Upper Body Strength<br>Shantani Moore<br>Class 5688

Upper Body Strength
Shantani Moore
Class 5688

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I loved this class!  The  mobility breaks between sets broke up the tougher weights-based work into digestible chunks and your positivity is very contagious :)  I immediately added this one to my playlist.  
Julie P
2 people like this.
Fantastic class! You're simply lovely. Cant wait for more classes from you. 
I’m loving these classes. Thank you!
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I really enjoyed this class and Shantani’s teaching style!
Gayle S
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Being on the sunny side of 70 …I realize the importance of weight training ! Thank You!
Lee Ann C
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I’ve subscribed to Pilates Anytime for a number of years and finally realized there’s such a variety of workouts. I dropped a subscription for strength training!  Helping me get stronger & save $!  
Kay S
Another great workout. Thankyou!

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