Class #2144

Dynamic Mat

45 min - Class


Get ready for some fun on the Mat in this dynamic workout with Kathryn Ross-Nash! She starts by warming up the feet, using a bit of reflexology to prepare your entire body for the class. She then moves on to a full workout, adding little nuances to each exercise to increase the challenge. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat, Pilates Pole, Reformer Box

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Ladies, we're going to have a little fun today. So what we're going to do is we're going to start with foot rolling. This is a great thing to do for the alignment, but it also is a great way to begin your day and get that same stimulation that you would get by doing your footwork on the reformer. Okay? So it's also great if you do a really advanced workout and you know how you leave out the rolling so you don't get that spinal massage cause you're, you know, and then you go to the mat and roll.

You can also replace that with rolling your feet cause the outer edge of your foot, right is basically your spine. So you get all those reflexology points by a simple roll. And if you have a client who comes in and they're not in the best mood and you really don't want to deal with them, foot, roll them first before you start working with them. Okay? So you're going to begin with your legs at a 90 degree angle. Your stomach's lifted shoulders right over the hips, arms down, beautiful shoulders down, back in together.

And on the ball of the foot and you're just going to roll on the ball of foot. That's it. And as you do this, remember all the alignment that we worked on so that you're going right from your knee and your hip, right through the center of your heel, right through the center of your foot. And make sure if you tend to collapse in that you feel the outer edge of the foot getting that nice deep massage. Good. Now move to the center of the foot, the arches, and you're going to not, don't let the arches collapse. Keep the foot and alignment and keep way on the outer edge of that foot.

As you roll. Roll [inaudible] they're going to go, oh my God, Kathy Ross Nash can be nice and good and now go to the heel. She turned 50 and look at what happened and reach good on that heel. Massage that heel. Good. I feel nice, Colleen. It's payback for all the torture just to this the entire time. What do you mean? There were 30 minutes of them rolling their feet and go back and all the way forward. And all the way back and all the way forward, keeping the alignment of the hip, the knee, the ankle, the center of the foot, and reach, lengthen and reach and lengthen and reach.

Now this is called the Jerry Lewis. You're going to lift the outer edge of the foot. Coleen's like I like this one. Bring your knees together and you're going to roll and you're going to get that inner part of that arch and massage that which probably feels good now cause we were working that a lot. So the more you lift the outer edge of the foot, the better off you are. That's it. And then you're going to go the heels, the soles of the feet together, and the only you're gonna roll is feel that little bone that comes out.

You're going to not roll on that bone, but roll from that bone back. So you're going to place the soles of the feet together just like we did. So you're gonna lift those, that's it. And you're going to roll on that little part. Now don't let the feet separate.

Press them together so that the inner thigh right is engaged. Yes. So you're connecting that rep all the way up. Up, up, up, up, up. Good. Let's go back to the first one. This time, let's have our knees together and let's go a full roll with our knees together. That's it.

Same thing that we do on the foot corrector, right? Yep. Press, press, watch of the toes. Don't separate. Good. And watch. See how they flip up when you come, let them pour over that bar. There you go. Good. So that's going to be that same alignment when you're doing your abdominal series that the toes aren't going to do their own thing.

They're going to be part of the action. Good. And now Jerry Lewis, Neisha, that pole rolls street. Good. And so the fee together, that back part of the heel, good. Take your poll, place it off to the side. You're going to cross your legs, you're going to spread your toes and you're gonna bring your fingers all the way through the toes. You're gonna hold onto the ankle and you're going to do a nice big hold that ankle circle.

And lead with the Pinky toe and draw the pinky toe in and circle with that pinky toe. That's it. And up and reverse. Circle up an n circle. Good. Circle up and [inaudible] in. Now flex the foot, push. And then take your hand here and drag it back.

Make sure that it's not going forward and back, right, that it stays in alignment. Push down right in alignment and pull it back. And watch that calling air you go, press down. Now keep it in alignment as you pull it back because it likes to be naughty. Pull back. Good. And just take your foot and shake it.

So hold right here and just shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. Like we shake our hands, we shake our feet. Good other side. Ah, now I'm waking up, spread all the way through, inside up. Pinky toe down and ring it around. All the way up, all the way slower. Feel every point of that joint and support it right above the ankle. Good. And reverse it down in, up, down, in, uh, down in, up good flex, push point. Drag flex.

