Sarah's Go-To Mat<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 5916

Sarah's Go-To Mat
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 5916

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Lots of fun moves that I would normally not do on my own so I appreciate this class. Thank you,Sarah! I really liked your queue about using your arms when we were doing shoulder bridge.
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Very useful and practical movement session. Thank you Sarah!
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always love your classes and especially the playful aspect and the permission to experiment.  Thank you!
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Thank you so much for the rolling around, Sarah! I love this playful way of moving my entire body without really thinking about it. More please!
Jodi G
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The permission not to be perfect and playful- take your body where you need. Will use this in my classes. TY
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I love your classes, Sarah!  Thanks for another great one.  
Amy P
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I was feeling tired and this hit the spot today, thanks Sarah!
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Thank you Sarah - loved RLAB into a roll over; quadruped into sitting; and forearm plank into side plank - such a great class, thanks so much!
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Playfully challenging - I really enjoyed this class. Looking forward to repeating it!
Hi Connie M,  In the early days, I tried so hard to not use my arms for many core exercises and now realize the importance of integration...older and wiser:). Delighted to know that cue served you!!!   Thank you!   
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