Full-Body Tower<br>Monica Wilson<br>Class 978

Full-Body Tower
Monica Wilson
Class 978

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1 person likes this.
Great class Monica! You have such a gentle but direct cueing approach to get exactly what you need out of each individual client!
Monica Wilson
Thanks Joanne!
I'm curious about Monica's aunt (Shari?) after whom the exercise which I know as Parakeet was named. Who named this exercise after her? Romana?
Joseph Pilates named it after her when she was very young.
Odalis M
is this mat or tower class??
1 person likes this.
Odalis ~ Thank you for your forum post. This is a Tower class, but Monica does a Mat warm up before she starts using the Tower.
Loved the mat work as a warmup...only 17mins or so followed by all my fav tower exercises. Thank you!

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