Try to keep everything in alignment just like you were pushing on the foot corrector and drag flex, push point, drag good. Hold onto the art and give it a nice shake. Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake and beautiful. Step off. Stand up and let's just take our boxes off to the side. Use your powerhouse and remove them. Good. Let's stand on the Ed of our mats.

This is the last time that you will not be moving for the next 20 to 30 minutes. Parallel legs. Pull the stomach in, square your box off, and you're going to do everything and take care of your knee and squat back. Feel the heels. Pull the stomach in. Don't stick your little pumpy out and pressed a stand up and squat a little deeper, a little deeper, a little deeper. Pool the stomach in and come up. Squat a little deeper, deeper, deeper, and push to stand up.

And this time you're going to go all the way down to the mat. Pull the stomach in. Keep that alignment. There's, you're rolling like a ball. There's your double leg pull. Pick up your bottom and lie all the way down. We have a bar there. Let's use it. Take the bar, reach it over. [inaudible] it's pull the stomach in. Lift up into the hundred. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, four, five. Exhale. Two, three, four, five. Bend the legs in. Reach it over. Inhale, two, three, four, five until two, three, four, five into four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Bend it in. Reach it out and he'll do three, four, five.

Exhale. Two, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Pull the stomach in. Reach it over. Heel. Two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, four, five. Inhale, two for five. Exhale. Exhale, exhale, exhale. Exhale. Bend it in. Reach it over. Take your feet, place them underneath your strap. We've got a strap. Let's use it. Lie All the way back. Arms Up. Plug the shoulders in. Rural. Appeal through the map.

Burring the crown of the head to the knees. Roll back. Paul the stomach in and reach. Inhale up and exhale over. Inhale down and exhale back. Inhale up and exhale over. Move it so you lose the fat. Inhale up, exhale over in hell and exhale. Take the bar, bring it down, reach back to your bars. Extend the legs up. Pull the stomach in.

Reach up and over. Flex the feet. Point the feet open. Flex the feet, push the toes roll down. Sweep the floor. Peel up for a reverse roll up point. Stretch, flex, push roll down. Reach up. Flex point, flex. Lift the hips off of the ribs. Reverse spine. Stretch forward as you go over points. Stretch, flex, push in the heels. Drag the thighs along the face. Open around up. Point stretch cliques. Push roll down.

Pull the stem again over. Stretch back. Drag the legs. Bring the left leg down, circle the leg one stop. Circle the leg, two stump, circle the leg. Three stop. Reached the leg across the body and up. Keep that shoulder open to the side. Don't move the hip and reach it all the way across for single leg, tick-tock, and up and all the way over and up. Now full leg. Circle up to the nose, to the shoulder. Really reach across. Sweep it around and up. Up, up, up, up to the nose to the shoulder. Stretch that bottom leg.

Twist all the way in. Up, up, up. Reverse the circle around. Up. One step around, up to stop at the nose, around up. Three. Open the leg versus time. Bring it up. Reach across. Anchor the opposite shoulder. Lift it up, open it. Lift up. Reach across. Anchor the opposite shoulder and up.

Full circle up around. Reach across an up, open reach across and up. Up, up, switch. Stretch one, two, three. Circle. Round Up, one step. Circle around, up to stop. Circle around up three, reach across. Anchor the opposite shoulder. Reach that bottom leg and come up. Keep the hip in place and up. Anchor the opposite shoulder.

Pull the stomach in and open up. Bring it all the way up to the nose, up to the shoulder. Sweep the floor, control it up, up to the nose. Up to the shoulder, way across and reverse it around. Up. One stump around, up to stop around up. Three, stop. Open to the side. Lift up, reach across, across, across, across. Lift up. Open to the side. Lengthen. Reach across, across, across, across and up. All Open. Reach across. All the way up to the nose. Up, up, up, up, up, open. Anchor that hip.

Really reach across. Deep up, up, up. Leg comes down, one felt. Swoop up into your rolling, likable rollback accident. Come up, line hold, roll back. Elbows out. Up to hold. Roll back up. Three hold. We're going to unfold into a teaser. After the next one. Roll back, round teaser, round, back, round teaser, round up with the bottom in, teaser in back. Last one in teaser. Melt to your single leg. Oh one and a one to two and a two and to three new three and slice your Tush.

