs straight down in line with the hips. Feet can be stacked or the top foot can step forward for a little extra balance. All right and take your right arm and just have it Kinda curved underneath here by your hip. And before we go, what we're going to be doing side plank or side support.

First start with a bend in this waist. So we've really contracting those. Righto. Bleaks trying to stretch the under side. Now when we come up onto the plank, we're going to want to even that side out. So let's take a breath. Here we go, exhale. And, and your right arm can come up alongside your ear. You want to pull that lat down? Squeeze the legs together.

Now looks good. Sternum as we come down. Rebend your top waist so there's to go from occur to as flat extension as you exhale, bring in your rib cage in pubic bone forward. Very nice and coming down. Lift a little bit more into that curve as you come down guys. We'll take it two more times and pressing off. So yes, as we come down into the curve internally, lift your abdominals into the curve of the spine.

You're going to set that left hip down. We've got one more and exhale and press up. Bring your lap down, Rachel. Here you go. And then come all the way down and let's rest for a second. Okay, we'll come back up on that elbow in a moment. Let's give it a tiny rest. We'll come down. All right. And then seal those legs all the way together.

Even your ankles, if you can. That little detail I've been kind of forgetting to remind us about the, the ankle bones. Put your, we pick your waist up and tonight we don't need our arm anywhere, but here, just hold yourself with your legs up, your waist up. It's fine. Some stillness in this position. [inaudible] work a little flex in point of the feet four times. So inhale, flex, really stretch the calves and exhale, impress. Point through those toes. Inhale, pull the toes toward the Shin and exhale and press strong point of your feet two more times and exhale and stretch.

Really use those feet if they're a little rudders pressing us through some water. Okay, hold the point. Now, let's like from last week, bring the arm overhead. This hold your sense of balance here. Some of you might want to lift your head slightly off of your arm. That's fine to going to level out the side of your neck. I'll take one more breath and as we exhale, lower your head, your arm, and your legs. Great. Okay. I think we're going to go into that classical inner thigh piece.

So take your top leg and you can bend the knee, stand on a relevant way. If your alarm is long enough to hold your ankle or if your leg can come up high enough that you can hold the ankle. All right, and then the bottom leg, turn it in slightly. Okay. Imagine that stack of books on your ankle. On the exhale, pull that bottom leg up and inhale lower dealing with control and exhale and pull the leg up and inhale and lower. Three more times. Pull up, always thinking of lengthening the leg from where it starts. Way up here in the waist and the tour.

So actually lower torso and down. And one more time. Pull the thigh up and let's hold the therre five circles of the leg, either direction one, make sure you're aiming higher with each circle. Three and four and five other direction for five, go a little higher and thing high inner thigh and three, where are the abdominals? Four and five. Keep it up there. Kickstand your top hand for a second real light and then meet the top leg to that leg. So they're pretty high. Emphasize the bottom inner thigh, but you're also going to reconnect into your waistline.

Take a nice breath. As we come up, I'm going to have this bend the bottom knee. Bend the top knee and come up into a little mermaid. I got disoriented. Take your arm up and let's reach it to a diagonal. So as we're watching this from last week, this looks really good. It's a nice stretch. We are trying to keep the hips open.

Knees down as much as they can. Rib Cage in an open though the left side, you can go a little bit farther. Go for it. That doesn't bother your knees. [inaudible] good work you guys. And then just come all the way up. We're going to put weight on that hand. Stretch your legs out a little bit more into the, I'm weightbearing on the arm.

Ready? Going back up onto the a side support. So here we go. On the exhale [inaudible] now rotating the upper body, not the pelvis. So on an exhale, trying to keep your pelvis stacked right where it is. The upper spine rotates, the arm comes down toward the Mat. You let your head relax a little bit and then that's return to face your side. Take a breath. Let's go ahead and bring the knees and hips down.

Little transition. We'll take it two more times. That was beautiful and exhale and press up. Find some stillness. Find some control. Breathe first. Now I'll get it comes from the abdominals. Think Chris Cross. That's really what the upper body is doing. The hips, just like in Chris Cross, don't wiggle anywhere. They stay stationary. The spine rotates.

Inhale, return to facing your front and exhale and let's come all the way down once again and then exhale all the way up. [inaudible] exhale from your center. I'd help to think of pulling your spine up to the ceiling. Let that head go and then let's return to facing the front and then exhale, bend the knees, bring your hip down. We have all that on the other side, quite a long series. See if I can remember what I did all the way down. Flex flexor feet. Thank you.

A couple of you combined did me what I was doing and here legs are straight, ankles are stacked. Side support for a spree and here we go. Exhale and find the length in the top waist. Bring your topic forward, right Joe. Good. All right. Now again as we come down, lift your abdominals inside and think of letting that lift it. Create this bend in your spine. There we go. And again, exhale.

Ah, feel that top arm, shoulder blade, just slide right down into the back ribs. Inhale and exhale. Come down, lift into the bend. I've got two more [inaudible] [inaudible] once again, and exhale all the way down. Now down all the way, no down. Okay. And lift your bottom waist a little bit. Let your ankles touch top. Arm Up. Pelvis is nice and stacked. Let's go ahead and just hover those legs up. Hold the balance. It's that fundamental rib hip thing I talk about. You know, if I break things down, really solid support from your ribs to your hips so you won't lose your balance.

Flex and point for, for the inhale, flex and exhale. As you point, reach through those toes. Inhale and flex. You're pulling your toes towards your shins and exhale as you point. And two more. Inhale, this top arm, shoulder blades should be anchored into the back. And one more time everybody. Flex and point keeping the legs there. Now taking the arm overhead, healing that arm extension over shoulder blade down.

