Intermediate Mat Flow<br>Adrianne Crawford<br>Class 336

Intermediate Mat Flow
Adrianne Crawford
Class 336

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Lauren P
Another super class - lovely combination in a short space of time. I always feel great after doing a work out with you. I posted a comment on the instructors corner about a week ago - subject: neck pull and swan dive. I'd love to hear your advice on the matter. Thanks!
Thank you for a wonderful class!! Adrianne's instructions are so concise, I was able to enjoy the class without having to come out of a pose to see what she was talking about. Also, love the addition of weights for arm series.
Thank you for participating! Lauren, I posted a comment on the instructors corner to your questions - let me know if you have any more!
Great instruction!! Also love when you use a prop like the weights.
I really enjoyed the weight section. With focus and resistance I really felt this with light weights. Thanks:)
Loved the workout. Nice variation of what I am used to already. I appreciate you pointing out when to breath and relax the shoulders etc. Looking forward to your other workouts!
this was the PERFECT half hour workout for me. thanks!

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