Slide like a bicycle. Two and three. Elbows out. Four polit in five and six and seven and double leg. Two legs in, stretch out and around two legs in, directly in like you're pushing on that foot bar. And around and stretch out and around and stretch out and around. Now slide, reach, circle, scoop.

In slide, reach, circle, scoop. In slide, reach, circle and in single leg straight and a little pepper in there. And quick and quick. Let's work the back of the legs. Reach and reach and reach and reach. Reach and reach. Now let's suffer a little. Bring the leg only to 90 degrees. Lift your upper body up.

Okay, and switch. Keep that upper body up. Shoulders down, upper buddy up. Isn't that just fabulous and upper body up? It's preparing you for the heck that's coming. Reach and reach. Two legs up, up, hands behind the head. Lift up. Go down. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one quick, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Quick. Up, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and up.

Now you're going to stop at 45 degrees. Stay. Get that upper body up. Right leg goes down to 45 left leg, goes down to 40th. Up right leg up, left leg up, right leg, left leg, right into criss-cross. Stretch. One, two, three and switch one, two, three and switch on elbow, back, elbow, back, back, switch, reach. Get that knee and Coleen switch. I see everything and switch, reach and now what we're going to do Ben, two legs in.

You're going to stretch onto the right side of your body. You're going to bend the right knee. You're going to keep your elbow here and you're going to twist the knee up, keeping the elbow there and deep and that twist, deepen it, deepen it. That's it. You feel that Colleen, that's delicious and stretch two legs out to the other side. Length in long. Bend the bottom knee. Keep the elbow there. One long line. Reach and twist the needle, the ceiling, twist it, twist it, twist it, twist it to his stead. Let's bend both knees in, stretch to the side. Woo. Don't fall off the mat. Don't drink and drive.

Then the bottom knee and reach in reach in region, region, region, region, region. I have to make up for that one. Bend in stretched to the other side. Then in reach, in region, region, region, reach n and Ben both legs in, sitting up, spine, stretch forward. Flex your feet, pinch your seat. Push those heels out far. Exhale over. Inhale, sit up, lift your arms and let's open the chest. One.

Open the chest to open the chest. Three arms come up. Exhale. Inhale. Sit Up. Lift and open the chest all the way back with those arms. Think breaststroke up and good. Exhale all the way down, all the way up. Right from there, I want you to float your legs up and press your hands. Don't hold them.

Press them on your hands, your feet, and roll up. Impress the hands and roll back and roll up and just press those hands so you use your stomach roll back. Press the hands [inaudible] roll back. Press the hands, draw the legs together. Flex the feet, lift up and stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, and stretch. Lie Down Slides so that your shoulders are in position. Lift up, glue the heels. Keep the tailbone down.

Bring the toes to the nose. Lift the left hip, flatten. Lift the right hip toes to the nose. Stretch those knees. Other way hip comes off so you're genuinely twisting over to the other side and lift the tailbone off. Roll to the right, flat, left to elbowed off. Left flat, right. Lift all the way up. Roll down onto the right side.

Roll to the left and peel off hip. Waist, ribs, roll down ribs, waist, hip. You're at that 90 all the way down, all the way to your spine, to his roll up. Pelvis, waist, ribs, twist, roll down in the twist. Sweep the legs. Roll up in the twist. Untwist, twist rolled down in the twist. Roll around. Let's do that one more time. Twist.

Keep the buddy long toes reaching past the nose. Roll down onto that side so you end in this. Twist your flat, your boxers square. You wrote to the other side and you come up in the twist and center. Now we're going to do the diagonal reach. It's a reverse snake and twist. Twist.

Roll down in that twist. Reach to the diagonal, the mat. Reach over, untwist, come up, twist, roll down, reach down, reach over and up. Twist, roll down, reach down. Over and up. Twist. Roll down, reach down, over and up. Roll all the way down. Single leg. Ticktock right leg goes out, left leg goes to meet it to legs.

Draw back, left leg goes out, right leg goes to meet it. Two legs. Go back. One, two together. One, two together. One, two, together. One, two together. Sit Up. Lift all the way up for the saw. Three pulses in our saw. Inhale. Exhale. One, two, three. Deep in the stretch to come up. Good.

