Okay guys. So let's go ahead and get started this morning. We're going to start sitting and we'll start sitting nice and tall. Feet can, no, that's okay. We can face it. Yeah. And feed a little bit, little bit wider than hip width. Actually today. And I'm going to have a start with her hands down on her shins. Just let your torso round forward. Let the weight of the head hang down. Okay, good. Yeah.
And if it feels like you need to actually move your feet a little wider, that's fine to make it comfortable or even scoot your feet forward. So with the beginning here, taking those nice deep breaths into your upper back as well as mid and lower back, encourage your head to stay hanging down depending on, you know, how much tension you feel in the neck and shoulders or in your back. There might be a little slight urge to lift your head when you take an inhale and, um, encourage the weight to stay hanging down. Okay, so let's go together. We'll take about four in Hill Mason, nice and full
Nice breath. We're going to start just a little bit of motion with the pelvis and the lower back. And this is an unfamiliar, we start this way fairly often. So just fe finding that pelvic tilt under feeling the low rib cage on the front of you, drawing in. And then as we inhale we'll come forward and reconnect to that sitting tall position. And again, exhale. So feel a little squeezed in the glutes, pulling the pelvis back away from the thighs. So you're shifting weight to the back of the sitz bones, even into the sacrum.
And then inhale as we round forward and up to vertical spine. And again, exhale and contract and pull back. Trying to get that sense of opening these backbone joints to the wall behind you. And inhale as we come forward and up, let's go a little farther. Exhale and see if you can hear, maybe to cover a little more territory here with your spine still with the crown of the head up and the Chin level and rounding forward. Let's take two more exhale and round back.
That's it.
I'm going to slide into the center of my mat. I just feel like I was too far back. Okay, so guys, let's start. We know the work fairly well, so I think we can move at a nice clip here. All right, I'm going to have this just start with about four pelvic curls, so again, exhale and find that articulation starting at the base of the spine. Rolling up. Nice flat take off ramp position.
Inhaling here at the top and the exhale to articulate down. Feel the control in the movement of the spine. Inhale out the bottom and exhale as we roll back up. Feel the work in the back of the legs and the glutes and hamstrings solid. Stand into your feet.
Inhale and exhale as we articulate down so the collar bone is stable and open. Rolling bone by bone and we'll inhale from neutral and exhale again to scoop and peel up. Just checking that you're not rolling laterally on the foot. Really standing firm on all parts of the foot. Inhale and exhale. Here we go. To roll down.
Pulling that sacrum under and reaching your tailbone forward towards your heels. Once again, inhale and exhale. Here we go. To peel up. Okay. This time I'm going to have a stay onto the ridge position, taking the arms up and reaching back behind you for the wall without letting the arms fall to the floor so they are Hubbard. Lift your Chin a little bit away from your chest and let's take an inhale. Exhale, and just bring the upper back down so the back of the sternum.
Really pulling that to the mat. Pause. Inhale, exhale. Take another breath for the rest of the spine. Reach strongly with those arms. You're getting long from the top to the bottom of the spine and then find your level pelvis. Walk your ankles and knees together. Let's interlace our hands behind her head. We'll take a breath and the exhale is fighting the chest lifts of finding the curve of the spine forward and inhale as we roll back down.
Exhale as we curve in. If for sense that your Chin is coming in, your sternum is coming in, pressing the back of that sternum to the mat to curl higher. We are looking for a little more chest lift and rolling back. Exhale, so pressing down can think of it as imprinting your spine. I think of pressing against the mat to curl higher for my feedback and then inhale to roll down without losing the work. Exhale, contract to curl up. I'm going to have a stay right here. Take your breath now on the exhale, right leg up to tabletop one.
Inhale, lower that leg without losing the chest. Lift and exhale from the left side one and inhale lower. So we're hindering from the joint of the hip. Exhale and lift. Inhale, lower and exhale n lift and lower. Let's take four more. Exhale, ed, always focusing on that level. Pelvis.
You can take this moment and look right down at your pelvis. See it flat. Last one on the right. Inhale down and the last one on the left. Inhale lower, and I'd like us to take her chest back down here and pause. Okay.
