Exercise #5800

Rolling Like a Ball

2 min - Exercise
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Muscle Focus: Abdominals.

Objective: Abdominal strength and stabilization of the Powerhouse.

Start Position: Come to seated, hug your shins into your chest, balance on your sacrum to lift feet off the Mat and hold the body in a ball shape. Knees stay shoulder distance apart with ankles close together.

Movement: Inhale as you roll back to your shoulder blades, exhale roll up to start position, maintaining the curve of the spine.

Precautions: Maintain the C-curve shape of the spine, while continuing to pull the abdominals into the spine, and roll evenly down the middle of the spine. The head and neck should not touch the Mat as you roll back.

Omit this exercise if you have osteoporosis, bulging or herniated discs, or other spinal injuries.
What You'll Need: Mat

About This Video

Jan 30, 2025
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Let's talk about rolling like a ball. Rolling like a ball is the most fundamental of the rolling exercises in the Pilates mat work. Basically sets you up to achieve success in the more complicated rolling exercises that come later on. So what we do is from a seated position We wanna get the spine into a round shape. Like, a long c curve shape.

The pelvis is rotated under, so I have the weight of my body sitting just behind my sitting bones. Wanna bring the knees into the body squeezing them together and vick pretty vigorously holding on to the shins with the arms. The elbows are tucked in nice and close. Shoulders are stable. And then from here, in order to lift the feet off the ground, that comes from the core.

So there's some abdominal work involved too. Ideally, in a perfect world, this shape won't change. As we rock and balance, inhaling to rock back, exhaling, putting the brakes on from the center of the body, inhaling to rock back, Exhaling to balance. Sometimes it's difficult for people to keep that small of a shape. So to modify the movement, get someone to feel more successful initially, you could open up the shape. So, really, the objective is just to create out, a spinal shape that stays consistent and the closer the knees come in towards the body.

The more difficult that becomes. 5 to 10 repetitions for me feel pretty good. See how you feel. Rolling like a ball.


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