Methodical Mat<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 230

Methodical Mat
Kristi Cooper
Class 230

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I liked the deliberate pace of this class! The class moved quickly through the exercises, which was fun! Also having you instruct but having another instructor to watch- Mary who was in front closest to the video. Love!!!
Elaine ~ We Love You!! Thanks for all the constructive feedback you offer ...and for the compliments!
Great class. I like climbing the tree!!! Thanks.
My first pilates anytime class and I loved it. I love Kristi's easy personality and the time spent explaining...the only thing better would be to be there in person!
Welcome Cindy and thanks!! If you find yourself in the Carpinteria area I'd love to have you in class! Tuesday nights 5:30!
Thanks for the invite Krisit, however, living in Pa makes it tough

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