Intensity and Flow Mat<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 174

Intensity and Flow Mat
Kristi Cooper
Class 174

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Another great workout. I really liked the side floor work towards the end - very intense! Thanks.
Hi Kristi. Any chance you could offer this class in low def??? It looks like a nice feel good workout.
HI Susan! So Sorry! This one slipped by. It has been "up" for a year and a half like this unbeknownst to us! Thank you for letting me know about it. I have fixed it so it is offerred in all resolutions. I hope you like it.
Thanks Kristi. Still won't play for me... all other classes are playing fine. Is there anything else I can do???
I'll see what Ted or Perry can find out...Sorry.

Hi Susan,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The low and medium formats have been added and they both played correctly for me so they should work for you now.
Success!!! Thank you Perry and Kristi. Some great stretches in that class. It was worth the wait!!!
Phew!! Thank you for your patience!

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