We've been adding this variation on the last couple of months and your left hand still back behind your head. Arm, the right arm, long by your side. Is this going to start working into the waking up the obliques? Take a breath here as we exhale to a chest lift. The right arm reaches long toward the heel. Okay, now inhale, lift that right arm just coming up. The height of the right knee. The XCL is reaching the other hand across toward that right knee.
So there is where the spine is turning into the rotation. Okay. Now as you reach forward with the arms, find a little more chest lift. We want the inhale, the arms coming up, framing the head. Exhale, stay on the rotation. Hands back behind the head. Inhale forward and exhale all the way down to the mat. Kind of a long pattern. Left arm long inhale and exhale. Here we go.
Basic chest lift. Long reach of the left arm. Inhale, that arm floats up. Exhale, we take the right arm, reach to the left. There's your ex, uh, adding some rotation. Okay, stay in that rotation. Arms come up. Framing the, uh, the head. Exhale, hands back behind the head. Inhale as you returned to facing your thighs. And exhale, we come all the way down. We've got one more each side. Love right arm long and he'll prepare. Exhale. Here we go. And we shorten the abdominals in the front here. Curl higher. Reach with this arm and be float any alarms up. Lift a little higher. Chest up, up, up, up, up. Exhale, hands, back. Inhale, return facing front and exhale down.
Let's take our last one. Inhale. Exhale, curl. Inhale, arm up. Exhale, spinal rotation in the trunk. Upper trunk. Float the arms. Lift the chest a little higher. Chin is down. Exhale, hands back. Inhale, turn to face the thighs and xls. Come all the way back down and pause. Okay. Arms down by your sides. Take a nice deep breath on the exhale.
Contract the belly hinge from the hips, and bring your legs up. Okay, arms to the ceiling. We're going to go into the a hundred I think we'll do our two breath pump. All right, and we'll change the direction of where the legs go so everybody exhale first. Just a chest lift. Knees are still tabletop. Here we go. And
Curl the chest, keep a good strong pump going in the arms, and we take the legs down about five inches and pressing the chest open down a little lower. Five inches or so. Three.
Give yourself a hug. Okay. It's always nice to hear the aw, you know we're working. I feel the same way right now. Okay, so let's take her arms long behind her head for the roll lap and bend your knees if you need to. If you feel like you're going to get a little stuck, you know that. That's the way to modify to get yourself out of that. Not Lurching herself forward. Okay, so our arms are long, lots are drawn down. Let's take it. Inhale, arms up, chest head, exhale. Ed. Rounding up and over. No, I'm going to have this go a little bit more into the stretch this morning forward, but yet still pulling the abdominals back. I like that.
I think that feels complete. Now breathe in and roll yourself back. Making sure to Elongate your legs forward from your pelvis. Articulate the lower back, arms back and again
You can do it with that subtle bent knee, which is completely fine. Here we go. To the right. Inhale, excuse me, left. Exhale, circle around and lift.
Stabilize that pelvis down on the mat. Last one guys, open round and lift. Now bend the knee, pull a deeply into your chest. I'm kind of on the direction your shoulder. Okay. And just curl your head up for a second. Yeah, pull it in and you get your tune towards your chest, your knee towards your right cheek bone. Just pull, pull, pull. Okay. And we're going to take everything back down. Left side. The leg is up. Foot and knee are somewhat relaxed. Anchor down into your core.
Take the leg to the right cross. Exhale, round and lift. Cross. Exhale, round left.
Exhale coming up and hold and roll back. Exhale, come up and Whoa.
I'm trying to get those elbows to reach out. Slowly rolls. You're flexing those lower backbones.
Here we go. Lengthen. Pause for a second. Then exhale around his squeeze. I'm going to go look for that pause today for more whole
Squeeze that barrier on the left. Back of the left leg. Okay. Um, curl higher. I want to have a really have this curl high your shoulder blades down. So we are going to go for our pool pool now at one to n one, two. So the leg that pulls down, I want you to squeeze that Derriere and squeeze. Squeeze.
