So now that we got our spectacular view of the dolphins to inspire us, we're going to start our math class. So we just to warm up a little bit, clasp your hands and turn the hands inside out and catch up and see if you can get your elbows as straight as can be. Now from here, Bend your right elbow down and didn't get the the other elbow behind your head. That's it. And very slightly bend to the right. Opening up your left ribs so you bend the the right elbow towards the floor. Then come back, stretch the arms up, lift your chest, stretch your elbow, stretch your elbows, stretch your elbows depth. Good Bend. Pull the elbow behind your head and pull the other elbow down a little bit and come back. Now heels together, toes together. Squeeze your hips, bring the hands in front of you and have a look at which index fingers on top.
Flip the other hand on top. And again, one more time to enhance inside out and lift the ribs up. Pull the stomach up and Tuck your tail very slightly and stretch your elbows as much as you can. Good. Bend your right elbow again and then slightly over opening up the left ribs and come back. Stretch the arms up. Lift the ribs up, stretch your elbows if you can, and bend the other side and stretch. Opening up the ribs a little bit and then come back one more time. Stretch up and bring the arms down. And then Britain, the hands by your side. Take your left hand and roll it out as you roll it out.
Roll the cuff up and stretch the arm right up by your ear. Now pull the shoulder way up so you stretch up and start sliding the right hand down and stretch over. That's okay. Sandy's stretching out now. Tight, tight hips, opening up the ribs. Come back and bring the hand down. Turn the right hand up, lifting up, pull the shoulder up, lift the waist up and press the arm into your head as much as you can. That's it, Wendy. Stretch and then come back. Now lift your chest up, lengthen the spine, turn the left arm out again.
Bring the arm up by your ear. Now keep it by your ear and see if you can wrap the hand round over your head. So Sandy, right by your other ear. That's it. And then slide the right hand down, pulling and opening the left side of the ribs, and then come back and other sides. This is standing mermaid. Lift the arm up rapid over your head and slide the left arm down. Other way, Wendy, that's it. So you opening up and then come up.
And one more time. Big Lift. Sweep the arm up rapid by your ear. Slide the right hand down, opening up the left ribs. Now take the left hand and stretch it out. Keep it by your ear, Deb. That's it. You pull it to the side, pull it to the side, pull it to the side, and then come back up and good Megan. Other side. Turn the right hand out. Sweep the arm up way, way up. Rapid. Round your head.
Lift the ribs, and then bend to the left. So you opening up the right ribs, then stretch the arm out, but keep it close to your ear. So big stretch in the side body. Come back up and bring the arms down. Very good. Class the hands behind your back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and just stretch those arms outstretched the shoulders and lift the sternum up us a little bit.
Hands Down Tim. This way, not so hard. There we go. Clasp your fingers, class. Bef there we go. Now stretch your elbows as much as you can. Pull the hands down towards your knees. Yes, that's it. So you get them straight and now schoolies the island and keep stretching.
That's it. So nice pinch. This is very good. Stretch those elbows. Clasp your fingers together. Squeeze, stretch. That's what you're looking for. So you get this big openness and the collarbones. Very nice. Okay. And bring the hands down now. Nice. Lift to the powerhouse. Hold onto the elbows, cross your feet, squeeze your inner thighs together and then bend your knees and see if you can sit down on the mat.
Fake it. If you can make it, your knees are hurting you. Okay. UNCROSS your legs. Whole behind the knees. Squeeze your knees together and Tuck your tail and roll a little bit back. Now pull your stomach up, roll a little bit further, and pull the navel towards the Mat. Now close your ribs. Go a little bit further and broaden your shoulders and then continue slowly walking down. Debbie, get more rounded. No other way. Other way. Curl.
They look at your neighbor, look at your neighbor. Roll all the way down, all the way down, all the way down onto the mat. So once you're down, if you have a pillow or something, put it under your head. So bend your feet up on the mat, on the mat so that it's long. Sandy, lift your head for a minute. Drop your head down. You want to feel the back of the neck nice and long and the arms long and the waist long as well. And you know what, Debbie? Lift your head. Drop your head and back. One more time lifted. I'm sorry. Drop it back.
I want this long. That's it. So you have all of this length, so you want to really feel the back of the neck long and the ribs on good team. Excellent. Now with your hips tight, they if you me towards your chest, bring the knee in and then put the foot down on the mat. This is the warmup. Tighten your hips, lift your left leg up, put the foot down and tighten your hips, knees, and feet together. Tim, lift the right knee up and put the foot down and tighten the hips and the left knee up and put the foot down and tighten the hips. And if the right knee up and put the foot down and the left knee up.
