Reformer + Barre Fusion<br>Dane Sorensen<br>Class 5683

Reformer + Barre Fusion
Dane Sorensen
Class 5683

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3 people like this.
OMG - my glutes on my standing leg 🔥😳. Thank you 🤩
Mckenzie G
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That was great! Made the mistake of doing it the first time with leg weights, hahahah. Great burn!
1 person likes this.
So fun! Lots of good leg and ab work, and the engaging commentary made the time fly by.  I hope we’ll have more classes with Dane soon !
Jennifer E
3 people like this.
Smiling, laughing, and working out! Perfect way to start the day! Thank you for such a fun challenging class, Dane!!!
2 people like this.
Such a fun, light hearted (but hard) workout.  The laughs you gave me were needed.  Thank you.
2 people like this.
I'm gonna be your fan so fun!
1 person likes this.
Love!!! This is a great workout if you have only a short workout window. I am sweating and will continue to play this one until I can do all sets with no breaks.
1 person likes this.
LOVE!!! Dane is my new favorite!!🫶🏻
Tetiana  K
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Great class!!! love it !sense of humour is amazing !!working much harder (specially abdominal)when you’re laughing:))) Dane you are one of my favourite!!❤️
Lokelani D
2 people like this.
OMG you're so fun to workout with! Mahalo, amazing class.
1-10 of 37

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