Energetic Mat<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 506

Energetic Mat
Kristi Cooper
Class 506

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PA never disappoints...loved the detail on OLR - lengthening off the hips & the slow pace! Thank you!
Spot-on cueing, as always. Glad to have a bit of variety in the work. Thank you!
great workout. I really like the variations like Colleen mentioned before! I love working out with PA every morning!
WOW! Kicked my butt! Great job Kristi. Remind me not to hike the mountain 2 days in a row and then take this class. My buttocks are on fire.:)
Thanks guys! I'm hiking tomorrow Elizabeth, maybe I'll take the class too.... No, that would just be weird.
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Holy Moly!Another fantastic class!:0) LOVED IT!!
Great challenge and so good for the deep core muscles and hip flexors!!!! Feel taller now, thank you so much :)

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