Nice broad back and put the foot down. Now hug the hips really tight. Squeeze the knees together. Kick him. Nice tight hips, Sandy. Knees tighter together. Yes. Lift your right knee up again. Keep the hip steady. Lift the left knee up. Keep now hug the knees and the hips together. Good.
Put the right foot down and put the left foot down. And if the left knee and the right mia and the left foot goes down and the right foot goes down, stomach is in, and the right knee comes up, left knee, right foot goes down, left foot goes down and left knee comes up and right knee comes up and left foot goes down and right foot goes down. Very good. Now hug the hips, squeeze the knees and bring both knees into the chest. At the same time, bring the knees up, press your ribs into the mat and float your feet down, keeping the ribs long and the stomach up. Very, very good. All the way down. And bring the knees up again, right?
And bring them in. Press this into the mat. Ribs down. Yeah. And then keep that as you float your feet down, quite close to your bottom, quite close to your bottom so you don't get this lift and bring the knees up so you try not to rock back and forth with your spine and bring the legs down. Much better. Debbie. One more time. Lift the knees up and pull the stomach in and put the feet back down on the mat. If the arms to the ceiling right above your shoulders. And then lift.
Feel the distance between your chin and your chest. You want to feel the back of the next stays long though, Sandy. Good. Now as you lift up, don't make the change shorter. Lift up your head and chest and stretch your arms towards your ankles. So the hands comparable to the mat and then float back down again.
Very Good Megan. So you don't want to crunch your Chin in. You just want to lift your chest up, lift up again and look with your gaze and a long diagonal beyond your knees, up towards the corner of the room and lower back down. That's looking good. And lift up again, right and lower back down. And if the up again, making sure the trunk is what's lifting you up and lower back down and make sure the shoulders are away from the ears. Lift up again and bring the knees to your chest. Lift up again. Knees the chest.
Broad shoulders, broad shoulders team. Good, lower back down and lift up again. Broad shoulders, pulling the stomach in and lower back down and lift up again. Broad shoulders, pulling the stomach in and lower back down. And one more time like this. Lifting up, pulling the stomach in and lower back down. Very nice and stretch your arms over your head just to give you way back on the math. Nice stretch. Get. Just get that sense of length. You can let the ribs come up right now. Seem get your hands to the floor. Very good.
Then bring the arms back up to the ceiling and set yourselves up for hundreds. Bring the knees in, lift your head and chest up. Stretch the legs up and start to come up your arms breathing in. Four, five. Exhale. Nice long arms. Keep the fingers nice and tight and elbows nice and straight. Four five, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five, four, two, three, four, five.
Exhale, very good. Five two oh five x sailed. Three four, five, six, two, three, four, five. X sales. We, four five, seven, four, five, eight. Sales we four five, eight, two, three, four, five. Stretch the elbows. Nice and long. Nine two, three, four, five. Exhale. Very good. Lasts at five, six, seven. Very nice. Bend your knees in and head to the map and feet to the mat and give yourselves the rest. Very good.
Now stretch the arms over your head and stretch your legs up. Rare. Nice on a point your toes. Take the hands right back sandy and see if you can touch the mat. Reach even if your back arches as much as you can. Now bring the hands back up again and let's have all of you called your fingers with one hand with the other and take the arms back again.
Even if the elbows bend, use the hands to give the shoulders a bit of a stretch. Come back up. Flip your hands the other way. Class the other hand. And again, bend the elbows slightly if your shoulders are tight. So you get the hands right to go back. Bend the elbows a little more, Jesse, you get that stretch. Yeah. And then let go with your hands and roll up to a sitting position or rock up whichever way you need to. Oh, you have a new trick. Okay.
Oh, I love it. That's great. That's wonderful. Wonderful. That's great. So set yourself up with your little gadgets. No little towel. And let's just do first of all, half roles. So holding behind the knees, elbows are wide, feet are down. And just lift up for a minute. So when the elbows are up, you have air under the armpits and it gives you a sense of lift into the ribs as well. That's it. And lift up through the crown of the head. Yes. Good.
Now as you start to roll back, keep that length and width in the chest. She go the roll halfway your head comes forward, the elbows is still out. And then roll back and sit up tall and broad. The elbows away from each other. Yes. And roll back again. Drop your head and round through the spine. Tuck the tail, go a little bit further back the arms some long and roll back up and lift up tall. Very nice, nice and lifted. Long.