Last one. Let's bend her knees just for a moment. Interlace the hands or lay them side to side behind your head. Re raise your legs and let's curl ourselves up. Okay, so very heavy sacred. I don't want us to go very low with the legs. I do want us to curl higher here. All right, so let's aim for 45 degrees. Inhale on the lowering of the leg.
This weight should stay the same or get heavier. Exhale, come up two more. Could you get heavier ribs as you curl, lower the legs and exhale. Curl the legs up last time. Heavy ribs. Exhale, curl up. I'm not going to let you rest your neck. Bend your right knee and twist toward it. Cha 10 changes.
Exhale at one. Trying not to put weight on those. Shoulder blades. Three for good. Michelle, stretch and stretch at seven, eight and nine years. Our last one, 10:00 AM let's take a little rest. Very good, you guys. Okay. Keeping the flow going. Let's put our hands behind our knees and roll up spine. Stretch forward. Yeah, call nine one one. Okay, so minus two actually a little bit. Alright, so let's take a look at your feet real quick.
I don't want to spend a ton of time on your fundamentals cause you guys know it, but look at your toes. Are all of them pulling back evenly? I taught last night and I looked out in some of my regulars. Their feet were really weird and they're just not checked into the feet. All right, so really pull those toes back. Sit Tall, squeeze your Tush and press your shoulders down. So we're going to go for the larger bend of the spine.
Take a breath on the exhale. Let's go and see if we can get our head to touch the mat. We're probably not going to get all the way there, but we're making an effort to bend the trunk. Inhale hill up
It might help you open up your lower back, back. Still pulling those abdominals down in deep and roll up to vertical set. All right, we are going to do open like rocker. So as a transition, let's try, there's, there were a few, if we, we know the one where we lift our button this way I want us to do this transition. Reach your arms forward, pull your pelvis back into pelvic tilt. Alright. You could bend your knees and bring your hands up to your, your eye or your feet up to your hands or you could just simply lift your legs to your hands. That's a toughie. Good. Send me on that. They're almost there. Come on legs there. Okay.
Now it's okay to bend. Bend your elbows if it's okay to your knees. We don't want too much of either one. All right, now find that lifted the upper spine crown of the head, like you're balancing a book on it, but the tail end lower back does have a curve, a little bit of a curve. Six repetitions. Here we go to back looking down. Exhale, try to come right back up. Reconnect. Take a moment to reconnect. So the top of the spine is up. The lumbar spine is a little curved. Roll back leg should be parallel.
Some days I'm someplace else as you guys know, but just paying attention to what we need today because we're never the same body. Thank goodness. Okay. Uh, let's do a little pelvic curl bridge with some leg work. Okay? So ours were back in that setup position. Heels in line with sitz bones. Take your arms long by your sides. Palms either up or facing in. Nice breath. Now here we go. Zip Up the abdominals, articulate it back into that bridge position. Okay, so by looking at where we are, I think we're fine. I'm going to have us take our right leg, reach it to the ceiling.
Just hold it there for a second. So very often when we take a leg up, that's the side of the pelvis that will drop down. So knowing what we know about balance and symmetry, can you get that right hip, a little higher to the ceiling? It may be that you have to think of your foot of it from the pelvis. Okay, now lower your leg just in line with your left. Exhale, bring that leg up. So we'll do five one and exhale two.
And exhale. Three, four, five. Flex the foot. We're going to push the ceiling up five times and one and two. I would suggest more tilt to the pelvis and four and last year. Here's five. Put that foot down and then reposition ribs and pelvis.
Okay, left way coming up. So same story. That's usually the hip that drops. Reach that hip higher. You can look and see that your landmarks are level. That leg comes down and up for five. One, two strong standing leg and four and five hold. Flex the heel. Push the ceiling up and one and two push with the standing leg.
Three, four, and five point foot down. Just float those arms up again. Reach back for the back wall. You're probably warm. Much warmer. Now let's roll that spine. Reach like crazy for the back wall. Feel that stretch all the way down through your spine to your tailbone. Okay. Hug your knees in.
You wanna do a little corkscrew here. Okay, so with taking your legs, vertical, sacraments level, again, you could do this with your knees a little bit bent. That's fine. Let's work on the commitment of ankles bolted. Deans bolted. All right, we don't want to let the cheating happen and let the legs pull away. So if you need to bend this, that's fine. Just keep it together. So look to this ceiling. We're going to make a clockwise circle with our legs around our pelvis.
