Mat Choreography Breakdown<br>Madeline Black<br>Class 386

Mat Choreography Breakdown
Madeline Black
Class 386

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I just love Madeline :) Soo inspiring!! Wonderful breakdown explainations!! Thank you :)
Hi, It would have been nice to just see it once all the way through, I know there is more but still it would be nice to see it flow here.
Is there an adjustment for the first exercise (6:30) for folks with knee pain?
Madeline Black
Karen, if someone has knee pain then the best position is sitting, placing their hands on their lateral/posterior rib cage and feel the breath into the hands rather than feeling on the inner thighs; or you could place a bolster under the pelvis in between the thighs and lower legs and have them sit on the bolster, then you would need to place something under their forehead, like a ball or another bolster to balance out the height of the pelvis. Hope this makes sense!
Madeline, thank you so much for this spinal warm up sequence :) I've taught it to my clients and they love it! They even asked me to write it down for their summer break so they can do it by themselves. I've told them it's yours.. A happy hug from Finland!

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