Lifted sternum and roll back again. And when you reached your maximum, stretch your arms out and continue rolling. All the way down onto the mat. Lift the arms to the ceiling, lift your head and chest, and then roll up and reach towards your size if you need to. Enroll yourself up right and roll back down again. Rounding through the spine. Rolling. Rolling. Rolling. Once you're down this time, take your arms all the way back so you start to stretch a bit out in the shoulders and the chest, right. And lift your head and chest. Bring the arms up, pull the stomach in and roll and up. Now stretch your legs out and reach forward.
And then start rolling back to so reach forward. Drop your head down between your arms, spread your shoulders apart and start to roll back. Roll, roll. Pull the stomach in. Squeeze your hips, reach with the toes in the opposite direction and stretch the arms way back nice and long. Now pull into the stomach as you lift your arms up and curl the roll back up. Good Wendy, and stretch forward and I stretch as you roll back broad and your shoulders. So your head, that's it. Kim. Head stays forward. Roll row, row, row, row. And take the arms back.
Nice stretch and roll back up. Deepening into the powerhouse. Good. Good, good. And stretch forward. And one more time. Broadening through the shoulders as you go down. Nice. Rolling. Roll, roll, roll. Stretch your arms over your head. And if the arms up and come back up, deepen into that. That's it. And now reach forward.
Grab your ankles with your hands and just bend over. So you have a nice little soft stretching here. Okay. Rolling back down onto your backs for single leg circles. So lying down on your backs, take your theraband and you're going to use mine. Bend your knees and lift your right leg up to the ceiling
We're going to work with the knee bent, Tim. Today. The left leg is bent. Yeah, that's it. Check that your shoulders are away from your ears. And then draw a circle with your legs. Circle one circle to try to keep the circle above the hip and for very good and five, stretch your knees and reverse it. And one and two and three and four and five. Pause with the leg at the top. Take your left leg straight down on the mat.
Straight, left leg down and start again. Circle one. Try to keep the trunk quiet. Make sure you cross over your body every time. And four and five. Reverse it. Check that the shoulders are away from the ears. Pull the shoulders down to every time the circle is across the body.
Four and five. Now to stretch the hamstring a little lower. The like 45 degrees. Stretch your knee, narrow the hips and bring the leg up with the heel opposite. You know, left leg long and lower down and lift up. Leg churned out and both knees straight and lower down and lift up. Very nice and lower down and lift up. And one more time. Lower down and lift up. Change your legs. Other leg is up. Turn the leg out. Start with the right knee bent just because it helps you anchor your hips.
And we've all been on a summer vacation of one sort or another. Turn that leg out a little bit, turn it out. Other way. There we go. Now tighten the hips and draw circles. Circle one. Circle to circle three, circle four, circle five. Reverse it. Circle one.
Circle to circle three, circle four and circle five. Yes, a little. Now take the right leg and lengthen it out on the mat. Stretch the left knee. Turn the knee out a little bit. Narrow the hips and draw your circles again. One and two and three and four and five. Reverse it. Circle one. Long legs, two hips, very quiet.
Three, four, five. Now with a leg turned out a little bit. Lower the leg down a bit and bring the leg up and lower the leg down. And if the leg up and lower the leg down. And if the leg up and lower down, lift the leg up, rod, shoulders to the right.
Shoulders should be down and lower down and lift up. Very good. And get your leg out of here. Put the strap to the side, stretch your arms over your head and stretch your legs out and then roll up to a sitting position. Arms come up curled into your powerhouse. Good, Wendy. Good, good, good. And roll all the way up. Very good. Rolling like a ball. Bend your knees, lift your feet up and curl into your power.
Has now slightly lift the elbows and again, widen them a bit and keep your chest curb. Now roll back and come up. Very guys roll and come up. Keeping yourself rounded. Broad shoulders and roll back and roll up in balance. Good. And roll back and roll up and balance.
Head is down, sandy and roll back. Pretty good. All of you and come up and one more time and roll back. Very nice and come up very good. Now stretch your legs out. Going to add a little bit of this is actually from the reformer workout, but it's wonderful for the chest and the shoulders.
It's part of the rowing series. So I'd like you to bring your hands right up by your armpits and lift your chest and press the elbows as far back as you can in squeeze them together so as the elbow squeeze, your chest comes up. Now stretch your arms in front of you so they are by forehead height and reach into the fingertips. Now as the arms come down, lift your chest, lift your stomach and push down until your fingertips touch the mat. Now sweep the arms forward again and then lift the ribs and lifted out of your stomach. Get the arms right up there and the big circle. Way Out. Way Out. Way Out and down. Start again.
