Flexion and Extension Flow<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 727

Flexion and Extension Flow
Meredith Rogers
Class 727

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Wonderful Class Meredith :) Thank You !!
enjoyed adding the circle for arms to the foot work series.
Knee to chest in pike was a good challenge :) yep.
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is there anyway to figure out what springs to use on a Stott Stability Chair? is there some kind of equivalency chart to get the springs set correctly?
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Ditto earlier comments, nice addition with the ring! I always enjoy your workouts and noticed this one doesn't have as much abdominal work (although we are using them throughout) as your other classes. Still awesome!
Linda ~ We get so many questions about spring equivalency and I have never been able to find the resources to answer the question. Can anyone offer a link to a great resource?
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Loved this class Meredith! Your cuing is wonderful! =)
It is very difficult to offer a spring equivalency chart. Unfortunately, every manufacturer is different, every spring is different and most importantly every individual is different. There is no such chart that can account for those random variables at this time (that I know of). The best thing to do is listen when the instructor tells you whether the spring tension should feel light, medium or heavy given the exercise you are on. You are always expected to maintain the form no matter what the spring tension is. It may sound like a cop out, but Pilates really is an opportunity to pay attention to what is so for you and your body as it relates to the given exercises on that given day. My experience with Stott was that it was similar to balanced body in terms of resistance and design.
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Thank you Kristi - I will just experiment with it.
Love Meridith's class.
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perfect 30min. class between clients. thank you!
Thanks ladies!!
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Great class
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