Quick, Uplifting Reformer<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5622

Quick, Uplifting Reformer
Laura Hanlon
Class 5622

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1 person likes this.
Great quick class Laura, perfect to get you moving before a busy day!!!
Miri J
1 person likes this.
Great workout! As always great queuing!! Thank you.  
Sasha M
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loved seeing the ron fletcher variations with the roll down holding the straps/teaser variations
Shannon H
1 person likes this.
Very nice queuing, nice paced flow for a quick class. Just what is needed. Thank you.
1 person likes this.
love the diamond roll back incorporating the arm work! 
Andrea B
1 person likes this.
Wonderful, quick class!  The cueing was very clear and helpful.  It's a great way to start my day when I don't have lots of time. Thank you!
Candy T
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enjoyed learning and hearing the transitions from one exercise to the other! very seamless
Loved this workout thank you Laura
Bella K
1 person likes this.
Great quick and effective workout for anytime of the day! Thoroughly enjoyed :)
1 person likes this.
Thanks Laura ! After a summer of mat on the go this was a beautiful return to the reformer. Loved it! 
1-10 of 13

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