Hence squeeze your elbows way back and press the arms out. Bring their hands down, sweep the arms forward and lift out of your waist. Way Up there, sandy up. Put the arms up, up, up by your ears, by your ears, by her is all the way out. And one more time and stretch and down and lift the arms up and all the way out. And I'm big now flex your feet. Have a quick look.
What you'll do is you'll be sliding as far forward as you can and sweeping the arms up like a big circle all the way out and down. So you start with your hands by your hips. Flex your feet as much as you can see. Pull the toes back, grab your chin to your chest and start to reach down and slide forwards. They'd poured. Reach with and forward and up, up, up, up, all way out and down. And again, slide forward and reach up, up, up, up by your ears, Tim. That's it. All the way down. One more time. Slide forward and lift up all the way out and down.
Sit, cross legged. This one is called shaving the back of your head. Okay, Tim, you're going to come and sit next to me. This is, yeah. You're much easier when your hips are really tight. It's much nicer to sit with your bottom. Hired, make. It gives you a chance. So can you cross your legs anyway? What's more comfortable for you?
Like that event. That's good. That's good. Let's keep your like that. Yep. So hands are like this. Now we'll take the thumb and you place it right by the base of your skull. Now the rest of the fingers have to touch your head, lift your chest and press your elbows wide apart like somewhere. And now lean forward and lift your chest even more.
Now look up instead of down and start to slide the hands up, upkeep those, that time, shape and stretch the arms as much as you can. And then bend the arms back with the elbows. Very, very wide and lifted. And again, stretch the arms up, stretch them up and lift through the chest. Or there it is Tim and Ben. Back. Elbows nice and wide and open. And again, stretch the arms up and lift and bend back.
Elbows nice and wide and open. And again, you are good here. Stretch the arms up, up, up, up and lift. Stretch your Elbow Sandy, all the way. And then back. Lift your chest. [inaudible] and again, stretch up, stretch up, stretch up, stretch your elbows and back. And last one, open the chest and stretch the arms up. Stretch the arms up and left and back.
Okay, relax the arms down for a minute. And next one is called hug a tree. Bring your hands in front of you. Make a very round shape. You want your third finger opposite your solar plexus, lift your chest and then lift your elbows. So Tim, your tree is a little flat. We want a big tree. Elbows wide. And now lift the chest. Keep this nice position and start to open the arms with the elbows lifted.
Open the arms out. Take a deep breath in. And then as you breathe out, squeeze your arms together and hug that tree and breathe in and lift and breathe out. And Hug the tree and breathe in. And lift your chest and breathe out. And Hug. Two more times. Breathe in, lift, lift, lift, lift and open the chest and breathe out and hug. And one more time. Breathe in, lift your elbows and breathe. Shake your arms out. Okay.
And then bend your knees and roll back on your back and go back to your mat now. So roll down on your backs for single leg stretches to start to loosen up the hips. So pillow under your head, you knees bent your arms along by your sides, Paul, the stomach muscles. And check that your back is nice and flat and bring both knees into your chest. Both knees right in. Now reach up with both hands below the knees and pull the knees in a little bit more. No, I mean not top of your shins. Still on your shins.
So you have a nice little squeeze here, right? Take your left hand to your right knee and pull. Lift your head and chest up off the mat and stretch your left leg out. And tighten your bottom here in. Squeeze like in, switch your legs and squeeze. Switch your legs now type in your bottom. Squeeze. And which in squeeze and switching.
Squeeze and switching. Squeeze 30 for the morning in deeper. Pull up the knee in and that's it for me. And squeeze it. That's it. And squeeze and squeeze and squeeze. Very good. And squeeze when both knees in and put your head and shoulders down.
And then with control, float your feet back to the mat. Okay. So Sandy, when you lift and lower, if you can, you want to do both legs at the same time, different muscle groups. Now just to refresh your memory, double leg stretches. We started doing both things at the same time, so you'll be curled up like a little ball and then your arms and legs will stretch away your arm circle and you come in. So this is one movement stretch.
And so from here, bring both knees into your chest, deepen into the powerhouse. Curl your head and chest up and see. Grab close to your ankles. If you can see, put your feet down with your elbows like the out pull. Keep the stomach in and stretch your arms and legs away. Reach with the arms by your ears. Circle the arms and hug and reach with your arms by your ears.
