Stretch & Core<br>Jamie Isaac<br>Class 5664

Stretch & Core
Jamie Isaac
Class 5664

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1 person likes this.
Great class!thank you

Gillian D
1 person likes this.
Fabulous, felt it was tailor-made for me! 
Tailored for me too!!!🙏
Jamie Isaac
Cigdem A Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for working out with me
Jamie Isaac
Gillian D Tailor made especially for you! Thanks for joining me with this.
Julie Lloyd
Very enjoyable class, thank you Jamie! I feel long and strong after your workout! Just the right amount of core moves, with lovely yoga influence throughout.
Beth Wareham
More Jaime! He is so great. Calm. Nudges you along to greater heights. LOVE.THIS.GUY.
Awesome, Jaime.
Micky S
Yes, awesome Jamie! Thanks
Diane M
Thank you, I needed that!!
1-10 of 24

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