Intermediate Mat Flow<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 241

Intermediate Mat Flow
Kristi Cooper
Class 241

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very nice teaching, I loved it. your instructions are pretty thorough. thank you. blanche. we are so lucky to have a programe with such great teachers.
Great class-fun to see Meredith and Sarah in the crowd!
Sarah and Meredith are both good friends of mine so it is always a treat if they come to class! I told Sarah she was free to speak up like she normally would if camera's weren't rolling, so next time we ought to get to know her a little better!
I love how comfortable you are teaching. You make us at home students feel such a part of the class. THANX!
Thanks Desiree! Hearing that makes my day. See you next time!
Great class, thanks. I really enjoyed the side floor work. It's also nice to see the ocean and sunshine on a frosty day in England!
1 person likes this.
Thank you Kristi! Just what I needed this morning! :)

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