Circle the arms and hug and rich and hug and rich and hug and rich and hug. One more time and reach and hug. Put your head and shoulders down. Put your feet down and take a breeds are very, very nice. Next one is the scissors to stretch out the hamstrings.
So bring both knees into your chest again and hold your shins with your hands. Curlier head in chest. Stop and lift both legs straight to the ceiling to lift your legs up. Take your right leg with both hands and pull it towards you twice. Paul Paul Scissor, Paul Paul, scissor,
Lift both legs to the ceiling and lift your chest more. Keep your chest up and float the legs away from you and bring the legs up and float the legs out without your back rocking and lift and lower the legs and lift and lower the legs and lift. One more time and lower the legs and lift. Bend your knees in. Put your head and shoulders down. Put your feet down and take a breezer. Very, very nice. Stretch your legs out. Stretch your arms out and just give yourselves a good stretch.
Drop your head and start rounding and walk the hands forward. Walk them forward, pulling the stomach in, stretching the head down, and then roll back up to a sitting upright position. Sit Up nice and tall. And if the chest good again, drop your head and creep the hands forward. Walking forward, walking forward, walking forward, deepening into the powerhouse. And then we go up with the hands and unravel the spine. Lifting up nice and tall, nice and tall, and lift up and again your head and go forward. Go forward, go forward, go forward, go forward. And then roll back up.
Roll back up. And now start to stretch the legs out so the knees go down. That's it. Reach with the toes. Sit up tall and again, drop your head and wiggle the fingers forward. Walking forward, walking forward. Very good. And roll back up. Roll back up. Roll back up. Sit Up. Nice and tall. Broad shoulders. And one more time, Bro. Walk, walk, walk, stretching out with the arms and come back up. Come back up, come back up.
Sit Up nice and tall and bring the hands behind you. So the fingers are there to help you. Lift the chest, bend your knees, lift the stomach, broaden the chest. Good Wendy. And then stretch the legs out and lift the chest even more. And Bend your knees and press legs out and lift the chest. And one more time. Bend and pull the stomach up. That's it too.
You're nice and long. Very good. Bend the legs in for open like Drucker hole behind the knees. We'll do the warm up versus shoulders of down the elbows out. Elbows out a little bit. Take your right, your right leg up and down and the left leg up and down and the right leg up and down on the left I got [inaudible] and the right leg up and down and the left leg up and down. Put your feet down on the mat for a minute. So all doing good. When you take the leg up, sometimes the leg wants to roll in a little bit, depends upon what's happening in the hip socket.
So I want you to imagine sort of like you're presenting with a te Tika or a tray. So you want the leg slightly rolling outwards. It will help you with the work. So when we go with both legs, try to keep that inner part as are you presenting it? Good Megan? Yes, and down. So that's a chain. And I know, I love it. Am Press and down.
One more time and press. Very good and a lovely, very good. Bring your hips forward to the front of the mats and open like rock or now we'll be rocking back and forth. So same position. Find your balance point, lift the legs up, deepen into the powerhouse and roll back to the shoulders. Roll up in balance, keeping the ribs close. Roll back again and roll up in balance. That's it.
And roll back and roll up unbalanced tumor times. Roll back and roll up in balance. One more time. Roll back. Roll up and balance. Very good, very good. Bring the feet down, stretch the legs out. Flex your feet and take your arms to the side for saw.
So Nice. Good, good, good, good death. That's it. Tim. Gentleman forward. So nice lift of the arms. So Tim, you got to push those women back there with your arms and lift your chest. Good to reflects your feet. Everybody twist to the right and reach towards your little toe. Which one? Reach to Fletcher feet. Will Debbie and sit up tall.
Pull the toes back, twist to the other side, stretch and two and three and lift and open that chest first side again, twist, stretch and two and three. And lift and open other side twist. Stretch to three and lift and open for side again, twist, stretch to three and flex your feet, Debbie. Last one, twist, stretch and two and three and lift. Very good. Bring your legs together, stretch your arms out in front of you and slowly roll down, articulating through your spine until you lying flat on your back. And again, set yourselves up with something under your head and small, very small corkscrew so your arms are nice and long by your sides.
Palms up flat down Bryn. Bend both knees into your chest and if the leg straight up to the ceiling and squeeze your hips together and draw a small circle going right down, left and up. Good. Reverse it. Left down right and up and right down. Left in, up and left down right and up and right down. Left and up and left down right in up long, straight legs, back into the mat and slowly lower the legs down, keeping the stomach up all the way, all the way. Very, very good. Okay. Roll onto your stomach.
