Balance Variations<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 285

Balance Variations
Kristi Cooper
Class 285

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Great class Kristi, thanks! The more classes I do the more I get out of them and I can really feel the results. I have a question - when you do the rollover do you use your arms a little to help you get your legs behind you or should the power and movement all come from your core? Thanks.
Helen Great question! There is some pressure into the back of the arms (that are straight and long), but they should not be the only reason your hips and legs are getting over. The deep contraction of the abdominals when your legs are at 90 degrees should begin to take you into a pelvic curl to roll over. The entire exercise should look smooth and flow. Thanks for asking!
Thanks - I will keep practising and bear this in mind!

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