Feet in Straps<br>Ilaria Cavagna<br>Class 5690

Feet in Straps
Ilaria Cavagna
Class 5690

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Thank you for increasing our awareness of foot position. Very helpful.
Shona Croft
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Absolutely brilliant concentrating on  the feet! THANKYOU that was so good x
Amazing information and wonderful instruction . Thank you Ilaria !

2 people like this.
When I pressed my inner foot in the straps and on the footbar, my abs immediately activated. So fascinating! It certainly tapped into a weak line. This is now a part of my practice.
Robin S
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Such a fun class. I always think of using leg straps as "cheating" or having an easier workout~ you completely  dispelled that . Thank you ~ I feel like a noodle 
Diane C You are welcome Diane! The different placement of the feet is so important to the whole body and the workout! 🙌🏻😘 Thank you!
Shona Croft Thank you Shona! 🙌🏻😘
Deborah Wasko Happy you like it Deborah! 😘🙏🏼
Amy V Yes! Thru the pelvic floor! Great job Amy! 👍🏻😘
Robin S Thank you for the feedback Robin! Oh yes! No cheating but deep work! 🙌🏻  Enjoy!
1-10 of 18

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