Inhale. Exhale. One, two, three, deep. And to come up. Inhale. Exhale. One, two, three, deep. And to come up. Inhale. Exhale. One, two, three. [inaudible]. Come up. Center. Flip over onto the stomach. Press your hands. Oh, let's go. Yeah, like that. Here. Press your hands here. Lengthen your elbows down. Pull the stomach in and lift the chest up and forward.

Look to the right chin. Goes along the collarbone to the left and center. Look to the left, Paul that stomach in so you're not in your low back. Open the chest forward length in yourself down. Make two fists and press them on the mat. Bring your chest forward, squeeze those legs together. Reach the legs back, stomach in two legs. Lift up one leg, kick kicks and down. Kick, kick and down.

Kick, kick and down. Kick. Kick. Very nice. Ooh, good. Aaron. Kick, kick and down. Chest forward. Proud of those girls. Kick, kick and down. Sit back on your heels. Stretch out the low back. Pull the stomach off the thighs. Come back and right phase cheek on the mat. Two hands behind the back. Kick one, two, three. Stretch the arms and lift them up.

Up, up other way on two, three and up. Up, up. Let's really open our shoulders. Grab your elbows with your right cheek down. Kick one, two, three. Keep that there and reach up. Up. Turn the other way. One, two, three. Reach up to as if your teachers pulling on your arms and reach one, two, three and up. Up, up other way.

One, two, three and up. Up, up. Plays your hands under the shoulders. Sit back. Aaron. You're going to do the regular thigh stretch. Colleen, you and I are going to sit on her heels now. Make sure that all the toes are pressed down, right, and you're going to press your thighs forward and you're going to hinge back. Hold two, three and return down.

And again, hold two, three. Open the chest. Press the toes down and return to sit. One more time. Press two, three and return to sit. Flip over. Neck pull. Take your feet underneath the strap. Hands behind the head. We're going to do three plane and two flat. Separate the legs.

Push out the heels are there. The furthest point of your body. Begin lying down. Elbows Open. Push through the heels. One heel in heel. Inhale, roll up. Stretch. One, two, three. Open the elbows up. Push the stomach in and roll down onc more pelvis. Colleen, peel yourself up. Oh, we're going to have to make you suffer. One, two, three. Sit Up. Now stay touch. Just the low back. Only the low back. Now the waist. Now the ribs.

Now the bottom of the shoulder blade. One more time. Stop. Roll Up. Just the head. Stretch that neck. Take the bottom of the top of the boat. Water, liver, the liver of the top of the shoulder blade off, bottom on. Peel through the ribs. Stop at the waist. Push the heels away. Take the ribs off. Keep the hips on and over. Sit up tall. Hey, now you get to go down the street. Pushed the heel. Long Spine. Pull in that neck. Pull on it, nick.

Give your neck a little stretch at the end and open. One more time like that. Head comes up. Shoulders stay on top of the shoulder blade off, bottom on, bottom of the shoulder blade off. Peel through the ribs. Anchor that waist. Push the heels. Take the waste off. Keep the hip down. Curl up in over that. Pulling the waist back. Sit all the way up. Push through the heels. Lengthen your neck and long, long, long, long and down.

Excellent. Roll onto the right side of your body, right body against the back edge of the mat. Hand behind the head lakes. Come forward. Pull the stomach in. Lift this leg hip height and kick it forward. Kick, kick. Don't let it go higher than the hip and back forward kick back. Stretch forward. Kick anchor that bottom heel. So that whole backside, that's it. Think about going upside, right or going up front.

Where's that leg going to be? And lengthen. Reach and stretch. Reach deep in and stretch. Reach, deepen, stretch, reach deep. Last one, stretch leg on leg. No sexy on the beach. I want to see that hand lengthening the neck. Lift up. Flex down, lift to flex down. Get longer through the head and the heel. Reach that leg past your other leg. It's so long. It ends up in the ocean.

Up and down and up and down and up and down. One more. Up and down. Little circles. Stop at the heel. One little circle, two little circle. That's little Kaleena. Don't want to see big and reach. Good girl. Little takes, a lot of control. Reach and rivers and back. Try to get that heel down. Aaron. And two and three. Step Four. Step five.

Step six. Step seven. Step eight, stop. Medium, sir. Go One. Stop to stop. Three stop. Four. Step five. Step six, step seven, step eight, rivers one, touch two, touch three, touch four, touch five. Very good. Six, seven and eight now to legs together, lift both legs up top leg lifts and lowers, lifts and lowers, lifts and lowers lifts.