And Tim, see if you can push your feet into the mat as you live. And if the up again and press the feet down and lift elbows, lift a little more and lower down. Very nice. And again, lift and keep the stomach off the mat and down. Now lift the elbows a little bit more and come two inches higher and lift up a little bit higher. And down and lift and down. One more time and they left. Very nice.
And now slide your hands out in front of you on the floor with the karate chop position. The little fingers are on the mat. Good. Lift your head and chest and look forward and see if you can slide the elbows in and lift up a little bit more. Lifting up, that's it, Sandy. And then lower back down, sliding up. So I think if you all move forward to the end of your mat, it will be easy for you to slide on the wood. Then on the sticky mat and pull the elbows in again. Elbows are bent though, Sandy, you've got the idea, but they've been this way. And then slide out and one more time. Slide in. That's it. Good, good, good. Elbows bend though.
Sandy. Elbows to the mat and slide back out. Okay. You all figured it out. Now slide in again and make fists with your hands for single like kicks. So the elbows around the math, Tim, make fists with your hands. Broaden the shoulders away from your ears. Tighten your buttocks.
Knees together. Not Nice. Lifted stomach. Very strong. Tush, tight, tight, tight buttocks. Now Bend your right foot and kick twice. Kick, kick and lengthen. The leg is out left like kick, kick and long and kick, kick and long and kick, kick and long and kick, kick and long and kick, kick and long and kick, kick and long and kick. Kick. Very good and long. Lower down. AA Kicks both hands behind your back. Turn your nose to the right, hands behind your waist. Elbows are wide and dropping down. Knees together. Buttocks very tight.
Really squeeze your bottom and press your elbows to the mat. Now kick you bottom three times. Kick two, three legs down. Pull back with the arms and lift. Lower down other side and kick two three and pull back and lift and first side and kick two three and pull back and lift and other side kick to three and pull back and lift and first side and kick two three and pull back and lift and last one, kick to three and pull back and lift. Very good.
Now put your hands under your shoulders and start to lift your chest up. To use your hands to lift and see how high you can go. But keep your, I'd like the elbows slightly bent. That's it. So you get the chest open. Very nice. And then come back down and get the hands right under your shoulders and press your elbows towards each other. Yes. Now come halfway up so the elbows are squeezing in and your back is bending and you look forward very good and lower back down. Sit back into your heels, stretch your back out. Very nice.
That's the prepare you for full swan dive and next stretch where you need the back. So Sandy, just sit back now. Nice stretch. Okay. Lie On your right side for sidekicks. So you're lying at the back part of your mat. There you go. Sandy. You're facing front. He want the elbow that no, no, you're good. You're good. You're good. You good? You go just like that.
So elbow in line with your AC. If you can get your elbow to the back part of the map. Tim. Even more right elbow more back to the right shoulder. At least the right shoulder to the back of the Mat. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. So eventually you want your elbow, your shoulder, and your hips in a straight line.
Now really stretch your knees and tighten your buttocks. And just a little bit doing this. Yeah, just a little bit. Lift both legs up, bring them forward, put them back down with your feet flexed. Feet of flex so the little toe side of the foot is digging into the floor. Take your top like lifted up and pull the stomach up. And now when you press, press it down, squeeze and tighten your bottom. Tighten your bottom.
Tighten your bottom and lift the leg up and squeeze with your hips. Very tight, strong and lift up and squeeze. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. You're supposed to win more and more and more and more and more. That's it. And lift and squeeze.
Use your bottom to bring the legs together and lift and squeeze the legs together and lift and squeeze. Now lift your leg, hip height for the pendulum where you swing forward and back only hip height and bring the leg to the front. Double Powells and double pulse to the back. Double pulse to the front and long to the back without your back moving. Double Pulse, back, back, double pulse, back, back, double pulse, back, back. Very good leg on leg. Turn your top leg out and kick it up and flex it down and kick it up and flex it down and kick it up and pull your bottom in.
Lifted up and squeeze your hips and lifted up and pull your stomach up and lifted up. And I'm pulling your foot in the little circle. Circle one and two and three. Keep the knee turned up towards the ceiling. Wendy seven reverse it. Then back. Keep the bottom tight here. Every time you go back you should be feeling your bottom. Five, six, seven very nice here. A, take your top like bend it in front of you on the Mat for your inner thighs work. The foot should be down. Tim, if you can, that's it. Now underneath like straight and flex your foot and lift the leg up. High, high, high, high and lower down and lift. Lift.
