Reformer/Tower Variations<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3274

Reformer/Tower Variations
Meredith Rogers
Class 3274

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Valya Karcher
Thank you Meredith for the fun variations to spice up our holiday workouts!
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Loved it!!
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Thank you Meredith, lovely flowing your leggings too.
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I love the reformer tower combo classes!! Awesome class! Thank you:)
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totally worth converting to a mat table at the end! loved the combo class and loved using our reformer/tower as one. i do that frequently in my practice at home. what i loved the most was someone else was teaching it! thank you so much, Meredith.
Kimberley Michelle
Thank you! I was so wanting to focus on the Swan on the tower, and yet the sharks swirling around behind you were wanting to be the stars of the show. Great work though. Thanks!
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Lovely class :)
Thanks for you feedback everyone. I appreciate you taking class with me and making time to share your experience.
Patricia the leggings are made by and are super comfortable. Check them out for other fun prints and use code sbpilates for a discount.
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