Bottom leg lowers and lips lowers endless lowers and lives. Lowers in lift toppling circle, stop circle. It's not awful. Circle Circle rivers. Circle two, three and four. Lengthen both legs down, bicycle. Stretch forward. Bend the knee. Touch the knee. Thigh reaches back, thigh reaches back. Stretch the leg forward. Bend, touch, reach. Extend forward. Bend, touch, reach. Extend forward. Bend, touch, reach, rivers, leg to leg. Reach straight back bend, touch, shoulder, straight, straight back, bend, touch, shoulder. Extend Straight back, bend touch.

Don't let those hips move at all and reach not the nightclub yet. Bend in reach. Extend side bicycle. Slided along the leg behind the shoulder. Lifted up, pushed with the heel and down. Slide it along the leg in. Reach it up. Flex and down. Slide it along the leg. Reach it in up.

Push with the heel and down. Slide it along the leg. Reach it in up, pushed with the heel. Reverse. Push with the heel up. Bend it in for a hip stretch. Slide it along the leg, reach it up, bend it in, and slide it along the leg. Reach it up, bend it in, slide it along the leg, lift it up, bend it in, and slide it along the leg. Both legs. We'll bicycle.

It's a bicycling extravaganza and reach. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. You got caught. You got to back backpedal on two, three, four. No, I did my spare six, seven and a. Let's do a big circle because we left that out all the way up, all the way over, all the way back and touch all the way up, all the way open all the way back and touch one more. All the way up, all the way over. All the way back. Back rivers. Reach back, lift up, forward and down. Reach back, lift up, forward and down. Last one, reach back. Lift up, forward and down.

Rollover ladies onto your tummies. Lift the legs and go. Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka BPPP PPP. I'm gonna flip so I can keep facing my beautiful girls and you girls roll to the other side. One, two, three. Beautiful. Anchor that bottom leg. Lift the top leg and swing it forward and stretch it back and forward and stretch it back and reach it and stretch it back forward.

Kick back, stretch forward. Kick back, stretch forward. Kick back. Stretch forward. Kick back. Stretch leg on leg. Lift up. Flex down. Lift too long. Next, lift three and down. Lift four and four. Fast. Up and down and up. Flex the foot. Up and down and up and down. Little circles.

One step into step three. Step four, step five. Good. Full Circle. Front side, back. So it's circling an inch in the front as well as the back and reverse one. So there's eight of them. Two, three.

For those of us who can't see me for thought. Six, seven and eight. Medium. One, two, three. Feel the length on the lower part of the body. Try to ring the ribs off the mat though the shoulder is on. Yes, and reverse up. So the whole bottom half is supporting you, right? You're not relaxing into it. You're lengthening it and working that bottom half. Medium, medium, medium, and medium. Two legs together. Lift them up top like one, two, three, four, bottom, leg, straight, up and down. One, two, three, four. Top Lake circles. One, two, three, four, reversed. One, two, three, four, two legs. Go down bicycle. Swing it front. Bend in, touch the knees. Stretch it back to bend in.

Touch the knee and back. Three, bend in. Touch the knee and back. Four and in touch the knee, rivers, leg to leg. Straight back. Bend it in. Touch the knee. Very good girls, reach back, no moving of the pelvis. Stretch out of the head and the heel so that bottom side is getting longer and lifting. Stretch. Reach in. Lengthen and leg on leg side, bicycle. Slide it up.

Need to the ceiling. Lifted up. Flex, end down. Slide it up, bring it back, lifted up, flex, end down. Slide it up, bring it in. That's why I danced and didn't sing. Slide it up, bend it in, lifted up rovers, pushed the heel, bend it in, slide it down, reach long, flex the heel, bend it in, slide it down and long, lifted up. Bend it in, slide it down and long lifted up. Bend it in, slide it down and long. Double Bicycle under one [inaudible]. Two Nice stroll on the beach, a little bicycle, reach, reach, reach, reach, reach. You got caught. You got to back peddle. Go home, go home, go home and quick. Get quick, quick and quick and quick. Leg on leg. Big Circle. Reach it up all the way back. Lengthen long neck and down to the nose, to the ear, to the rear. Don't move with that hip to the nose, to the ear. Bring that hip forward as one leg goes back. Yes.

