Intermediate Flow Reformer<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5657

Intermediate Flow Reformer
Tracey Mallett
Class 5657

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Miri J
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Great work out as usual Tracey! The workout got me sweating. I appreciate your smiles and encouraging voice. 
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I like the lunge series following by the pike to plank - also the side sitting arms was a nice series too 
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Nice! Thank you. Great way to begin the day.
Robin S
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awesome class as always ~ thank you 
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I loved the tone of this class and use of the term attainable.   Thank you so much for your insight and awesome energy!!!!!!
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That was really enjoyable Tracey. I particularly loved the seated Arms series with the rotations and arm circles. I could really feel it mobilising my spine in a most delicious way! You have such a sunny disposition and very warm energy. Very positive teaching style. Thank you so much!
Amanda F
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I loved this class, thank you so much Tracey!
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Thank you Tracey excellent class
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Tracey, you are a master instructor. I adore your classes. In the ten—maybe more?—years I’ve been a member of Pilates Anytime, I’ve learned SO much from you. First thing? Kindness is integral to good teaching! Xo
Lori G Thank you for your lovely words, I truly appreciate you took the time to let me know! Keep learning we never stop!! Hugs xo
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