Mat Progress. Series 10/10<br>Monica Wilson<br>Class 102

Mat Progress. Series 10/10
Monica Wilson
Class 102

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Great class! Hope Monica is returning soon.
Ted Johnson
Did you do the entire progression, Patricia?

P.S. She's coming back soon!
Hi Monica, If I want to continue on with your classes which class should I move on to from here?
HI Heather, I'll send your question on to Monica directly but in the meantime, I would recommend Class #300, or Class #365 if you have a Magic Circle...or Class #37. Have Fun!
Monica Wilson
Hi Heather, I love Kristi's suggestions. You might also want to try class #461 and if you want additional arms afterwards, class #462. Glad you're enjoying the classes! Thanks:)
Hi monika, I really liked your class.
1 person likes this.
I just completed the series! Thank You Monica for a great beginner series. i appreciate your verbal and visual cues.
Excellent Series, Monica!!!! Thank you so much. Great guidance!
Monica Wilson
You are welcome! So glad you went through the series as it was intended. You must be ready for anything now!:)
Great Serie Monica! Loved it :)
Two questions for you :
1. For the teaser when progressing into the two leg stretches I can feel like my back isn't pushed into the mat anymore. What should I do? Stay with the one leg version?
2. What kind of classes or series would you advise doing after this one?

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