So it's an enhanced at three o'clock. Exhale down around your clock and center. Counterclockwise. Inhale, exhale, round and up to center. Clockwise, open crown and up. So when you take those legs around, go ahead.
Let's keep thinking of sinking these upper abs. Go ahead. Clockwise sync, sync, sync and lift. Counterclockwise. Why? Once again, each side, clockwise. Counterclockwise. Oh, okay. Lift. Bend your knees. Okay, so we're going to do a roll over now, but a very, a variation of a rollover. So can you cross your ankles guys?
Either ankle on top, doesn't not matter which one. And this looks straight up to the ceiling. Again, anchor those ribs down. So we're going to do our roll over like this today. Take an inhale. So you've got to lift your pelvis first. Roll your spine over. Legs are right over your chest. Now take a second and pull that, that stomach area in. Cross the other leg on top. Huh?
That's Nice Michelle. Yeah. Michelle's doing something really beautiful with her arms. I mean you're all beautiful but challenging herself not to use your hands too much I think. So. Let the palms be open and try that. Inhale ready and over we go. Good. Change the legs. Inhale. Exhale as you roll down.
That's probably even from side to side, isn't it?
We just have to be careful not to arch the ribs. Okay, let's come on up for spine twist. You guys. No saw first I think we'll go saw. So again, the feeder flex, look forward. See All 10 toes up your hands. Your legs are in line with your mat. Let's take our arms to a t. Rib cage back. Look forward.
We're going to rotate to our right first or spiral to the right twist. Exhale. Now reach to the baby toe. Turn and look at the back arm. Pull that arm up. Hold on for a second. No, really deeply wrap into those core muscles. Put More weight on your left Sitz bone, and then roll all the way up to the other side. Exhale en over, pulling that back arm up.
Sit down into that right hip. Inhale coming all the way up to the other side where we exhale at. Flex those toes. Inhale coming up and exhale n over four more. So can you reach farther forward but yet still pull the ribs back.
Still working the c curve. That's the challenge cause I think we all could go farther forward but get flat and that's not it. We want to find a flection of the spine. Okay. Once again, each side and over last time here to the left overreach c curve and all the way up and hands down. Okay, bring your legs together. Why don't you guys to come all the way in. Hug your knees again.
Then coming up just to a Cobra or half of our swan. So here we go. We're coming up. I'm at, I really don't have much weight on my hands at this point. More on my forearm, elbow, and that's pulling toward my hips and coming up and I want to bring the ribs in also. So engaging the upper back and pulling that up or back back now come down by articulating the front of the spine. All the way to the forehead. Let's go again. Breathe in first. Fill up that low back. Exhale, and here we go. You're like you're pulling your elbows towards your hips. You can look just past the front line of your mat or a little higher up the wall. Please don't look too high. Okay.
And then as you come down longer, articulation of the front of the spine. One more like that. Inhale, exhale. Engage is a reverse articulation. Can you think of it that way? Yeah, the strength in that upper back, strength in the shoulder girdle and your triceps and rolling down threes ones try to pass through that place. And as you're coming up a little higher, you may or may not get your elbows fully straight.
I do want you to feel like you're pulling your ribs in and back and stretching your legs from your hips down to the mat behind you. And here we go. To come down, pull your shoulders down, feel like you're pulling your elbows towards your hips. And two more to go. Full breath to come up pose. Almost like you're balancing a book on your head because you've got a level head rather than an unlevel head and coming down.
One more time. Beautiful guys. That's plenty. Come all the way down and rolling back. You can just reach your hips toward your heels. Good. Some good deep breaths into your back. Okay. Single leg kick. So if we come back out on tour, tell me, let's make a fist with one hand wrap the other hand around that fist.
Elbows directly underneath your shoulders. Open up your chest and again, as you start with your legs in parallel, they don't have to be completely squeezed all the way. You could open a little space, pull the ribs up, and actually even all the pelvic bones. So I don't want you to lay on that pubic bone today. See if you can get it up a little bit. Okay, look forward for this one. Here we go. Inhale to get ready, right helion and kick.