Concentrate on the abdominals, the length through the top of the head, down through the toes and lengthen the arm down. Legs down, and inner thigh. Okay, so bottom leg slightly turn it in. Let's take a breath. Exhale, we did five, so pulling that inner thigh up an inhale lower with control and exhale and again, think high inner thigh and inhale as you lower as your top shoulder open. Exhale and lift. Inhale lower.

Exhale and pool it up a little higher guys, you can find it. There we go. And down. Last one, we're going to go up to stay. Yeah, come out of that comfort zone. I was down there too. It feels a little bit better down there, but we want to go up. Strengthen that and and five circles. One little higher end, two good. And three. There's some good length in your waistline. Four and five weaver, sin five and four and three.

Find that higher. Lift two and last one. You hold it there. Light kickstand. Top leg to join the bottom leg. Once again, letting go bottom. Inner thigh, bottom inner thigh, bottom inner thigh. So much that look at that brings us right on. Up into the side. Stretch arm up and all the way over. I can.

Sure the ribs are contained. Kind of open the hips, open the knees, he awesome. Openness in that ribcage on the side. Little farther if you can. God, you guys. All right, side support rotation. Send the legs slightly. Open up your bottom hand. All right, good choice. Take a breath and here we go. Exhale into the side support. Excuse me.

All right, so again, pelvis stays level stacked on your exhale from your abdominals. Find the rotation head can slightly relax. Open your upper back toward the ceiling. Find some spinal rotation. Inhale, come back to facing your friend and exhale control. You're landing, bringing that hip and knees down two more times and exhale, prs.

Inhale whole. This is gorgeous. You guys exhale and rotate. Keeping that hop hips very static. That's better. Rotate a little more Rachael. With your spine. Rotate, rotate, rotate. Yes. And forward and exhale and all the way down. And just one more time. Inhale and exhale and lift.

Exhale, rotate. Widen your scapula more and more. Yeah, it didn't catch you soon enough. Sorry. Inhale. Face your front. Exhale and all the way down. Pause for a second, Barry. Good. That was, that was a lie. Yeah. Yeah. Scapula went, whoa. That's where I'm supposed to go. Good.

You guys come into a crouch position. Very good. Let's straighten her knees from here. Good hamstring stretch. If it feels good to bring your head down a lot, your chest close to your legs, you can go there. Keep engaging the abdominals though. So not quite done in there. Now one is we're going to do rising up onto the tip toes and coming down to the heels. And again, when we lower our heels, we're not rocking backwards, you know, cause which we could lose our balance.

Stay biased on the front of the feet. So this is at deeper stretch all the way up to the the hamstring tendons up here. Alrighty. Inhale and rise up to tiptoe and exhale. As you lower the heels, you're still working the abdominals. You just lightly touch the heels and then they go back up again. Inhaling and exhale and heels down. But that had go in Halan pool and exhale heels down two more times. Inhale and exhale. Ah, one more and down. I'm going to have us come down into a crouch.

Just going to pass through that. Yeah. Once again into straightening. The legs will roll up to standing. I am going to have this do one set of [inaudible] pushups. All right, so we're going to walk back to the back edge of the mat and the response was just wonderful. Take your arms up, exhale and rounding over. I know all these weight bearing exercises, you know, we women need to stay strong and those upper bodies. Here we go. Walking out again, four steps should be plenty. All right, and your option is to hold plank. You don't have to do the elbow bands.

I'm going to have us do three. Here we go. Ben, extend elbows, bend. They extend one more. They bend and extend. We lift the hips. Walk the hands back, roll back up to standing. We're going to do it again to pushups, arms outside by the sides. Inhale, arms up by the ears. Exhale and rounding over.

Ah, okay. Walking out like rab that position to push ups and down. Press and down. Press, hips, up, hands, walking back. Round yourself all the way up. Squeeze the legs. Okay guys, last one. We're almost done with class. Inhale up we go. Exhale. N over. Walking out.

We did a really nice job taking a pace a little bit differently and a little bit faster than usual. One time. Bend down, prs up. Walk back through, and our final roll up to standing all the way. Thanks for class guys. Woo.


Great class Amy! I love being able to workout with you while traveling. =)
Thanks Rachael! Glad you enjoyed to you again soon!
Fantastic class, Amy. As a PT, I especially enjoyed the cueing for Jacknife. Something I never considered. Thank you. Teaser is still my archnemesis!
Hi Lisa, thank you! Keep working at the Teaser!! I never thought I'd get it, but I have it now....well---most of the time, and it's still one that keeps me humble.
Glad I found this class! Love your instruction especially the breathing cues... I always screw that up without guidance.
Thank you Valerie!! Breathing takes practice. It's a discipline all its own too!
I always love Amy's classes. I know this is an older one, but I'd say it's definitely not "accelerated" and would even consider it "deliberate" in pace. Otherwise, great class as always.
Isadora ~ Thank you for your feedback. After reviewing this video, we have decided to change it to moderate pace. Amy keeps a nice flow throughout the class, so it is faster than a deliberate pace, but not quite as fast as some of our other accelerated classes. I hope you enjoyed this class!
Myla P
I agree that the pace should be changed to deliberate and despite the note that Pilates anytime was going to change it from "accelerated" it wasn't done

Amy's classes are always lovely but I was looking for an accelerated paced class and didn't see the notes until after. Please change!
Myla ~ I'm sorry that this class wasn't changed before. I'm not sure how we missed it, but I have changed it to a moderate pace now. Thank you for letting us know.

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