Stretch that anymore and lower down and lift the lift. Lift and lower down and lift. Lift, lift, lift and um, and lift the leg and down and lift. Stretch your knee sandy and on point the foot. Lift the leg up as high as it'll go. And little circles. One and two. Good. Megan's three and four and five, reverse it then one and two and three and four and five.
Lower the legs down. Extend your top leg out. Squeeze your hips and lift both legs up and lower down. And if the legs and lower down and lift your legs and lower down and lift your legs and lower down and lift your legs. Very good. And download onto your stomach for little beats, for head on your fingertips. Elbows wide, heels together. The feet are slightly turned out, but axa tight, really pinch your buttocks. Pull the stomach up, stretch your knees. Tim, if you can stretch your knees, Yas, lift the legs up off the mat and open and close sideways. Then one, keep the knees very straight. Seven eight, two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, three, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Lower the legs down. Put your hands under your shoulders, sit back towards your heels, stretch tobacco, pull the stomach in and deepen into the powerhouse. Megan, Tuck your tail as you go back round. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, so have a quick look when you know, cause when we're doing Pele's, beginner or basic, we're working to open up the lower back.
So after you've been doing something like this where you've been taping into your lower back, when you go back up you want to really use it to round. So you're pulling the stomach up and you're curling the tail under you to go back and down and stretch out. It's real common for people to do this so that you're not like taking advantage of really anchoring your powerhouse. So you'll have another opportunity. Roll onto the other side. Support your head. Yeah. Now you're on your left side.
Make sure you're lined up at the back part of the mat. The front arm is in front of you. The spine is long, the waist is long, the hips are tight, the belly is pulled up. Stretch your knees really straightened them. They've both legs up. Bring them forward, put them down and flex your feet. Now take your top like lifted up and press it away from your lifted and lower down and lift. Not too high and down.
So this one is parallel, sandy live. Debbie, I should say, and that flex your foot a lot more. There it is, and down and lift. Very nice and down and lifting. Remember to squeeze your hips every time and lift the leg and squeeze the hips and lift your legs and squeeze the hips. Now the pendulum one forward and back with the like hip height point and double pulse and long and back and double pulse and long and back and double pulse and pulse. Pulse and reach. Reach and back, back and reach. Reach and back, back. Very good leg and leg. Turn your top leg out and point your foot.
Kick it high to the side. It's high psychics and down and kick the leg and down and kick your leg and down and kick your leg and down and kick the leg and down and kick and pull the stomach up and kick and down. One more time and kick and bend your top leg up in front of you. Grab the heel, flex your inside leg and lift the leg as high as it'll go up. Stretching the knee and down and lift the legs like a healer for you and down.
Stretch the knee. Lift and down and lift and down and lift and down. One more time and lift and point your foot. Lift the leg up. Make sure the heel is lifting to the ceiling and little circles. One and two. Good, Wendy? Yes, that's right.
Four and five and six and seven. Reverse it then one and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight. Low the leg down. Stretch the other leg out. Deepen into the powerhouse. Narrow hips and lift both legs up and lower down and both legs up and lower down and both legs up and lower down and both legs up and lower down and both legs up and lower down. Very good. Roll onto your backs, onto your backs for preparation for teaser. So bend your knees, have your arms by your sides. Get the pillow under your head if you're working with one. Here we are, Sandy. You are so your arms are by your sides.
Your knees and feet are neatly together. Really check that the spine is long and the hips are narrow. Now stretch your arms away from your ear so the shoulders are down and check that the neck feels long. Deepen into the stomach. Lift the right leg up with the knees together. The right leg extends out. Knees are tight together. And lift your head and chest.
Roll up and reach towards your toes. Roll up and roll down. Okay. We haven't been here for awhile. Bring the knee in more. Bring it in and roll up again. Roll up and roll down and row up and row them. Chain sites change. So do you have your little down blanket here? Nope, I put it, we'll put it there and roll up.
You know exactly where it is and roll down and roll up. Yes. And roll down. And one more time. Ro Up. Up, up, up. Very good. And Roll. Okay. Bend both knees into your chest, hands by your sides. Lift your legs up to the ceiling and take the legs on a long diagonal with the knees straight and roll up again. Row Up, up and roll down.
