Workshop 505: Leah Stewart<br>Prenatal & Postnatal Series<br>Level 1<br>08/21/2011

Workshop 505: Leah Stewart
Prenatal & Postnatal Series
Level 1

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This is great, thank you so much, Leah! I just got a request for working with a new client who is 34 weeks pregnant. She has done Pilates in the past, but never with me. This is so helpful to give me ideas on how to work with her.
thanks , it is free for members, Ihave some friends who are having babies, so I decided to have them over and watch this programe, you always give a great class, good luck and all the best for a safe delivery. god bless. blanche.
Erin and CJ,

I'm so glad that you have found these classes to be helpful with your pregnant clients and friends.

Keep me posted if you have any questions.

Hey Leah,
Thank you for a great class. I am not a pregnant mommy; however i had dental surgery and your class was perfect for anyone who is unable to place there head below the heart. Perfect for me to re-establish my connection back to practice.
love and lite
Steven a.k.a. Bunny H
Bunny H,

I am so glad to hear that this series of classes were able to help you reconnect with your body and practice after your dental surgery.

Take care,

Leah, I love your prenatal series. I have a client who is 12 weeks pregnant and is more interested in doing reformer work not so much mat. Do you have any suggestions on safe series she could perform, other than what you demonstrated in your 1 prenatal reformer class on this site? I would appreciate it!
Hi Gina,

Thank you so much! I know it's a bummer that I only have one prenatal Reformer class on the site. Here are a couple of ideas:

1. Use my stability ball and thera-band classes and adapt some of those exercises to either the Reformer or on the Cadillac.

2. Use the Reformer class as a launching pad for other ideas. In the class, show the ranges of motion that are safe and effective for pregnant women, perhaps you can think of other exercises that are similar in range of motion and movement and use those to create other sessions for your client.

If you have specific questions to specific exercises, please let me know and I will help you the best I can.

Take care,

Great advice, Leah! Thanks for your response. -Gina
Hi Leah,
I love your classes, I like Gina have clients that only want to work on Reformer, may I get your contact info, so I can come in and do a session from you, that you can show me some moves. Thanks,
Hi Jess!

Absolutely, I would love to work with you! You can email me at

Have a lovely day!

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