Magic Circle Flow<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 380

Magic Circle Flow
Kristi Cooper
Class 380

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Kristi- great class as always- I loved working with the magic circle and doing creative variations of traditional exercises!So much fun!
Great,great,great class but definitely not 1/2 level!!!
Yikes! Sorry for the surprise! This class is much closer to 2/3 than a 1/2! We will correct it now. Thank you both for taking class and Maria, thanks for pointing out my mistake.
It compliments for the lesson. You are truly good and your lessons are not never borings. Excuse if my English is not perfect!!
Fantastic session...especially loved the progression from seated mermaid all the way to thigh stretch....and of course the wunda version of teaser. Thank you!
Alessia I appreciate you saying such nice things in English! Jennifer you make me want to go back and see what I did. It sounds good but I don't remember doing it! Thanks!
Great class.. Love it...
Great class Kristi! Thank you!
Wow! Wow! Wow! A Fave!
1 person likes this.
LOVE Kristi's classes! Love the 40 min length and teaser rotation and all the different variations!

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