Take your arms over your head and roll up and roll down. You're getting more flexible. One more time. Roll up and roll down. Okay. Okay. Put your feet down, stretch your arms over your head, and then roll up to a sitting position. Roll, roll. Roll up for seal. So bend your knees, bring the hands into prayer, and then bring them underneath your feet and wrap them around. Now once you're here, it's tendencies to have the shoulders up. Push your shoulders down, and if you feed a little higher so you can get your feet in line with your knees. Plop your feet. Three times. Clap, clap, clap.
Roll back to your shoulders and roll back up again in balance and clap. Clap, clap of back and up and balance. Clap, clap. Good for you, Timbo. Back and up and balance. Clap, clap, clap, roll back and up in balance and clap, clap, clap and put your feet down. So this is not an easy one. There's lots and lots of work to be done. One thing for you, Debbie, is that you keep coming up straight and you need to be in around shape. You need to slightly tilt the pelvis and close the ribs because it's all about this band holding you. So when you're clapping, if you come to here, you, you'll, you'll fall apart in it. So let's have you all holding here for a minute.
Similar to rolling like a ball with your head. Now elbows out slightly. Roll back and lift your feet and just clap three times. Clap, clap, clap. Now when you clap, I want you to think of the whole sky moving, not just the foot. So it's really moving the legs. Yes. Now wrap your hands inside.
Keep the stomach in and clap again. Clap, clap, clap. Now hold that and roll back and come up to this balance board back. You go and come up and balance. Balance, balance, balance. Good. Clap. Three times. Clap, clap, clap. Very good again. Rollback. Come up and balance and clap. Three times. Clap, clap, clap. One more time.
Roll back. Come up and valance. Better clap, clap, clap. Okay. Come up to a selling position so you know how we do saw on the floor where we also do saw standing. So I'd like to have you with your legs wider than your mat and very, very slightly either parent base, slightly turned out. Take your arms out to the side and reach. Now here it's easy to get this openness because you're in a vertical plane, but I want you to feel how you can squeeze your inner thighs together and tie slightly. Type new bottom.
Now take your right hand towards your left little toe and see if you can reach towards it. Reach towards it, and then come back up and stand up straight and open the chest and take the left hand towards the other little toe. Reach down, reach down, reach down, and come back up. And lift and first side again, reach down which down, reach down and lift and other side. Reach down, reach down, reach down and live. Now relax your arms for minutes. So this is pretty good. The thing is, now when you go, you don't want to let the hips do that. So you really bending from the waist, the hips stay square. And remember this hip will pull back as this comes forward and up.
So it's going to be more tricky because you don't want to let the hips go with the movement. So take your arms to the side, pull the stomach up and reach your right hand down and keep your right hip pulling back better when they, so it doesn't matter if I you go better. Come back up and open and other side twist and keep the hips square, left hip goes back and come back up and open and first side again twists, stretch and come back up and open and other side twist and stretch and come back up. Now in this position, I want you to really pull your size up, see if you can lift your heels up in the air and lower down. So you have to anchor the hips and again, up in the air and down and pull the stomach up and stretch the knees and lift and down. Good. Bring your legs together, heels together. Hips tie. Bring the arms straight in front of you and three little circles to go.
One and two and three. Reverse two, three. Bring the arms down and lift the chest up. Feel that spine getting long. Now keep that height and bring the harms higher. Keep that height in three circles. One, two, three, reverse it. One, two, three. And as the arms come down, get even taller and longer with the broad shoulders. Now bring the arms up, lift in the waist, lift in the spine, and slightly start to roll down, articulating through the spine, keeping the shoulders wide, pulling the stomach up.
Roll down in three circles here. Circle one and two and three. Reverts to circles. One and two and three. Now check that the head is long. The hips are tight and start to roll up. Squeezing the hips to a narrow position, pulling the stomach up and paying attention to what your spine feels like. So you stack it up. Reach the arms forward. Lift up in the spine.
Tiny, tiny waist in. One more time. Drop your head raw, broad, and your shoulders that the arms hang, roll, roll, roll in three circles again. Circle one and two and three. Reverse it. One and two and three. Let the head hang and roll back up. Roll back up, roll back up and lift the arms up again. Float them up, float the spine up. Feel the stomach narrow and long, and then float the arms out at the shoulders. Relax the spine, lift that the hips be nice and narrow, and just take a moment to look straight ahead and feel the top of your head floating up.
It's almost like your spine in your trunk is pressing the head upwards for way from the ground and the shoulders are wide and the arms are long and heavy to the center of the body's gotten lift. When did that gorgeous? Yes. Take a deep breath in and breathing out. Let everything go. So thank you very, very much to all these very well. [inaudible].
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