Total Body<br>Strength<br>Dane Sorensen<br>Class 5717

Total Body
Dane Sorensen
Class 5717

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Vicki B
Excellent all body workout thanks.
Vicki B you’re welcome, Vicki!  So happy to hear you got a great workout!  💪 
3 people like this.
Thank you Dane! This was something different and a great challenge! Absolutely loved the variations! 
Birgit N thanks so much for the comment and working out with me! ❤️❤️❤️  so happy you liked my takes on the classics, more to come!  
Carolina C
2 people like this.
Really great workout! and sweated as well!
Carolina C 💦💪 love to hear that!   Happy we got to workout together today, thanks for the comment  xo 
1 person likes this.
Another fantastic workout with everything I needed.
Emma L so glad this workout delivered the goods!  Thanks for the comment xo.  
1 person likes this.
Thanks Dane.  A great workout. Loved the visual of even circles on the chalkboard - the perfect  way to prevent sloppy form! 
Thank you Dane. I really enjoyed this class!
1-10 of 25

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