Remembering Ron<br>Ron Fletcher<br>Documentary 1029

Remembering Ron
Ron Fletcher
Documentary 1029

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Wonderful!!! What a great tribute for such a beautiful spirit!
1 person likes this.
Thanks for that - really lovely memories and an inspirational tribute.
Saw this at the PMA conference and I enjoyed watching it again here. Well done. Thanks for posting it.
Paola Maruca
goosebumps all the way through.....Thank you PA and thank you Kyria for sharing this wonderful piece of Pilates history with all of us....
5 people like this.
Fascinating gentleman... a great piece to share with Pilates students. Thank you Kyria.
facinating & inspiring!christine douglas
3 people like this.
Its sad that he is gone. His legacy will always carry on. Very interesting video learned a lot of things from it that I did not know.
Being new to Pilates for only a short period of time, It has been a great journey through wonderful founders and teachers from the past and the present. It is so nice to be a part of it and live in the moment. I wish I would of had the opportunity to meet him. May he rest in peace and may his spirit always encourage us and others to have movement and practice and use pilates to preserve our quality of life. Thank you Pilates Anytime for this short wonderful video. Much appreciated.

MaryJo Iacono
Reiner G
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Thanks for this wonderful video.
1 person likes this.
Absolutely fascinating and inspiring. What a legacy. Thank you
2 people like this.
How lovely! Thanks for sharing this video. Very very special.......
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