Kick reached the leg back, left leg, reaching back.
Interlace the hands are just stack them. Take a breath. Now heels coming in for three squeezes. One, two, and three. Reach your legs back. Now take those arms back up. Same thing. I want you to look forward of your mat, but nope, not up. Now turn. Stay up there. Place your hands first, then lower your head and chest. Here come the three squeezes, one, two, three length, and you want to think long as well as high.
I like to lift the arms a little higher for using my mid back turn. Stay up, place the hands once again, each side and one, two, three. Inhale on the lift. We can flow this time over and let's say last one, two, three in hell. It's a lift up. Know, stay up there. Release. Lower your legs, put your hands by your chest and we use this to push back again. Three to deep breaths into your back.
You had Starbucks before? No, I did not actually. I had green tea today. Do you feel a difference? I know maybe you've dealt with. Yeah, sometimes when I do a coffee I do feel a little different energy anyway. Okay guys, come in to a front support or not?
Juliette, hands and knees. All right, so hands right below shoulders. If you don't have a mirror, it's kind of hard to see if your, a lot of times we think we're there, but our hands are a little forward of our shoulder. Okay. And then your knees directly below your hips. Okay. And I want us to be in a, Oh, am I there? Okay. Cause I do tend to hit flex a little more. So checking in. Okay. So if we do a collapsed lower back and a collapse shoulder girdle does strangely feel good in a way.
Now if we exhaust go the other way, make a huge curve the other way, right? I want us to find a place right between the two, which often we'll know as our level or home position. Lats are engaged. Your ribs are in your navels in, but you're not rounding your back. Okay? Now tuck the toes, take a breath. We're going to lift the knees above the mat by about two inches without changing our spinal alignment or a pelvic position. Just whole
Just putting the weight down. We'll do it two more times and exhale. Go ahead. You also could do, thank you tad. Putting your wrist flat like this or your fist flat. Either way. Kind of a nice change on Linkedin, your sternum 10 but keep your hips back over your knees. There you go sir. And bring your knees down. We've got one more and exhale. Here we go.
Uh, Nisa off mat by about two inches. Spring a, ribs it back. Hold on. Okay, from here what I want you guys to do is lead with your hips up. You're going to go into up stretch. All right? And go for that really delicious for Michelle's delicious Michelle, stretch of your hamstrings, your calves, your spine. Reach your chest back towards your size. Okay.
Now as you come down and want us to come back to that position we were just in. So we have to bend the knees. We've got to shift the hips down, knees just over the mat by about two inches. Inhale, we're going back up again. Lead with your sitz bones. You can get your feet flat. Wonderful. Someday maybe it's okay to do this with your knees bent. I want a flat back. I want you to have a flat back.
I want you to have a strong extended spines. What do you want? Okay. And then coming back down. So you have to shift over the hands. Bend those knees, bring your hips town. I know your hands are probably sweaty. We're going to go at it one more time. Exhale and lift. Now from here, walk your feet together and walk your feet in towards your hands. About two to three steps.
Now from here, bend your knees a little more. I'm gonna roll you up to standing just for a little change of pace. Let's come up for ear. See what it feels like to come up. Oh, and roll back down rounding. Now keep it going. We're not done with our mat work yet, but we're going to roll back up. So this time is we're standing tall. Let's go with just 10 Relevate or lifts of the heels and legs are very firm together. Ready? Exhale.
And let's rise up to the front of the feet and inhale as we lower and exhale as you rise up and inhale as we lower, squeeze those legs, lift the chest and lower and lower. I'm going to have us keep going with the arms here. Lift and lower. So it's connecting your lats down toward your hip joints or hip bones. Belly N up. This trunk is rather contained for assisting our sense of balance up on our legs. It's a couple more lift, lower, lift, lower.
Let's take one more and up we go. Now I want to challenge us saying Relevate lower the arms. Who knows what's about to happen for me? I don't know. I'm kind of improvising right now. Can we do a roll down? I felt this all stop and think about it and you know. Yup. There's got to be some teeter-totter. Of course there is.