Reverse stretch straight back up to the ear, up to the nose. Scoop the stomach straight back long through the head, long through the heel and down. Straight back. Lift all the way up, up, up and to the nose. Good lie on your back and shake it out. She, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, she chicken. I have to spin the other way so that we're facing the right way.

Bring yourself back. A tiny bits of those handles will be there when you need them. Take your legs, lower them to the 45 roll up to your teaser. Touch the low back, only. Come up to your teaser. Touch the low back. Come up to your teaser. Roll all the way down. Reach back, arms up, Rola low back. Lift up a little back.

Lift up, lift up. Reach back with the arms by the ears. Arms Up. Roll up low back. Lift up stomach and lift up stomach and lift up oral back. Come up, arms here. Lower the legs. Lift them up. Lower lift, lower lift. Everything lifts. Everything floats down.

Everything comes up. Arms by the ears. Everything floats down. Everything comes up. Arms by the ears, everything. [inaudible] everything up. Lift. Bring your arms back. Find your poles. Straight. Arms bend the knees for Cancan. Open that chest. Roll over. Nice glued.

Roll out in and one and two and three and Danton. [inaudible] good. Very good guys. Flip over onto the stomach. Let's take a swim in the ocean. Stretch all the way out. You can tell I've been stuck in the snow and inspired by the water. Let's stretch the right arm up in the left arm up.

Press the right hand in the left leg and press the other side down. Lengthen all the way down. Switch left hand, right leg. Lift the chest, lift the chest, lift the chest, lift the chest and down. Lift the chest, lift the chest, lift the chest, slow. Swim and down. Lift the chest. Lift the chest. Lift the, Oh my God, there's a shark in the water. Let's go. Inhale two, three, four, five. Exhale in. He'll do three, four, five x. It likes it. Likes it.

Likes to like feel sick. Back on the heels. Stretch out the low back. Very good. Pull your stomach up and in. Round that low back nice and deep and come up to kneeling. Take your right leg, stand in the middle of the Mat. Take the right leg out, hands behind the head. Lift up, reach over towards the knee. Good. Stretch that foot.

Clean and out like this. There you go. Like it would be on your side, right reach when you're gonna lift it and up. Made sure you keep this hip and open. Very good position. Ladies reach over, over, over, over, over, out to come up and over, over, over, over, over, out to come up, over, over, over, over, over, out to come up and over, over, over, over, out to come up. Draw your knees together. Arms out in front. Chest expansion. Squeeze the shoulder. Place. Look to the right look. Center left. Look, center. Grow Tall. Reach open the chest.

Press your hands back like there's a wall behind you and you're pressing on that wall. Lift to come up. Inhale. Hold the breath. Look right. Center, left center. Come up. Inhale, press left. Center right center. Come up. Extend the leg out. Hands behind the head.

Lift up tall and a delicious stretch over and lift up and a delicious stretch away. Keep that front hit open and up and a delicious stretch and up. Stretch over and up. Stretch over and up. Last one, stretch over, over, over and up. Right from there. Bring your knees together and go over to your mermaid. Hey, doing girls good. Okay. Make sure you stack Niani.

Lift up and glue the arm to the ear. Stretch all the way up. And all the way over over. Don't let it twist it all. Come up, take a balance. Take this arm and slide it out. Good. Now just like we pushed our rib up to support us on the sidekicks, we're going to bring that hip and use that muscle underneath and come up to a balance and lift up little sweaty and sticky reach over this time.

Then the R and deepen, deepen, deepen. Now keep the depth of that stretch. Reach over, reach out, take the balance up, lengthen all the way over. All the way down hip comes first and up. Lift all the way up over. I've only been doing [inaudible] for 20 hours today and grab the ear, turn the head and now fold into self like a little seashell.

It's a Shimer man and then a hot seller comes so you come back up and you open and you stretch the arm and you take the balance and now slide down and we're going to get ready for that hip lift all the way down. Take this hand in front. This hand here, your head is down and you're going to lift the pelvis up to get ready for the side bend. Very good and down. So you're working both parts of that side. Bend Up. Don't let it rock forward. It's as if somebody has a harness and they're lifting it straight up, up, up and down. Bring your knees back so you're in one line, like your sideband lift. Oh, oh, okay.

