Cardio Conditioning Mat<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 5803

Cardio Conditioning Mat
Ed Botha
Class 5803

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What a great class! Very athletic - lots of squats, lunges, planks, some jumps. Thank you so much for this lovely class!
Avital D
Great class! Thank you Ed!
woke me up!
I was proud to be working out with all those tough instructors. I’m sure they weren’t as sore afterwards as I will be tomorrow, but I almost kept up with them. 😂
Jessie B
Definite cardio blast! Just what I needed! Thank you!
Thank you.  Great way to get moving this morning!
Fun class and definitely some hard cardio moves here.
Zara F
Lots of low impact body weight movements that got the heart rate up and left me feeling energized! This was perfect timing for me because I was a bit stiff from wrestling our snow blower yesterday but I knew I needed some activity to help counteract that and this was a great choice. Thank you for sharing your creativity, Ed !
I really loved that class. Thank you.
High energy class with very precise instructions which make the challenging squats and jumps possible!!!! 

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