Balance Exploration<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 251

Balance Exploration
Amy Havens
Class 251

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Stopped halfway through, I know it says a moderate pace, but is extremely painful slow. Wouldn't recommend it
i like all of Amy's classes, she is much more in line with what we Pilates Foundation teachers in the UK teach. Yeah, it's a slow, "thinky" one but it underlines many principles that a fast-paced class can't.
Love how the guy just adds his own push ups to the plank!
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Thank you Tessa.....yes I tend to teach more on the slow side for the very reasons you pointed get the principles in! I strongly feel---especially for home viewers who may not have as much of a Pilates backgroud----that the foundation, fundamentals etc need to be stressed! There is plenty of time later in one's practice to speed things up, but what's the point if the foundation isn't laid down properly. This particular class is of real students at my studio, so I was teaching to them mainly! Thanks for your response.....I appreciate it!
I didn't find this slow at all, I think if you actually do the moves correctly and really focus on what your muscles are doing then you get a lot out of this class. I've done this one a few times now and I love it. Thanks Amy
Hi Tahnee.....thanks for taking class with me and I value that you appreciate the slower pace and detail. My goal is to teach with detail and clarity so that we folks can make improvements. The pace and speed will come....when we're ready and if that's what's needed.
Shouldn't be categorized as moderate pace.

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