How can something so little be so hard and up, up, up and down and up, up and down. Extend the arm out, hand over hand. Bring your knees forward and come back up and change to the other side. Good girls. That's really tough. Exercise. Lift up, especially when you're not cheating and you guys aren't lift all the way over, over, over, over, and reach up. Arms here and slide out. One reason why I insist leg on leg is cause when you do your proper side bender, your star, that's the alignment that you have to be in.

And if you can't balance is how can you expect to support yourself. When you're on a reformer that's moving right, reach over, bend and grab the ear, reach out. Deep stretch up balance. Very good. Slide out, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long. Use your stomach. Get Tall. Think Oh, I can do it.

And come up better. Lift all the way up. Stretch over a little mermaid, grabbed the ear, become shy, unfold and really given nice, deep, deep, deep stretch there. Stretch the arm. Come up to that beautiful balance. Lift both sides of the body length in. As you go, all the way down, bring that arm forward. The other arm in front head is down and you're going to lift the hips up, up, up. Keep knee on knee and down. That's it. Calling. Good correction.

And uh, uh, up and down. Last one and up, up, up and down. Slide your knees back. Press up, up, up and down. Uh, uh, up and down. Pris, up, uh, up and down. Yeah. Extend the arm, bring the knees forward and you're going gonna.

Press up to that balance and spin around to go into your seal. Wrap through, wrap through. Press your feet, squeeze your knees in. Impress your elbows out. Roll back, clap. One, two, three. Don't move. Roll Up. Clap. One, two, three. Don't move. Roll back. Clap. One, two, three. Don't move. Roll Up. Clap. One, two, three. One more time. One, two, three. Roll Up. One, two, three. Now just because I want to do it, place your feet down. Roll all the way back. Take your hands underneath. Feel like we need a nice big chest opener. Press on your feet.

Press on your hands. Don't slide towards your feet. Press directly up and open the chest up, up, up. Chin to the chest and roll down and press on the hands and feet like a piston. Just goes straight up, up. Just come through. Read your chest through, through, through, through, through chin to your chest. Articulate down one more time. Press and rural.

Oh, up, up and shins. Your chest and rule down. Sit Up. Bend the front leg at a 90 degree angle. The back leg at a 90 degree angle square. So your square here, your square here, and stretch over all the way down. For Clara stretches. Reach up and stretch back and reach up and stretch forward. Let's lift the arms up and slide back and lift the arms up and slide forward and lift the arms up and slide back and lift the arms up and good right from there. Stretch over into split.

Draw your legs together and switch sides. Yes. Good Ni 1990 this can also be done in a split and stretch forward. Come up, arms low. First light back and up. Lift up, stretch over.

Lift up and slide back. Lift up and over. Lift up and slide back. Lift up. Stretch the leg forward. Stretch it back into a nice deep split.

Okay, come up, face the center. Okay, roll to the other direction. Reach forward, press back, open the chest, reach forward, reach back, open the chest and only if you have a good knee, bend it and bring it down. Turn face the other direction all the way into the nice split stretch forward. Lift the chest back, stretch forward.

Lift back and if you have a good knee stretch extended, bring it around, bend your knees in, swing them to the side and good work, girls, you made it good work.

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8 people like this.
Having done every Mat class with Kathryn Ross Nash, one has to conclude that this Lady is the Romana Classical Queen of Variations on the Mat.
The two Ladies demonstrating made it look effortless and are outstanding Pilates practitioner's.
Just my thoughts!
Ellen W
4 people like this.
I agree! They made it look easy and it wasn't! This was my first class with Kathryn Ross Nash and I'll definitely be looking out for more! Thanks!
2 people like this.
Thanks for the delicious meal! Kathryn :)
1 person likes this.
Thank you!!
Fast and good!!!!!!
1 person likes this.
As usual killer variations while staying true to the classical. Brilliant! Thank you
Dorothy T
2 people like this.
Fabulous! Why is there not a KRN Cable Channel...? I am ready to subscribe!
So happy you liked it!!!! I love variations as they can really help you feel exactly what the purpose of each exercise is!
1 person likes this.
Great class! You are amazing and I am a big fan of yours!!
1 person likes this.
What a fun class and a great workout! I love the enthusiasm of the instructor.
Just love that you enjoyed it!!!
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