Exercise #5798


2 min - Exercise


Muscle Focus: Abdominals and muscles of respiration.

Objective: Strengthen abdominals, stabilize Powerhouse, and increase breath control.

Start Position: Lie flat on the Mat with legs together. Exhale as you curl your head and shoulders up, lift and hover arms off the Mat, and float both legs off the Mat to desired height.

Movement: Begin to pump your arms. Inhale for five arm pumps and exhale for five arm pumps.

Precautions: The abdominals stay drawn into the Mat, keeping the back flat and stable on the Mat. The neck stays in line with the spine as one unit.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Let's take a look at the 100. So 100 is a classical exercise. It's a breathing exercise, and it's meant to heat up the body, oxygenate the blood and basically just get everything moving. So it goes like this. So it's called the 100 because there are 100 breaths, 10 inhales, and 10 exhales.

So from the back of the body, the legs come up and the arms reach back. To come into the initial position, we exhale to stretch the legs out and bring the arms very close to the body. There's an inhale to pause, and then we begin fluttering the arms, inhaling for five breaths, and exhaling for 5 breaths. And inhaling for 5 breaths and exhaling for 5 breaths. Keeping the legs this low is not always available for everyone.

So Couple of ways to modify would be to just bring the legs a little higher or even straight up or even bend the knees. In healing for 5, the arms are active. Close to the body. We have good shoulder stabilization. When you've done your 10 inhales and 10 exhales, we bring the knees in keeping the shape of the upper body consistent.

And then to finish, we take the arms and the spine back down to the ground. The 100.


2 people like this.
Breathe in for "5 breathes", breathe out for 5 breathes? Or is it breathe in for a "count" of 5 and out for a count a five? This might make me hyperventilate.  
P C I would encourage you to look at the work of Ron Fletcher to help answer your question. Percussive breathing has proven to be beneficial, but it takes practice for sure!

Ron's clock
P C I think you can choose which works better for you.

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