It's not an everyday thing we do in our mat work. Yeah. Stay up on those toes. Good tag and see. No. If we fall we fall. I'd rather have us fall forward than sideways or backwards because as we round forward, that's the direction we're going. No problemo and lower those heels back. Okay. Yeah. I'll come down new into a squat. A little rest of those calves. Good.
Okay. Face me and let's go. You guys can lie on your left side. I'm going to go on my right and let's come up and start up on her elbow. We can do front kick, back kick. So we're back against the back of the mat or legs or slightly forward. We have a lot of good, clean, negative spaces.
Beautiful Triangle here rather than a smooth curve. We went on sharp triangle. Okay. Top hip is forward. And for everyone today, put your hand on that hip that's going to help open up this shoulder also and took those ribs back. Lift your leg, hip height. You can look at it and flex the foot. Breathe first. We're going to kick forward. Exhale. Exhale.
So he's bringing the leg forward. Reach your sit bone away from your hip. Okay. What? Wherever and kick kick and reach back three more up and reached back and kick. Kick and reach back. Nice. Focus last one. And reach back. And just simply put your foot down.
Bring your legs underneath your hips with your feet flexed. Okay, and reach your arm over your head. We're going to come up onto our side plank. Just find some stillness in the balance. The top arm can help reach. We just, I don't want you to go into the curve today. It's more of a diagonal reach. It's a good to squeeze the buttocks. Let's take one more breath and lower your arm. Set your hip down.
We'll come up for a mermaid stretch. Hold onto your fin or your feet. Take your other hand by your shoulder. Reach up. Now as we reach up, I want us to bring the ribs back. Okay? The alternative position, you guys stay where you are. You could do this here if you wanted to kind of fight through it. God said the will and determination. Okay, so as we're going up and over, we're going on the line, diagonal. Good. Now, today, take your other hand on your forearm, assist yourself.
Give yourself a little help to go up and over more. Find some breath. Find those shoulders down. Little bit of tail curl. That's my favorite part. When I bring my, I just love and I really get my ribs and tail under, I feel it here. My quadratus lumborum muscle just goes, oh, thank you. Okay, that's enough.
That's been her likes around other side. So we're in line with the back edge legs come forward. Negative space. It helps to think about that. I think hand on hip and push that hip down. Lift your leg high with your hip. Prepare with a breath and forward, forward and just to stretch back and forward. Forward and stretch back. Ribs are still forward, forward and back
It's a swing. Am I s oily joint? Three more reps and reach last time and reaching back and legs in legs together. Flex feet, arm long and hip hop. Find this stretch. Find the strength. So if you were to see yourself laterally viewed, you'd be very impressed with how flat your ribs would be, how long your lower back would be, slightly curled with your tail. Oh, easy.
Or face and forehead where and we take our arm down and hip down. We've under fin and we come up for the mermaid. Breathe it in sip. Don't shift your weight back onto your back of your sits bones a little bit. There we go. Ribs back and then up and over. We're going for the long diagonal, other hand and forearm. And some of you may not need that.
I'm just giving that today. Ribs in tale in Smiley Quadratus, hazy shoulders, beautiful swimming. We'll take the inhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale, rhythm and pace. So extended arms, long legs, long lift your low back up to the ceiling by filling up your belly. Didn't make sense. You get it. Lift your arms and legs. Head and chest. You're in. Bring your legs closer together guys. And here we go.
You can stay here steady. I'm going to have us do three. Okay, so they don't have to go very low and two and three. Now we pack our hips up, look toward your toes, walk your hands back to the feet. We roll back up to standing tall, round the low back. Arms from the side, have it alongside the ears. Breathe in. Rounding forward again. We're going to go to pushups this time. So you're walking out.
This is not really wide for me. My body just went, oops, don't recognize it. It fell right out. Hello, Eh, and we roll over. Oh boy. Another thing to learn every week. I learned something new in here. All right, one push up and down there and walking in. So guys, let's roll ourselves all the way up to vertical spine.
Thank you so much for class. I like it cause it's small group today, but we all knew what we were doing so I can keep it moving and all the way down. Okay, thanks guys.
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